Replacing (12345) with negative - ruby

I am trying to replace some strings with parenthesis to be negative numbers:
e.g. "(12345)" would become "-12345"
"(1,23)" would become "-1,23"
"(1.55)" would become "-1.55"
This is what I have tried:
amount = value[sum.to_sym].gsub /\((.+)\)/ , "-#$1"
but it returns "-" in some instances e.g. "(59,006)"
Is there a better way to do this

The issue is your substitution pattern, not your regular expression. The string interpolation "-#$1" (short for "-#{$1}") is evaluated before the call to gsub, so your replacement pattern is whatever $1 was at the time of the call to gsub.
You can either fix this by doing
gsub /\((.+)\)/ , "-\\1"
where \1 denotes the first capture group or using the block form
gsub(/\((.+)\)/) { "-#$1" }
If performance were critical the second is probably slower since gsub has to call the block but it is unlikely to make a difference

Your regex is fine. Use brackets or \1
"(59,006.23)".gsub(/\((.+)\)/){"-#$1"} #=> "-59,006.23"
"(59,006.23)".gsub(/\((.+)\)/,'-\1') #=> "-59,006.23"
The problem with your current code is it's giving "-#$1" as an argument to gsub. At that point, $1 has not been updated yet, and hence holds the value of your last match. (Try doing some regex matching before the gsub and you'll see what I'm talking about)


Split a string and remove the first element in string

Original string '4.0.0-4.0-M-672092'
How to modify the Original string to "4.0-M-672092" using a one line code.
Any Help is highly appreciated .
Thanks and Regards
The 'split' method works in this case
# => "4.0-M-672092"
Just be careful, in this application is fine, but in long texts this might become unoptimized, since it splits all the string and then joins the array all over again
If you need this in wider texts to be more optimized, you can find the "-" index (which is your split) and use the next position to make a substring
text = '4.0.0-4.0-M-672092'
text[(text.index('-') + 1)..-1]
# => "4.0-M-672092"
But you can't do it in one line, and not finding a split character will result in an error, so use a rescue statement if that is possible to happen
Simplest way:
'4.0.0-4.0-M-672092'.split('-', 2).second
#=> "4.0-M-672092"
The regular expression reads, "Match zero or more characters other than newlines, as many as possible (.*), provided the match is preceded by a hyphen. (?<=-) is a positive lookbehind. See String#[].

Removing all whitespace from a string in Ruby

How can I remove all newlines and spaces from a string in Ruby?
For example, if we have a string:
"123\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1"
It should become this:
That is, all whitespaces should be removed.
You can use something like:
var_name.gsub!(/\s+/, '')
Or, if you want to return the changed string, instead of modifying the variable,
var_name.gsub(/\s+/, '')
This will also let you chain it with other methods (i.e. something_else = var_name.gsub(...).to_i to strip the whitespace then convert it to an integer). gsub! will edit it in place, so you'd have to write var_name.gsub!(...); something_else = var_name.to_i. Strictly speaking, as long as there is at least one change made,gsub! will return the new version (i.e. the same thing gsub would return), but on the chance that you're getting a string with no whitespace, it'll return nil and things will break. Because of that, I'd prefer gsub if you're chaining methods.
gsub works by replacing any matches of the first argument with the contents second argument. In this case, it matches any sequence of consecutive whitespace characters (or just a single one) with the regex /\s+/, then replaces those with an empty string. There's also a block form if you want to do some processing on the matched part, rather than just replacing directly; see String#gsub for more information about that.
The Ruby docs for the class Regexp are a good starting point to learn more about regular expressions -- I've found that they're useful in a wide variety of situations where a couple of milliseconds here or there don't count and you don't need to match things that can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
As Gene suggested in his comment, you could also use tr:" \t\r\n", '')
It works in a similar way, but instead of replacing a regex, it replaces every instance of the nth character of the first argument in the string it's called on with the nth character of the second parameter, or if there isn't, with nothing. See String#tr for more information.
You could also use String#delete:
str = "123\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1"
str.delete "\s\n"
#=> "12312312313123123112311"
You could use String#delete! to modify str in place, but note delete! returns nil if no change is made
Alternatively you could scan the string for digits /\d+/ and join the result:
string = "123\n\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1\n"
#=> "12312312313123123112311"
Please note that this would also remove alphabetical characters, dashes, symbols, basically everything that is not a digit.

String gsub - Replace characters between two elements, but leave surrounding elements

Suppose I have the following string:
mystring = "start/abc123/end"
How can you splice out the abc123 with something else, while leaving the "/start/" and "/end" elements intact?
I had the following to match for the pattern, but it replaces the entire string. I was hoping to just have it replace the abc123 with 123abc.
mystring.gsub(/start\/(.*)\/end/,"123abc") #=> "123abc"
Edit: The characters between the start & end elements can be any combination of alphanumeric characters, I changed my example to reflect this.
You can do it using this character class : [^\/] (all that is not a slash) and lookarounds
For your example, you could perhaps use:
This will match the two slashes between the string you're replacing and putting them back in the substitution.
Alternatively, you could capture the pieces of the string you want to keep and interpolate them around your replacement, this turns out to be much more readable than lookaheads/lookbehinds:
irb(main):010:0> mystring.gsub(/(start)\/.*\/(end)/, "\\1/7/\\2")
=> "start/7/end"
\\1 and \\2 here refer to the numbered captures inside of your regular expression.
The problem is that you're replacing the entire matched string, "start/8/end", with "7". You need to include the matched characters you want to persist:
mystring.gsub(/start\/(.*)\/end/, "start/7/end")
Alternatively, just match the digits:
mystring.gsub(/\d+/, "7")
You can do this by grouping the start and end elements in the regular expression and then referring to these groups in in the substitution string:
mystring.gsub(/(?<start>start\/).*(?<end>\/end)/, "\\<start>7\\<end>")

