Points inside circular sector - algorithm

I am working on a mobile application. My application gets the user position and orientation and then show some points of interest near his location.
Now, what I need is to know if the user is in front of a point of interest. My idea is to do this based on his position and orientation, using a circular sector of a small radius (about 5 meters) and I want to know if there is any formula or if anyone has a recommendation on how to achieve this.

I assume you have Lat/Lon coordinates and user moving/viewing azimuth.
You can calculate direction to object and it's bearing (azimuth) and compare with your limits.
Note: It is difficult to ensure 5 meters precision with GPS/geolocation
This excellent page contains all the needed formulas. Excerpt:
var R = 6371000; // metres
var φ1 = lat1.toRadians();
var φ2 = lat2.toRadians();
var Δφ = (lat2-lat1).toRadians();
var Δλ = (lon2-lon1).toRadians();
var a = Math.sin(Δφ/2) * Math.sin(Δφ/2) +
Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) *
Math.sin(Δλ/2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
(all angles in radians)
var y = Math.sin(λ2-λ1) * Math.cos(φ2);
var x = Math.cos(φ1)*Math.sin(φ2) -
var brng = Math.atan2(y, x).toDegrees();


How is this ray casting algorithm flawed?

Matrix operations performed on the GPU can be pretty hard to debug because GPU operations don't really allow for console logs.
I've written one designed for a real time 2D rendering engine based on a very simple form of I guess what could be called ray casting and am having trouble figuring out what's wrong with it (it's outputting [0,0,0,255,0,0,0,255,...] instead of populating colors).
this.thread.x is the index of the current unit (color channel) in the matrix being operated on.
scene is a buffer made up of 6-unit clumps, each value containing, in order:
The type of entity, always 1 for "sprite" in this case.
The sprite ID, corresponding the the index in this.constants.textures containing the buffer for the entity's sprite.
X offset, the left edge of the sprite
Y offset, the top edge of the sprite
width of the sprite
height of the sprite
bufferWidth is the width of the render area multiplied by 4 channels.
this.constants.textures is an array containing buffers of each sprite which the sprite IDs from the scene refer to.
Note: For those curious, this is being done with GPU.js, a JavaScript lib that converts a JS func into GLSL code to be run via WebGL.
function(scene, sceneLength, bufferWidth) {
var channel = this.thread.x % 4;
if (channel === 3) {
return 255;
var x = this.thread.x % bufferWidth;
var y = Math.floor(this.thread.x / bufferWidth);
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < sceneLength; i1 += 6) {
var id = scene[i1 + 1];
var x1 = scene[i1 + 2];
var y1 = scene[i1 + 3];
var w1 = scene[i1 + 4];
var h1 = scene[i1 + 5];
var r1 = scene[i1 + 6];
var offsetX1 = x1 - x;
if (offsetX1 > 0 && offsetX1 < w1) {
var offsetY1 = y1 - y;
if (offsetY1 > 0 && offsetY1 < h1) {
var c1 = offsetY1 * w1 * 4 + offsetX1 * 4;
var c1R = c1 - (c1 % 4);
var c1A = c1R + 3;
if (this.constants.textures[id][c1A] != 0) {
return this.constants.textures[id][c1];
return 0;
Explanation for the concept I'm trying to implement:
With a matrix operation, when you want to draw a sprite if you were to perform a pass on the entire render area, you'd be doing far more work than necessary. If you break the rendering area down into chunks and only update the sections involved in the sprite being drawn, that would be a fairly decent way to do it. It would certainly be good enough for real time game rendering. This would be a multi-pass approach, where sprites are rendered one at a time.
Alternatively, for what seems to me to be the most optimal approach possible, instead of that, we can use a single-pass approach that performs a single matrix operation for the entire rendering area, evaluating for each color channel what should be there based on doing a very basic form of collision detection with each sprite in the scene and the relevant pixel in that sprite.
You're calculating your sprite offsets backwards, the calculations should be:
var offsetX1 = x - x1;
var offsetY1 = y - y1;
The offsets should increase as x and y increase (assuming the sprite co-ordinates have the same co-ordinate system as the screen co-ordinates), so you shouldn't be subtracting x and y.

