I am developing a windows mobile app (.NET compact framework) and I want to insert/update/delete directly to an oracle DB on the server.
is there anyway to do this without a web service ?
According to Oracle, they offer a native Windows CE, Windows Mobile 6 client:
See the instalation doc at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E22663_01/doc.11100/e22681/instsqlite.htm#CACBAJAA
Yes, it is.
We are using a driver from devart:
No problems the last years - works like a charme and not that expensive.
Can I run Oracle Apex application on window's server and connected database to linux server?
More info,
I want to run my oracle apex application on windows platform, and i want to have conected database on exadata on linux server. Is it possible to have the network connectivity?
If no, please share the documentation.
Searched everywhere, and ask oracle DBAs
Oracle APEX runs in the database, but you usually connect to it through Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) that can run standalone where you have Java, or deployed in Tomcat, including Windows. You will access and develop the APEX application with a browser on Windows, or any other place where you have a browser.
Have a look at chapter three in the installation manual for APEX
I want to learn how to create a windows application which will be connected to a server and will fetch the data from server and can perform various functions. For example a library app on which we can view issued books, place hold on book etc.
I am a student and have basic knowledge about databases, web application and web architectures.
You can make a window application in .net with using Visual Studio, both .net have libraries to connect with MYSQL database.
here is how you can connect with your mysql database
Connecting to a mySQL database using asp.net
I have to create win32 client on Delphi, which can work with database on Oracle. The only problem with this task that client have to demand "zero administration".
In other words user downloaded it from our site and ran it without any installing oracle client and tuning tnsnames.ora.
My first aproach was to install apache on server side with connection to Oracle. Our win32 client this case is like web brouser works with Oracle via https.
It works but performance is not so good as expected. Delay in reaction between clent and server side is too long.
Is there any way to acheve my goal (zero adminstration client with good enough performance)?
The product ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) from DevArt has a "no oracle client needed" mode. This would probably be the easiest solution. You could also just include the Oracle Instant Client with your product and use Oracle's "EZConnect" syntax so that you don't have to configure anything on the client. Using EZConnect allows you to connect to an Oracle Database without using a TNSNames.ora file.
Question 1 :
Hi, I'm new to "VB.Net" and programming. Me and my friend is developing a Windows Application in VB.NET and we wanted to connect to a online MySql database. We already did it in the same pc[localhost]. But we wanted to know wether is it possible to connect a online MySql database to Vb.net Windows Application (not a web application)?
Question 2:
What is the name used to call Windows Applications that are connected to a online server?
Some examples I know are Steam application and Facebook Messenger.
[Where you can download the application, install and log in to the server.]
I'm a beginner of WP7, and I spent some time looking for solutions not only can consume
but also Insert/Update/Delete the data stored in SQL Azure.
I found a good tutorial here:
However, the SQL Azure Lab no longer accepts registration.
So, is there any other solution for directly accessing SQL Azure in the cloud without setting up a server?
Thank you.
have a look at Windows Azure Mobile Service, that should cover the server side.
you can then access the REST-based API from Windows Phone, see Using Azure Mobile Services with Windows Phone