Including 'Run Script' phase output files in build - xcode

In Xcode 7, you can create 'Run Script' phases in the Build Phases tab. At the bottom of the area, there's an 'Input Files' section and an 'Output Files' section.
I have a script that generates a .cpp file at $(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/myfile.cpp. The file is listed in the 'Output Files' section of the phase. However, it appears that it's not compiled into my program, as the symbol that it defines are identified as missing by the linker.
How can I tell Xcode to compile this file as well?

One possible solution (which feels like a hack) is to insert the built file into the project, set its location (in the Identity and Type section of the Utilities bar) and then edit its location in the project file with a text editor for computer independence. In my case, the file entry (with newlines for readability) now looks like:
DC40C4121C7FC98F0087702A /* bindings.cpp */ = {
isa = PBXFileReference;
lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp;
name = myfile.cpp;
path = "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/myfile.cpp";
sourceTree = "<absolute>";
This is interpreted by the file browser as a file whose absolute path is literally $(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/myfile.cpp (and the file always shows in red in the project explorer), but the build system will grab the file from the correct location.


Is it possible to sort the Compile Sources list in the Build Phases section of an Xcode project?

I want to sort the files in the 'Compile Sources' section of my Xcode project according to their names. Is it possible?
Yes, you can reorder the Compile Sources section in Xcode, but not from the GUI - which is a shame considering that this is already version 6 of the IDE and they still haven't gotten around to this basic feature.
As A-Live said, you need to edit the project.pbxproj file within the yourproject.xcodeproj file. Use Finder to select the yourproject.xcodeproj file and then use the context menu to Show Package Contents. After that open the project.pbxproj file with a text editor.
Find the PBXSourcesBuildPhase section and copy everything between files = ( and ); into a new text file. Remove the leading tabs/spaces. Save that file somewhere on your disk. Open up a terminal and do this:
sort -bf -t " " -k 3 PBXSourcesBuildPhase.txt > PBXSourcesBuildPhase.sorted.txt
Open up the new PBXSourcesBuildPhase.sorted.txt file in your text editor, copy the sorted lines into the PBXSourcesBuildPhase section of your project.pbxproj (overwrite the lines that you previously copied) and save.
Now you should be able to see all the files sorted in the Compile Sources section in Xcode.
I've tested this in Xcode 6.0.1 with a small project (~150 source files) and had no problems.
Careful: you should make a backup of your project file (or better: use version control) before you try this. Just in case.
I reckon it is a shame that this is not possible.
as a workaround in most of situations, you can use the search filter on the right upper corner of the file list.
for example, I needed to add a compiler flag in many files which (fortunately) all started with the same prefix. to do so, as stated here, you have to double click on a file.
then, I filtered the files for the prefix, shift-clicked them in order to select them all, then released shift and double-clicked one of them. this way I was able to add the flag to all of the files at once
The accepted solution works fine, but it requires manual steps(open the project file, find the section for the target that you want etc.) so it is a little cumbersome and it can not be automated if you need to keep the section sorted each time you perform a build or commit.
I faced with the same problem and I created a ruby script to sort these sections. The script sorts the 'Compile Sources', 'Copy Bundle Resources’ and all the 'Copy files' sections under Build Phase for a specified or all the targets.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'xcodeproj'
require 'set'
project_file, target_name = ARGV
# open the project
project =
# find the target
targets_to_sort = { |x| == target_name || target_name.nil? }
phases_to_sort = [Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXSourcesBuildPhase, Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase, Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXResourcesBuildPhase]
targets_to_sort.each do |target|
puts "sorting files for target #{}"
phases_to_sort.each do |phase_to_sort| { |x| x.class == phase_to_sort }.each do |phase|
phase.files.sort! { |l, r| l.display_name <=> r.display_name }
puts 'saving project'
To sort all targets:
./sort_sources.rb MyProject.xcodeproj
Or to sort only one target:
./sort_sources.rb MyProject.xcodeproj My_Target
It requires the gem xcodeproj:
gem install xcodeproj
This is thoroughly answered, but I thought I'd share the Emacs command that sorted these in place for me. Navigate to project.pbxproj, mark all files under PBXSourcesBuildPhase, and use the command:
M-3 M-x sort-fields
...aka sorting the marked area by the 3rd column, which happens to be the filenames. C-x C-s and you're on your way.
You can reorder the entries of PBXSourcesBuildPhase section at the project.pbxproj, it worked for me but of course there's no guarantee in general for it to work. Don't forget to backup your backups first.