D3 Donut chart projected to sphere/globe

I want to use d3 for the next task:
display rotating globe with donut chart in center of every country. It should be possible to interact with globe (select country, zoom, rotate).
Seems d3 provide an easy way to implement every part of it but I can not get donuts part working as I need.
There is an easy way draw donut chart with the help of d3.arc:
var arc = d3.arc();
var data = [3, 23, 17, 35, 4];
var radius = 15/scale;
var _arc = arc.innerRadius(radius - 7/scale)
var pieData = pie(data);
for (var i = 0; i < pieData.length; i++) {
donutsContext.fillStyle = color(i);
by with code as it is donuts are displayed on a plane on top of the globe, like:
globe with donut
while I want them to be 'wrapped' around the globe
There is d3.geoCircle method that can be projected to globe correctly. I got 'ring' projected correctly to the globe with the help of two circles:
var circle = d3.geoCircle()
var outerCircle = circle();
var circle = d3.geoCircle()
var innerCircle = circle();
var interCircleCoordinates = [];
for (var i = innerCircle.coordinates[0].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
​globe with rings
but I really need to get a donut.
The other way I tried is getting image from donuts and wrapping this image around globe with the help of pixels manipulation:
var image = new Image;
image.onload = onload;
image.src = img;
function onload() {
window.dx = image.width;
window.dy = image.height;
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, dx, dy);
sourceData = context.getImageData(0, 0, dx, dy).data;
target = context.createImageData(width, height);
targetData = target.data;
for (var y = 0, i = -1; y < height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
var p = projection.invert([x, y]), λ = p[0], φ = p[1];
if (λ > 180 || λ < -180 || φ > 90 || φ < -90) { i += 4; continue; }
var q = ((90 - φ) / 180 * dy | 0) * dx + ((180 + λ) / 360 * dx | 0) << 2;
var r = sourceData[q];
var g = sourceData[++q];
var b = sourceData[++q];
targetData[++i] = r;
targetData[++i] = g;
targetData[++i] = b;
targetData[++i] = 125;//
context.clearRect(0,0, width, height);
context.putImageData(target, 0, 0);
by this way I get extremely slow rotating and interaction with a globe for a globe size I need (1000px)
So my questions are:
Is there is some way to project donuts that are generated with the help of d3.arc to a sphere (globe, orthographic projection)?
Is there is some way to get a donut from geoCircle?
Maybe there is some other way to achieve my goal I do not see
There is one way that comes to mind to display donuts on a globe. The key challenge is that d3 doesn't project three dimensional objects very well - with one exception, geographic features. Consequently, an "easy" solution is to convert your pie charts into geographic features and project them with the rest of your features.
To do this you need to:
Use a pie/donut generator as you normally would
Go along the paths generated to get points approximating the pie shape.
Convert the points to long/lat points
Assemble those points into geojson
Project them onto the map.
The first point is easy enough, just make a pie chart with an inner radius.
Now you have to select each path and find points along its perimeter using path.getPointAtLength(), this will be dependent on path length, so path.getTotalLength() will be handy (and corners are important, so you might want to incorporate a little bit of complexity for these corner cases to ensure you get them)).
Once you have the points, you need the use of a second projection, azimuthal equidistant would be best. If the pie chart is centered on [0,0] in svg coordinate space, rotate the azimuthal (don't center), so that the centroid coordinate is located at [0,0] in svg space (you can use translates on the pies to position them, but it will just add extra steps). Take each point and run it through projection.invert() using the second projection. You will need to update the projection for each donut chart as each one will have a different geographic centroid.
Once you have lat long points, it's easy - you've already done it with the geo circle function - convert to geojson and project with the orthographic projection.
This approach gave me something like:
Notes: Depending on your data, it might be easiest to preprocess your data into geojson and store that as opposed to calculating the geojson each page load.
You are using canvas, while you don't need to actually use an svg, you need to still be able to access svg functions like getPointAtLength, you do not need to have an svg or display svg elements by using a custom element replicating a path :
document.createElementNS(d3.namespaces.svg, 'path');
Oh, and make sure the second projection's translate is set - the default is [480,250] for all (most?) d3 projections, that will throw things off if unaccounted for.

In three.js how to retrieve the position of an object?

I have created an object, a cone, and have located it, orientated it, and then translated it along its axis z. Well, now I want to retrieve its position in x, y and z and store the information in an array for later use.
var cone = new THREE.Mesh(coneGeometry, coneMaterial);
var φ = wup[iter].Latitude*Math.PI/180;
var λ = - wup[iter].Longitude*Math.PI/180;
//φ phi lat λ lambda lon
cone.position.set (
Math.cos(λ) * 90 * Math.cos(φ),
Math.sin(φ) * 90,
Math.sin(λ) * 90 * Math.cos(φ)
cone.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0) );
cone.translateZ( - earthRadius * réduc);
wup[iter].x = cone.x;
wup[iter].y = cone.y;
wup[iter].z = cone.z; /
The problem is that cone.x does not contain anything.
Based on philipp's indication, and on the reply to a neighboring question of mine, here is the code that worked:
wup[iter].x = cone.position.x;
wup[iter].y = cone.position.y;
wup[iter].z = cone.position.z;
cone, as a geometry, has a vector called position associated to it with coordinates. Consequently, retrieving the coordinates of the geometry implies calling the coordinates of its vector position.

