Error: No such file (sftp liximomo extension) - ftp

I have this problem when I upload a file on the server using the extension liximomo/vscode-sftp for visual studio code.
[error] Error: No such file
at SFTPStream._transform
at SFTPStream.Transform._read
at SFTPStream._read
How I can fix this problem? I tried to upload files to different servers, so I guess it's not a server-related problem but an extension.

There is a better fix on GitHub that works for upload and download via SFTP extension:
Do a search inside ~/.vscode/extensions/liximomo.sftp-1.12.9/node_modules/ssh2-streams/lib/sftp.js for options.emitClose = false;
Add options.autoDestroy = false; after both instances.
- mrjcgoodwin commented 8 days ago

This is apparently a brand new problem that has been introduced into the newer versions of VS Code. I have FOUND A SOLUTION that seems to work well, by modifying a single line in the extension code. This is only valid for version 1.12.9 of the liximomo.sftp extension.
Here are the steps:
Shutdown / Quit VS Code.
Locate the following file:Mac OS X:
Make a backup copy of the file.
Modify line 388, which should be:if ( code === STATUS_CODE . OK ) { changing it to:if (code === STATUS_CODE.OK || code === STATUS_CODE.NO_SUCH_FILE) {
Save the file.
Relaunch VS Code; test by uploading or downloading from your sftp server. The error should not be present.
The alternative solution involves downgrading your version of VS Code. This is not desirable as you are not getting the latest fixes, security patches, etc..
See the following links regarding this issue: (repeat) (note, this site has a bad SSL certificate).
If you want to downgrade your VS Code; use this link to find the older versions:
Bao from:
From their blog entry (translated by Google to English):
"At first, there was no solution, but Now, 12 hours later, the Holy
One appeared, who told me how to solve it.files that sftp cannot find
in the first place. There is a calling phrase, VScode is upgraded and
an error is called. It came out. Actually, I did not solve the
problem. Even if the file is not found, the same result as the
success process is exported. It is just a modification. It is
expected that a modified version will be released in the future."

Not an answer to the problem, but solution in another (simple) way:
install Run On Save VSCode extension
write a script along the lines
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' --exclude '.history' --exclude '.vscode' --exclude '.git' --exclude '.gitignore' --exclude '' ./
add the following configuration to VSCode settings.json to trigger the script on file save:
"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
"commands": [
"match": ".*",
"isAsync": false,
"cmd": "${workspaceFolder}/"

Just switch to the second one:

There is another solution only upgrading the ssh2 package from the extension.
You just need to go to the extension path:
When you are there, change the version of ssh2 package on the package.json file to ^1.1.0. Finally, just run npm install.
You should restart VSCode.
Alternatively, you could use a fork of the repository that is active and fixing these issues:


Joomla "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0"

Here is a weird problem i'm facing; after updating Joomla to the latest version, website failed to up load but, as i've made a backup manually from these folders:
and all the root files, after restoring the backup still the website is not loading and just says
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0" !
Any suggestion? Thank you.
Apparently, the version of jBlog you are using is loading its attempting to load its own classes twice.
Let's assume the jBlog developers already fixed it and you carelessly ignored the warning to ensure all your extensions are compatible before updating.
Are you able to access administrator? Simply go there and upgrade jBlog including any modules.
Else, the issue lies within a plugin. In order to access the administrator and perform the update, you will need to manually disable the offending plugin.
A simple way is to rename its folder: start from plugins/system then plugins/content hopefully you'll have spotted it by then. Look into the subfolders of each and spot any that may be relevant to jBlog (or grep through the folder to locate the specific string)
If you have console access, simply run
# grep -rl jblogerror plugins/system
and you should see all the files that include such string, just rename their main plugin folder. But you could also do all this through ftp and guessing.

