ElasticSearch: Jest vs Rest vs TransportClient vs NodeClient - elasticsearch

I have gone through the official documentation at https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-interfacing-elasticsearch-picking-client
But it does not give any benchmarks or performance numbers to help choose among the clients. And I am finding it non-trivial to setup a TransportClient or setup a NodeClient because the documentation for that is also really sparse with little to no examples whatsoever.
So if someone has already done some benchmarking on choosing a client, I would really appreciate that and focus more on tuning an established client rather than evaluating what client to choose.
Our application is a write-heavy application and we plan to have a 50-shard, 50-replica ES cluster for that.

All those clients are fine for querying and they all have their pros and cons (below list is not exhaustive):
A Node client provides a single hop into the cluster but since it will also be part of the cluster it can also induce too much chatter within the cluster
A Transport client is not part of the cluster, hence requires a two-hop roundtrip, and communicates with a single node at a time in a round-robin fashion (from the list provided during its construction)
Jest is basically the missing client for the ES REST interface
If you feel like you don't need all what Jest has to offer and simply want to interact with a few endpoints, you might as well create your own REST client by using Spring REST template, Apache HTTP, etc
If you're going to have a write-heavy application I suggest you don't even use any of those clients at all. The main reason is that they are all synchronous in nature and if any component of your architecture or the network were to fail for some reason, then you'd lose data, and that might not be an option for you.
If you have plenty of data to ingest, you normally go the asynchronous way, i.e. storing your data in a temporary (yet durable) queue (Kafka, Redis, JMS, etc) and then let another process stream it to ES. There are many ways to do that, but a very simple one is to use Logstash for that.
Whether you decide to store your data in Kafka or JMS or Redis, you can then let Logstash consume your data and stream it to ES, i.e. you let Logstash worry about the heavy write part, which it does very well. That can be achieved very easily with
a kafka or redis or stomp input
a few filters to massage your data
an elasticsearch output to forward the resulting data to ES via the bulk endpoint.
With that kind of well-tuned setup, you can handle very heavy write loads without needing to worry about which client you want to use and how you need to tune it. The question is still open for querying, though, but since the write part is paramount in your case, you need to make it solid, the only serious way is by going asynchronous and let a well-developed and tested ETL (such as Logstash, or fluentd, etc) do it for you.
It is worth noting that as of ES 5.0, there will be a new Java REST client available.


Couchbase connection pool

I am building an application using couchbase as my primary db.
I want to make the application scalable enough to handle multiple requests at times concurrently.
How do you create connection pools for couchbase in Go?
Postgres has pgxpool.
I'll give a bit more detail about how gocb works. Under the hood of gocb is another SDK called gocbcore (direct usage of gocbcore is not supported) which is a fully asynchronous API. Gocb provides a synchronous API over gocbcore as well as making the API quite a lot more user friendly.
What this means is that if you issue requests across multiple goroutines then you can get multiple requests written to the network at a time. This is effectively how the gocb bulk API works - https://github.com/couchbase/gocb/blob/master/collection_bulk.go. Both of these approaches are documented at https://docs.couchbase.com/go-sdk/current/howtos/concurrent-async-apis.html.
If you still don't get enough throughput then you can look at using one of these approaches alongside increasing the number of connections that the SDK makes to each node by using the kv_pool_size query string option in your connection string, i.e. couchbases:// however I'd recommend only changing this if the above approaches are not providing the throughput that you need. The SDK is designed to be highly performant anyway.
go-couchbase has already have a connection pool mechanism: conn_pool.go (even though there are a few issues linked to it, like issue 91).
You can see it tested in conn_pool_test.go, and in pools.go itself.
dnault points out in the comments to the more recent couchbase/gocb, which does have a Cluster instead of pool of connections.

