For my opengl video player app, I am using surface texture bound to GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES
source :
In my fragment shader, I want luminance value to be taken for 3x3 block.
vec2 tex00 = vec2(vTextureCoord.x-xmargin, vTextureCoord.y-ymargin)
vec4 p00 = texture2D(sTexture, tex00)
... etc for 3x3
and then calculate luminance of each texel : ie: p00 by doing dot of p00.rgb with vec3 of (0.3,0.59,0.11).
Instead is it possible to directly use p00.y ? Will it give luminance value?
No, p00.y is the same as p00.g (or p00.t). They are different ways to access the second component (green channel) of your vector. You can access components as XYZW, RGBA, or STPQ, and there is no difference between them.
The only reason that people use .rgb instead of .xyz is to make it easier for humans to read.
No, but maybe close enough for your use case. By just using y you will miss some cases though. A pure red image would be 0. You can add up all 9 samples though and do one dot product on the result.
If we shift the hue by 2*pi/3, what will the R, G, B, histograms change?
How can I test this? I have access to photoshop, so is there a way to test this and find the answer?
According to HSV into RGB conversion formula (part of it):
Shifting HUE by 120° will swap channel histograms:
+120° : R-->G-->B-->R
-120° : B<--R<--G<--B
To test this in GIMP,- open image histogram in Colors \ Info \ Histogram.
Choose Red,Green or Blue channel to see it's histogram and then open dialog
Colors \ Hue-Saturation and then adjust Hue by +- 120 degrees and see live effect in Histogram window.
I do not think there is an generic answer to this as the result is dependent on the image colors present not just on R,G,B histograms. You need to:
compute histograms
convert RGB to HSV
add hue and clamp it to angular interval
convert back to RGB
compute histograms
I do not use photoshop but I think #1,#2,#4,#5 should be present there. the #3 should be there too (in some filter that manipulates brithness, gama etc) but hard to say if adding to hue will be clamped by only limiting angle or it will handle it as periodic value. In the first case you need to correct the results by:
compute histograms
convert to HSV
clone result A to second image B
add A.hue+=pi/3 and **B.hue-=2*pi/3
the A holds un-clamped colors and B the colors that were clamped in A shifted to the correct hue posititon.
in A recolor all pixels with hue==pi2 with some specified color
the pi2 should be the value your tool clamped hues above pi2 so it can be zero, pi2 or one step less then pi2. This will allow as to ignore clamped values later.
in B recolor all pixels with hue==0 with some specified color
convert A,B to RGB
compute histograms ignoring specified color
merge the A,B histograms
simply add the graph values together.
And now you can compare the histograms to evaluate the change on some sample images.
Anyway you can do all this in any programing language. For example most of the operations needed are present in most image processing and computer vision libs like OpenCV and adding to hue are just 2 nested for loops addition and single if statement like:
for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
if (pixel[y][x].h>=pi2)
of coarse most HSV pixel formats I used does not use floating values so the hue could be represented for example by 8 bit unsigned integer in which case the code would look like:
for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
If you need to implement the RGB/HSV conversions look here:
RGB value base color name
I think this might interests you:
HSV histogram
Looking at it from a mathematical point of view 2×pi/3 with pi = 3.14 you have 2×pi which is the the "scope" of a circle.
Devided by 3 that means you have a third of a circle or simply 120°
I am trying to compute the integral image (aka summed area table) of a texture I have in the GPU memory (a camera capture), the goal being to compute the adaptive threshold of said image. I'm using OpenGL ES 2.0, and still learning :).
I did a test with a simple gaussian blur shader (vertical/horizontal pass), which is working fine, but I need a way bigger variable average area for it to give satisfactory results.
I did implement a version of that algorithm on CPU before, but I'm a bit confused on how to implement that on a GPU.
I tried to do a (completely incorrect) test with just something like this for every fragment :
#version 100
#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D u_Texture; // The input texture.
varying lowp vec2 v_TexCoordinate; // Interpolated texture coordinate per fragment.
uniform vec2 u_PixelDelta; // Pixel delta
void main()
// get neighboring pixels values
float center = texture2D(u_Texture, v_TexCoordinate).r;
float a = texture2D(u_Texture, v_TexCoordinate + vec2(u_PixelDelta.x * -1.0, 0.0)).r;
float b = texture2D(u_Texture, v_TexCoordinate + vec2(0.0, u_PixelDelta.y * 1.0)).r;
float c = texture2D(u_Texture, v_TexCoordinate + vec2(u_PixelDelta.x * -1.0, u_PixelDelta.y * 1.0)).r;
// compute value
float pixValue = center + a + b - c;
// Result stores value (R) and original gray value (G)
gl_FragColor = vec4(pixValue, center, center, 1.0);
And then another shader to get the area that I want and then get the average. This is obviously wrong as there's multiple execution units operating at the same time.
I know that the common way of computing a prefix sum on a GPU is to do it in two pass (vertical/horizontal, as discussed here on this thread or or here), but isn't there a problem here as there is a data dependency on each cell from the previous (top or left) one ?