Regex: Substring the second last value between two slashes of a url string

I have a string like this:
How can I extract the 1234?
Note: There may be a slash at the end:
should work. You might need to format it differently according to the language you're using. For example, in Ruby, it's
if subject =~ /\/([^\/]+)(?=\/[^\/]+\/?\Z)/
match = $~[1]
match = ""
Use Slice for Positional Extraction
If you always want to extract the 4th element (including the scheme) from a URI, and are confident that your data is regular, you can use Array#slice as follows.
''.split('/').slice 4
#=> "1234"
''.split('/').slice 4
#=> "1234"
This will work reliably whether there's a trailing slash or not, whether or not you have more than 4 elements after the split, and whether or not that fourth element is always strictly numeric. It works because it's based on the element's position within the path, rather than on the contents of the element. However, you will end up with nil if you attempt to parse a URI with fewer elements such as
Use Scan/Match for Pattern Extraction
Alternatively, if you know that the element you're looking for is always the only one composed entirely of digits, you can use String#match with look-arounds to extract just the numeric portion of the string.
''.match %r{(?<=/)\d+(?=/)}
#=> #<MatchData "1234">
#=> "1234"
The look-behind and look-ahead assertions are needed to anchor the expression to a path. Without them, you'll match things like too. This solution is a better approach if the position of the target element may change, and if you can guarantee that your element of interest will be the only one that matches the anchored regex.
If there will be more than one match (e.g. then you might want to use String#scan instead to select the first or last match. This is one of those "know your data" things; if you have irregular data, then regular expressions aren't always the best choice.
var myregexp = /:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(\d+)/;
var match = myregexp.exec(subject);
if (match != null) {
result = match[1];
Works with your examples... But I am sure it will fail in general...
Ruby edit:
if subject =~ /:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(.+?)\//
match = $~[1]
It does work.
I think this is a little simpler than the accepted answer, because it doesn't use any positive lookahead (?=), but rather simply makes the last slash optional via the ? character:
In Ruby:"\n").each do |nextline|
if nextline =~ /^.+\/(.+)\/.+\/?$/
printf("matched %s in %s\n", $~[1], nextline);
puts "no match"
Live Demo
Let's break down what's happening:
^: start of the line
.+\/: match anything (greedily) up to a slash
Since we're going to later match at least 1, at most 2 more slashes, this slash will be either the second last slash (as in or the third last slash as in (
Up to this point we've matched (due to greediness)
(.+)\/: Our capturing group for 1234 indicated by the parenthesis. It's anything followed by another slash.
Since the previous match matched up to the second or third last slash, this will match up to the last slash or second last slash, respectively
.+: match anything. This would be after our 1234, so we're assuming there are characters after 1234/ (different-value)
\/?: optionally match another slash (the slash after different-value)
$: match the end of the line
Note that in a url, you probably won't have spaces. I used the . character because it's easily distinguished, but perhaps you might use \S instead to match non-spaces.
Also, you might use \A instead of ^ to match start of string (instead of after line break) and \Z instead of $ to match end of string (instead of at line break)

How to remove the first 4 characters from a string if it matches a pattern in Ruby

I have the following string:
"h3. My Title Goes Here"
I basically want to remove the first four characters from the string so that I just get back:
"My Title Goes Here".
The thing is I am iterating over an array of strings and not all have the h3. part in front so I can't just ditch the first four characters blindly.
I checked the docs and the closest thing I could find was chomp, but that only works for the end of a string.
Right now I am doing this:
"h3. My Title Goes Here".reverse.chomp(" .3h").reverse
This gives me my desired output, but there has to be a better way. I don't want to reverse a string twice for no reason. Is there another method that will work?
To alter the original string, use sub!, e.g.:
my_strings = [ "h3. My Title Goes Here", "No h3. at the start of this line" ]
my_strings.each { |s| s.sub!(/^h3\. /, '') }
To not alter the original and only return the result, remove the exclamation point, i.e. use sub. In the general case you may have regular expressions that you can and want to match more than one instance of, in that case use gsub! and gsub—without the g only the first match is replaced (as you want here, and in any case the ^ can only match once to the start of the string).
You can use sub with a regular expression:
s = 'h3. foo'
s.sub!(/^h[0-9]+\. /, '')
puts s
The regular expression should be understood as follows:
^ Match from the start of the string.
h A literal "h".
[0-9] A digit from 0-9.
+ One or more of the previous (i.e. one or more digits)
\. A literal period.
A space (yes, spaces are significant by default in regular expressions!)
You can modify the regular expression to suit your needs. See a regular expression tutorial or syntax guide, for example here.
A standard approach would be to use regular expressions:
"h3. My Title Goes Here".gsub /^h3\. /, '' #=> "My Title Goes Here"
gsub means globally substitute and it replaces a pattern by a string, in this case an empty string.
The regular expression is enclosed in / and constitutes of:
^ means beginning of the string
h3 is matched literally, so it means h3
\. - a dot normally means any character so we escape it with a backslash
is matched literally