Apache NiFi and StreamSets

Is Apache NiFi slower than StreamSets?
I have created a pipeline which receives data from a Kafka topic and dumps the data in another Kafka topic in both Apache NiFi and StreamSets but StreamSets is way faster than NiFi.
I am using consumekafkaRecord processor in NiFi and KafkaConsumer in StreamSets.
I am very familiar with NiFi. I do not believe NiFi has any advantage over Streamsets for that specific scenario when looked at in terms of per node speed only. NiFi is designed to handle arbitrary sources and sinks which means it generally doesnt and shouldnt assume any transactional behavior of a source. Kafka though does offer a great design pattern around grabbing data, doing things, sending data to kafka or another place and then acking the response. This being an increasingly common and scaleable pattern the NiFi community is launching a NiFi-FN approach which makes both the general data distribution case and a case like this optimal in NiFi. NiFi brings a ton of really important advantages when you look at durability, reliability, diversity of data and sources/sinks, and built-in provenance. If all you need is perf and for this specific case Streamsets is better or for that matter I'd recommend Spark/Spark Streaming. If your needs will expand beyond what is described here and is data distribution/data flow management focused then NiFi will be absolutely the best choice.

What are the technologies for building real-time servers?

I am a backend developer and I would like to know what are the common technologies for building real-time servers. I know I could use a service like Firebase, but I really want to create it. I have some experience using Websockets on Java, but I would like to know more ways to achieve a real-time server. When I say real-time, I mean something like Facebook. I also would like to know how to scale real-time servers.
Thank you all!
I've asked the same in multiple forums. Common answer to this question is strangely enough still:
Server-Sent Events (SSE)
But those are mainly ways of transporting or streaming events to the clients. Something needs to be built on top of it. And there are multiple other things to consider, such as:
Considerations for real-time API's
What events to send to the client
How to send each client only the events they need
How to handle authorization for events
Where to keep state on the event subscriptions (for stateless services)
How to recover from missed events due to lost connections and service crashes
Producing events for search-, or pagination queries
How to scale
Publish/Subscribe solutions
There are multiple pub/sub solutions out there, such as:
But because of the limitation of a topic based pub/sub architecture, some of the above questions are still left unanswered and has to be dealt with by yourself. Examples are lost connections, where Pusher has no fallback, neither does SocketCluster, and PubNub has a limited queue.
Resgate - Realtime API Gateway
An alternative to the traditional topic based pub/sub pattern is using a resource-aware realtime API Gateway, such as Resgate.
Instead of the client subscribing to topics, the gateway keeps track on which resources (objects or arrays) that the client has fetched, keeping the client data up to date until it unsubscribes.
As a developer of Resgate, I can really recommend checking it out as it solves all above question, is language agnostic, simple and light-weight, and blazingly fast.
Read more at NATS blog.
Let's say you want to scale both in the number of concurrent clients and the number of events that is produced. You will eventually need to ensure each client only gets the data they are interested in through either traditional topic based publish/subscribe, or through resource subscriptions. All above solutions handles that.
I also assume all the above mentioned solutions scales concurrent clients by allowing you to add more nodes/servers that handles the persistent WebSocket connections.
With Resgate, first level of scaling is done by simply running multiple instances (it is a simple executable), and adding a load balancer that distributes the connection evenly between them:
Handling 100M concurrent clients
Let's say a single Resgate instance handles 10000 persistent WebSocket connections, and you can add 10000 Resgates (distributed to multiple data centers) to a single NATS Server. This would allow a total of 100M connections. Of course, depending on your data, you might have other scaling issues as well, such as network traffic ;) .
A second layer of scaling (and adding redundancy) would be to replicate the whole setup to different data centers, and have the services synchronize their data between the data centers using other tools like Kafka, CockroachDB, etc.
Scaling data retrieval
With the traditional publish/subscribe solution that only deals with events, you will also have to handle scaling for the HTTP (REST) requests.
With Resgate, this is not required, as resource data is also fetched over the WebSocket connection. This allows Resgate not only to ensure that resource data and events are synchronized (another issue with separate pub/sub solutions), but also that the data can be cached. If multiple clients requests the same data, Resgate will only need to fetch it from the service once, effectively improving scalability.
Butterfly Server .NET is a real-time server written in C# allowing you to create real-time apps. You can see the source at https://github.com/firesharkstudios/butterfly-server-dotnet.

Using ElasticSearch as alternative data store with applications updating both the DB and ES(with the help of Kafka). Is this a good idea?

