RubyPython doesn't work on Ubuntu 14.04 - ruby

I'm having a problem with my Rails application in production, RubyPython won't run; I get the following error:
RubyPython::InvalidInterpreter: An invalid interpreter was specified.
I'm using ruby 2.3.0, the python version is 2.7.6 (CPython). It's running on an ubuntu 14.04 server.
It works fine locally on my Mac.
Any ideas what the issue might be?


I installed Hadood 3.2.1 in Ubuntu 20.04 but I am getting an error

I am a newbie at Linux and Hadoop. I installed Hadoop-3.2.1 in Ubuntu 20.04 I followed the steps on site
I got this error when I ran this command:
~$ hadoop version
Error: Could not find or load main class ”-Djava.library.path=.usr.local.hadoop..lib.native”
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ”-Djava/library/path=/usr/local/hadoop//lib/native”
It seems like you may be missing one of the environment variables needed for Hadoop. It’s not able to find one of the jar files for Hadoop native library. For more precise installation please follow below article,

which Centos base environment installation is required for Hadoop instatllation

I am installing Centos for learning Hadoop. But want to know while installing Centos which Base Environment I need to select while installing Centos
Have you installed? If not try downloading centos image directly and spin up a VM.
If you are using vmbox - try below

Vagrant broken with Ruby 'Segmentation Fault' Error

All of a sudden Vagrant is broken on my machine.
I don't see what might have caused this. It came up with an older version of Virtualbox and Vagrant 1.9.8. I updated both to the current version in hope to get it fixed.
I run
Windows 10 Pro 1709
Virtualbox 5.2.0-118431
Vagrant 2.0.1
I was using a current Ruby installation in parallel but removed it for testing.
For any Vagrant command I get this error:
I have read about issues with the ffi gem but I see no way to fix the bundled components of the vagrant install.
Any pointer into debugging this will be much appreciated.

Ruby 1.9 SVN Bindings in Ubuntu 12.04

I need some help getting the Ruby SVN bindings to work under Ubuntu 12.04
We're using:
Ruby 1.9.3
Ubuntu 12.04
SVN 1.6.17
We are not using rvm.
I tried an apt-get install libsvn-ruby, but it doesn't actually seem to install the bindings. When I try to require svn/core, Ruby complains that it does not exist. Looking at a description of the package, it says it's a dummy package.
I have spent quite a lot of time trying to create the bindings manually by checking out and following the instructions in subversion/bindings/swig/INSTALL, but I always end up getting errors when I try to run make swig-rb
None of my Google searches return useful information about the errors, or about how I'm supposed to get the bindings to work. Can anyone give me some steps to get Ruby 1.9 talking to SVN?
This is because there are no ruby bindings for ruby 1.9 - there are only ruby-bindings for ruby 1.8.

Is there a way to get Selenium 2.23 on Ubuntu 11.10?

I was using Firefox 12 with Selenium::WebDriver (ver 2.22) and everything was working fine. Then I, stupidly, upgraded to Firefox 13 via the Ubuntu weekly updates. Selenium (2.22) could not control FF 13 so I went out and got Selenium 2.23. Then I started getting some weird behavior and thought it was my hard drive.
Stupid mistake number #2 I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 on my primary hard drive (thinking I was actually doing it to a backup drive but the backup only held backups of my scripts not an entire image of my primary).
So I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and I didn't think upgrading would be such a big deal (I believe I was using 11.04 previously but it might have been 10 something). In the past upgrading Ubuntu versions has solved most issues for me not crated new ones. Prior to 11.10 I used the command
sudo gem update --system
to upgrade all the gems and got Selenium 2.23 when I did it. Now in 11.10 I get a message about update --system having been removed in Debian blah, blah, blah use apt-get. However, apt-get leaves me with Selenium 2.22 not 2.23 and Selenium still can't control FF 13.
I tried guessing and used the command
sudo gem install selenium-webdriver-2.23.0
hoping to upgrade my selenium that way but no luck.
So after multiple attempts at getting Selenium 2.23 I downgraded FF to 12 and tested that FF 12 could be controlled via the IRB. FF 12 immediately upgraded itself to FF 13.0.1 and now I'm back to square one.
Is there a way to get Selenium 2.23 on Ubuntu 11.10?
You can install a specific version of Selenium using:
pip install selenium==2.23.0
To verify the version installed from pip, use (will list all installed libraries and their version number):
pip freeze
or to just list selenium:
pip freeze | grep selenium
Have you tried downloading Selenium from the official site?
Try upgrading to a stand alone selenium library (jar in my case) , that might help as you might be missing on updating the dependencies.