Visual Studio Setup Project - How to Obtain the Directory Path from a File-Search Launch Condition

I am looking for a way to add File(s) to an existing directory that has a random name as part of a Visual Studio Setup Project and I hoped someone might be able to help me solve this puzzle please.
I have been attempting to obtain the discovered path property of the directory using a Launch Condition; Unfortunately this method returns the full file path including the filename, which cannot be used as a directory property.
The directory in question takes the form [AppDataFolder]Company\Product\aaaaaaaaaaaa\
where aaaaaaaaaaaa is a random installation string.
Within the Launch Condition Setup I check for the directory's existence by searching for a file that would appear inside it,
Search Target Machine
(Name): File marker
Filename: sample.txt
Folder: [AppDataFolder]Company\Product\
Property: DIRFILE
Launch Condition
(Name): File marker exists
Condition: DIRFILE
In the Setup Project I add the file I wish to insert, with the details
Condition: DIRFILE
Folder: 'Installation folder'
Then in File System Setup I add a new folder entry for the random directory aaaaaaaaaaaa
(Name): Installation folder
Condition: DIRFILE
DefaultLocation: [DIRFILE]\..\ *Incorrect*
As you can see the installer detects the existence of the marker file but, instead of placing my file at the same location, when using [DIRFILE] the installer would incorrectly try and insert it INTO the file;
This is because the file path was returned
where I instead need the directory path
Therefore I was wondering if it was possible to return the directory the file was found in from Search Target Machine (as opposed to the file location of the file), if I could extract the directory path by performing a string replace of the filename on the file location DIRFILE within the DefaultLocation field in File System Setup, or if perhaps there is even another method I am missing?
I'm also very interested in a simple solution for this, inside the setup project.
The way I did solve it was to install the files to a temporary location and then copy them to the final location in an AfterInstall event handler. Not a very elegant solution! Since it no longer care about the user selected target path I removed that dialog. Also I needed to take special care when uninstalling.
public override void OnAfterInstall(IDictionary savedState)
// Get original file folder
string originDir = Context.Parameters["targetdir"];
// Get new file folder based on the dir of sample.txt
string newDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Context.Parameters["dirfile"]);
// Application executable file name
// (or loop for all files on the path instead)
string filename = "ApplicationName.exe";
// Move or copy the file
File.Move(Path.Combine(originDir, filename), Path.Combine(newDir, filename)));

How does F# Interactive #I command know about project path?

Here is the scenario:
Open Visual Studio. This was done in VS2010 Pro.
Open F# Interactive within Visual Studio
Open project with fsx file
Note: Project and fsx file are in E:\<directories>\fsharp-tapl\arith
Send commands to F# Interactive from fsx file
> System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;;
val it : string = "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp"
I was not expecting a Temp directory but it makes sense.
> #r #"arith.exe"
Examples.fsx(7,1): error FS0082: Could not resolve this reference.
Could not locate the assembly "arith.exe".
Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk.
If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
Examples.fsx(7,1): error FS0084: Assembly reference 'arith.exe' was not found
or is invalid
The #r command error shows that F# Interactive currently does not know the location of arith.exe.
> #I #"bin\Debug"
--> Added 'E:\<directories>\fsharp-tapl\arith\bin\Debug'
to library include path
So we tell F# Interactive the location of the arith.exe.
Notice that the path is NOT an absolute path but a sub-path of the project.
I have not told F# Interactive the location of the arith project
> #r #"arith.exe"
--> Referenced 'E:\<directories>\fsharp-tapl\arith\bin\Debug\arith.exe'
And F# Interactive correctly finds arith.exe reporting the correct absolute path.
> open Main
> eval "true;" ;;
val it : unit = ()
This confirms that arith.exe was correctly found, loaded and works.
So how did F# Interactive #I command know the project path since the current directory is of no help?
What I am really after is from within F# Interactive how does one get the path to the project, E:\<directories>\fsharp-tapl\arith.
> printfn __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__;;
val it : unit = ()
In F# Interactive, the default directory to search is the source directory. You can query it easily using __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__.
This behaviour is very convenient to allow you to use relative paths. You often have fsx files in the same folder with fs files.
#load "Ast.fs"
#load "Core.fs"
When your refer to a relative path, F# Interactive will always use the implicit source directory as the starting point.
#I ".."
#r ... // Reference some dll in parent folder of source directory
#I ".."
#r ... // Reference some dll in that folder again
If you want to remember the old directory for next reference, you should use #cd instead:
#cd "bin"
#r ... // Reference some dll in bin
#cd "Debug"
#r ... // Reference some dll in bin/Debug

