Working in Xcode: Can't find exiftool:Can't locate Image/ - cocoa

But it's there.
any ideas?
It happens when I am trying to get metadata from an image file (this is AppleScript running a shell script):
on getMetaData(filePath)
-->get meta data
set myCommand to (quoted form of (POSIX path of (pathToExifTool)) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (filePath)))
set thisMetaData to (do shell script myCommand)
on error errMsg
log "Can't find exiftool:" & errMsg
end try
pathToExifTool is this:
and exists.
Here's the complete error thrown:
"Can't find exiftool:Can't locate Image/ in #INC (#INC contains: /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ /Library/Perl/Updates/5.8.8 /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Network/Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ line 30.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/steve/Desktop/XCodeApps/ImageArchiveDeluxeX/build/Release/ line 30."
Well the bundle is a mess (lots of .pm files floating about - they look to be duplicates) but the exiftool-->image--> path is there.
Here's the solution h/t to Sherm
Apparently my directory structure went all to hell for some reason, either I did it unknowingly or something with XCode as Sherm indicated decided to wreck havoc. Anyway, (bear with my incredibly non-technical description) when working in XCode, yellow folders (or groups as they call them for some odd reason) will not be added to your bundle...hence exiftool (if you look at the first image) had no hierarchy to find its needed files, as evidenced by the bundle screen capture. I basically trashed all the related exiftool files from the app (right click/delete/delete references) and then brought them back in from the finder. You'll note in the third screen cap those directories are now blue. These will be built with the app.

Have you looked inside your app bundle's Resources/ dir to verify that the directory structure is maintained when you copy these files? IIRC, that doesn't happen automatically; the default behavior is to "flatten" resources, ignoring Xcode groups and simply copying all resource files into the top-level Resources/ directory.
You can avoid the default behavior by removing those groups & file references from your Xcode project - don't delete the files of course! Then, re-add the "lib" directory, taking care to choose the "Create Folder References" option.


Delete all files except those with a specific extension in VBS [duplicate]

I'm making a project out of creating a script to use at work to automate one of our processes.
I'd like the script to check an input for username to search the specified user profile path for any files of .doc,.docx,.pdf,.pst ect. and copy them as is to a created folder on a network drive location.
My main question is what is the command or chain of commands to check folders and sub folders starting at the specified userpath, for JUST files with those extensions and I guess copy them but without getting to a situation where it just copies the same file over and over and over again. Sorry if that's confusing.
This answer provides sample code for recursively traversing a folder tree. A list of extensions could be handled by creating a dictionary:
Set extensions = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
extensions.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'case-insensitive
extensions.Add "doc", True
extensions.Add "docx", True
extensions.Add "pdf", True
extensions.Add "pst", True
and then checking the extension of the processed files like this:
For Each f In fldr.Files
If extensions.Exists(objFso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) Then
f.Copy targetFolder & "\"
End If
The trailing backslash is required when the destination is a folder, otherwise you'd have to specify the full target path including the target filename.
I think I have understood most of the requirements, and this can be more easily achieved by using a .BAT file approach within windows. This batch (.Bat) file can run commands such as copy / delete etc.
So create a file called test.bat, and inside the file add the below script:
::XCOPY source [destination]
XCOPY "C:\Temp\*.doc" "C:\Temp\another"
What does this do? Well it uses an XCOPY Command to copy any files within the C:\Temp direcory which have a .doc extension. The files will be copied over to a folder called C:\Temp\another.
The XCOPY takes two primary arguments: source and destination. Source is where the file currently lives, and destination is where you want to copy the files to. More info of all of the options available can be found on:
In order to run the file, just double click it, or schedule it to run whenever required.
Let me know if this meets your requirement, I didn't fully understand the bit about an input for a username?

Windows 7 Folder broken creation glitch

I wrote a program in python that created folders. I'm having difficulty removing some of the folders due to this glitch.
I already figured out how to prevent it. But for the folders already created are irremovable. I get this error message when trying to delete them.
Could not find this item. This is no longer located at ... Verify the items location and try again [Try Again][Cancel]
I tried removing the folders by typing dir /x into a console
and then using the shorthand of the folder name with the del program. ex: del FOLDER~1
But that only works some of the time.
The only difference between the broken and non broken folders is the space at the end of the folder name when creating.
How to make a broken directory:
mkdir "broken folder /"
How to make a normal directory
mkdir "normal folder/"
Extra info:
The folders can still be used. The files inside can be deleted. Just not the folder itself or its parent folder.
When this glitch occurs in python using os.mkdir it also creates two directories with the exact same name. Only one can be deleted regularly.
I wrote a python script that fixes all the broken folders. So if anyone hits this issue. Hope this helps. Just drop into whatever folder is full of broken folders. Its kind of poorly made. But gives an idea about what you need to do.
from glob2 import glob
import os
import shutil
#find all folders
folders = glob("./**/")
# for each folder check if they exist and rename them to have an A at the end of their name.
for fold in folders:
if fold != ".\\":
if os.path.exists(fold):
name = fold.rsplit("\\", 2)[-2] + "A"
os.rename(fold, name)

