Couchbase connection pool - go

I am building an application using couchbase as my primary db.
I want to make the application scalable enough to handle multiple requests at times concurrently.
How do you create connection pools for couchbase in Go?
Postgres has pgxpool.

I'll give a bit more detail about how gocb works. Under the hood of gocb is another SDK called gocbcore (direct usage of gocbcore is not supported) which is a fully asynchronous API. Gocb provides a synchronous API over gocbcore as well as making the API quite a lot more user friendly.
What this means is that if you issue requests across multiple goroutines then you can get multiple requests written to the network at a time. This is effectively how the gocb bulk API works - Both of these approaches are documented at
If you still don't get enough throughput then you can look at using one of these approaches alongside increasing the number of connections that the SDK makes to each node by using the kv_pool_size query string option in your connection string, i.e. couchbases:// however I'd recommend only changing this if the above approaches are not providing the throughput that you need. The SDK is designed to be highly performant anyway.

go-couchbase has already have a connection pool mechanism: conn_pool.go (even though there are a few issues linked to it, like issue 91).
You can see it tested in conn_pool_test.go, and in pools.go itself.
dnault points out in the comments to the more recent couchbase/gocb, which does have a Cluster instead of pool of connections.


Reactive approach of Marklogic database

Does Marklogic supports backpressure or allow to send data in chunks that is reactive approach ?
'Reactive' is a fairly new term describing a particular incarnation of old concepts common in server and database technologies, but fairly new to modern client and middle-tier programming.
I am assuming the question is prompted by the need/desire to work within an existing 'Reactive' framework (such as vert.x or Rx/Java). For that question, the answer is 'no' - there is not an 'official' API which integrates directly with these frameworks to my knowledge. There are community APIs which I have not personally used, an example is (reactive, vert.x marklogic API).
MarkLogic is a 'reactive' design internally in that it implements the functionality the modern 'reactive' term is used to describe -- but does not expose any standard 'reactive APIs' for this (there are very few standards in this area). Code running within MarkLogic server (xquery,javascript) implicitly benefits from this - although there is not an explicit backpressure API, a side effect of single threaded blocking IO (from the app perspective) is that the equivalent of 'back pressure' is implemented by implicit flow control of the IO APIS - you cannot over drive a properly configured ML server on a single thread doing blocking IO. Connections to an overloaded server will take longer and eventually time out ('backpressure' :)
Similarly, (most of) the external APIs (REST, XCC) are also blocking, single threaded.
The server core manages rate control via a variety of methods such as actively managing the TCP connection queue size, keep alive times, numbers of active threads etc.
In general the server does a very good job at this without explicit low level programming needed, balancing the latency across all clients. If this needs improving, the administration guides have good direction on how to tune the various parameters so the system behaves well on its own.
If you want to implement a per-connection client aware 'reactive' API you will need to implement it yourself. This can be done using the same techniques used for other blocking IO APis -- i.e. either use multiple threads or non-blocking IO. Some of the ML SDK's have provision for non-blocking IO or control over timeouts which can be used to implement a 'reactive' API.
Similarly, code running in the server itself (XQuery or JavaScript) can implement 'reactive' type behaviour by making use of the task queue -- as exposed by the xdmp:spawn-xxx apis. This is done in many libraries to manage bulk ingest. Care must be taken to carefully control the amount of concurrency as you can easily overload the server by spawning too many concurrent requests. Managing state is a bit tricky as there is a interaction/opposition between the transaction model and task creation -- the former generally presenting an idempotent view of data that can be incongruous with the concept of 'current' wrt asynchronous tasks.

ElasticSearch: Jest vs Rest vs TransportClient vs NodeClient

I have gone through the official documentation at
But it does not give any benchmarks or performance numbers to help choose among the clients. And I am finding it non-trivial to setup a TransportClient or setup a NodeClient because the documentation for that is also really sparse with little to no examples whatsoever.
So if someone has already done some benchmarking on choosing a client, I would really appreciate that and focus more on tuning an established client rather than evaluating what client to choose.
Our application is a write-heavy application and we plan to have a 50-shard, 50-replica ES cluster for that.
All those clients are fine for querying and they all have their pros and cons (below list is not exhaustive):
A Node client provides a single hop into the cluster but since it will also be part of the cluster it can also induce too much chatter within the cluster
A Transport client is not part of the cluster, hence requires a two-hop roundtrip, and communicates with a single node at a time in a round-robin fashion (from the list provided during its construction)
Jest is basically the missing client for the ES REST interface
If you feel like you don't need all what Jest has to offer and simply want to interact with a few endpoints, you might as well create your own REST client by using Spring REST template, Apache HTTP, etc
If you're going to have a write-heavy application I suggest you don't even use any of those clients at all. The main reason is that they are all synchronous in nature and if any component of your architecture or the network were to fail for some reason, then you'd lose data, and that might not be an option for you.
If you have plenty of data to ingest, you normally go the asynchronous way, i.e. storing your data in a temporary (yet durable) queue (Kafka, Redis, JMS, etc) and then let another process stream it to ES. There are many ways to do that, but a very simple one is to use Logstash for that.
Whether you decide to store your data in Kafka or JMS or Redis, you can then let Logstash consume your data and stream it to ES, i.e. you let Logstash worry about the heavy write part, which it does very well. That can be achieved very easily with
a kafka or redis or stomp input
a few filters to massage your data
an elasticsearch output to forward the resulting data to ES via the bulk endpoint.
With that kind of well-tuned setup, you can handle very heavy write loads without needing to worry about which client you want to use and how you need to tune it. The question is still open for querying, though, but since the write part is paramount in your case, you need to make it solid, the only serious way is by going asynchronous and let a well-developed and tested ETL (such as Logstash, or fluentd, etc) do it for you.
It is worth noting that as of ES 5.0, there will be a new Java REST client available.

Rate-Limit an API (spring MVC)

I'm looking the best more efficient way to implement (or use an already setup) rate limiter that would protect all my rest api url. the protection I'm looking at is a "call per second per user limiter"
I had a look on the net and what comes out was the use of either "Redis" or Guava RateLimiter.
To be honest I have never used Redis and I'am really not familiar with it. But by looking on its docs it seems that it has a quite robust rate limiter system.
I have also had a look at Guava's RateLimiter. And it looks a bit easier to use (don't need a redis installation etc...)
So I would like some suggestion of what would be "in my case" the best solution? Is using Redis "too much"?
Have any of you already tried RateLimter? Is this a good solution? Is it scaleable?
PS: I am also open to other solutions than the 2 I aforementioned if you think there are better choices.
Thank you!
If you are trying to limit access to your Spring-based REST api you should use token-bucket algorithm.
There is bucket4j-spring-boot-starter project which uses bucket4j library to rate-limit access to the REST api. You can configure it via application properties file. There is an option to limit the access based on IP address or username.
If you are using Netflix Zuul you could use Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit which uses different storage options: Consul, Redis, Spring Data and Bucket4j.
Guava’s RateLimiter blocks the current thread so if there’s a burst of asynchronous calls against the throttled service lots of threads will be blocked and might result exhaust of free threads.
Perhaps Spring-based library Kite meets your needs. Kite's "rate-limiting throttle" rejects requests after the principal reaches a configurable limit on the number of requests in some time period. The rate limiter uses Spring Security to determine the principal involved.
But Kite is still a single-JVM approach. If you do need a cluster-aware approach Redis is a way to go.
there is no hard rule, it totally depends on your specific situation. provided that "I have never used Redis", I would recommend guava RateLimiter. compare to redis, a completely new nosql system for you, guava RateLimiter is much easier to get started with. by adding a few lines of code, you are enable to distribute permits at a configurable rate. what left to do is to adapt it to fit your need, like providing rate limit on a per user basis.

Does some optimized web servers for single page application exists?

When we do single page application, the webserver basically does only one things, it gives some data when the client asks them (using JSON format for example). So any server side language (php, ror) or tool (apache, ningx) can do it.
But is there a language/tool that works better with this sorts of single page applications that generates lot of small requests that need low latency and sometimes permanent connection (for realtime and push things)?
SocketStream seems like it matches your requirements quite well: "A phenomenally fast real-time web framework for Node.js ... dedicated to creating single-page real time websites."
SocketStream uses WebSockets to get lowest latency for the real-time portion. There are several examples on the site to build from.
If you want a lot of small requests in realtime by pushing data - you should take a look at socket type connections.
Check out Node.js with
If you really want to optimize for speed, you could try implementing a custom HTTP server that just fits your needs, for example with the help of Netty.
It's blazingly fast and has examples for HTTP and WebSocket servers included.
Also, taking a look at GWAN may be worthwile (though I have not tried that one yet). could be appropriate

Implementing multi-threading in db calls using TPL

In the web app that I'm currently working on I've to make multiple calls to database and combine the results at-last to show in the UI. Right now.. I'm doing the calls one by one and combining the results at last. Since the web app will be hosted in a multi-core machine(intel i5) I think I can use TPL to make parallel db calls. Is it a good idea? What are the things/pitfalls I want to consider when I'm doing parallel calls to db?
There are two things to remember here. Firstly you're DB provided API may not be thread-safe, for example ADO.NET explicitly isn't 100% thread-safe. Secondly by doing this you are moving your load from the clinet to the DB. In other words if your client creates 5 concurrent connections to the DB at once it's going to have a larger impact on the DB's load. The latency of an individual client to the user may be reduced but at the expense of overall throughput in terms of the number of clients an individual DB can support.
If largely depends on your scenario as to whether you think this is a good tradeoff.
You say the "we app" if you mean web app then their are similar tradeoffs, I'd recommend this blog post on using the TPL from a web application.
It's the same issue. You trade of individual request latency for throughput or vis versa.
