when I run the command "php artisan make:auth" login functionality related stuff created automatically. There are view files also created. Is there any way to generate view files with my model fields, like how tha command is doing??!!
Yes, you can do that, creating custom artisan commands.
I am new in Laravel and I want to create a model with all it's basic properties like fillable, table etc. using artisan.
I have explored some blogs but I have not found any way to create a model with basic fields. So, Is there any command to do it like we can do it in CodeIgniter 4?
There is no automatic way to create table fields using artisan, what you can do instead is create the following and modify it:
php artisan make:model Blog -mcr
Read more on model options: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/eloquent#generating-model-classes
The above will create:
A model named "blog"
A migration file - this is where you can modify/add fields to the database
A resource controller named "BlogController"
For migrations, you need to edit your migration file that it generated, see the documentation on how to do this: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/migrations#migration-structure
Once you finish you can run the command:
php artisan migrate
to push the changes of the migration file to the database.
Alternatively, you can always see what kind of options you have in artisan by doing:
php artisan make:model -help
And if you want to create everything related to the model, do the command:
php artisan make:model Blog -a
Generate a migration, seeder, factory, policy, resource controller,
and form request classes for the model
in ruby on rails, we can do
rails generate model note title body:text
to create:
model called Note
table called notes
column in notes table with name title as string
column in notes table with name body as text
is there any possible way to do this in laravel?
In Laravel we have artisan which has a lot of commands for performing common tasks such as Model, Controller and migration generation.
For your specific case you could do something like the following:
php artisan make:model Note -mc
The above would create a model in app/Models. The -mc flags tell artisan to also make a migration in the database/migrations directory and a controller in the app/Http/Controllers directory.
To add fields for your Note model, you will need to do that yourself in the migration file that was generated. Then you can use php artisan migrate to execute the new migration.
For other commands of artisan, just type php artisan in your console and you'll see a full list of commands.
I'm new to Laravel. I'm developing an app in Laravel6 using VSCode on Windows 10.
When I started my app, I executed this command:
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
Then I proceeded to develop my views using bootstrap4. If I executed this command now, after having created various views that used bootstrap, what would happen?
php artisan ui vue --auth
I'm hoping to hear that absolutely nothing will happen to my existing views and the necessary vue modules have simply been installed so that I could proceed to write new views that use vue instead of bootstrap.
But rather than trying it and potentially erasing my bootstrap code (or making it unrunnable because the bootstrap packages have been deleted), I thought I'd ask here. I'm guessing someone here is aware of what will happen if I run php artisan vue a second time for the same project but with a different parameter.
Yes i have tried with commands given by you if i run "php artisan ui vue" it will only replace those files which has been generated by command and if run "php artisan ui vue --auth" it will ask me whether or not i want to replace those files means "yes/no" in a terminal.
In Laravel, I can create models and controllers automatically from the command line using
However, There is no command to generate views automatically based on the the model for CRUD operations. Wonder if there is a tool that would make this out of the box. I imagine this:
php artisan make:view model
and then I have all my views ready. I tried to search online but could not find a proper tool: LarvelCodeGenerator, and others...
Have you taken a look at Laravel View Generator.
I have succesfully been able to create a file inside Storage / Public, but I am wondering if anyone knows if you can create a view inside resources/views with any laravel functions?
Currently there is no direct command to do this but you can use the package Artisan View. This package adds a couple of view-related commands to Artisan in your Laravel projects. You can try this : Artisan View