Creating empty directories / folders in InstallAnywhere 2011

I have a script which collected together a number of files to be installed. This includes a number of empty directories.
Previously I would use the D flag in the manifest file which would copy empty directories. However due to the way I generate the manifest files (as part of our build process) I can sometimes end up with two D entries with the same destination folder. e.g:
This causes InstallAnywhere to fail to build the installer.
To get around this I rewrote the manifest generation code to parse the directories previously pointed to by a D and replace the D entry with F entries for each file in the directory.
Unfortunately this will not include empty directories (which we may / may not need in the installer but in general it's just safer to create them than have some piece of code fail because they're not there).
I've tried the following in the manifest. Reference, Reference3 and Reference4 are empty, Reference2 contains a single directory (which is itself empty). Only Reference2 is present in the install - the other three which are empty directories seem to get excluded.
I've also tried increasing the log level but this has not revealed anything. Is there a way to increase this log level?
export LAX_DEBUG=true
Any suggestions?
DISCLAIMER: I've cross posted this to InstallAnywhere's forums but I will do my best to keep the answers in sync and spread the knowledge.
I can't speak to your manifest challenges. However, my first thought is to change the manifest generator to be sensitive to duplicate output locations -- maybe by storing them in a Map or Set -- and then handling collisions when they occur by failing the build or adjusting the output location(s).
On the other hand, I can tell you how to increase the verbosity of your installer.
Make the installer more verbose by adding:
-Dlax.debug.all=true -Dlax.debug.level=3
to Project > JVM Settings > Installer Settings (tab) > Optional Installer Arguments > Additional Arguments. You'll want to remove these before you ship. You can also add these to the command line when you start the installer. Level values of 4 and 5 work, too, and are even more verbose.
You can also make your installer print its progress to the console by going to Project > JVM Settings > Log Settings. Here, uncheck Include debug output (stderr and stdout). Then enter the word console in Send stderr to: and Send stdout to:. Rather than console, you can also set a specific file name. You'll also want to undo these settings before you ship.
The solution turns out to be so blindingly simple that I never tried it.
To get EMPTY directories installed by Install Anywhere you have to specify the directories as files in the manifest. So with the following directory structure:
Reference <empty>
testdir <empty>
Reference3 <empty>
Reference4 <empty>
You need to specify the entries in the manifest as F. Specifying then as D will only result in the "Reference2" directory being included.
Sorry to answer my own question, really wasn't the plan!

VBS Script to locate all files of certain extensions and copy them to a specific destination

I'm making a project out of creating a script to use at work to automate one of our processes.
I'd like the script to check an input for username to search the specified user profile path for any files of .doc,.docx,.pdf,.pst ect. and copy them as is to a created folder on a network drive location.
My main question is what is the command or chain of commands to check folders and sub folders starting at the specified userpath, for JUST files with those extensions and I guess copy them but without getting to a situation where it just copies the same file over and over and over again. Sorry if that's confusing.
This answer provides sample code for recursively traversing a folder tree. A list of extensions could be handled by creating a dictionary:
Set extensions = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
extensions.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'case-insensitive
extensions.Add "doc", True
extensions.Add "docx", True
extensions.Add "pdf", True
extensions.Add "pst", True
and then checking the extension of the processed files like this:
For Each f In fldr.Files
If extensions.Exists(objFso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) Then
f.Copy targetFolder & "\"
End If
The trailing backslash is required when the destination is a folder, otherwise you'd have to specify the full target path including the target filename.
I think I have understood most of the requirements, and this can be more easily achieved by using a .BAT file approach within windows. This batch (.Bat) file can run commands such as copy / delete etc.
So create a file called test.bat, and inside the file add the below script:
::XCOPY source [destination]
XCOPY "C:\Temp\*.doc" "C:\Temp\another"
What does this do? Well it uses an XCOPY Command to copy any files within the C:\Temp direcory which have a .doc extension. The files will be copied over to a folder called C:\Temp\another.
The XCOPY takes two primary arguments: source and destination. Source is where the file currently lives, and destination is where you want to copy the files to. More info of all of the options available can be found on:
In order to run the file, just double click it, or schedule it to run whenever required.
Let me know if this meets your requirement, I didn't fully understand the bit about an input for a username?

xcode 4.5.1. Header Search path not working, <directory/file.h> file not found

I have added a include directory in my home directory. I can run "ls -l ~/include" from the build directory.
I have added that directory in both "Header Seach Path" and in "User Header Search Path". In both places I have tried with both non-recursive and recursive.
But xcode 4.5.1 can not in any situation find the first stated header file.
It is stated in source code calls.m as:
#include <directory/file.h>
I get a "Lexical or Preprocessor issue 'directory/file.h' file not found."
But when running xcodebuild from cli it has no problems what so ever to build the source.
I have tried many of the suggestions found on internet
Putting a include in /usr/ om my drive
Adding a index to the project, adding files with no copy and no "Add to target" marked.
Restart xcode.
Specifying all specific paths.
But still no go.
What is the problem. BugĀ“s in xcode?
I just had a similar issue, and it was because there were spaces in the path which I defined for the Header Search Path. For example, I was defining the following as a search path:
which was being expanded out to the following:
/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App/Frameworks/Headers
as you can see, there are spaces within the path (which are not immediately evident, as you are using the $(SRCROOT) variable) and the compiler doesn't particularly appreciate the spaces. I solved this problem by changing the search path to this:
(note the quote marks around $(SRCROOT) which escapes the spaces). This now expanded out to:
"/Users/skoota/Documents/Xcode Projects/My App"/Frameworks/Headers
which works perfectly, although looks a bit odd with the embedded " marks. This took me a while to figure out, so hopefully it helps!
This usually happens if there are spaces in your directory's path. To overcome this problem, use double quotes around the path.
Suppose you want to use your project directory, then you should use: $PROJECT_DIR. Enable recursive if you want to search within the folders as well. Alternatively, you can use $(SRCROOT)
