Send Magento order confirmation after payment - magento

here's my problem:
When a customer in my Magento store places an order, the confirmation mail is beeing sended right away. Even when the payment procedure is not done.
I want the order confirmation mail only to be sended when the payment is done. For example when someone chooses PayPal and clicks on Place Order button, the person is redirected to PayPal, makes the payment: confirmation mail send. But when the person is cancelling the payment in PayPal, nothing should be sended.
I did not find a solution on Google or Stackoverflow, so I hope someone can help me out. Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,

I face same problem. I find temporary solution for this problem.
Go to System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Sales Emails
There is in Order tab order confirmation email select NO
Then Set custom email to your success payment page.
Please refer this link for set custom email


Order confirmation email not working for PayPal payment method

We are not getting order confirmation email if customer placed an order through PayPal in Magento site. But we get the invoice and shipment mails.
We set Sale : Payment Action in PayPal configuration.
So once we create the order, along with the order email [it's not going to the customer] I want to send invoice mail also to customer. i=I think this extension will send invoice only once order status become complete.
Would SMTP extension work for us?
Is there anything else we need to do?

Magento + Paypal - order status stuck at "Payment review"

I am currently testing the PayPal functionality. I added all the appropriate config information, and the purchase is working perfectly.
Going into the admin panel, all the orders have "Payment review" status (they were made either today or yesterday).
My question is - is it normal to last this long ? If it is, how am I supposed to properly test. If it's not, can anyone give me any tips on how to debug this issue ?
Any information on how the process goes from this point on would be highly appreciated. Anticipated thanks.
Check the PayPal account that you made the purchases on. Do they show completed in there, or do they say pending? If they show completed, it may be possible you did not receive the IPN to update your cart. If they show under review in your test sandbox account, you may have payment review turned on. You could need to go into the details of the transaction within your test sandbox account and manually accept the payment. You can also turn payment review off if it is on. You just need to log into your developer account at, click on test accounts. You then should see a column for payment review. If it is enabled, you will just need to toggle it from here.
Since this is quite popular with Google I will add my solution here as well:
I had noticed that many payments would still have the "Payment review" status even after I disabled payment review in my sandbox account.
Turns out that if a payment is made in another than the sandbox account's default currency, it is automatically put into the "Review" status.
To turn this feature off, log into your sandbox account under and go to Profile -> More Options -> Payment Receiving Preferences. There you can change the setting for "Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold" to auto-accept such payments.
My problem was transaction status said "Paid" in merchant test (Sandbox) account but IPN response I received had payment status "Pending".
For a new user like me, it was hard to find out how to accept a payment manually when "payment review" is turned on. It took hours for me.
To make it easier for others,
Go to transaction detail -> Click on "More Information" link. Go to bottom of the page. Here you will find "Accept" link just above "Return to My Account" button. Click on "Accept" link and transaction status will change to "Complete".
After that I received IPN response with payment status "Completed"
I hope this helps someone.
This query solved it for me in case of Amazon Sandbox orders which left opened transactions. These popped up in the error log with
The OrderReferenceId XYZ is invalid
each time with Magento's cron scheduler. Basically the same as for Paypal and all other external payment methods which have a sandbox mode:
UPDATE `sales_payment_transaction`
SET `is_closed`=1
WHERE 'S02-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX' IN (txn_id, parent_txn_id);

How to stop magento from setting Payment-Status to "Completed" when Payment comes in via PayPal

Is there a way to stop magento setting the status of an order to "completed" after the payment comes in via PayPal?
The Problem is that I want do send an invoice when I start with the service, which is not possible when someone pays it before.
If I understand your problem right, try next:
In Magento PayPal settings, find field "Payment Action", and set it to "Authorization"
This mean:
payments are only authorized at the side of the PayPal system and only
an order is created in the backend of your store. The store
administrator needs log to on to the merchant account on the PayPal
site and capture the transaction.
So after order placed and user have paid transaction, status in your shop will stay at "Pending" or "Processing". After that you can generate invoice and send it to customer, and then go to your PayPal and finalize order.
Source here:

Magento - Send order email on status Not paid

does anybody know how to trigger the order email in magento when the order is not paid?
I have a payment provider (multisafepay) and their first step after the checkout creates the order with the status Not Paid. At this point the order email is not send. Only in the step after this the order email is send (paid status)
The problem is that sometimes people go to the first step, then think hey I need more or do not have money and go back to the site, the order is created but no notification has been send out. For a lot of items we only have 1 in stock so they cannot order again.

Joomla Virtuemart - Reduce number of order confirmation emails

Virtuemart generates too many emails during the ordering process, i.e. sends a "pending" status email before the user has completed checkout and two status "confirmed" emails - one after submitting credit card form and another after clicking the subsequent "Next" button.
I have not found a conclusive thread that deals with this once and for all.
The only email we need is after final Confirmation from the merchant.
Any help appreciated.
Like Brent wrote above, VirtueMart sends the "order confirmation" email, when the customer click the confirm order button. This is done when order is actually in "pending" status, before payment is completed. The real confirmed order is sent by VM when the payment module changes the order status to confirm, after payment completes.
You can control all standard emails (user registration, order confirmation, admin order confirmation, status changed, download ID) and many others with extensions like Emails manager and Emails manager pro
