Does Tee-chart provide chart controls for Angular2+?
Typescript plugin Link:
Cannot understand how helpful are plugins by tee chart and feasible for full fledged development.
Do they fully support angular 2+ chart controls now or any plans in future?
Steema is currently preparing modified typescipt files and examples for TeeChart with angular and expect to have them ready in the near future
I've developed an application in pyqt and matplotlib which allows the user to drag and edit plot data and I need to provide the same functionality in a web browser. I've looked at d3.js but the learning curve seems too steep for the time I have available.
I need advice on which Library/Framework can deliver my needs. Users should be able to select a number of points on a chart and be able to drag them without any noticeable performance penalty. bokeh and mpld3 seem like good candidates. Can anyone advise if these libraries or any other would work well for my needs?
Bokeh provides a number of standard mechanisms to enable it, mainly via JavaScript or Python callbacks. There is a number of drag tools like BoxSelectTool or LassoSelectTool for which you could define a callback but it is also possible to attach a callback to the canvas or plot's data source object.
Additionally it is possible to add a new functionality to Bokeh by writing your own extensions using TypeScript. See Bokeh documentation here.
This question is related to Gantt chart with D3
I see that a pretty close implementation is available for AngularJS at
Is there an equivalent in React?
I've checked and but there is nothing at the moment that seamlessly has the Gantt features.
What would the best way be to go about this with React.
The collapsible rows and the brush are the attractive features in the Angular Gantt.
This - is the closest I got but I just want to make sure there isn't a React implementation already before I choose to go with this.
In case if you want to try google charts
Google gantt chart
Currently it is in beta so try after keeping that fact in mind.
I am looking into building a responsive modern web portal, primarily for reporting purposes like data, stats and few charts. Especially for charts I plan to use Kendo UI controls. Apart from that are there recommendations on what templates to use with ASP.NET MVC such as bootstrap or something else that gives a good look and feel to the web UI? I am new to javascript so something that is quick to pick up, or with good documentation also would work.
The kendo ui controls come with a number of themes that are perfect for this type of exercise (I'm doing something similar to you with a "reporting" portal. I have found that the bootstrap and flat themes are the best to use (flat for graphs looks amazing). If you look at the kendo demo's they will show you the power of the suite especially this one: it shows the integration with bootstrap really nicely and is probably something similar to what you may be after.
I am using the kendo controls with the bootstrap theme currently for my project and they seem to fit well together, like you I'm not the best at javascript (although I have learnt loads just using these two libraries) - Thanks Telerik for the MVC helpers!
I'm developing an application both for Iphone and Andriod using Phonegap.
I came up with all kinds of plugins JQuery, JQTouch and more,
What is the recommended way of doing this?
Meaning-designing a generic UI (tabbars, tables, navigation bars etc') for both Iphone,Android that will "feel" native?
If you want your application to look as native as possible I'd try jQuery Mobile.
The documentation is brilliant and all of elements look native to the iPhone. It's also incredibly easy and quick to build up your UI as all of the design and colour scheme has already been done.
I've used this in an Android application that I've made and I've so far received very positive reviews.
You may also want to look out for Kendo UI which is out this month! Again, very similar to what jQuery mobile is about with a few exceptions. It has great support for graphs and data, and promotes native Android look and feel.
Sencha Touch has just released version 2 and it is a good JS toolkit as well.
I feel I have to put my hat in the ring for jQTouch. Although the version downloadable from their site is a bit oldish, if you get it from GitHub it is currently maintained and works well on both iOS and Android.
Also, if you want the fixed headers or footers with scrollable elements in-between, DataZombie's fork of jQTouch includes iScroll which does a great job of this.
I am also in the process of developing a theme for jQTouch that will allow apps on Android to feel quite a bit more "native" than the other js kits as they all seem to have a very iOS-cenrtic navigation style (e.g.: back buttons on toolbars instead of relying on the hardware back button, etc). Even if you don't want to wait for my theme, making your own is pretty easy on jQTouch. I would not call myself a designer and I managed. ;)
Feel free to choose one of the other answers, but keep jQTouch in mind. I tried and tried other JavaScript frameworks and it was the only one that made it possible to look good on both platforms.
jQuery Mobile works awesomely.. and with the theme roller coming soon it will be pretty good.
Kendo Mobile UI - Pre release rip.. I have a working Eclispe project here.. markup is identical to jQuery mobile.. but this is faster, nice native looking apps. Take a look
I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms.
What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies?
Mocha ui uses Canvas and is probably the closest to having good file menus and forms:
Some other things to look at: - Raphael for SVG - Mozilla Bespin premade code editor for Canvas
If you don't want to use HTML for the widgets, then have a look at the pergola framework which is based on svg (has menus, windows, widgets etc).
Take a look at the canvas based framework
Zebra brings fresh view and possibilities to develop WEB based Rich UI applications. The approach sits on top of HTML5 Canvas element what makes possible to render any imaginable UI. Zebra development is much closer to software engineering where you write well structured, supportable, extendable code basing on easy Zebra OOP concept