In three.js how to retrieve the position of an object? - three.js

I have created an object, a cone, and have located it, orientated it, and then translated it along its axis z. Well, now I want to retrieve its position in x, y and z and store the information in an array for later use.
var cone = new THREE.Mesh(coneGeometry, coneMaterial);
var φ = wup[iter].Latitude*Math.PI/180;
var λ = - wup[iter].Longitude*Math.PI/180;
//φ phi lat λ lambda lon
cone.position.set (
Math.cos(λ) * 90 * Math.cos(φ),
Math.sin(φ) * 90,
Math.sin(λ) * 90 * Math.cos(φ)
cone.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0) );
cone.translateZ( - earthRadius * réduc);
wup[iter].x = cone.x;
wup[iter].y = cone.y;
wup[iter].z = cone.z; /
The problem is that cone.x does not contain anything.

Based on philipp's indication, and on the reply to a neighboring question of mine, here is the code that worked:
wup[iter].x = cone.position.x;
wup[iter].y = cone.position.y;
wup[iter].z = cone.position.z;
cone, as a geometry, has a vector called position associated to it with coordinates. Consequently, retrieving the coordinates of the geometry implies calling the coordinates of its vector position.


ThreeJS : How to get the angle between2 object

I have an Avatar at a given Position (v0) and Rotation (r0)
I have an Object at a givent Position (v1)
I looking for the angle to rotate the avatar toward v1. I need the angle I don't want to use lookAt() function
// Get the Avatar Position
let v0 = new THREE.Vector3();
// Get the Object Position
let v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
// Get the direction v0 to v1
let dir0 = new THREE.Vector3();
dir0.subVectors( v0, v1 ).normalize();
// Get the direction of avatar (where it look at)
let dir2 = new THREE.Vector3();
// Get the angle between the 2 direction
let radians = dir0.angleTo(dir2)
It doesn't work !
The this.mesh.lookAt(v1.setY(0)) works and rotate correctly the mesh
But the angle computation didn't work because of avatar.getWorldDirection
BTW, since everything is on the same plane I don't need 3D (only 2D)
BTW, The avatar (Mixamo) seems to face backward
I need that angle to trigger some animation (if angle > 90 then trigger 90, if angle > 180 then turnback animation...)
Your code has a few mistakes. obj.getWorldPosition(v0) is going to overwrite the v0 values retrieved with avatar.getWorldPosition(v0), so when you subtract v0 - v1 you'll get a vector with a magnitude of 0.
Looking at the documentation of Vector3.angleTo(), it says all you need to do is input the positions, without any subtraction necessary:
let posAvatar = new THREE.Vector3();
let posObj = new THREE.Vector3();
const angleRadians = posAvatar.angleTo(posObj);
// convert from radians to degrees
const angleDeg = THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(angleRadians);
Keep in mind, both objects will need to be on the same plane for this 2D angle to be accurate.
This approach uses the Javascript Math.atan2() method to calculate the absolute y-axis rotation from your avatar's vantage point towards the obj. This also only uses the x,z positions so any height variations are ignored.
let posAvatar = new THREE.Vector3();
let posObj = new THREE.Vector3();
const xDist = posObj.x - posAvatar.x;
const zDist = posObj.z - posAvatar.z;
const angle = Math.atan2(zDist, xDist) * 180 / Math.PI;
avatar.rotation.y = angle;
Your avatar might be facing a different axis, so you can just add 90 or 180 degrees to the final angle value.