I can't seem to understand the order in which the multiple execution units on a GPU will process the different fragments, and how a two-pass filter can solve that issue. As an example, if I have some values like this :
2 1 5
0 3 2
4 4 7
The two pass should give (first columns then rows):
2 1 5 2 3 8
2 4 7 -> 2 6 13
6 8 14 6 14 28
How can I be sure that, as an example, the value [0;2] will be computed as 6 (2 + 4) and not 4 (0 + 4, if the 0 hasn't been computed yet) ?
Also, as I understand that fragments are not pixels (If I'm not mistaken), would the values I store back in one of my texture in the first pass be the same in another pass if I use the exact same coordinates passed from the vertex shader, or will they be interpolated in some way ?
Tommy and Bartvbl address your questions about a summed-area table, but your core problem of an adaptive threshold may not need that.
As part of my open source GPUImage framework, I've done some experimentation with optimizing blurs over large radii using OpenGL ES. Generally, increasing blur radii leads to a significant increase in texture sampling and calculations per pixel, with an accompanying slowdown.
However, I found that for most blur operations you can apply a surprisingly effective optimization to cap the number of blur samples. If you downsample the image before blurring, blur at a smaller pixel radius (radius / downsampling factor), and then linearly upsample, you can arrive at a blurred image that is the equivalent of one blurred at a much larger pixel radius. In my tests, these downsampled, blurred, and then upsampled images look almost identical to the ones blurred based on the original image resolution. In fact, precision limits can lead to larger-radii blurs done at a native resolution breaking down in image quality past a certain size, where the downsampled ones maintain the proper image quality.
By adjusting the downsampling factor to keep the downsampled blur radius constant, you can achieve near constant-time blurring speeds in the face of increasing blur radii. For a adaptive threshold, the image quality should be good enough to use for your comparisons.
I use this approach in the Gaussian and box blurs within the latest version of the above-linked framework, so if you're running on Mac, iOS, or Linux, you can evaluate the results by trying out one of the sample applications. I have an adaptive threshold operation based on a box blur that uses this optimization, so you can see if the results there are what you want.
AS per the above, it's not going to be fantastic on a GPU. But assuming the cost of shunting data between the GPU and CPU is more troubling it may still be worth persevering.
The most obvious prima facie solution is to split horizontal/vertical as discussed. Use an additive blending mode, create a quad that draws the whole source image then e.g. for the horizontal step on a bitmap of width n issue a call that requests the quad be drawn n times, the 0th time at x = 0, the mth time at x = m. Then ping pong via an FBO, switching the target of buffer of the horizontal draw into the source texture for the vertical.
Memory accesses are probably O(n^2) (i.e. you'll probably cache quite well, but that's hardly a complete relief) so it's a fairly poor solution. You could improve it by divide and conquer by doing the same thing in bands — e.g. for the vertical step, independently sum individual rows of 8, after which the error in every row below the final is the failure to include whatever the sums are on that row. So perform a second pass to propagate those.
However an issue with accumulating in the frame buffer is clamping to avoid overflow — if you're expecting a value greater than 255 anywhere in the integral image then you're out of luck because the additive blending will clamp and GL_RG32I et al don't reach ES prior to 3.0.
The best solution I can think of to that, without using any vendor-specific extensions, is to split up the bits of your source image and combine channels after the fact. Supposing your source image were 4 bit and your image less than 256 pixels in both directions, you'd put one bit each in the R, G, B and A channels, perform the normal additive step, then run a quick recombine shader as value = A + (B*2) + (G*4) + (R*8). If your texture is larger or smaller in size or bit depth then scale up or down accordingly.
(platform specific observation: if you're on iOS then you've hopefully already got a CVOpenGLESTextureCache in the loop, which means you have CPU and GPU access to the same texture store, so you might well prefer to kick this step off to GCD. iOS is amongst the platforms supporting EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch; if you have access to that then you can write any old blend function you like and at least ditch the combination step. Also you're guaranteed that preceding geometry has completed before you draw so if each strip writes its totals where it should and also to the line below then you can perform the ideal two-pixel-strips solution with no intermediate buffers or state changes)
What you attempt to do cannot be done in a fragment shader. GPU's are by nature very different to CPU's by executing their instructions in parallel, in massive numbers at the same time. Because of this, OpenGL does not make any guarantees about execution order, because the hardware physically doesn't allow it to.
So there is not really any defined order other than "whatever the GPU thread block scheduler decides".
Fragments are pixels, sorta-kinda. They are pixels that potentially end up on screen. If another triangle ends up in front of another, the previous calculated colour value is discarded. This happens regardless of whatever colour was stored at that pixel in the colour buffer previously.
As for creating the summed area table on the GPU, I think you may first want to look at GLSL "Compute Shaders", which are specifically made for this sort of thing.
I think you may be able to get this to work by creating a single thread for each row of pixels in the table, then have every thread "lag behind" by 1 pixel compared to the previous row.
