Protractor - disable 'harmful' download message on chrome - jasmine

I'm trying to download a file in my test. I've managed to start the download without getting the download prompt.
the problem now is that I'm getting a warning saying that "This type of file can harm your computer.Do you want to keep...anyway?" and I need to choose 'Discard' or 'Keep'.
I've tried to find chromeOptions for that - unsuccessfully.
currently using those args:
args: ['--disable-popup-blocking="true", --allow-unchecked-dangerous-downloads="true", --disable-download-notification="true"']
any ideas?

Took me a day of googling and almost gave up... but i found a solution from How to disable 'This type of file can harm your computer' pop up
Will post the solution here since it was frikin hard to track it down when using protractor as the keyword
prefs = {
'safebrowsing' => {
'enabled' => true,
oddly enough, you need to "turn on" safe browsing to make the message dissapear

Try the following flags:


NSIS v3.08 and nsUnzip

I am trying to use the NsUnzip plugin with v3.08 of NSIS, but I keep getting a result code of 9 on all calls used in the "nsUnzipTest.nsi" when I use v3.08. I added the DLL file to both the "z86-ansi" and "x86-unicode" folders. I even tried adding the "Unicode true" to the NSI script, and it still gave a result code of 9. Since a code of 9 is "The specified zipfile(s) was not found", I went ahead and added a FileOpen and FileClose using the same path. FileOpen worked fine.
I changed back to NSIS 2.46 and the plugin worked without issue.
What could I be missing?
It does not look like that plug-in supports Unicode. In NSIS 3 you would have to add Unicode False to the top of your .nsi.
You could try re-compiling the plug-in yourself or try contacting the author...

Error: No such file (sftp liximomo extension)

I have this problem when I upload a file on the server using the extension liximomo/vscode-sftp for visual studio code.
[error] Error: No such file
at SFTPStream._transform
at SFTPStream.Transform._read
at SFTPStream._read
How I can fix this problem? I tried to upload files to different servers, so I guess it's not a server-related problem but an extension.
There is a better fix on GitHub that works for upload and download via SFTP extension:
Do a search inside ~/.vscode/extensions/liximomo.sftp-1.12.9/node_modules/ssh2-streams/lib/sftp.js for options.emitClose = false;
Add options.autoDestroy = false; after both instances.
- mrjcgoodwin commented 8 days ago
This is apparently a brand new problem that has been introduced into the newer versions of VS Code. I have FOUND A SOLUTION that seems to work well, by modifying a single line in the extension code. This is only valid for version 1.12.9 of the liximomo.sftp extension.
Here are the steps:
Shutdown / Quit VS Code.
Locate the following file:Mac OS X:
Make a backup copy of the file.
Modify line 388, which should be:if ( code === STATUS_CODE . OK ) { changing it to:if (code === STATUS_CODE.OK || code === STATUS_CODE.NO_SUCH_FILE) {
Save the file.
Relaunch VS Code; test by uploading or downloading from your sftp server. The error should not be present.
The alternative solution involves downgrading your version of VS Code. This is not desirable as you are not getting the latest fixes, security patches, etc..
See the following links regarding this issue: (repeat) (note, this site has a bad SSL certificate).
If you want to downgrade your VS Code; use this link to find the older versions:
Bao from:
From their blog entry (translated by Google to English):
"At first, there was no solution, but Now, 12 hours later, the Holy
One appeared, who told me how to solve it.files that sftp cannot find
in the first place. There is a calling phrase, VScode is upgraded and
an error is called. It came out. Actually, I did not solve the
problem. Even if the file is not found, the same result as the
success process is exported. It is just a modification. It is
expected that a modified version will be released in the future."
Not an answer to the problem, but solution in another (simple) way:
install Run On Save VSCode extension
write a script along the lines
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' --exclude '.history' --exclude '.vscode' --exclude '.git' --exclude '.gitignore' --exclude '' ./
add the following configuration to VSCode settings.json to trigger the script on file save:
"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
"commands": [
"match": ".*",
"isAsync": false,
"cmd": "${workspaceFolder}/"
Just switch to the second one:
There is another solution only upgrading the ssh2 package from the extension.
You just need to go to the extension path:
When you are there, change the version of ssh2 package on the package.json file to ^1.1.0. Finally, just run npm install.
You should restart VSCode.
Alternatively, you could use a fork of the repository that is active and fixing these issues:

Protractor 7 does not go beyond 'Using FirefoxDriver directly...'