Formula of n-vector from latitude and longitude with three.js objects

I want the formula giving the n-vector (perpendicular to the globe) from latitude and longitude in a three.js scene.
My code is currently the following, based on a list of cities (in the table called "wup"):
var conegeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(0, 10, 10, 500, false);
var earthRadius = 6371; // kilometres
var réduc = 0.02;
for (var iter=1;iter<1693;iter++){
var cone = new THREE.Mesh(conegeometry, conematerial);
var lat = wup[iter].Latitude*Math.PI/180;
var lon = wup[iter].Longitude*Math.PI/180;
cone.position.set (
earthRadius * réduc * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon),
earthRadius * réduc * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon),
earthRadius * réduc * Math.sin(lat));
cone.rotation.set (
Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon),
-Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon));
Formulae come from this article, p 402.
My aim is to have all cities represented as cones with the top at lat/lon position and the rest below the surface of earth, and perpendicularly to the earth surface (simplified as a sphere).
Latitude and longitude come from UN cities dataset, seem very clean and classical in degrees.
Santiago Del Estero -27,79511 -64,26149
Yerevan 40,181998 44,514619
Adelaide -34,92866 138,59863
But something is wrong in the rotation formulae, and I can't find the right adjustment. Any idea?
You need to fix two things: calculation of position and calculation of rotation.
The geographical coordinate system is left-handed (longitude grows towards east). Three.js uses a right-handed coordinate system (longitude grows towards west). Therefore the longitude value needs to be inverted in your geometry. Also, the formulae you found work for coordinates with Z-axis pointing up. Three.js has the Y-axis pointing up. So you need to swap the z and y formulas. This is the correct code for position:
var lat = wup[iter].Latitude*Math.PI/180;
var lon = - wup[iter].Longitude*Math.PI/180;
cone.position.set (
earthRadius * réduc * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon),
earthRadius * réduc * Math.sin(lat),
earthRadius * réduc * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon));
You just need to rotate the cone by their longitude/latitude values (not sines and cosines)
cone.rotation.set ( 0, -lon, - Math.PI / 2 + lat);
I found a solution, much simpler than my initial idea. Based on this project and this example at using the instruction lookAt which avoids complicate trigonometric formulae.
I also found that my formulae for lat/lon to x, y, z where wrong, and not corresponding to the formulae used in the project shp.js which I also use.
Objects can be set at facing a given point, here the centre of the earth. But then cones are cylinders and must for a reason I do not fully understand be turned of PI/2. So this worked:
var lat = wup[iter].Latitude*Math.PI/180;
var lon = - wup[iter].Longitude*Math.PI/180;
cone.position.set (
Math.cos(lon) * 90 * Math.cos(lat),
Math.sin(lat) * 90,
Math.sin(lon) * 90 * Math.cos(lat)
cone.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0) ); //orientate the cone to the center of earth
cone.translateZ( - earthRadius * réduc); //to follow the genral contraction
cone.translateZ( coneHeight/2); //to put the top edge at lat/lon position
cone.rotateX(- Math.PI / 2 ); //because cylinders.cones are drawn horizontally

Points inside circular sector

I am working on a mobile application. My application gets the user position and orientation and then show some points of interest near his location.
Now, what I need is to know if the user is in front of a point of interest. My idea is to do this based on his position and orientation, using a circular sector of a small radius (about 5 meters) and I want to know if there is any formula or if anyone has a recommendation on how to achieve this.
I assume you have Lat/Lon coordinates and user moving/viewing azimuth.
You can calculate direction to object and it's bearing (azimuth) and compare with your limits.
Note: It is difficult to ensure 5 meters precision with GPS/geolocation
This excellent page contains all the needed formulas. Excerpt:
var R = 6371000; // metres
var φ1 = lat1.toRadians();
var φ2 = lat2.toRadians();
var Δφ = (lat2-lat1).toRadians();
var Δλ = (lon2-lon1).toRadians();
var a = Math.sin(Δφ/2) * Math.sin(Δφ/2) +
Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) *
Math.sin(Δλ/2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
(all angles in radians)
var y = Math.sin(λ2-λ1) * Math.cos(φ2);
var x = Math.cos(φ1)*Math.sin(φ2) -
var brng = Math.atan2(y, x).toDegrees();

Rotate scene about Up vector in jsc3d

I'm using jsc3d to load and display some 3d objects on a canvas. The viewer has already a built-in feature that allows to rotate the "view coordinates" (correct me if i'm wrong) about the Y axis by dragging the mouse.
The rotation is performed through a classic rotation matrix, and finally the trasformation matrix is multiplied by this rotation matrix.
The totation about the Y axis is calculated in a way that resembles a circular movement around the whole scene of loaded objects:
JSC3D.Matrix3x4.prototype.rotateAboutYAxis = function(angle) {
if(angle != 0) {
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
var c = Math.cos(angle);
var s = Math.sin(angle);
var m00 = c * this.m00 + s * this.m20;
var m01 = c * this.m01 + s * this.m21;
var m02 = c * this.m02 + s * this.m22;
var m03 = c * this.m03 + s * this.m23;
var m20 = c * this.m20 - s * this.m00;
var m21 = c * this.m21 - s * this.m01;
var m22 = c * this.m22 - s * this.m02;
var m23 = c * this.m23 - s * this.m03;
this.m00 = m00; this.m01 = m01; this.m02 = m02; this.m03 = m03;
this.m20 = m20; this.m21 = m21; this.m22 = m22; this.m23 = m23;
Now, dragging the mouse will apply this rotation about the Y axis on the whole world, like on the left side in the picture below. Is there a way, to apply a rotation about the Up vector to keep it in the initial position, like it appear on the right side?
I tried something like that:
var rotY = (x - viewer.mouseX) * 360 / viewer.canvas.height;
var rotMat = new JSC3D.Matrix3x4; // identity
but it has no effect.
What operations shall be applied to my rotation matrix to achieve a rotation about the Up vector?
This 3D library has already some built-in functions to allow scene rotation about X,Y,and Z axis, so there is no need to implement new matrix operations for that, we can use the existing functions rotateAboutXAyis, rotateAboutYAxis and rotateAboutZAxis, which apply an in-place matrix multiplication of the desired rotation angle in degrees.
The scene in JSC3D is transformed by a 3x4 matrix where the rotation is stored in the first 3 values of each row.
After applying a scene rotation and/or translation, applying a subsequent rotation about the Up vector, is a problem of calculate a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
A very clean and didactic explanation how to solve this problem is described here:
Translate the P 0 (x 0 ,y 0 ,z 0 ) axis point to the origin of the coordinate system.
Perform appropriate rotations to make the axis of rotation coincident with
z-coordinate axis.
Rotate about the z-axis by the angle θ.
Perform the inverse of the combined rotation transformation.
Perform the inverse of the translation.
Now, its easy to write a function for that, because we use the functions already available in JSC3D (translation part is omitted here).
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.rotateAboutUpVector = function(angle) {
angle %= 360;
/* pitch, counter-clockwise rotation about the Y axis */
var degX = this.rpy[0], degZ = this.rpy[2];
Because all above mentioned functions are using degrees, we need to get back the actual Euler angles from the rotation matrix (simplified):
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.calcRollPitchYaw = function() {
var m = this.rotMatrix;
var radians = 180 / Math.PI;
var angleX = Math.atan2(-m.m12, m.m22) * radians;
var angleY = Math.asin(m.m01) * radians;
var angleZ = Math.atan2(-m.m01, m.m00) * radians;
this.rpy[0] = angleX;
this.rpy[1] = angleY;
this.rpy[2] = angleZ;
The tricky part here, is that we need always to get back the current rotation angles, as they results from the applied rotations, so a separate function must be used to store the current Euler angles every time that a rotation is applied to the scene.
For that, we can use a very simple structure:
JSC3D.Viewer.prototype.rpy = [0, 0, 0];
This will be the final result: quaternion rotation around z axis

As far as I know a quaternion is a set of four values (W X Y Z) that are used to specify a rotation in 3D space. For a given axis (x y z) and angle (α), the quaternion representing a rotation around the axis from the origin (0,0,0) to (x,y,z). So a rotation of 90 degrees about the z axis (0 0 1) should be:
var quaternion = new Quaternion(Math.PI/2, 0, 0, 1);
but turns it for ~60 degrees...
I've also tried var quaternion = new Quaternion(90, 0, 0, 1); but in this case turns it for ~5 degrees
is it a bug of the framework?
How should I use it to turn it on 90 degreez around z axis?
Documentation is still totally useless..
Try using this method Quaternion.makeFromAngleAndAxis(angle, v)
I have found this to be the most straight forward approach to making it a little more readable and useable.
Example jsBin
var degrees = 90;
var angle = Math.PI/180 * degrees;
var v = new Vector(0, 0, 1);
var quaternion = new Quaternion();
quaternion.makeFromAngleAndAxis(angle, v);
...To get the transform
Something to remember from Math Class
A circle has 360 degrees. Each degree is represented by the unit circumference of a circle 2 * PI * r. We will assume we have a radius of 1. So divide your total circumference by 360 and you get one degrees 2PI/360 or PI/180.
In Summary:
one degrees of our circle is = Math.PI/180
your angle of direction is = Math.PI/180 * degrees
Just found answer in one wiki article:
var angle = Math.PI/2;
var axis = [0,0,1];
var w = Math.cos(.5 * angle);
var x = axis[0] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var y = axis[1] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var z = axis[2] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var quaternion = new Quaternion(w, x, y, z);
try this transformation - Transform.rotateZ(angle);
Refer to -
