multiple workflow instances of Workflows with Windows Workflow Foundation - windows

I'm new to WF. what I'm trying to do is to create a simple Workflow Service and Call them in various clients. So what i have done, I have created a Workflow service. It has a xamlx file and that has a sequence with Receive and Send Reply activity. I also have Correlations. So the first ReceiveandSendReply activity has CanCreateInstance True. In addition to this I
wrote some of my own code activities.
Now I have hosted this service is IIS and trying to call this service using a console app. I have added the web Reference and created a service client and passed the values to the service. It gives me expected results.
But when I'm trying to run another client at the same time it gives me Instance error. I think the Workflow is not initiating a new Instance for the second client.
So I did a search and found multiple instancing can be achieved by using workflowservicehost. But could not find a way to do it.
I think the way Im calling the service is not correct. I'm just creating a new object from the service reference and calling the operation.
Can anyone help me with this?

Please have a look at correlation rules you've set up for your workflow. If several clients passes parameters which correlate with the same instance - a new instance won't be created.
So, if you need a new instance you either need to set different correlation rules, so that different client's calls would correlate with different workflow instances.


Using Spring or Lambda for bulk event trigger

Looking for some help on an application design. I am using spring framework and hosting application in AWS.
I am working on an enterprise Java Web application that is suppose to handle events when their trigger time is reached. For example, consumers can set an event to begin on 12/20/22 at 07:35 AM, and system is suppose to send a notification when that time is reached.
I can store these events in a database along with their trigger time and setup a Spring scheduler (#Scheduler) to run every minute and process events whose trigger time is reached. My only concern with this approach is, there could be hundreds/thousands of event to trigger at any minute, and it cannot be processed within one minute.
Is there any alternate way to design this? I don't know if Spring offers a feature where I could create these Event, and Frameworks trigger these events when trigger time is reached. In that way, I can stay away from managing Scheduling and Triggering part.
I am using AWS to host this applications, so another option I'm thinking towards is creating an AWS lambda for every such Event, and let AWS manage the triggering part. In that way, I can stay away from managing the triggers.
Let me know your views? Or If you came across similar problems and how you resolved that?
You can consider using spring-cloud-dataflow to manage this as tasks and streams.
You create a custom batch application that will use #Scheduled to check the your database when events are dure and then send events to a stream. You can use Spring Integration APIs to interact with RabbitMQ or Kafka topics.
The event should contain enough information needed to process the event.
You then have a stream application that produces the content and send via email or pass it on to a separate stream app that sends the email.
The flow will look something like:
:mail_events | message-processor | message-sender
You will configure property for mail_events to match the topic created and configured for you mail-event-batch application.
You can use Spring Cloud Data Flow to manage the mail-event-batch application as well.
You can scale each application

Feign clients try to contact instances even when they are shut off

I have multiple instance of a service registered with eureka; when using FeignClient I am able to successfully contact those instances using the service name of the registered application.
But there is a "problem": if I shut down one of the instances (I have also verified that the instance has gone down correctly and it has immediately been unregistered) and then make some requests to the "gateway" that then calls the services via Feign, the load-balancer still tries for some time to contact the instance that is off, resulting in timeouts and obviously failure of the request.
How is it possible to avoid this behaviour? Is there any way to force the update of the online instances so that to avoid the timeout of the requests.
I have also tried to manually get all the online instances from the discovery-client at runtime during the application execution and the online instances list is correct (the discovery server notifies correctly about every shutdown/start of the instances almost immediately).
Why is that the FeignClient doesn't get "updated" and still calls the dead ones even if the in app discovery-client instances list has been updated?
Here you can find an example of the configuration I'm trying to use.

Check that MassTransit endpoints are reachable

We're use MassTransit with RabbitMQ. Is there a way to check that endpoints aren't available before we publish any messages? I want to setup our IoC to use another strategy if servicebus isn't available and I don't want to get to the point when I'll catch RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrockerUnreachableException on publishing messages.
If you're using a container, you could create a decorator that could monitor the outcome of the Publish method call, and if it starts throwing exceptions, you could switch the calls over to an alternative publisher.
Ideally such an implementation would include some type of progressive retry capability so that once the endpoint becomes available the calls resume back to the actual endpoint, as well as triggering some replay of the previously failed messages to the endpoint as well.
I figure you're already dealing with the need to have an alternative storage available, such as a local endpoint or some sort of local storage.
Not currently, you can submit an issue requesting that feature: It's not trivial to implement, but maybe not impossible.
A couple of other options people have done include a remote cluster or having a local instance to forward/cluster across all machines included in the bus.

How to perform process interrupts in jBPM based on business data

I've been doing some research into BPM solutions and am looking to hopefully use jBPM to achieve my goal. I am aware it is possible to start a process instance with an event signal sent to the process engine, but I would like to be able to interact with process instances currently running in that engine WITHOUT knowing their instance ID.
I am aiming to achieve this in an interrupt fashion by sending an event to the process engine, with business data, that will match to the process instance containing that specific match in business data (for instance a customer number unique to a process instance).
I have not yet been able to figure out how to do this, another of my goals is to expose this via REST/SOAP, and I am aware that this functionality is NOT currently implemented in the jBPM5 console REST interface.
How would I go about doing this, what are the standard patterns for doing so, or what other process engines should I be looking at to achieve this?
Yeah, you can achieve that with jbpm and I would recommend you to check jbpm6 CR2..
In order to do what you need you can start multiple processes inside a KieSession and then send your customer as the payload of your event. Only the process that has that customer will catch the event ( if it's modeled correctly with the catch event node that filter by customer).
The Rest endpoints are already there in jbpm6.
Hope it helps

How do I access the WF 4 Receive activity from WcfTestClient

My workflow needs to wait for either an email approval via Bookmark or a WCF approval via Receive, so I used a Parallel activity. The email approval works just fine but I am trying to test the WCF and cant figure out what URL to use in WCF test client to access the Workflow.
I would be grateful for any leads because I am very new to WCF and am not very sure how to go about solving this problem.
You are using workflow service and then your second receive activity must be correlate with your first one and cancreateinstance check box set to false and service contract name is same as first one.
When you generate proxy for the workflow service, operation method is available for call from client.
You can refer this article