The architecture is like this, there are several applications which access some set of relational Databases. But some applications require large joins which increases the query time. To solve this problem we made a ElasticSearch copy of the relational DBs. But even real time indexing of data in ES from DB takes a lot of time.
Which is where Kafka comes, we introduce a Kafka pipeline connecting applications directly to ES. Logstash for ES is a consumer and applications are producers for the Kafka. Alongside the normal flow which updates DB is intact (So if ES index crashes or ES cluster loses data in any way we can update back from DB)
Is this kind of architecture a good idea?
That's a good idea, yes, for reasons that you mention yourself. In fact, I also have a setup where docs are fed into ES through Kafka and can't really imagine going back to the setup I had before introducing Kafka.
If you're going to need a finer grain control over Kafka consumption process, take a look here. That's a recent project that unfortunately became usable after I implemented my own low-level consumers :)

Using elasticsearch as central data repository

We are currently using elasticsearch to index and perform searches on about 10M documents. It works fine and we are happy with its performance. My colleague who initiated the use of elasticsearch is convinced that it can be used as the central data repository and other data systems (e.g. SQL Server, Hadoop/Hive) can have data pushed to them. I didn't have any arguments against it because my knowledge of both is too limited. However, I am concerned.
I do know that data in elasticsearch is stored in a manner that is efficient for text searching. Hadoop stores data just as a file system would but in a manner that is efficient to scale/replicate blocks over over multiple data nodes. Therefore, in my mind it seems more beneficial to use Hadoop (as it is more agnostic w.r.t its view on data) as a central data repository. Then push data from Hadoop to SQL, elasticsearch, etc...
I've read a few articles on Hadoop and elasticsearch use cases and it seems conventional to use Hadoop as the central data repository. However, I can't find anything that would suggest that elasticsearch wouldn't be a decent alternative.
Please Help!
As is the case with all database deployments, it really depends on your specific application.
Elasticsearch is a great open source search engine built on top of Apache Lucene. Its features and upgrades allow it to basically function just like a schema-less JSON datastore that can be accessed using both search-specific methods and regular database CRUD-like commands.
Nevertheless all the advantages Elasticsearch that brings, there are still some main disadvantages:
Security - Elasticsearch does not provide any authentication or access control functionality. It's supported since they have introduced shield.
Transactions - There is no support for transactions or processing on data manipulation. Well now data manipulation is handled with logstash.
Durability - ES is distributed and fairly stable but backups and durability are not as high priority as in other data stores.
Maturity of tools - ES is still relatively new and has not had time to develop mature client libraries and 3rd party tools which can make development much harder. We can consider that it's quite mature now
with a variety of connectors and tools around it like kibana. But it's still not suited for large computations - Commands for searching data are not suited to "large" scans of data and advanced computation on the db side.
Data Availability - ES makes data available in "near real-time" which may require additional considerations in your application (ie: comments page where a user adds new comment, refreshing the page might not actually show the new post because the index is still updating).
If you can deal with these issues then there's certainly no reason why you can't use Elasticsearch as your primary data store. It can actually lower complexity and improve performance by not having to duplicate your data but again this depends on your specific use case.
As always, weigh the benefits, do some experimentation and see what works best for you.
DISCLAIMER: This answer was written a while ago for the Elasticsearch 1.x series. These critics still somehow stand with the 2.x series. But Elastic is working on them, as the 2.x series comes with more mature tools, APIs and plugins per example, security wise, like Shield or even transport clients like Logstash or Beats, etc.
I'd highly discourage most users from using elasticsearch as your primary datastore. It will work great until your cluster melts down due to a network partition. Even settings such as minimum_master_nodes that the ES pros always set won't save you. See this excellent analysis by Aphyr with his Call Me Maybe series:
eliasah, is right, it depends on your use case, but if your data (and job) is important to you, stay away.
Keep your golden record of your data stored in something really focused on persisting and sync your data out to search from there. It adds extra complexity and resources, but will result in a better nights rest :)
There are plenty of ways to go about this and if elasticsearch does everything you need, you can look into Kafka for persisting all the events going into a cluster which would allow replaying if things go wrong. I like this approach as it provides an async ingestion pipeline into elasticsearch that also does the persistence.
