Using Spring or Lambda for bulk event trigger - spring

Looking for some help on an application design. I am using spring framework and hosting application in AWS.
I am working on an enterprise Java Web application that is suppose to handle events when their trigger time is reached. For example, consumers can set an event to begin on 12/20/22 at 07:35 AM, and system is suppose to send a notification when that time is reached.
I can store these events in a database along with their trigger time and setup a Spring scheduler (#Scheduler) to run every minute and process events whose trigger time is reached. My only concern with this approach is, there could be hundreds/thousands of event to trigger at any minute, and it cannot be processed within one minute.
Is there any alternate way to design this? I don't know if Spring offers a feature where I could create these Event, and Frameworks trigger these events when trigger time is reached. In that way, I can stay away from managing Scheduling and Triggering part.
I am using AWS to host this applications, so another option I'm thinking towards is creating an AWS lambda for every such Event, and let AWS manage the triggering part. In that way, I can stay away from managing the triggers.
Let me know your views? Or If you came across similar problems and how you resolved that?

You can consider using spring-cloud-dataflow to manage this as tasks and streams.
You create a custom batch application that will use #Scheduled to check the your database when events are dure and then send events to a stream. You can use Spring Integration APIs to interact with RabbitMQ or Kafka topics.
The event should contain enough information needed to process the event.
You then have a stream application that produces the content and send via email or pass it on to a separate stream app that sends the email.
The flow will look something like:
:mail_events | message-processor | message-sender
You will configure property for mail_events to match the topic created and configured for you mail-event-batch application.
You can use Spring Cloud Data Flow to manage the mail-event-batch application as well.
You can scale each application


How to design notification system that sends real-time alerts created by users

I've been thinking about how to design a system that supports user created scheduled alerts. My problem is once the alerts are created and inserted into a database, I don't know what the best way to go about scheduling those alerts. Polling the database to see which alerts need to go out next doesn't seem entirely right to me.
What are some ways this could be handled on a scale where say a million users could create their own custom alerts like change baby diaper at 3pm everyday?
This problem is very suitable for cloud platforms. For example, you could use GCP Cloud Scheduler to invoke a cloud function when the alert is supposed to be sent out. The cloud function then calls some API to alert the user.
If cloud platforms are not an option, you could have your application spawn a new thread when an alert is created, and sleep that thread for a certain duration. When it wakes up, it sends the alert. Less elegant and less scalable than the first solution, but it would still work.

Difficulty Understanding Event Sourcing Microservice Event Receiving/Communication

I've been aware of event sourcing, CQRS, DDD and micro services for a little while and I'm now at that point where I want to try and start implementing stuff and giving something a go.
I've been looking into the technical side of CQRS and I understand the DDD concepts in there. How both the write side handles commands from the UI and publishes events from it, and how the read side handles events and creates projections on them.
The difficulty I'm having is the communication & a handling events from service-to-service (both from a write to read service and between micro services).
So I want to focus on eventstore (this one: to be less ambiguous). This is what I want to use as I understand it is a perfect for event sourcing and the simple nature of storing the events means I can use this for a message bus as well.
So my issue falls into two questions:
Between the write and the read, in order for the read side to receive/fetch the events created from the write side, am i right in thinking something like a catch up subscription can be used to subscribe to a stream to receive any events written to it or do i use something like polling to fetch events from a given point?
Between micro services, I am having an even harder time... So when looking at CQRS tutorials/talks etc... they always seem to talk with an example of an isolated service which receives commands from the UI/API. This is fine. I understand the write side will have an API attached to it so the user can interact with it to perform commands. E.g. create a customer. However... say if I have two micro services, e.g. a order micro service and an shipping micro service, how does the shipping micro service get the events published from the order micro service. Specifically, how does those customer events, translate to commands for the shipping service.
So let's take a simple example of: - Command created from the order's API to place an order. - A OrderPlacedEvent is published to the event store. How does the shipping service listen and react to this is it need to then DispatchOrder and create ain turn an OrderDispatchedEvent.
Does the write side of the shipping microservice then need to poll or also have a catch up subscription to the order stream? If so how does an event get translated to an command using DDD approach?
something like a catch up subscription can be used to subscribe to a stream to receive any events written to it
Yes, using catch-up subscriptions is the right way of doing it. You need to keep the stream position of your subscription persisted somewhere as well.
Here you can find some sample code that works. I am not posting the whole snippet since it is too long.
The projection service startup flow is:
Load the checkpoint (first time ever it would be the stream start)
Subscribe to the stream from that checkpoint
The runtime flow will then be:
The subscription will then call the function you provide when it receives an event. There's some plumbing there to do, like if you subscribe to $all, you need to filter out system events (it will be easier in the next version of Event Store)
Project the event
Store the new checkpoint
If you make your projections idempotent, you can store the checkpoint from time to time and save some IO.
how does the shipping micro service get the events published from the order micro service
When you build a brand new system and you have a small team working on all the components, you can make a shortcut and subscribe to domain events from another service, as you'd do with projections. Within the integration context (between the boxes), ordering should not be important so you can use persistent subscriptions so you won't need to think about checkpoints. Event Store will do it for you.
Be aware that it introduces tight coupling on the domain event schema of the originating service. Your contexts will have the Partnership relationship or the downstream service will be a Conformist.
When you move forward with your system, you might decide to decouple those contexts properly. So, you introduce a stable event API for the service that publishes events for others to consume. The same subscription that you used for integration can now instead take care of translating domain (internal) events to integration (external) events. The consuming context would then use the stable API and the domain model of the upstream service will be free in iterating on their domain model, as soon as they keep the conversion up-to-date.
It won't be necessary to use Event Store for the downstream context, they could just as well use a message broker. Integration events usually don't need to be persisted due to their transient nature.
We are running a webinar series about Event Sourcing at Event Store, check our web site to get on-demand access to previous webinars and you might find interesting to join future ones.
The difficulty I'm having is the communication & a handling events from service-to-service (both from a write to read service and between micro services).
The difficulty is not your fault - the DDD literature is really weak when it comes to discussing the plumbing.
Greg Young discusses some of the issues of subscription in the latter part of his Polygot Data talk.
Eventide Project has documentation that does a decent job of explaining the principles behind how the plumbing fits things together.
Between micro services, I am having an even harder time...
The basic idea: your message store is fundamentally a database; when the host of your microservice wakes up, it queries the message store for messages after some checkpoint, and then feeds them to your domain logic (updating its own local copy of the checkpoint as needed).
So the host pulls a document with events in it from the store, and transforms that document into a stream of handle(Event) commands that ultimately get passed to your domain component.
Put another way, you build a host that polls the database for information, parses the response, and then passes the parsed data to the domain model, and writes its own checkpoints.

