How to make go build work with nested directories - go

In the process of learning go I was playing around with making my own libraries. Here is what I did: in my $GOPATH/src I have two folders: mylibs and test. The test folder has a file called test.go which contains
package test
import "mylibs/hi/saysHi"
func main() {
The mylibs folder contains another folder called hi, which has a file called saysHi.go containing:
package saysHi
import "fmt"
func SayHi() {
So the directory structure looks like this:
The problem is that when I try to compile test it complains saying
cannot find package "mylibs/hi/saysHi" in any of:
$GOPATH/src/mylibs/hi/saysHi (from $GOPATH)
I have deliberately made the directory structure deeper than necessary. If I make a simpler directory structure where I place saysHi.go in $GOPATH/saysHi/saysHi.go then it works.
But I don't see a reason for why this wouldn't work. Any ideas?

Generally speaking, your directory name should match the package name. So if you define
package saysHi
and want to import it with
import "mylibs/hi/saysHi"
you should place it in a structure like this:
The name of the .go file(s) inside the package makes no difference to the import path, so you could call the .go file anything you like.
To explain it a bit further, the import path you use should be the name of the directory containing the package. But, if you define a different package name inside that directory, you should use that name to access the package inside the code. This can be confusing, so it's best to avoid it until you understand where it's best used (hint: package versioning).
It gets confusing, so for example, if you had your package in the path
And inside saysHi.go defined,
package saysHi
Then in test.go you will import it with
import "mylibs/hi"
And use it with
Notice how you import it with the final directory being hi, but use it with the name saysHi.
Final note
Just in case you didn't know the following: your test file is called test.go, and that's fine, if it's just as an example, and not an actual test file for saysHi.go. But if it is/were a file containing tests for saysHi.go, then the accepted Go standard is to name the file saysHi_test.go and place it inside the same package alongside saysHi.go.
One more final note
I mentioned how you are allowed to choose a different package name from the directory name. But there is actually a way to write the code so that it's less confusing:
import (
saysHi "mylibs/hi"
Would import it from the mylibs/hi directory, and make a note of the fact that it should be used with saysHi, so readers of your code understand that without having to go look at the mylibs/hi code.


Conflict in repo name and module name

I created the project qjson/qjson-go that contains the package name qjson that you can see here. I named the github project this way because contains other projects for different languages (e.g. qjson-c).
Unfortunately, I get the following error when I try to import the project as
$ go mod tidy
go: finding module for package
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210128102242-170c47e2db46 imports module found (v0.0.0-20210128102242-170c47e2db46), but does not contain package
I’m apparently doing it wrong. I understand that due to the import statement we are then expected to use gjson-go as package identifier.
What must I do so that the git project can be named qjson-go and the package qjson ?
I assume that one solution is to create a sub-directory named qjson inside qjson-go and move all package files in it. The user would then import "". Is that correct ? Is there another solution avoiding the stutter ?
This program works as expected:
package main
import (
func main() {
The issue is that you are using this file structure:
When you should just be putting them at the top level, like this:
So you can either fix the directory, and tag a new version, or just leave the
files as is, and change your imports to match what I have above.

Project structure and importing packages

I'm just starting to learn Go and I'm wondering how to best organize my project and import packages. I created a project at $GOPATH/src/my_project. It contains the file main.go and the folder foo containing the file bar.go.
My main.go looks as follows
package main
import (
func main() {
Here is the foo.go
package foo
import "fmt"
func Baz() {
It works the way I expect it to, but I wonder if this is really the right way to structure a project and import packages, because most tutorials only import packages from github and never from local.
Thanks for your answers..
Relative imports are possible in Go but they are not encouraged to be used.
Instead you always use the full path of the package. In your case that would be my_project/foo. This is is relative to the GOPATH/src folder.
However, since we have Go modules now which make things a tiny bit more complicated to start with but have a lot of advantages in the long run.
Just earlier today I gave a step by step guide on how to set up a new project with Go modules: After go install the import doesn't recognize the package
The module name in this guide is the basis for your project then and all paths in the module build on that path. Let me give an example:
Let's say you name your module Then you can import the subpackage foo with
Note: The module path should be the same as the git URL, that way you can just get the module with go get. If you don't plan on ever uploading the project to github or another git URL, you should still choose a unique name. Starting with a domain you own is a good idea -- for uniqueness.

Trouble calling local package into main

I feel like this is probably an over-asked question on SO yet here it is again. I'm finding this simple task incredibly tedious in Go. Note that I have GO11MODULES set to ON, I'm not sure if this effects the whole package system (it shouldn't is what I'm assuming).
I have a package called "users" which contains a compiled Protocol Buffer (from a .proto file). I want to store it alongside a number of other definitions in a folder called protos. So that my structure looks like so:
- main.go
- protos
- users.go
- users.proto
- analytics.go
- analytics.proto
Pretty simple structure. Within the users.go file I'm defining package protos. Within main.go I'd like to import users "protos/users". When I do so I get this: build command-line-arguments: cannot load protos/users: cannot find module providing package protos/users.
I've followed (I think) other sample code that has done the same thing. Note that the folder structure is within $GOPATH/src/myapi.
Why is this more complicated than its proving to be?
If you are using package protos, then the package is protos. protos/users does not exist. Packages and package imports are directory-level, not file-level. The full import statement depends on the module declaration in your go.mod file, which defines the root of imports. E.g., if your go.mod begins with
Then your import would be
import ""
This answer assumes that GO111MODULE is set to on. The question shows that you are setting GO11MODULES. I assume that this is a typo. Fix it if it's not a typoo.
Add file go.mod in same directory as main.go with the following contents:
module myapi
Change main to import "myapi/protos" instead of "protos/users"

Getting access to functions from subdirectories

I'm writing small app following
My directory tree looks like
my server.go file contains following code
package main
import "..." //ommited imports
func main(){
r:= mux.InitRoutes() //function from imported package
Register_routes(r) //function from routes.go
And my routes.go
package main
func Register_routes(r *Router){
r.addRoute("test", "test", "test)
But after I do go run server.go
I'm getting following error
$ go run server.go
# command-line-arguments
./server.go:10: undefined: Register_routes
GOPATH variable points to my /blog folder
What am I missing? Why go doesn't it see files in subdirectories?
P.S. config/routes.go is part of server.go package
P.P.S I have moved routes.go to the same folder as server.go, but the error is still present
In order to use a function defined in another package, first you have to import it:
import "myblog/config"
And after that you have to refer to it by the package name:
Also the package name should reflect the folder name in which it is defined. In your routes.go the package should be config. Package main is special, the main package will be compiled into an executable binary (it is the entry point of the program). See Program Execution in the language specification.
From the page you linked: Package names:
Go's convention is that the package name is the last element of the import path: the package imported as "crypto/rot13" should be named rot13.
Executable commands must always use package main.
There is no requirement that package names be unique across all packages linked into a single binary, only that the import paths (their full file names) be unique.
Check out the blog post Package names for a detailed guideline.
Note that different files of the same package have to be put into the same folder. And different files of the same package can use everything from the package without importing it and without using the package name (doesn't matter in which file it is defined). This is also true for unexported identifiers. From another package you can only access exported identifiers (their name must start with a capital letter).
Also the go naming convention is to used mixed caps rather than underscores to write multiword names, see Effective Go / MixedCaps. So the function should be named RegisterRoutes but this is not a requirement.

Building package structure with child-/sub-packages

I'm trying to make a simple calculator in Go. I'm designing it in such a way that I can build a command-line interface first and easily swap in a GUI interface. The project location is $GOPATH/src/gocalc (all paths hereafter are relative to the project location). The command-line interface logic is stored in a file gocalc.go. The calculator logic is stored in files calcfns/calcfns.go and operations/operations.go. All files have package names identical to their filename (sans extension) except the main program, gocalc.go, which is in the package main
calcfns.go imports operations.go via import "gocalc/operations"; gocalc.go imports calcfns.go via import "gocalc/calcfns"
To summarize:
package main
import "gocalc/calcfns"
package calcfns
import "gocalc/operations"
package operations
When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package
When I try go build gocalc/operations, I get can't load package: package gocalc/operations: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package
When I try go build operations/operations.go, it compiles fine
When I try to go build calcfns or go build gocalc/calcfns, I get can't load package... messages, similar to those in operations; however, when I try to build calcfns/calcfns.go it chokes on the import statement: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package
Finally, when I try go build . from the project dir, it chokes similar to the previous paragraph: import "gocalc/calcfns": cannot find package
How should I structure my child packages and/or import statements in such a way that go build won't fail?
Stupidly, I forgot to export my GOPATH variable, so go env displayed "" for GOPATH. (thanks to jnml for suggesting to print go env; +1).
After doing this (and moving the main program to its own folder {project-dir}/gocalc/gocalc.go), I could build/install the program via go install gocalc/gocalc.
Moral of the story, make sure you type export GOPATH=... instead of just GOPATH=... when setting your $GOPATH environment variable
Please try to also add output of $ go env to provide more clues. Otherwise both the directories structure and (the shown) import statements looks OK.
However the sentence
When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package
sounds strange. It seems to suggest you have
package operations
import "operations"
in 'operations.go', which would be the culprit then...?
Very easy:
Lets say I have a project/app named: golang-playground
Put your root dir under GOPATH/src/, in my case GOPATH=~/go/src (run command go env to get your GOPATH). so complete path for my app is ~/go/src/golang-playground
Lets say you want to use function Index() inside of file: router.go from my main.go file (which of course is on root dir). so in main.go:
import (
func main() {
foo.Bar("/", router.Index) // Notice caps means its public outside of file
