Gantt Chart react-d3 - d3.js

This question is related to Gantt chart with D3
I see that a pretty close implementation is available for AngularJS at
Is there an equivalent in React?
I've checked and but there is nothing at the moment that seamlessly has the Gantt features.
What would the best way be to go about this with React.
The collapsible rows and the brush are the attractive features in the Angular Gantt.
This - is the closest I got but I just want to make sure there isn't a React implementation already before I choose to go with this.

In case if you want to try google charts
Google gantt chart
Currently it is in beta so try after keeping that fact in mind.


Interactive chart Library for web browser supporting click and drag of points

I've developed an application in pyqt and matplotlib which allows the user to drag and edit plot data and I need to provide the same functionality in a web browser. I've looked at d3.js but the learning curve seems too steep for the time I have available.
I need advice on which Library/Framework can deliver my needs. Users should be able to select a number of points on a chart and be able to drag them without any noticeable performance penalty. bokeh and mpld3 seem like good candidates. Can anyone advise if these libraries or any other would work well for my needs?
Bokeh provides a number of standard mechanisms to enable it, mainly via JavaScript or Python callbacks. There is a number of drag tools like BoxSelectTool or LassoSelectTool for which you could define a callback but it is also possible to attach a callback to the canvas or plot's data source object.
Additionally it is possible to add a new functionality to Bokeh by writing your own extensions using TypeScript. See Bokeh documentation here.

Chart controls for Angular 2+ (Steema controls)

Does Tee-chart provide chart controls for Angular2+?
Typescript plugin Link:
Cannot understand how helpful are plugins by tee chart and feasible for full fledged development.
Do they fully support angular 2+ chart controls now or any plans in future?
Steema is currently preparing modified typescipt files and examples for TeeChart with angular and expect to have them ready in the near future

Is it possible to apply animation for react-router-native?

I know that this question sounds like asking for suggestion which should not be here, But I am posting after searching a lot for my requirement.
I am using react-router-native for navigation which is great functionality wise. But comes to the animation part, it doesn't give the best user experience. Official Documentation doesn't seem like providing any animation information.
Even in the google I found some articles(A shallow dive into React Router v4 Animated Transitions, Animating Route Transitions with React Router) describing about animation for navigation but only for react.
Hence, Could anybody let me know that is there any way to apply animation for react-router-native?
The standard place to start is exploring basic Animations. That said - have a look at one of the more developed transition libraries out there e.g. react-native-transition.
If it's specifically for just routing then there is a great answer Here.
You might want to try this animation library for react-router-native:
I think you need react-router-native-animate-stackreact-router-native-animate-stack
yarn add react-router-native-animate-stack
This is by default swipeable and you can customize the transition when move to next page.
This is the package example running on expo snack

Angular 4 image marker

I'm currently working in an Angular 4 app which has to display an image in which anyone could mark a point and add a text, I've seen a lot of Jquery Plugins that do the work, but I don't like the idea of combining Jquery and Angular, anyone knows about an angular component that works for generic pictures?
A quick google search, brought up this tool, which seems to have the functionality you want, though may be a bit overkill. I haven't used it myself, so I have no idea how well it works:
Alternatively, using the canvas API isn't too difficult for something as simple as overlaying text and marking some points. This tutorial seems to go through some of the basics:

Multiple Charts on single page: iFrame versus Ajax

Am trying to show multiple Bar Charts using Jfreechart API on a single page, all the charts from the same domain. Wondering if it would be better to use iFrames or are there any other alternatives? If i were to do this with Ajax, something like on page load show the bar charts in each div's, what would be the way to go about it? Would highly appreciate if anyone can throw more light on this.
I would recommend Flot for web-based charting even over my own open source API XChart, which is geared more towards desktop applications. Here is a HelloWorld type example application with source code demonstrating Flot that I made at one point. If more you're more interested in fetching a JPEG containing a chart, you can see how I do it with XChart (Bonus Example, bottom of page), and you could probably do something very similar with JFreeChart.
