select div(text) without span xpath - xpath

<div class="filters-list-item-content" xpath="4">
<span class="font-500">
Rodzaj konferencji:
<div class="filters-list-item-content" xpath="5">
<span class="font-500"></span>
I have 6 xpaths and try select all div(text) without text in span I try
but it is select only text in span :(

If I understand you correctly, this is what you are looking for:


xpath retrieve element that occur after parent element

I need to click on the element that appears after <span class="clientadress">
It can be either <div class="homephone"> or <input type="text">.
I try xpath /following:: or /child:: but it doesn't work.
Is it possible to do something like //following::(div or input)
Example of element order:
<span class="client">
<span class="clientadress">
<div class="homephone">
<span class="client">
<span class="clientadress">
<input type="text">
Try using
//span[#class="clientadress"]/(following-sibling::div | following-sibling::input)
and see if it works.
Try-Xpath in Firefox gives better results sometimes:
Jack gave me an idea and next is working for me: //following-sibling::*
Thank you all

Select a radio button by text using XPath

<div class="btm0">Question 1
</div><span class="small"></span>
<span id="form2">
<span id="form2:j_idt4598" style="display: none;"></span><ul id="form2:radioButton" class="controls full-width">
<input class=" firepath-matching-node" name="form2:radioButton" id="form2:radioButton:0" type="radio"><label for="form2:radioButton:0"> Yes</label></li>
<input class=" firepath-matching-node" name="form2:radioButton" id="form2:radioButton:1" type="radio"><label for="form2:radioButton:1"> No</label></li>
<span id="form2:errMessage"></span>
<div class="btm0">Question 2
</div><span class="small"></span>
<span id="form1">
<span id="form1:j_idt4617" style="display: none;"></span><ul id="form1:radioButton" class="controls full-width">
<input class=" firepath-matching-node" name="form1:radioButton" id="form1:radioButton:0" type="radio"><label for="form1:radioButton:0"> Yes</label></li>
<input class=" firepath-matching-node" name="form1:radioButton" id="form1:radioButton:1" type="radio"><label for="form1:radioButton:1"> No</label>
I have this above simple page having a label and option button.
I want to select the 'Question 1 - Yes' using an XPath.
Is there an easy way to create a unique XPath, which will select the correct 'YES' option (which could be Question 1 or Question 2)? I don´t want to hardcode the XPath.
I tried out a partial solution but I only get the second 'YES' option selected:
//*[contains(text(),'Question 1')]/following::label[contains(text(),'Yes')]
Not sure if this is what you are asking, but if you want to limit the scope of your XPath expression to just the 2 label elements after the div, you can use the position() function:
//div[contains(text(),'Question 1')]/following::label[position() <= 2 and contains(text(),'Yes')]
If this is not what you are looking for, please try to clarify your question, perhaps by providing some sample results.
I was able to get some solution after try, but really not happy with the answer as I have to to change my xpath based on YES or NO of option button
for YES :
//*[contains(text(),'Question 1')]/./following::li[1]/label[contains(text(),'Yes')]
for NO :
//*[contains(text(),'Question 1')]/./following::li[2]/label[contains(text(),'Yes')]
As you see in the above solution, I have to toggle the values of li[].
But with above solution, I am able to pinpoint the option.

Need span title in Xpath

I need span title text (RS_GPO) as my xpath output
Here is code:
<TD id="celleditableGrid07" nowrap="nowrap" style='padding:0px;' >`
<DIV class='stacked-row'>
<span id="form(202567).form(TITLE).text" >
<span title='RPS_AEM3'>RPS_AEM3</span>
<DIV class='stacked-row-bottom'>
<span id="form(202567).form(CONTENT).text" >
<span title='RS_GPO'>RS_GPO</span>
My intention for xpath is I want catch text “RS_GPO” in to a variable.
Because this is system generated text.
Thanks in Advance.
If you want the content of the title attribute instead of the element's text content, then:

Trouble selecting quantity out of drop down in watir

I have never run into an issue with being able to select a value in a drop down, so I'm not sure how this is different. First, here is the HTML I'm working with:
<div class="hn-select-content hn-select-expand" ng-class="{'open-to-left':openToLeft, 'expand-to-left':expandToLeft}" ng-transclude="" style="">
<ul class="qty-discount whiteBackground border border-hn-secondary-lt text-small ng-scope" scroll-lock="">
<li float-container="">
<div class="float-cont">
<ul class="text-small">
<li class="selected ng-isolate-scope HN-Item-Opt-Sel" li="" <="" on-option-select="changeQuantity(val)" value="1" option="1" ng-class="{'HN-Item-Opt-Sel selected':atcData.quantity == 1}" hn-select-option="">
<div class="hn-select-option ng-binding">1</div>
<li float-container="">
<div class="text-hn-red float-cont">
<div scroller="qty-discount" floater="" style="">
<span> 10% Off </span>
<ul class="text-small">
<li class="ng-isolate-scope" li="" <="" on-option-select="changeQuantity(val)" value="2" option="2" ng-class="{'HN-Item-Opt-Sel selected':atcData.quantity == 2}" hn-select-option="">
<div class="hn-select-option ng-binding">2</div>
I want to select a specific option. in this case, I have a variable set for the quantity, and it's set to 2.
This it the code from the step that is failing:
#browser.div(:id, 'hn_modal_contentIV').div(:text, '1')
#browser.ul(:class, 'whiteBackground border border-hn-secondary-lt text-small ng-scope').div(:text, quantity).when_present(5).click
#browser.span(:class, 'redText floatRight marginTopOnly3px').wait_until_present(10)
And this is the error I receive:
Watir::Wait::TimeoutError: timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:text=>"2", :tag_name=>"div"} to become present
The drop down box opens, I just can't get the value to be selected.
I have tried a few other variations, but none have worked. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Hopefully there is something small that I'm just missing.
First, before this code, HTML must have an select list, perhaps this select list have the attribute "display: none", then you can:
browser.execute_script("document.getElementById('[id of this select list ]').style.display = 'block';") => '[id of this select]').option(:text => '[text that you need]').select

using variables in HtmlXPathSelectors

I am using Scrapy and have run into a few places where it would be nice to use variables, but I can't figure out how. Meaning if I have some long string it would be nice to store it in a variable long_string and then select for it:'\\div[#id=long_string]').
I'm sure this is supported by Scrapy and I just can't figure it out as it wouldn't make sense for you to always have to hard-code the string in.
So for the sample text below I want to extract the div where id="footer":
<div id="footer">
<div id="footer-menu">
<div class="region-footer-menu">
<div id="block-menu-menu-footer-menu" class="block-menu">
<div class="content">
<ul class="menu">
<li class="first leaf">FAQs</li>
<li class="leaf">Media</li>
<li class="leaf">Partners</li>
<li class="last leaf active-trail">Jobs</li>
<div id="block-block-52" class="block block-block">
<div class="content">
We initialize hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response) for all the below segments.
The following code selects only the first div:'//div[#id=concat("foot","er")]')
This code selects nothing but gives no error:'//div[#id="foot"+"er"]')
Both of the below code segments select nothing and give no errors:
long_string = "foot"'//div[#id=concat(long_string,"er")]')'//div[#id=long_string]')
I would like to be able to do either of the bottom two methods and return the desired results.
Assuming + works for string concatenation in Scrapy, this should work:'//div[#id="' + long_string + '"]')
I'm not familiar with Scrapy, but I don't think you'll be able to select a div that doesn't exist.
have you tried?'\\div[#id="' + long_string_variable + '"]')
