Appcelerator Store Local Searches - appcelerator

When a button is pressed, I would like the id and the name of the button saved locally.
I am not quite sure the best way to approach this problem. Should I use appcelerator properties (!/api/Titanium.App.Properties) or write to a file to storage? At the moment I am using the Ti.App.Properties.setList.
Example code:
searchStorageName = "searchHistory";
searchResultsArray = [];
var currentEntries = (Ti.App.Properties.getList(searchStorageName));
// Create search entry object.
var localSearchObject = {
company_name: resultNodeCompany,
company_id: resultNodeCompanyID,
variation_id: resultNodeCompanyVariationID
// Check if existing entries, if so push current search
// and previous searches to array.
if(currentEntries === null || currentEntries === undefined){
Ti.App.Properties.setList(searchStorageName, searchResultsArray);
// searchResultsArray.push(localSearchObject, currentEntries);
else {
searchResultsArray.push(localSearchObject, currentEntries);
Ti.App.Properties.setList(searchStorageName, searchResultsArray);
I am stuck at the moment as it is inserting duplicate searches into the array. When I loop over the values to create a list in the UI it shows duplicates.
var currentEntries = (Ti.App.Properties.getList(searchStorageName));
var currentEntriesLength = currentEntries.length;
var getPreviousHistorySearchesArray = [];
currentEntries.forEach(function(entry, index) {
var company_name = entry.company_name;
var company_id = entry.company_id;
var variation_id = entry.variation_id;
// Create View Entry.
createSearchHistoryViewEntry(index, company_name, company_id, variation_id);

Use SQLite_Database Better than local properties!/guide/Working_with_a_SQLite_Database


Suitescript Saved Search Filter using other saved search results

I am trying to use the results of a specific saved search to try and filter another saved search in suitescript.
Basically, there is a button created on a project. Once the button is clicked, I need to go get all the tasks for that specific project and use each task to filter on a transaction saved search using a custom field and get whatever information is on that saved search.
This is what I have so far:
function runScript(context) {
var record = currentRecord.get();
var id =;
var type = record.type;
var i = 0;
var projectSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1532'})
var billableExpenseSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1533'})
var projectFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: id
var projectResults =,1000);
while(i < projectResults.length){
var task = projectResults[i].getValue(projectSearch.columns[1]);
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: task
var billableExpenseResults =,1000);
for(var j = 0; j< billableExpenseResults.length; j++){
var testAmount = billableExpenseResults[j].getValue(billableExpenseSearch.columns[3]);
The log for the Task is correct. I have 2 tasks on the project I am trying this on but once we get to the second iteration, the billableExpenseSearch length is showing as 0, when it's supposed to be 1.
I am guessing that my logic is incorrect of the createFilter function doesn't accept changes once the filter is created.
Any help is appreciated!
var billableExpenseSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1533'});
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: task
var billableExpenseResults =,1000);
for(var j = 0; j< billableExpenseResults.length; j++){
var taskid = billableExpenseResults[j].getValue(billableExpenseSearch.columns[0]);
Thank you
I think your guess is correct your are keep pushing filters
After pushing the filter and extract the value you need to remove it before adding a new one, you can do this by pop() the last one:
Note: You can fix this by re-loading the search every time before pushing the filter. this will reset your filters, but I do NOT recommend that since loading a search will consume more USAGE and might receive USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR.
I also recommend the following:
1- Get all task ids before doing the second search, once you do that you only need to search once. Because if you have many records you might encounter USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR. Since you work with a client or Suitelet script you only have 1000 USAGE.
Edit: Sample might help you.
var ids = [];
var pagedData = projectSearch.runPaged({pageSize : 1000});
// iterate the pages
for( var i=0; i < pagedData.pageRanges.length; i++ ) {
// fetch the current page data
var currentPage = pagedData.fetch(i);
// and forEach() thru all results function(result) {
// you have the result row. use it like this....
var id = result.getValue(projectSearch.columns[1]);
Note: This search will extract all records not only first 1000.
After that add the array to the Filter
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [ids]
2- Don't Use search.load use search.create it will make your script more readable and easier to maintain in the future.

How can I replace an image in Google Documents?

I'm trying to insert images into Google Docs (other GSuite apps later) from an Add-On. I've succeeded in fetching the image and inserting it when getCursor() returns a valid Position. When there is a selection (instead of a Cursor), I can succeed if it's text that's selected by walking up to the Parent of the selected text and inserting the image at the start of the paragraph (not perfect, but OK).
UPDATE: It seems that I was using a deprecated method (getSelectedElements()), but that didn't fix the issue. It seems the issue is only with wrapped images as well (I didn't realize that the type of the object changed when you changed it to a wrapped text).
However, when an wrapped-text Image (presumably a PositionedImage) is highlighted (with the rotate and resize handles visible in blue), both getSelection() and getCursor() return null. This is a problem as I would like to be able to get that image and replace it with the one I'm inserting.
Here's my code... any help would be great.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(imageTokenURL);
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
if (selection)
Logger.log("Got Selection");
var replaced = false;
var elements = selection.getRangeElements();
if (elements.length === 1
&& elements[0].getElement().getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE)
//replace the URL -- this never happens
//otherwise, we take the first element and work from there:
var firstElem = elements[0].getElement();
Logger.log("First Element Type = " + firstElem.getType());
if (firstElem.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH)
var newImage = firstElem.asParagraph().insertInlineImage(0, response);
else if (firstElem.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT)
var p = firstElem.getParent();
if (p.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH)
var index = p.asParagraph().getChildIndex(firstElem);
var newImage = p.asParagraph().insertInlineImage(index, response);
} else {
Logger.log("Checking Cursor");
var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();
if (cursor)
Logger.log("Got Cursor: " + cursor);
var newImage = cursor.insertInlineImage(response);
var p = cursor.getElement();
var size=200;
You are using the deprecated 'getSelectedElements()' method of the Range class. You may notice it's crossed out in the autocomplete selection box.
Instead, use the 'getRangeElements()' method. After selecting the image in the doc, the code below worked for me:
var range = doc.getSelection();
var element = range.getRangeElements()[0].getElement();
Logger.log(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE); //logs 'true'

How to restrict google places to specific city

I am currently able to restrict places to only one country, but I also want to restrict on a specific city also. Any ideas how to achieve that? This is my current code:
var autocomplete,
options = {
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: {country: 'est'}
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace().formatted_address;
As Luke said the places autocomplete allows you to use componentRestrictions to filter by country only.
But you can use a little trick with a search request string.
Just add prefix with city name in request.
var prefix = 'Kyiv, ';
var str = input.value;
if(str.indexOf(prefix) == 0) {
// string already started with prefix
} else {
if (prefix.indexOf(str) >= 0) {
// string is part of prefix
input.value = prefix;
} else {
input.value = prefix+str;
Places Autocomplete currently allows you to use componentRestrictions to filter by country. What I would do in your situation is to use the options argument to filter by the bounds that define the city in question:
var cityBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(25.341233, 68.289986),
new google.maps.LatLng(25.450715, 68.428345));
var options = {
bounds: cityBounds,
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: {country: 'est'}
Google Provides two ways to achieve this. If you are not satisfied because in countries like India it do not work well, because states and provisions here do not have rectangular or structure boundaries.
1.LatLngBounds (LatLng southwest, LatLng northeast): Where you can give latitude and longitude to form an rectangle.
2. Location (Lat,Lng) & Radius: Where you can give latitude and longitude to form a circle.
But the problem with these approaches they do not provide expected results if you are from countries like India, where states and provisions are not in structured shapes (Rectangular) as in USA.
If you are facing same issue than there is an hack.
With jQuery/Jacascript, you can attach functions which will consistently maintain city name in text input which is bounded with Autocomplete object of Places API.
Here it is:
$("#locality").val(your-city-name) //your-city-name will have city name and some space to seperate it from actual user-input for example: “Bengaluru | ”
$("#locality").keydown(function(event) { //locality is text-input box whixh i supplied while creating Autocomplete object
var localeKeyword = “your-city-name”
var localeKeywordLen = localeKeyword.length;
var keyword = $("#locality").val();
var keywordLen = keyword.length;
if(keywordLen == localeKeywordLen) {
var e = event || window.event;
var key = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(key == Number(46) || key == Number(8) || key == Number(37)){
}//Here I am restricting user to delete city name (Restricting use of delete/backspace/left arrow) if length == city-name provided
if(keyword != localeKeyword) {
}//If input-text does not contain city-name put it there
if(!(keyword.includes(localeKeyword))) {
}//If keyword not includes city name put it there

How to get Active (focused) slickgrid?

I have two slickgrid and one delete button,
When i click on delete,i want focused grid so that i will delete items.
How to get focused grid ?
This is what i have done so far....
function deleteRow(e, args){
//code to delete items from "grid"
var selectedrows = grid.getSelectedRows();
var len = selectedrows.length;
var itemNo = "";
for(var i=0;i<len;i++)
var data = grid.getData().getItem(selectedrows[i]);
var url = "delete_Item_Master?itemNo="+itemNo;
$.get(url, {itemNo : itemNo},function(data) {
//code to delete items from "metalGrid"
var metalSelectedrows = metalGrid.getSelectedRows();
var mlen = metalSelectedrows.length;
var itemNo = "";
for(var i=0;i<mlen;i++)
var mData = metalGrid.getData().getItem(metalSelectedrows[i]);
var url = "delete_subItem?itemNo="+itemNo;
$.get(url, {itemNo : itemNo},function(data) {
But this code delete items from both grid..
I think that the correct way to do this is to write your own selection model. It should be a Singleton, and two grids should interact with it. It should know which grid was last active.
But you need to ask yourself is that behaviour is good. What if user will delete an item from another grid - because there's only one button. IMHO every grid should have it's own button. And I work for an ERP company where we got that dillemas everyday ;)

Store & retrieve the identifiers of a multipliable widget's instances

The aim is to remove only the last row at any time and only by the last remove button.
There is a user interface which building up as a multiplication of the same row. The number of rows are controlled by 'Add' & 'Remove' buttons which are also elements of the row. The problem is that the hidden widgets - that are applied for each row to distinguish the instances by storing their row numbers - are storing the very same number which is the last one. Except the first (0) hidden widget which stores the proper number (0). Where am I missing the point? How should this be resolved?
As per the remove buttons have two different purposes (not detailed here), we use a cacheService to distinguish the last row from all the others. Only the last row should be removed at any time.
var cache = CacheService.getPrivateCache();
we clear the cache and create the first instance
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
return app; }
each instance is held by a horizontal panel which contains the mentioned hidden widget, a label which informs about the instance number, and the Add & Remove buttons.
function ui(instance) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var eventContainer = app.createHorizontalPanel()
.setId('eventContainer' + instance);
var instanceContainer = app.createHidden('instanceContainer',instance);
var showInstance = app.createLabel(instance)
.setId('showInstance' + instance);
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.setId('add' + instance)
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
and the event handling...
function add(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var instance = Number(inst.parameter.instanceContainer);
return app; }
function remove(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var instance = Number(inst.parameter.instanceContainer);
var numberOfInstances = cache.get('numberOfInstances')
if( (instance != 0) && (instance = numberOfInstances) ) {
app.getElementById('mainContainer').remove(app.getElementById('eventContainer' + instance));
app.getElementById('add' + (instance-1)).setEnabled(true); } //avoiding multiple click during server response
return app; }
The aim is to remove only the last row at any time and only by the last remove button.
Many Thanks.
Why don't you simply use a clientHandler just as you did on the 'add' button? You could target the preceding 'remove' button and disable it each time you create a new one and change /update each time you remove one row.
EDIT : I can suggest you something, feel free to have a look, I changed a bit the approach but it is working and I hope you'll find it at least interesting ;-)
Link to the online test
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var counter = app.createHidden().setName('counter').setId('counter').setValue('1');
var mainContainer = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('mainContainer')
var event1Container = app.createHorizontalPanel()
var showInstance = app.createLabel('1')
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
function add(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var hiddenVal =inst.parameter.counter;
var counterVal = Number(hiddenVal);
var mainContainer = app.getElementById('mainContainer')
var counter = app.getElementById('counter')
++ counterVal
var eventContainer = app.createHorizontalPanel().setId('eventContainer'+counterVal)
var showInstance = app.createLabel(counterVal.toString())
var addButton = app.createButton('Add')
.forEventSource().setEnabled(false)) //avoiding multiple click during server response
var removeButton = app.createButton('X')
return app; }
function remove(inst) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var counterVal = Number(inst.parameter.counter);
var counter = app.getElementById('counter')
if(counterVal ==1) {return app}
var maincontainer = app.getElementById('mainContainer')
app.getElementById('eventContainer' + counterVal).setVisible(false)
return app;
NOTE : I didn't make use of .remove(widget) since this is a fairly new method and I don't know exactly how it works... I'll test it later. Until then I used setVisible(false) instead, sorry about that :-)
Note 2 : I didn't use the cache since the hidden widget is sufficient to keep track of what is going on... if you needed it for something else then you could always add it back .