Open HTML in chrome from command line using app flag

(Before downvote im aware how to do this using code thats inline to this command but not how to do it using a file that uses the --app="data:text/html,<sometags></sometags>)
How would I open a local html (mar.html) file using this command
C:\'Program Files (x86)'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --profile-directory="Default" --app=
Specifically, the issue is my lack of familiarity with the --app flag
I tried
C:\'Program Files (x86)'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --profile-directory="Default" --app="mar.html"
C:\'Program Files (x86)'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --profile-directory="Default" --app="file:///mar.html"
Both don't work.
Giving me the error
Your file was not found
It may have been moved or deleted.
You almost got it. The file descriptor path must be absolute and encoded.
Encoding the path correctly with cli tools like "urlencode"(gridsite-clients) did not work for me.
If you have NodeJS installed and would use a linux machine, you could use this command.
chromium --app=`node -e "console.log('file://'+encodeURI(process.argv[1]))" "$(realpath "/path/of/your/file.html")"`
This works also fine with relative paths.
For windows you have to rewrite this yourself.

Composer [UnexpectedValueException] error will trying to use composer to install a github project

I am trying to install a github project using composer and get the following error
Composer [UnexpectedValueException]
Your Github oauth token for contains invalid characters: ""
Can anyone explain what I need to do to correct this error?
I am using the following command
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev vova07/yii2-start yii2-start
Thank you
I started getting a similar error and the reason was that Github recently changed the format of their auth tokens:
To resolve the error:
Find the composer/auth.json file (if you're running the project in a container, you'll have to bash into it and find the file in there)
Remove its entry. Your file will probably look like the following after removing the entry: {"github-oauth": {}}
Run composer self-update. The issue got resolved in version 2.0.12. See the first item in the changelog for that version here:
After that, you can restore your composer/auth.json file to its initial state as the newer version of composer will recognize the new key format.
You can try Basic Auth instead:
Change this (oauth):
"github-oauth": {
To this (basic auth):
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
You can find instructions on how to create a Personal Access Token
Inspired from github docs. Apparently, you can use Basic Authentication with a Personal Access token instead of oauth in some cases (e.g. like mine: installing a private git repo with composer).
I fixed it.
Goto C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json
delete the entry under "github-oauth": {}
That's it.
Update answer for Masiorama and Ruchir Mehta:
If you looking for file auth.json but don't know how, use this command:
locate auth.json
And here's the result:
You can see that auth.json will look like this:
/home/{your user name}/.config/composer/auth.json
Then you could use this command to edit the file:
sudo gedit /home/dev/.config/composer/auth.json
And remove content inside github-oauth.
If you're on MacOS, the auth.json file is at ~/.composer/auth.json. Then from there, you can remove the value for github-oauth. I tried fully deleting the file but I got a parse error, Expected one of: 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '['. Your auth.json file should look like this:
"github-oauth": {}
This is similar to other answers posted but I wasn't able to use the locate command on MacOS so this might be helpful to other Mac users
This error recently popped up from nowhere.
Simply deleting the whole auth file worked for me..! Not sure why / when it appeared in the first place.
As far as I know (I'm a beginner with composer too), the problem is with your authentication, so you have to fix your credentials in auth.json inside path-to-composer/.composer/
Inside you will find a json which will probably looks like:
"github-oauth": {
"": null
Fix that and you should be ok ;)
The solution is just to upgrade your Composer version
using command composer self-update.
Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer
Open the auth.json file.
Clear everything and paste the below code
"bitbucket-oauth": {},
"github-oauth": {},
"gitlab-oauth": {},
"gitlab-token": {},
"http-basic": {},
"bearer": {}
I hope it will be solved
I run in the same problem after upgrading githup api token to the new format.
The answer is you need to upgrade composer version 1.10.21 or higher that fixes this problem.
Same solution as the answer of Paulina Khew but with command lines on MacOS :
cd ~/.composer/
nano auth.json
Delete what is inside th bracket :
"github-oauth": {}
When you're ready to save the file, hold down the Ctrl key and press the letter O
Press the Enter key on your keyboard to save.
When finished, press Ctrl + X to close nano and return to your shell.
Edit the composer authentication configuration file ~/.composer/auth.json
Then replace the following.
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]",
"password": "ghp_[YOUR-PERSONAL-TOKEN]"
Now run the command composer install
That's a bug.
If you have Debian or Ubuntu, try this patch. Otherwise read the last line.
Quick copy-paste patch
If you have Debian 10 buster or Ubuntu 20.LTS or similar distributions, try this copy-paste command:
wget -O /tmp/fix-composer.patch
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, write it in the comments.
Step-by-step explaination
Your Composer version has a bug: you are able to save a valid GitHub token, but then it's not able to read that token again because Composer thinks that your GitHub token cannot contain underscores or stuff like that. Moreover, it's strange that Composer checks its syntax only the second time. Why? that's another story.
The fix is simple. You can temporary disable that wrong validation in your Composer version. Also because GitHub is a proprietary service and their specifications can change over time (as you demonstrated today). So it makes sense not to validate the syntax of GitHub tokens. The only person who should hard-validate GitHub tokens is GitHub itself, not Composer.
If you installed Composer via apt install composer, probably you will not have any update available and surely you cannot use self-update because Composer is read-only for security reasons (and for a similar reason, you should not execute Composer from root). Instead, you can create a safe hot-patch to fix that specific issue.
To create a patch, create a file called /tmp/fix-composer.patch with this exact content:
< if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
< throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
< }
> // if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
> // throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"');
> //
That content can also be seen from here:
Then run this command to apply that patch:
sudo patch /usr/share/php/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php /tmp/fix-composer.patch
If it does not work, probably you have not installed composer via apt.
In short, whatever operating system, and whatever installation method, locate the file BaseIO.php in your Composer and comment out the validation check.