I am unable to run e2e tests with protractor 7 with the following configuration
directConnect: true,
capabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox'
on my MacOS Catalina. I noticed the
webdriver-manager update
command from the project's package.json downloads the geckodriver-v0.29.1.
As mentioned in the title the logs do not go beyond Using FirefoxDriver directly... when I run the tests. How can I check logs in more details (is there a verbose option in protractor?), and how can I fix the issue ?
With Splaktars answer I was able to get Firefox to launch using the typical directConnect: true setting.
I had to download the geckodriver-v0.29.1-macos.tar.gz package from the Github Releases and extract the binary. Then I replaced the geckodriver-v0.29.1 binary previously downloaded through webdriver-manager with that copy from the package.
After that I launched my tests to make sure everything was still partially working and finally saw the MacOS security popup. I ran the command to remove the quarantine flag:
xattr -r -d /path/to/geckodriver-v0.29.1
Relaunched the tests and finally Firefox popped up...
Thanks again to Splaktar, just made an account so I can't comment or upvote for help
It looks like there is a known issue in the v0.29.1 release notes:
Those point to some GeckoDriver macOS Notarization docs:
However that page say
Arbitrary software downloaded through other means, such as curl(1) is not affected by this change.
I don't get any security pop ups or warnings, just the hang that you see.
xattr -r -d /Users/splaktar/Git/app/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/geckodriver-v0.29.1
Doesn't help.
In, there are a lot of old issues mentioned with Firefox and directConnect support. I tried using directConnect: false with a suggestion from that issue:
config.capabilities = {
'browserName': 'firefox',
'marionette': true,
'elementScrollBehavior': 1
config.directConnect = false;
config.seleniumAddress = 'http://localhost:4444';
config.localSeleniumStandaloneOpts = {
jvmArgs: ['-Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/geckodriver-v0.29.1']
I ran webdriver-manager start and then ran my tests, but that failed quickly with an error page's HTML in the console and From: Task: WebDriver.createSession() Process exited with error code 199.
I also tried setting
config.firefoxPath = '/usr/local/bin/firefox-bin';
after creating a symbolic link there to /Applications/ But that didn't help at all. Firefox never gets started. I tried with Firefox Developer Edition as well.
Still investigating...

Not able to change default download directory for chrome with selenium hub docker and ruby watir

After a few days of searching and experimenting with any of the solutions I could find online, I give up and want to get some help from the community.
Ruby gems (ruby 2.5.1):
watir 6.11.0
selenium-webdriver 3.4.1
My ruby code:
prefs = {
download: {
prompt_for_download: false,
default_directory: download_directory
browser =, url: selenium_hub_url, options: {prefs: prefs})
Our set-up is:
Run a selenium/hub and a selenium/node-chrome-debug. Something that might be different is that we are mounting the /tmp of the base OS as /hosttmp/tmp in the node container
Make the selenium/node-chrome-debug talk to selenium/hub
Make the browser automation talk to the selenium/hub using the code provided above
The problem is that I was never able to set the default download directory. However, all other parts are working correctly. The VNC window shows the browser is working correctly despite the default download directory settings. It is always /home/seluser/Downloads
Things I have tried:
Other people's ideas such as different ways to specify the options and preferences. (e.g. using the Capabilities)
Docker security-related settings such as: --privileged --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --cap-add SYS_ADMIN
On the base OS, chmod 777 for the download_directory. The download_directory, for example, /tmp/tmp.123 on the base OS, which is mounted as /hosttmp/tmp/tmp.123 in the chrome node container, I could see it and make a few read/write operations in this folder inside the container or on the base OS
Tweaks about the interesting ruby symbol/string stuff when creating a Hash object.
Does anyone have more ideas about what could lead to this situation? What else I could try? And is there any log that I could refer to. There is no error or warning when running the code. Thanks in advance.
I'm using Java+Docker+Selenium+Chrome for automation test and also met similar issue with you. Please find my solutions below and try if it works for your case.
Don't set default download directory in the options, just leave "/home/seluser/Downloads" as it is.
When you start up the chrome node on docker, please add the parameter of volume that could transfer the downloaded files to the directory you want.
e.g. docker run -d -p 5900:5900 --link myhub:hub -v :/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome-debug:3.14.0
In my case, the JDK environment and my test script is on Linux machine while the selenium webdriver & browser are all on docker, so once the file downloaded by browser it cannot saved directly on Linux machine, you have to mount the local directory with default directory on docker. Then you could find the file saved in the directory you want.
Thanks & Regards!
Did you define options =
We use
options =
prefs = {
prompt_for_download: false,
default_directory: download_directory
options.add_preference(download: prefs)
and then you would want something like
browser =, url: selenium_hub_url, options: options)
But maybe the main problem is just that you are using
options: {prefs: prefs}
instead of
options: {download: prefs}
Okay, by digging into the source code of the Watir and Selenium-Webdriver, I think I know the 'root cause'.
I have created an issue since I am not sure if this is a bug or a 'feature' The issue
Also, I have a workaround for my case, in watir/capabilities.rb:
#selenium_browser = browser == :remote || options[:url] ? :remote : browser
#selenium_browser = browser == :remote ? :remote : browser
This shouldn't be the final solution as it might not be a good idea. Will wait for what the Watir people say about this.

Xcode 6 beta 3: invalid virtual filesystem overlay file

After updating to Xcode 6 beta 3 the compiler keeps crashing with the following error:
/[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml:4:13: error: Could not find closing ]!
'roots': [
fatal error: invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '/[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml'
1 error generated.
Solved by doing the following:
Find the /[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml (Go to Folder... in Finder)
Replace the contents with the code below.
Save and lock the file. (Get info for file, check locked.)
'version': 0,
'case-sensitive': 'false',
'roots': []
After this Xcode will complain about not being able to write the file with this error this is expected and doesn't seem to affect the build. Edit: For most people. If it prevents you from running try disabling Defines Module in Build Settings of your Target:
Unable to write to file /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.. (You don’t have permission to save the file “all-product-headers.yaml” in the folder “”.)
Hat off to the discussion on Apple Developer forums. Also, this is the relevant issue in CocoaPods issue tracker.
Try setting "Defines Module = YES" in your app target. Works for my project.
Clean (command-shift-K), and clean-build-folder (command-alt-shift-K) and build again worked for me.
I had this problem because I deleted some old archives and files from my mac to make more space. However running pod install for this project solved it.
Perhaps your path to .yaml file contains ' character. It makes the parser confused. Using TextWrangler, you can see your path has different colors (red & black).
That's my case, and moving project to another path (which doesn't contain ') solved my problem.
I solved it by delete the current project's DerivedData folder by (Xcode 8):
Xcode > Preferences > Locations tab > Click on the right arrow under
DerivedData > inside the folder DerivedData delete the project folder.
Better to do hard clean also by Shift+Cmd+Alt+K.
And build.
Can fix with one shell command:
echo "{\n\t'version': 0,\n\t'case-sensitive': 'false',\n\t'roots': []\n}" > /[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml
Where the path is copied out of the Xcode error.
See Daniel Schlaug's answer for background info
I tried all the answers above/below. None worked.
However, Restarting Xcode did it.
Try that before going into the madness of trying to fix the actual situation of the missing file. All the rest is madness. Heck, If that doesn't fix it. I would even try restarting every time you do one of the strategies listed here. Maybe one of those fix it but Xcode gets stuck until you restart it.
Nothing else to do, Xcode is just too buggy at times.
I get this error too frequently, so I've made a simple bash script based on Daniel Schlaug's answer. I've never needed to lock the file. Just copy the file referenced in your error log and use it as the only parameter. Don't forget to chmod +ux before running.
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo "No arguments supplied"
rm -rf $1
echo "
'version': 0,
'case-sensitive': 'false',
'roots': []
}" > $1
