Need span title in Xpath - xpath

I need span title text (RS_GPO) as my xpath output
Here is code:
<TD id="celleditableGrid07" nowrap="nowrap" style='padding:0px;' >`
<DIV class='stacked-row'>
<span id="form(202567).form(TITLE).text" >
<span title='RPS_AEM3'>RPS_AEM3</span>
<DIV class='stacked-row-bottom'>
<span id="form(202567).form(CONTENT).text" >
<span title='RS_GPO'>RS_GPO</span>
My intention for xpath is I want catch text “RS_GPO” in to a variable.
Because this is system generated text.
Thanks in Advance.


If you want the content of the title attribute instead of the element's text content, then:


xpath retrieve element that occur after parent element

I need to click on the element that appears after <span class="clientadress">
It can be either <div class="homephone"> or <input type="text">.
I try xpath /following:: or /child:: but it doesn't work.
Is it possible to do something like //following::(div or input)
Example of element order:
<span class="client">
<span class="clientadress">
<div class="homephone">
<span class="client">
<span class="clientadress">
<input type="text">
Try using
//span[#class="clientadress"]/(following-sibling::div | following-sibling::input)
and see if it works.
Try-Xpath in Firefox gives better results sometimes:
Jack gave me an idea and next is working for me: //following-sibling::*
Thank you all

select div(text) without span xpath

<div class="filters-list-item-content" xpath="4">
<span class="font-500">
Rodzaj konferencji:
<div class="filters-list-item-content" xpath="5">
<span class="font-500"></span>
I have 6 xpaths and try select all div(text) without text in span I try
but it is select only text in span :(
If I understand you correctly, this is what you are looking for:

How to use XPath extract text without Html tag?

<div id="info" class="">
<span class="pl"> author</span>:
<a class="" href="/search/author"Peter</a>
<span class="pl">publisher:</span> god cor<br/>
<span class="pl">year:</span> 2011-6<br/>
<span class="pl">page:</span> 360<br/>
<span class="pl">price:</span> 39.50<br/>
From the above HTML tags, i want to extract those numbers with XPath.How can i do that?
The XPath for each number is (in order as shown above) :
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[2] --> 2011-6
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[3] -->360
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[4] --> 39.5
You can know the XPath for any tag by just opening the html file in Chrome, right clicking on the view and choosing "inspect". When you find the tag you want, just right click on it and choose Copy-> Copy XPath. selecting css class with xpath that contain certain value/character

<div id="mDetails">
<span class="textLabel">Bar Number:</span>
<p class="profileText">YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY</p>
<span class="textLabel">Address:</span>
<span class="textLabel">Phone:</span>
<p class="profileText">123465798</p>
<span class="textLabel">Fax:</span>
<p class="profileText">987654321</p>
<span class="textLabel">Email:</span>
<p class="profileText"></p>
<span class="textLabel">County:</span>
<p class="profileText">YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY</p>
<span class="textLabel">Circuit:</span>
<p class="profileText">YYYYYYYYYY</p>
<span class="textLabel">Admitted:</span>
<p class="profileText">00/00/0000</p>
<span class="textLabel">History:</span>
<p class="profileText">YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY</p>
im trying to select the email only if its available cause when i use //*[#class="profileText"]it returns everything with this class , i want only to return when # is present in the value.
With the adjustment to the input XML to change both <br> to <br/> (otherwise it's not valid XML) the following XPath selects all p elements that have the class profileText and contains #:
<p class="profileText"></p>
In case you only want to get the value, you can use string():
Note that string() would only return the value of the first match, while the first XPath returning the p elements returns all matches.

How to simulate click in span using Mechanize Ruby?

I have a webpage with list of pages:
<div class="pager">
<span class="current_page">1</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="2">2</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="3">3</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="4">4</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="5">5</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="6">6</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="7">7</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="8">8</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="9">9</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="10">10</span>
<span class="page" samo:page="11">11</span>
How can I click on the span using mechanize?
According to this ASCIIcasts you can perform searches and findings:
There are two methods on the page object that we can use to extract
elements from a page using Nokogiri. The first of these is called at
and will return a single element that matches a selector.".edit_item")
The second method is search. This is similar, but returns an array of
all of the elements that match.".edit_item")
So doing something like:".page")
Will return the array of spans. And then you will be able to work with them and just do the #click action.
As long as the span is a non interactive element, and click is a Link action, you will have to find a workaround:
How to click link in Mechanize and Nokogiri?