Xcode 6 beta 3: invalid virtual filesystem overlay file

After updating to Xcode 6 beta 3 the compiler keeps crashing with the following error:
/[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml:4:13: error: Could not find closing ]!
'roots': [
fatal error: invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '/[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml'
1 error generated.
Solved by doing the following:
Find the /[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml (Go to Folder... in Finder)
Replace the contents with the code below.
Save and lock the file. (Get info for file, check locked.)
'version': 0,
'case-sensitive': 'false',
'roots': []
After this Xcode will complain about not being able to write the file with this error this is expected and doesn't seem to affect the build. Edit: For most people. If it prevents you from running try disabling Defines Module in Build Settings of your Target:
Unable to write to file /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.. (You don’t have permission to save the file “all-product-headers.yaml” in the folder “”.)
Hat off to the discussion on Apple Developer forums. Also, this is the relevant issue in CocoaPods issue tracker.
Try setting "Defines Module = YES" in your app target. Works for my project.
Clean (command-shift-K), and clean-build-folder (command-alt-shift-K) and build again worked for me.
I had this problem because I deleted some old archives and files from my mac to make more space. However running pod install for this project solved it.
Perhaps your path to .yaml file contains ' character. It makes the parser confused. Using TextWrangler, you can see your path has different colors (red & black).
That's my case, and moving project to another path (which doesn't contain ') solved my problem.
I solved it by delete the current project's DerivedData folder by (Xcode 8):
Xcode > Preferences > Locations tab > Click on the right arrow under
DerivedData > inside the folder DerivedData delete the project folder.
Better to do hard clean also by Shift+Cmd+Alt+K.
And build.
Can fix with one shell command:
echo "{\n\t'version': 0,\n\t'case-sensitive': 'false',\n\t'roots': []\n}" > /[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml
Where the path is copied out of the Xcode error.
See Daniel Schlaug's answer for background info
I tried all the answers above/below. None worked.
However, Restarting Xcode did it.
Try that before going into the madness of trying to fix the actual situation of the missing file. All the rest is madness. Heck, If that doesn't fix it. I would even try restarting every time you do one of the strategies listed here. Maybe one of those fix it but Xcode gets stuck until you restart it.
Nothing else to do, Xcode is just too buggy at times.
I get this error too frequently, so I've made a simple bash script based on Daniel Schlaug's answer. I've never needed to lock the file. Just copy the file referenced in your error log and use it as the only parameter. Don't forget to chmod +ux before running.
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo "No arguments supplied"
rm -rf $1
echo "
'version': 0,
'case-sensitive': 'false',
'roots': []
}" > $1