how to figure out cursive paths for an enemy to follow

The Problem
I am making a game where enemies appear at some point on the screen then follow a smooth curvy path and disappear at some point. I can make them follow a straight path but can't figure out the way to make them follow the paths depicted in the image.
I started with parabolic curve and implemented them successfully. I just used the equation of parabola to calculate the coordinates gradually. I have no clue what is the equation for desired paths supposed to be.
What I want
I am not asking for the code.I just want someone to explain me the general technique.If you still want to show some code then I don't have special preference for programming language for this particular question you can use C,Java or even pseudo-code.
First you need to represent each curve with a set of points over time, For example:
-At T(0) the object should be at (X0, Y0).
-At T(1) the object should be at (X1, Y1).
And the more points you have, the more smooth curve you will get.
Then you will use those set of points to generate two formulas-one for X, and another one for Y-, using any Interpolation method, like The La-grange's Interpolation Formula:
Note that you should replace 'y' with the time T, and replace 'x' with your X for X formula, and Y for Y formula.
I know you hoped for a simple equation, but unfortunately this is will take from you a huge effort to simplify each equation, and my advise DON'T do it unless it's worth it.
If you are seeking for a more simple equation to perform well in each frame in your game you should read about SPline method, In this method is about splitting your curve into a smaller segments, and make a simple equation for every segment, for example:
Linear Spline:
Every segment contains 2 points, this will draw a line between every two points.
The result will be some thing like this:
Or you could use quadratic spline, or cubic spline for more smooth curves, but it will slow your game performance. You can read more about those methods here.
I think linear spline will be great for you with reasonable set of points for each curve.
Please change the question title to be more generic.
If you want to generate a spiral path you need.
Total time
How many full rotations
Largest radius
So, total time T_f = 5sec, rotations R_f = 2.5 * 2 * PI, the final distance from the start D_f = 200px
function SpiralEnemy(spawnX, spawnY, time) {
this.startX = spawnX;
this.startY = spawnY;
this.startTime = time;
// these will change and be used for rendering
this.x = this.startX;
this.y = this.startY;
this.done = false;
// constants we figured out above
var TFinal = 5.0;
var RFinal = -2.6 * 2 * Math.PI;
var RStart = -Math.PI / 2;
var DFinal = 100;
// the update function called every animation tick with the current time
this.update = function(t) {
var delta = t - this.startTime;
if(delta > TFinal) {
this.done = true;
// find out how far along you are in the animation
var percent = delta / TFinal;
// what is your current angle of rotation (in radians)
var angle = RStart + RFinal * percent;
// how far from your start point should you be
var dist = DFinal * percent;
// update your coordinates
this.x = this.startX + Math.cos(angle) * dist;
this.y = this.startY + Math.sin(angle) * dist;
EDIT Here's a jsfiddle to mess with http://jsfiddle.net/pxb3824z/
EDIT 2 Here's a loop (instead of spiral) version http://jsfiddle.net/dpbLxuz7/
The loop code splits the animation into 2 parts the beginning half and the end half.
Beginning half : angle = Math.tan(T_percent) * 2 and dist = Speed + Speed * (1 - T_percent)
End half : angle = -Math.tan(1 - T_percent) * 2 and dist = **Speed + Speed * T_percent
T_percent is normalized to (0, 1.0) for both halfs.
function LoopEnemy(spawnX, spawnY, time) {
this.startX = spawnX;
this.startY = spawnY;
this.startTime = time;
// these will change and be used for rendering
this.x = this.startX;
this.y = this.startY;
this.last = time;
this.done = false;
// constants we figured out above
var TFinal = 5.0;
var RFinal = -2 * Math.PI;
var RStart = 0;
var Speed = 50; // px per second
// the update function called every animation tick with the current time
this.update = function(t) {
var delta = t - this.startTime;
if(delta > TFinal) {
this.done = true;
// find out how far along you are in the animation
var percent = delta / TFinal;
var localDelta = t - this.last;
// what is your current angle of rotation (in radians)
var angle = RStart;
var dist = Speed * localDelta;
if(percent <= 0.5) {
percent = percent / 0.5;
angle -= Math.tan(percent) * 2;
dist += dist * (1 - percent);
} else {
percent = (percent - 0.5) / 0.5;
angle -= -Math.tan(1 - percent) * 2;
dist += dist * percent;
// update your coordinates
this.last = t;
this.x = this.x + Math.cos(angle) * dist;
this.y = this.y + Math.sin(angle) * dist;
Deriving the exact distance traveled and the height of the loop for this one is a bit more work. I arbitrarily chose a Speed of 50px / sec, which give a final x offset of ~+145 and a loop height of ~+114 the distance and height will scale from those values linearly (ex: Speed=25 will have final x at ~73 and loop height of ~57)
I don't understand how you give a curve. If you need a curve depicted on the picture, you can find a curve is given analytically and use it. If you have not any curves you can send me here: hedgehogues#bk.ru and I will help find you. I leave e-mail here because I don't get any messages about answers of users from stackoverflow. I don't know why.
If you have some curves in parametric view in [A, B], you can write a code like this:
double x, y;
coord = A;
step = 0.001
eps = 1e-6;
while (coord + step - eps < B)
SPoint p1, p2;
p1.x = x(coord);
p1.y = y(coord);
coord += step;
p2.x = x(coord);
p2.y = y(coord);
drawline(p1, p2);

