SQL Server 2014 Nested Blog comments sorting - sorting

I'm trying to build a small blog allowing people to add comments..
For comments I prepared a table like this:
ID PostID ParentID Date Title Text User ....
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 4
7 1 1
8 1 5
9 1 8
where if ParentID is not 0 means that this comment is not referred to the post but to the comment with that ID (is nested)
ie: assuming to select Post 1 will extract all comments except ID=2.
we have posts 1 and 2 on the root
posts 4,5,7 are nested in comment 1
post 6 is nested in 4 (triple nesting)
post 8 is nested in 5 (triple nesting)
post 9 is nested in 8 (quadruple nesting)
Therefore I expect the query returns the record in this order:
But I'm struggling with the query to achieve the above result.
Actually, for single nesting I find a solution, but for deeper nesting.. have really no idea..
I also thought that table schema used is not adequate..
On the other side I thought that such issue can be a common issue, but google didn't gave me any valuable result.. probably used wrong keywords..
Can you please suggest a path to solve this problem, or where to search for?

the solution is in Eric Weilinau's answer at this Post.
Basically it uses a recurring CTE
I modified a little to use ID value as Order and adding a further filter.
Here is the query:
WITH [NodeList] (
[Id], [ParentId], [Level], [Order]
) AS (
SELECT [Node].[Id]
, [Node].[ParentId]
, 0 AS [Level]
, Right('0000'+CONVERT([varchar](MAX), [Node].[ID]),4) AS [Order]
FROM [Node]
WHERE [Node].[ParentId] = 0
SELECT [Node].[Id]
, [Node].[ParentId]
, [NodeList].[Level] + 1 AS [Level]
, [NodeList].[Order] + '|'
+ Right('0000' + CONVERT([varchar](MAX), [Node].[ID]),4) AS [Order]
FROM [Node]
INNER JOIN [NodeList] ON [NodeList].[Id] = [Node].[ParentId]
) SELECT [NodeList].[id],
REPLICATE('-', [NodeList].[Level] * 4) + [Node].[Name] AS [Name]
FROM [Node]
INNER JOIN [NodeList] ON [NodeList].[Id] = [Node].[Id]
ORDER BY [NodeList].[Order]
if somebody can find it helpful.


Hierarchical query get all children as rows

1 [null]
2 1
3 1
4 2
Desired result:
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 4
I've tried SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, but I don't understand how to convert it result into "inline view" which I can use for JOIN with main table.
select connect_by_root(id) id, id child_at_any_level
from table
where level <> 1
connect by prior id = parent_id;

How to limit the record of children's attribute in laravel eloquent

I am creating a comment section using laravel with the example entries below:
id | comment | parent_id
1 test 1
2 test 1
3 test 1
4 test 2
5 te 2
6 test 1
7 test 2
I get these data from an API request. Let's say, I want to get all comments and limit the replies up to 2 records per query. From the given test sample above, the result should be:
id | parent_id
1 1
2 1
4 2
5 2
My question is, how to get all replies (parent_id > 0) and limit & offset the query per request?
My current query is:
Comment::where('parent_id', '>' , 0)->get();
I think you should use pagination to limit the number of the elements:
Comment::where('parent_id', '>' , 0)->paginate(15);
Replace the "15" with your limit.
Also, you can check Laravel docs about pagination: https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/pagination

Simulate pipelined order by in oracle 11g

I have been working with an application that is integrated with spring and Hibernate 4.X.X and its transaction is managed by JTA in Weblogic application server. After 3 years, there are about 40 million records only into one table from 100 tables that exist in my DB. The DB is Oracle 11g. The response time of a query is about 5 minutes because of increasing the count of records of this tables.
I customized the query and put it into Sql Developer and run the query advisor plan for suggestion some Index. Totally after doing such this, its response time is reduced to 2 minute. But even so, this response time does not satisfy the Custumer. To further clarify I put the query, It is as following:
select *
from (select (count(storehouse0_.ID) over()) as col_0_0_,
storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID as col_1_0_,
(DBPK_PUB_STOREHOUSE.get_Storehouse_Title(storehouse5_.id, 1)) as col_2_0_,
storehouse5_.Organization_Code as col_3_0_,
publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id as col_4_0_,
storehouse0_.storeHouse_Inventory_Id as col_5_0_,
storehouse0_.Id as col_6_0_,
storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id as col_7_0_,
samapelite10_.MAINNAME as col_8_0_,
publicgood1_.serial_Number as col_9_0_,
publicgood1_1_.production_Year as col_10_0_,
samapelpar2_.ID_SourceInfo as col_11_0_,
samapelpar2_.Pn as col_12_0_,
storehouse3_.expire_Date as col_13_0_,
publicgood1_1_.Status_Id as col_14_0_,
baseinform12_.Topic as col_15_0_,
publicgood1_.public_Num as col_16_0_,
cast(publicgood1_1_.goods_Status as number(10, 0)) as col_17_0_,
publicgood1_1_.goods_Status as col_18_0_,
publicgood1_1_.deleted as col_19_0_
from amd.Core_StoreHouse_Inventory_Item storehouse0_,
amd.Core_STOREHOUSE_INVENTORY storehouse3_,
amd.Core_STOREHOUSE storehouse5_,
amd.SMP_SAMAPEL_CODE samapelite10_
cross join amd.Core_Goods_Item_Public publicgood1_
inner join amd.Core_Goods_Item publicgood1_1_
on publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id = publicgood1_1_.Id
left outer join amd.SMP_SOURCEINFO samapelpar2_
on publicgood1_1_.Samapel_Part_Number_Id =
samapelpar2_.ID_SourceInfo, amd.App_BaseInformation
where not exists
(select ssec.samapelITem_id
from core_security_samapelitem ssec
inner join core_goods_item g
on ssec.samapelitem_id = g.samapel_item_id
where not exists (SELECT aa.groupid
FROM app_actiongroup aa
where aa.groupid in
(select au.groupid
from app_usergroup au
where au.userid = 1)
and aa.actionid = 9054)
and ssec.isenable = 1
and storehouse0_.goods_Item_ID = g.id)
and not exists
(select *
where not exists (SELECT aa.groupid
FROM app_actiongroup aa
where aa.groupid in
(select au.groupid
from app_usergroup au
where au.userid = 1)
and aa.actionid = 9055)
and cps.inventory_id =
and cps.goodsitemtype = 6)
and storehouse0_.storeHouse_Inventory_Id = storehouse3_.Id
and storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID = storehouse5_.Id
and storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id = samapelite10_.MAINCODE
and publicgood1_1_.Status_Id = baseinform12_.ID
and 1 <> 2
and storehouse0_.goods_Item_ID = publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id
and publicgood1_1_.edited = 0
and publicgood1_1_.deleted = 0
and (exists (select storehouse13_.Id
from amd.Core_STOREHOUSE storehouse13_
cross join amd.core_power power16_
cross join amd.core_power power17_
where storehouse5_.powerID = power16_.Id
and storehouse13_.powerID = power17_.Id
and (storehouse13_.Id in (741684217))
and storehouse13_.storeHouseType = 2
and (power16_.hierarchiCode like
power17_.hierarchiCode || '%')) or
(storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID in (741684217)) and
storehouse5_.storeHouseType = 1)
and (storehouse5_.storeHouse_Status not in (2, 3))
order by storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id)
where rownum <= 10
[Note: This query is generated by Hibernate].
It is clear that order by 40 million holds so much time.
I find the main issue of this query. I omitted the “order by” and run the query, its response time was reduced to about 5 second. I was wonderful why the “order by” affects so much the response time.
(Some body may think that if this table is partitioned or use another facility of oracle, it may get better response time. Ok it may be right but my emphasis is the “order by” performance. If there is a way that do the “order by” responsibility, why not to do it). Any way I am not able to omit the “order by” because the Customer needs to order and it is necessary for paging. I find a solution that is explained by an example. This solution I order only some records that is needed. How, I will explain later. It is clear when oracle wants to sort 40 million records, it naturally takes so much time. I replace “order by” with “where clause”. With doing this replacement the response time was reduces from 2 minute to about 5 second and this is very exciting for me.
I explain my solution via an example, anybody that read this Post tells me whether this solution is good or there are another solution that I do not know exists.
Another hand I have a solution that is explained later, if it is ok or not. Whether I use it or not.
I explain my solution:
Let’s assumed that there are two table as below:
Post table
Id Others fields
… …
Post_comment table
Id post_id
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
6 5
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 3
11 1
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 1
17 1
18 1
19 1
20 1
21 1
22 1
23 1
24 1
25 1
26 4
27 4
There is a form that shows the result of join between POST table and POST_COMMENT table.
I explain both query with “order by” all records of that table and “order by” only specific records that are needed. The result of two query are exactly the same but the response time of second approach is the better than that one.
You assume that the page size is 10 and you are in page 3.
The first query with the “order by” all records of that table:
select *
from (Select res.*, rownum as rownum_
from (Select * from POST_COMMENT Order by post_id asc) res
Where rownum <= 30)
where rownum_ > 20
The second solution:
Before execution the query, I query as below:
select *
from (select post_id, count(id) from POST_COMMENT group by post_id)
order by post_id asc
So the result of it is the below:
Post_id Count(id) Sum(count(id))
1 15 15
2 3 18
3 1 19
4 2 21
5 5 26
It needs to say that the third column that is "Sum(count(id))" is calculated after that query.Any entry of this column is sum all before records.
So there is a formula that specifics which post_id must be selected. The formula is the below:
pageSize = 10, pageNumber = 3
from : (pageNumber – 1) * pageCount  2 * 10 = 20
to : (pageNumber – 1) * pageCount + pageCount  20 + 10 = 30
So I need the posts that are between (20, 30] of Sum(count(id)). According to this, I need only two post_id that have value 4,5. According to this the main query of second approach is:
select *
from (select rownum as rownum_, res.*
from (select *
from (select * from POST_COMMENT where post_id in (4, 5))
order by post_id asc) res
where rownum <= 30)
where rownum_ > 20
If you look at both query, you will see the biggest difference. The second query only selects the records of POST_COMENT that have post_id that are 4 and 5. After that, orders this records not all records of that table.
After posting this post, I have searched. finally I am redirected to HERE . I can reach to the response time that is very excited for me. It is reduced from 3 minutes to less than 3 seconds. It is necessary to know, I only use one tip from all of the query optimization guidelines that are in that site that is Duplicate constant condition for different tables whenever possible.
Note: Before doing this tip, there are some indexs on fields that are in where-clause and order-by.

Select and sum multiple columns for statistic purposes with Laravel query

I have one table scores where I have saving users scores. It's looks like this
table `scores`
id | points | user_id
1 5 1
2 2 1
3 4 1
4 1 3
5 10 2
I want to select each user, sum his points and show as a ranking. The result from above should be
user_id | points
1 11
2 10
3 1
The query with which I came up is
$sumPoints = Scores::select( \DB::raw("sum(points) as numberOfPoints"), \DB::raw("count(id) as numberId"))->groupBy("user_id")->first();
The problem is in ->first() because it's return only one result.. it is working as must. If I try to use ->get() instead I've got Undefined property error. How should I use this?
The query which is working in phpmyadmin
SELECT count(id) as numberId, sum(points) as numberOfPoints FROM `points` GROUP BY `user_id`
You can use something like this
$sumPoints = Scores::select( \DB::raw("sum(points) as numberOfPoints"), \DB::raw("count(id) as numberId"))->groupBy("user_id")->get();
foreach($sumPoints as $point){
dd($point); //OR dd($point->numberOfPoints)

oracle left outer joins not showing null values but displays same value

Problem is in left outer join, when there are no rows in right side table then it does not display null values, it displays previous values....
Like this....
1 st Table contains
EE 1 5
EE 2 5
EE 3 0
EE 4 0
2 nd Table contains
EE 1 5
So I want result like...
1 5 5
2 5 blank
3 0 blank
4 0 blank
I use query like this...
where m.PGMTX_CODE='EE'
order by m.PGMTX_MARKS
But I got result like
1 5 5
2 5 5
3 0 5
4 0 5
Your join condition is wrong, should be
