Error code:0x80071A90 - When Installing IIS on Windows 10.1 - windows

I get this error: Windows couldn't complete the requested changes. The function attempted to use a name that is reserved for use by another transaction.Error code:0x80071A90, when I trying to install IIS on windows 10 Pro.
May you kindly assist in resolving this issue.
Kindest Regards

Here is a forum post which suggests a reboot and then if not resolved, using the dism command -


I am facing an error while installing paf

Error found in the command prompt
curl is not recognized
while installing paf. How to resolve this issue?
we need to connect with the technical team for windows update. PAF installer only supports windows 10 version.

Sugar CRM CE Blank Screen after installation

I have Sugar CE Full 6.5.24 installed on Ubuntu 16.04.2 x64.
After installation I have a blank screen and am unsure what I have done wrong, please assist.
This is the guide I have followed:
And this one for the dependencies (using PHP 7):
The only known issue I have had is that I was unable to install "jsmin" using pecl but have python-jsmin installed.
I have made a copy of the error log here:
And the installation log here:

Install APTANA failed Windows 10

I'm trying to install Aptana studio 3 on my pc, Windows 10. I download the setup from your link and then launch the setup, but after few seconds I have this error: "Failed to correctly acquire installer_nodejs_windows.msi file:CRC error".
After that the setup ends because of the can I solve that?
Thanks for your kind help, I'd like to use Aptana for my study.
I found that the solution posted in this post worked for me. I already had nodejs & msysgit installed.

VS 2015 Community Installation - Newer Windows Version required

I've been trying to install VS 2015 Community on my main computer. It is running under Windows 10 which I upgraded to a few months ago from Windows 7 Home Premium. Now I also have VS 2012 Express installed if that is a neccessary information.
However everytime I try run the vscommunity.exe to install VS 2015 I get this error message:
Translated this basically means:
This program requires a newer version of Windows
Sorry I can only get this message in German.
Hellu again.
I found a solution to the problem. So first I could've tried starting it as administrator ^^. This brought up the vs installation window.
When the installation came up it showed me the error "Setup Blocked" and told me to restart the computer. Obviously I have done this before so this couldn't be the solution. Thanks through this post I found out that I needed to turn off hibernation and then restart the computer to fix it.
To turn off hibernation just open the command line and type:
powercfg.exe /hibernate off
And to turn it back on again:
powercfg.exe /hibernate on
After restarting the installation worked correctly.
Turning off hibernation also worked for me
Cmd: powercfg.exe /hibernate off
Complete the installation and then to turn it back on again:
Cmd: powercfg.exe /hibernate on

Windows installation error

Today I encountered really new and strange problem during windows installation. I tried to install windows 7 on a Fujitsu Siemens notebook and on a step of installation I got an error :" can't install selected language". And after this installation fails.
I'm trying to install Russian language and I see such an error first time.
can anyone help me?
Once you try to install in English and if the same problem exists Install the OS from another DVD or another source.Then you change the language to Russian directly from Windows.
