Vagrant broken with Ruby 'Segmentation Fault' Error - ruby

All of a sudden Vagrant is broken on my machine.
I don't see what might have caused this. It came up with an older version of Virtualbox and Vagrant 1.9.8. I updated both to the current version in hope to get it fixed.
I run
Windows 10 Pro 1709
Virtualbox 5.2.0-118431
Vagrant 2.0.1
I was using a current Ruby installation in parallel but removed it for testing.
For any Vagrant command I get this error:
I have read about issues with the ffi gem but I see no way to fix the bundled components of the vagrant install.
Any pointer into debugging this will be much appreciated.


How to install old version (1.8.3) of docker on OS-X?

There is a nasty bug in Docker 1.9.x that is causing java
processes to hang and frankly hang up the entire container
instance, spinning 100% CPU.
I currently have docker 1.9.1 installed because that is all that
the docker install tool will install. There is no opportunity during
the install process to select any other version.
This is completely preventing me from building a cordova
build container. In my internet research I have found many
others who are encountering the same problem.
I've done some research and seen that others are reporting this
problem does not occur with Docker 1.8.3.
I've searched in vain for some hints on how to install older versions
of docker on OS-X. I tried replacing the boot2docker.iso in ~/.docker/machine/machines/default with the 1.8.3 version downloaded
from here: but that fails miserably. I am guessing that there are other things about my default machine (which had been created with 1.9.1) that are incompatible with it.
If anybody has hints as to how I could create a new machine or modify
the existing machine to work with 1.8.3 I would very much appreciate
Alternatively, let me know if there is some other installation method that would allow me to specify which version of docker to install.
I figured out that what I needed to do is to find an older version of DockerToolbox and that would install the version of docker that I wanted.
I went to the github repository for DockerToolbox:
and there I found a link to the 1.8.3 binary:
I still had to uninstall my previous installation of docker so I followed the uninstall instructions on this page:
Once I had uninstalled and reinstalled via the legacy DockerToolbox, I managed to build the cordova container:
without incident.
I've been using the following:$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/docker-.tgz
If you happen to know the build number (e.g. 14937) -- not the git commit you see when running docker --version or docker version -- you can form the URL:{{ beta | stable}}/{{ version }}.{{ build number }}/Docker.dmg
# example:

Unable to install vagrant-hostupdater plugin during Vagrant up with VVV

I'm new to Vagrant and my aim is to install Varying Vagrant Vagrants. I was following the steps mentioned in VVV's GitHub page but I'm stuck up when installing vagrant-hostupdater mentioned in step 4.
I'm getting the following error when I tried to install the vagrant-hostupdater plugin.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Daniel>vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostupdater
Installing the 'vagrant-hostupdater' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Bundler, the underlying system Vagrant uses to install plugins,
reported an error. The error is shown below. These errors are usually
caused by misconfigured plugin installations or transient network
issues. The error from Bundler is:
Could not find gem 'vagrant-hostupdater (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in any of the gem so
urces listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.
Warning: this Gemfile contains multiple primary sources. Using `source` more tha
n once without a block is a security risk, and may result in installing unexpect
ed gems. To resolve this warning, use a block to indicate which gems should come
from the secondary source. To upgrade this warning to an error, run `bundle con
fig disable_multisource true`.
I'm running Windows 8.1 64-bit OS and I installed Virtual Box 5.0 and Vagrant 1.8.1
Has anyone encountered the above issue?
I found a question similar to mine, in stackoverflow. Will the answer mentioned in the specified similar question help in fixing mine?
I have tried it and seen the github page you have shared.
Well, in your case you are making a typo i.e. spelling error:
its not 'vagrant-hostupdater', it's called the 'vagrant-hostsupdater' package, you are missing an 's' in there.
Here is the github page hosting the vagrant-hostsupdater code:

RubyPython doesn't work on Ubuntu 14.04

I'm having a problem with my Rails application in production, RubyPython won't run; I get the following error:
RubyPython::InvalidInterpreter: An invalid interpreter was specified.
I'm using ruby 2.3.0, the python version is 2.7.6 (CPython). It's running on an ubuntu 14.04 server.
It works fine locally on my Mac.
Any ideas what the issue might be?

Is there a way to get Selenium 2.23 on Ubuntu 11.10?

I was using Firefox 12 with Selenium::WebDriver (ver 2.22) and everything was working fine. Then I, stupidly, upgraded to Firefox 13 via the Ubuntu weekly updates. Selenium (2.22) could not control FF 13 so I went out and got Selenium 2.23. Then I started getting some weird behavior and thought it was my hard drive.
Stupid mistake number #2 I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 on my primary hard drive (thinking I was actually doing it to a backup drive but the backup only held backups of my scripts not an entire image of my primary).
So I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and I didn't think upgrading would be such a big deal (I believe I was using 11.04 previously but it might have been 10 something). In the past upgrading Ubuntu versions has solved most issues for me not crated new ones. Prior to 11.10 I used the command
sudo gem update --system
to upgrade all the gems and got Selenium 2.23 when I did it. Now in 11.10 I get a message about update --system having been removed in Debian blah, blah, blah use apt-get. However, apt-get leaves me with Selenium 2.22 not 2.23 and Selenium still can't control FF 13.
I tried guessing and used the command
sudo gem install selenium-webdriver-2.23.0
hoping to upgrade my selenium that way but no luck.
So after multiple attempts at getting Selenium 2.23 I downgraded FF to 12 and tested that FF 12 could be controlled via the IRB. FF 12 immediately upgraded itself to FF 13.0.1 and now I'm back to square one.
Is there a way to get Selenium 2.23 on Ubuntu 11.10?
You can install a specific version of Selenium using:
pip install selenium==2.23.0
To verify the version installed from pip, use (will list all installed libraries and their version number):
pip freeze
or to just list selenium:
pip freeze | grep selenium
Have you tried downloading Selenium from the official site?
Try upgrading to a stand alone selenium library (jar in my case) , that might help as you might be missing on updating the dependencies.

libvirt and VirtualBox on OS X

I'm trying to access VirtualBox through libvirt on OS X (Lion). I installed libvirt 0.9.4 using Homebrew. However, libvirt fails to connect to VirtualBox:
# virsh -c vbox:///session
error: internal error unable to initialize VirtualBox driver API
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
In a similar SO question about Ubuntu, the answer was that the Ubuntu libvirt package doesn't build support for VirtualBox. How can I check if this is the problem in the case of the Homebrew package, or if it's a different issue? If it's the same problem, how do I rebuild the Homebrew package with VirtualBox support?
Edit: libvirt 0.9.7 has been released, and I no longer get this error.
Your libvirt is build with VirtualBox support. I can tell because the error message you see comes from the VirtualBox driver in libvirt.
There was a similar problem reported on the libvirt users maling list today. The problem there was that support for VirtualBox 4.1 was added quite recently to libvirt. It's not in a released version yet and will be part of the next libvirt release 0.9.7.
To get some more useful information try running this:
LIBVIRT_LOG_FILTERS=1:vbox virsh -c vbox:///session
I suspect that you have VirtualBox 4.1 installed, but libvirt 0.9.4 supports only up to VirtualBox 4.0.
You can either a) upgrade your libvirt to current git version (that supports VirtualBox 4.1), or b) wait for the next libvirt release (it's expected in this week) or c) downgrade your VirtualBox version to 4.0 to fix this, assuming your problem is really as I suspect.