How do you a configure a Visual Studio custom build tool to depend on a lot of files?

I need to make sure a custom build tool that operates on a lot of files is always run when one of those files are changed.
I know you can specify "Additional Dependencies" for the custom build tool, but is there a better way than specifying one file per line?
Just made the build tool depend on one file. Created another custom build tool that runs before it and that touches this file if any of the real dependencies have changed. The advantage is that I now have quite a lot of flexibility and don't need to change any of the project settings if the dependencies change - that's taken care of via a database that the new custom build tool accesses.
"Additional Dependencies" is the correct and only documented way. You could adjust the contents of this field for the build tool in the Project file using an external tool to save on the troubles of doing a copy & paste & typo-adjust.
It won't be quite as reliable, but you could put all files in a subfolder and just make the folder a dependency.
A little bit hack:
(1) group the dependency files into a separate folder
(2) create a jscript file detect.js as follow:
var output = WScript.arguments(0);
var folder = WScript.arguments(1);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objOutput = fso.GetFile(output);
var objFolder = fso.GetFolder(folder);
// if the output file is older than input folder,
// delete output file to force regenerate
if (objOutput.DateLastModified < objFolder.DateLastModified) {
} else {
// if the output file is older than one of files in the input folder,
// delete output file to force regenerate
var e = new Enumerator(objFolder.Files);
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
if (objOutput.DateLastModified < e.item().DateLastModified)
(2) Add command lines to Pre-Build Event as follow:
cscript.exe /nologo detect.js $(Output) $(InputFolder)
(3) Setup the Custom Buld Step to force the Pre-Build Event to occur, i.e.
Command Line: echo --------------
Outputs: echo.fake
Execute After: PreBuildEvent

Working in Xcode: Can't find exiftool:Can't locate Image/

But it's there.
any ideas?
It happens when I am trying to get metadata from an image file (this is AppleScript running a shell script):
on getMetaData(filePath)
-->get meta data
set myCommand to (quoted form of (POSIX path of (pathToExifTool)) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (filePath)))
set thisMetaData to (do shell script myCommand)
on error errMsg
log "Can't find exiftool:" & errMsg
end try
pathToExifTool is this:
and exists.
Here's the complete error thrown:
"Can't find exiftool:Can't locate Image/ in #INC (#INC contains: /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ /Library/Perl/Updates/5.8.8 /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Network/Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ line 30.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ line 30."
Well the bundle is a mess (lots of .pm files floating about - they look to be duplicates) but the exiftool-->image--> path is there.
Here's the solution h/t to Sherm
Apparently my directory structure went all to hell for some reason, either I did it unknowingly or something with XCode as Sherm indicated decided to wreck havoc. Anyway, (bear with my incredibly non-technical description) when working in XCode, yellow folders (or groups as they call them for some odd reason) will not be added to your bundle...hence exiftool (if you look at the first image) had no hierarchy to find its needed files, as evidenced by the bundle screen capture. I basically trashed all the related exiftool files from the app (right click/delete/delete references) and then brought them back in from the finder. You'll note in the third screen cap those directories are now blue. These will be built with the app.
Have you looked inside your app bundle's Resources/ dir to verify that the directory structure is maintained when you copy these files? IIRC, that doesn't happen automatically; the default behavior is to "flatten" resources, ignoring Xcode groups and simply copying all resource files into the top-level Resources/ directory.
You can avoid the default behavior by removing those groups & file references from your Xcode project - don't delete the files of course! Then, re-add the "lib" directory, taking care to choose the "Create Folder References" option.