Manual installation of Magento extension turns every file into a folder

I am completely baffled by this. I packaged up an extension and manually installed it on a fresh Magento instance. (Both the packaging and installing machine were running Magento 1.7). The installation went smoothly, except every single file I installed was turned into a folder, named after the file. Every single file. Has anyone run into this? Could it be a Magento bug?
I used to see this problem when I manually created a tar archive to use as a Magento Connect archive. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution, but here's what I understand about the problem.
While Magento Connect tgz packages are technically gzip compressed tar archives — the code that creates and extracts these archives in not the standard *nix tar tool. Instead, Magento implemented its own packing and unpacking tar code for Magento Connect
Unfortunately, this packing and unpacking code hasn't been robustly tested across operating systems or against tar archives created with standard *nix tools. My problem with this code was archives created on my Mac OS system via tar wouldn't unpack correctly with Magento Connect's code on a system running linux.
Hard to track down, hard to report, hard to reproduce means hard to fix.
These directories are being created when Magento Connect unpacks the tgz file. I'm be 99% sure your directories are being created by this bit of code
#File: downloader/lib/Mage/Archive/Tar.php
if (in_array($header['type'], array("0",chr(0), ''))) {
if(!file_exists($dirname)) {
$mkdirResult = #mkdir($dirname, 0777, true);
if (false === $mkdirResult) {
throw new Mage_Exception('Failed to create directory ' . $dirname);
$this->_extractAndWriteFile($header, $currentFile);
$list[] = $currentFile;
} elseif ($header['type'] == '5') {
if(!file_exists($dirname)) {
$mkdirResult = #mkdir($currentFile, $header['mode'], true);
if (false === $mkdirResult) {
throw new Mage_Exception('Failed to create directory ' . $currentFile);
$list[] = $currentFile . DS;
These are the two locations where Magento unpacks the archives and creates a folder. For some reason, there's a certain condition on your two systems where the data is being packed, or unpacked, incorrectly in/out of the archive file. Try un-archiving the tgz file manually with a command line tool or your operating system's built in un-archive program. If weird things happen then at least you know it's the packing code that's the problem.
It's definitely a bug, and while I'd report it, the only "solution" would be to not create your archive on your local machine (which I realize is an awful solution, but Ours is not to question why and all that)
This is a bug that has been present since 1.7, due to an if comparison never evaluating to false when reading the #././LongLink header. I answered it more on this question:
I found that issue happening when packing a Magento Extension on OS X that is linked (modman) into magento folders. Folder creation only occured on Windows systems.
Might that happen here too?
I encountered it, when for some reason my plugin file was set with suffix .gz
so it was plugin.tgz.gz
unzip it to plugin.tgz solved my issue
I think the issue is because of PHP version. I faced the same issue while installing extension on Magento 1.8.1 , but I found a fix by changing _getFormatParseHeader() function in /downloader/lib/Mage/Archive/Tar.php file.
Originally the function was :
protected static final function _getFormatParseHeader()
return 'a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2version/'
. 'a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155prefix/a12closer';
I changed it to :
protected static final function _getFormatParseHeader()
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.5.0', '<') === true) {
return 'a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2version/'
. 'a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155prefix/a12closer';
return 'Z100name/Z8mode/Z8uid/Z8gid/Z12size/Z12mtime/Z8checksum/Z1type/Z100symlink/Z6magic/Z2version/'
. 'Z32uname/Z32gname/Z8devmajor/Z8devminor/Z155prefix/Z12closer';
Really nasty bug.
For me it renaming my manually packed file from *.tar.gz to *.tgz solved it.
At least it worked on my ubuntu 15.04
Tested with magento 1.8
it's more likely that you choose the wrong path when adding content to your extension.
For me the bug happened when I added (non existing) files from layout/base instead from layout/base/default.