Rotate scene about Up vector in jsc3d

I'm using jsc3d to load and display some 3d objects on a canvas. The viewer has already a built-in feature that allows to rotate the "view coordinates" (correct me if i'm wrong) about the Y axis by dragging the mouse.
The rotation is performed through a classic rotation matrix, and finally the trasformation matrix is multiplied by this rotation matrix.
The totation about the Y axis is calculated in a way that resembles a circular movement around the whole scene of loaded objects:
JSC3D.Matrix3x4.prototype.rotateAboutYAxis = function(angle) {
if(angle != 0) {
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
var c = Math.cos(angle);
var s = Math.sin(angle);
var m00 = c * this.m00 + s * this.m20;
var m01 = c * this.m01 + s * this.m21;
var m02 = c * this.m02 + s * this.m22;
var m03 = c * this.m03 + s * this.m23;
var m20 = c * this.m20 - s * this.m00;
var m21 = c * this.m21 - s * this.m01;
var m22 = c * this.m22 - s * this.m02;
var m23 = c * this.m23 - s * this.m03;
this.m00 = m00; this.m01 = m01; this.m02 = m02; this.m03 = m03;
this.m20 = m20; this.m21 = m21; this.m22 = m22; this.m23 = m23;
Now, dragging the mouse will apply this rotation about the Y axis on the whole world, like on the left side in the picture below. Is there a way, to apply a rotation about the Up vector to keep it in the initial position, like it appear on the right side?
I tried something like that:
var rotY = (x - viewer.mouseX) * 360 / viewer.canvas.height;
var rotMat = new JSC3D.Matrix3x4; // identity
but it has no effect.
What operations shall be applied to my rotation matrix to achieve a rotation about the Up vector?
Sample: https://jsfiddle.net/4xzjnnar/1/
This 3D library has already some built-in functions to allow scene rotation about X,Y,and Z axis, so there is no need to implement new matrix operations for that, we can use the existing functions rotateAboutXAyis, rotateAboutYAxis and rotateAboutZAxis, which apply an in-place matrix multiplication of the desired rotation angle in degrees.
The scene in JSC3D is transformed by a 3x4 matrix where the rotation is stored in the first 3 values of each row.
After applying a scene rotation and/or translation, applying a subsequent rotation about the Up vector, is a problem of calculate a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
A very clean and didactic explanation how to solve this problem is described here: http://ami.ektf.hu/uploads/papers/finalpdf/AMI_40_from175to186.pdf
Translate the P 0 (x 0 ,y 0 ,z 0 ) axis point to the origin of the coordinate system.
Perform appropriate rotations to make the axis of rotation coincident with
z-coordinate axis.
Rotate about the z-axis by the angle θ.
Perform the inverse of the combined rotation transformation.
Perform the inverse of the translation.
Now, its easy to write a function for that, because we use the functions already available in JSC3D (translation part is omitted here).
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.rotateAboutUpVector = function(angle) {
angle %= 360;
/* pitch, counter-clockwise rotation about the Y axis */
var degX = this.rpy[0], degZ = this.rpy[2];
Because all above mentioned functions are using degrees, we need to get back the actual Euler angles from the rotation matrix (simplified):
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.calcRollPitchYaw = function() {
var m = this.rotMatrix;
var radians = 180 / Math.PI;
var angleX = Math.atan2(-m.m12, m.m22) * radians;
var angleY = Math.asin(m.m01) * radians;
var angleZ = Math.atan2(-m.m01, m.m00) * radians;
this.rpy[0] = angleX;
this.rpy[1] = angleY;
this.rpy[2] = angleZ;
The tricky part here, is that we need always to get back the current rotation angles, as they results from the applied rotations, so a separate function must be used to store the current Euler angles every time that a rotation is applied to the scene.
For that, we can use a very simple structure:
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.rpy = [0, 0, 0];
This will be the final result:
