GNU Make rule that executes only if target exists? - makefile

In a fairly complex Makefile, I'd occasionally like to invoke certain rules only if a target does exist. For example, I may have created a local directory and used losetup to mount a file onto it. I'd like to leave the mountpoint and the directory open while working on them, but automatically close them before certain operations.
When it's time to package things up, I want to sync the mounted file, umount it, and then do something with the underlying file. Is there are way to invert the sense of a rule so that it executes only if a particular target is present?

How about something like:
target = $(wildcard somefile)
$(target): ; #echo build $#
.PHONY: $(target)


How to run Makefile from any directory?

I have created a makefile which is fully automatic. This means, I do not need to change makefile to run different programs.
Now what I want to do is put that makefile somewhere and call that makefile from directory where my program is. But condition is that makefile should run as if I have putted that makefile in directory where my program is created and NOT at place where makefile actually is.
You can run a Makefile from another location as if it was in the current directory with:
make -f /path/to/your/makefile
You can make an alias or function for it if you want.

Broken Makefile after porting from linux to windows

I have a very simple makefile that I ported from Linux to Windows
it only goes inside subfolders and calls other makefiles
$(MAKE) clean
#(cd apps; $(MAKE))
cd apps; $(MAKE) clean;
the problem is that I don't understand how the #(command1; command2; command3;) syntax works and I'm unable to make it work even with the simplest of commands
For instance
works fine and it outputs the contents of the directory (and I'm in the right one)
cd apps; dir
Does not work, it outputs
cd apps; dir The system cannot find the path specified.
Even worse if I keep the parentheses:
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, (dir), ...) failed. make (e=2): The
system cannot find the file specified.
Can somebody please point me to the proper documentation? I know it must be very simple but all the guesswork so far failed and the documentation is too huge to read it all. I tried but I couldn't find what I'm looking for

Wrap a scons build process in a Makefile

I've written a scons build chain form a little C project, but I'm afraid users won't like to be told "You should install SCons first. Besides, it's really cool!" (expecially my professor, as he's kind of from the old guard).
Is there a way I can set up a Makefile that will wrap scons, not requiring it to be installed on the target system?
After looking for such a solution some time ago, I ended up writing a Makefile for this purpose.
Because SCons also comes as a drop-in userspace package scons-local (see the download page), one can fetch in and run it. Here is a dissectioned and commented version of my Makefile, which I also uploaded as a gist.
all: get_scons
↑ The default action depends on scons being available, and simply runs the scons command (set later in the script) (the # symbol prevents make from printing the command)
curl -L$(SCONS_VERSION)/scons-local-$(SCONS_VERSION).tar.gz > scons-local-$(SCONS_VERSION).tar.gz
touch scons-local-$(SCONS_VERSION).tar.gz
scons-local: scons-local-$(SCONS_VERSION).tar.gz
mkdir -p scons-local
tar xzf scons-local-$(SCONS_VERSION).tar.gz --directory scons-local
touch scons-local
↑ Set up the rules for fetching the tarball and unpack it into the scons-local directory
NATIVE_SCONS=$(strip $(shell which scons 2>/dev/null))
ifeq ($(NATIVE_SCONS),)
SCONS_EXE=python2 ./scons-local/
get_scons: scons-local
#echo "Couldn't find an installation of SCons, using a local copy"
#echo "Found SCons installation at $(SCONS_EXE)"
↑ Look for the scons executable in the search path (using the which command): if it is available, set up the get-scons target to simply print it is available. If, instead, it is not available, create the get-scons target instructing it to depend on the scons-local target defined earlier.
rm -rf scons-local
rm -f scons-local-*.tar.gz
.PHONY: all clean get_scons
↑ Finally, set-up the clean target that delegates to scons and deletes the local installation afterwards. The .PHONY rule tells make that the following rules do not correspond to files being created.
At this point, one could add more proxy rules of the kind:
mytarget: get_scons
#$(SCONS_EXE) mytarget
Which will invoke scons with the corresponding target.
Hope this is useful, feel free to correct me in case there's something wrong (I'm actually not a Makefile expert, and I'm trying not to become one by using SCons instead :P )

How do I get GNU make to remove intermediate directories created by implicit rules?

GNU make automatically removes intermediate files created by implicit rules, by calling rm filename at the end. This obviously doesn't work if one of the targets was actually a directory. Take the following example:
.PHONY: all
all: tempdir.%
touch $#
mkdir -p $#
make -n reveals the action plan:
mkdir -p tempdir.test
rm tempdir.test
Is it possible to get GNU make to correctly dispose of intermediate directories? Perhaps by changing rm to rm -rf?
There is no way to make this happen. Although GNU make prints the command "rm", really internally it's running the unlink(2) system call directly and not invoking a shell command. There is no way to configure or modify the command that GNU make runs (except by changing the source code of course).
However, I feel I should point out that it's just not going to work to use a directory as a normal prerequisite of a target. GNU make uses time-last-modified comparison to tell when targets are up to date or not, and the time-last-modified of a directory does not follow the standard rules. The TLM of a directory is updated every time a file (or subdirectory) in that directory is created, deleted, or renamed. This means you will created the directory, then have a bunch of files that depend on it: the first one is built and has timestamp N. The last one is built and has timestamp N+x. That also sets the directory's timestamp to N+x. Then the next time you run make, it will notice that the first one has an older timestamp (N) than one of its prerequisites (the directory, at N+x), and rebuild.
And this will happen forever, until it can build the remaining "out of date" prerequisites fast enough that their timestamp is not newer than the directory.
And, if you were to drop a temporary file or editor backup file or something in that directory, it would start all over again.
Just don't do it.
Some people use an explicit shell command to create directories. Some people create them as a side-effect of the target creation. Some people use order-only prerequisites to ensure they're created on time.

Makefile and Files under a directory

I have Makefile under a directory and directory has many .pm ( perl files )
I want to add makefile at this directory level which does perl file syntax checking.
Basically I want to add:
perl -c <filename>
How to get list of files automatically in that directory without hardcoding.
The following worked for me in the GNU makefile (Linux and Windows)
ALL_PM_FILES = $(wildcard *.pm)
Then run a for/foreach loop on them.
You can try the filter command:
PMFILES=$(filter, $(SRC))
Documentation for filter is hard to find. See here for an example.
This is the normal workaround:
for file in *.pm; do ${PERL} -c $$file; done
You run 'make check_pm_syntax' and it goes off and runs the shell loop for all the *.pm files it can find. You can simply list check_pm_syntax as a pre-requisite for your all target if you like (but it means you'll always do work when you build all). The only time this causes trouble is if there are no *.pm files in the directory.
Here's a slightly different approach:
perl -c $*.pm
check_all: $(addprefix check_,$(wildcard *.pm))