SCDF. WSDL Source : Spring Cloud Task or Spring Cloud Stream or any other solution?

We have requirements for getting data from a SOAP web service, where same records are going to be exposed. Then the record is transformed and written do the DB.
We are the acitve side and at the certain intervals we are going to check if a new record has appeared.
Our main goal are:
to have a scheduler for setting intervals
to have a mechanizm to retry if something goes wrong (eg. lost connection)
to have a visual control of the process - check the places where something stuck (like dashboard in SCDF)
Since there is no sample wsdl source app, I guess the Task (or Stream ?) should be written by ourself. But what to use for repeating and scheduling...
I Need your advice in choosing the right approach.
I'm not tied to the SCDF solution if any other are more suitable.
If you intend to consume directly as SOAP messages from external services, you could either build a custom Spring Cloud Stream source or a simple Spring Batch/Spring Cloud Task application. Both the options provide the resiliency patterns, including retries.
However, if the upstream data is not real-time, you would choose the Task path because the streams are long-running and they never terminate. Tasks, on the other hand, run for a finite period of time, terminate, and free-up resources. There's also the option to use the platform-specific scheduler implementation to trigger to launch the Task on a recurring window periodically.
From the SCDF dashboard, you can design/build Composed Tasks, including the state transitions and the desired downstream operation.

Sending scheduled emails in a spring application?

I need to achieve the following : -
Sending emails to around 6000 users around 30 times in a year. Sometimes sending emails at specific time of day else at midnight.
I need to provide retry functionality in my application, so if by some reason my application failed to send email to some of the user it should retry to send 3 times (till 3 days) before finally marking it as failure.
i need to send emails using predefined templates but having dynamic data in it.
My application tech stack - java, spring boot 1.4, oracle database, CA autosys job scheduler, activiti bpm (not using Activiti as of now but can use it if it is the best solution)
My current solution :-
Use autosys scheduler to define these jobs.
calling my Rest exposed services (spring + java + oracle tech stack), that perform all the application logic and them Apache commons email to send the email using my smtp server.
My question - What is the recommended way to send email in this case? As i have to maintain various tables to achieve retry functionality. should i use activiti instead of autosys scheduler? Or spring framework itself for this email scheduling?
I don't see any business processes to be managed in your problem. as far as no business people are involved in any task (such as filling a form, make a decision based on input provided), you should avoid activiti. Activiti is a BPM engine, there is no use of it unless you are managing a process. for schedulers you should definitely go ahead with the spring framework. Do let me know if i've missed any point.

scheduling jobs using spring batch or just Quartz scheduler

I am looking for best solution to create a java web application to generate reports in excel/PDf format. some thing similar to Google Adwords, where user can create schedule reports and download it when the report is generated at a later time.
I am thinking to develop and java application where User logs, selects a pre defined report and provides the input parameters (like report date etc), This request will be queued up or saved as Quarts Job(prefer persistent Queue). A Job will be monitoring the queue/job and execute the job, generate the report(output excel /pdf) and stored in disk.
When the user refresh the screen or logs back at a later time, the report should be available for down load.
Using Spring batch and Quartz scheduler can I do this ? I also expecting like Spring admin , where I can see number of request in Queue(jobs queued up), and stop the queue processing etc.
You would use spring-batch if you wanted to process all report requests at the same time, perhaps at night when your servers are not otherwise occupied processing real-time user requests (or even during the day during slow periods).
You would use a quartz job if you wanted to check for new jobs every few seconds/minutes/hours/etc, and process one/many of them at that specified time interval.
So, quartz is a scheduler and batch is a process. You could use quartz to schedule batch jobs to run at specific times. They aren't competing technologies, they are complimentary.
About your question:
Given that you talk about queues and their persistence however it sounds a lot like your problem would fit into a simple jms model. You would need some messaging software. If you want to make it easy on yourself I'd recommend using spring-jms as a wrapper around the basic Java EE JMS api -- the spring wrappers are simply simpler than basic jms. For a messaging service I'd look at RabbitMQ, because again it's pretty simple.
With the jms architecture you'd post user requests to the queue, which you'd configured to be persistent. You'd have a custom listener on the queue, passing requests to a report generator whenever it runs. You can assign one or more threads to the listener, meaning that you should find it easy to tune the performance of the report generator.
There is a pretty useful DZone article about using rabbitmq via spring-integration (a set of prebuilt pattern implementations that help with connecting things to each other).