In pseudocode:
int row_id = thread_id()
for column_index in (image.cols + image.rows):
int my_current_column_id = column_index - row_id
if my_current_column_id >= 0 and my_current_column_id < image.width:
// calculate sums
The catch of this method is that all threads should be guaranteed to execute their instructions simultaneously without getting ahead of one another. This is guaranteed in CUDA, but I'm not sure whether it is in OpenGL compute shaders. It may be a starting point for you, though.
It may look surprising for the beginner but the prefix sum or SAT calculation is suitable for parallelization. As the Hensley algorithm is the most intuitive to understand (also implemented in OpenGL), more work-efficient parallel methods are available, see CUDA scan. The paper from Sengupta discuss parallel method which seems state-of-the-art efficient method with reduce and down swap phases. These are valuable materials but they do not enter OpenGL shader implementations in detail. The closest document is the presentation you have found (it refers to Hensley publication), since it has some shader snippets. This is the job which is doable entirely in fragment shader with FBO Ping-Pong. Note that the FBO and its texture need to have internal format set to high precision - GL_RGB32F would be best but I am not sure if it is supported in OpenGL ES 2.0.
I have a matrix with floating-point pixel coordinates and corresponding matrix of greyscale values in this floating-point pixel coordinates. I need to remap an image from floating-point pixel coordinates to the regular grid. The cv::remap function from opencv transforms a source image like this:
dst(x,y) = src(mapx(x,y), mapy(x,y))
In my case I have something like this:
dst(mapx(x,y), mapy(x,y)) = src(x,y)
From the equation above I need to determine destination image (dst(x,y)).
Is there an easy way in OpenCv to perform such remapping or can you suggest any other open source image processing library to solve the problem?
Take the four corners of your picture.
Extract their correspondent in the dst image. Store them in two point vectors: std::vector<cv::Point> dstPts, srcPts.
extract the geometric relation between them with cv::findHomography(dstPts, srcPtrs,...)
apply cv::warpPerspective(). Internally, it calculates and applies the correct remapping
It works if the transform defined in your maps is a homographic transform. It doesn't work if it's some swirling, fisheye effect, lens correction map, etc.
I have some data set where each object has a Value and Price. I want to apply Gaussian Blur to their Price using their Value. Since my data has only 1 component to use in blurring, I am trying to apply 1D Gaussian blur.
My code does this:
totalPrice = 0;
totalValue = 0;
for each object.OtherObjectsWithinPriceRange()
totalPrice += price;
totalValue += Math.Exp(-value*value);
price = totalPrice/totalValue;
I see good results, but the 1D Gaussian blur algorithms I see online seems to use deviations, sigma, PI, etc. Do I need them, or are they strictly for 2D Gaussian blurs? They combine these 1D blur passes as vertical and horizontal so they are still accounting for 2D.
Also I display the results as colors but the white areas are a little over 1 (white). How can I normalize this? Should I just clamp the values to 1? That's why I am wondering if I am using the correct formula.
Your code applies some sort of a blur, though definitely not Gaussian. The Gaussian blur would look something like
kindaSigma = 1;
priceBlurred = object.price;
for each object.OtherObjectsWithinPriceRange()
priceBlurred += price*Math.Exp(-value*value/kindaSigma/kindaSigma);
and that only assuming that value is proportional to a "distance" between the object and other objects within price range, whatever this "distance" in your application means.
To your questions.
2D Gaussian blur is completely equivalent to a combination of vertical and horizontal 1D Gaussian blurs done one ofter another. That's how thee 2D Gaussian blur is usually implemented in practice.
You don't need any PI or sigmas as a multiplicative factor for the Gaussian - those have an effect of merely scaling an image and can be safely ignored.
The sigma (standard deviation) under the exponent has a major impact on the result, but it is not possible for me to tell you if you need it or not. It depends on your application.
Want more blur: use larger kindaSigma in the snippet above.
Want less blur: use smaller kindaSigma.
When kindaSigma is too small, you won't notice any blur at all. When kindaSigma is too large, the Gaussian blur effectively transforms itself into a moving average filter.
Play with it and choose what you need.
I am not sure I understand your normalization question. In image processing it is common to store each color component (R,G,B) as unsigned char. So black color is represented by (0,0,0) and white color by (255,255,255). Of course, you are free to decided to choose a different presentation form and take white color as 1. But keep in mind that for the visualization packages that are using standard 8-bit presentation, the value of 1 means almost black color. So you will likely need to manipulate and renormalize your image before display.
I'm looking for deep understanding of how WebGL works. I'm wanting to gain knowledge at a level that most people care less about, because the knowledge isn't necessary useful to the average WebGL programmer. For instance, what role does each part(browser, graphics driver, etc..) of the total rendering system play in getting an image on the screen?
Does each browser have to create a javascript/html engine/environment in order to run WebGL in browser? Why is chrome a head of everyone else in terms of being WebGL compatible?
So, what's some good resources to get started? The kronos specification is kind of lacking( from what I saw browsing it for a few minutes ) for what I'm wanting. I'm wanting mostly how is this accomplished/implemented in browsers and what else needs to change on your system to make it possible.
Hopefully this little write-up is helpful to you. It overviews a big chunk of what I've learned about WebGL and 3D in general. BTW, if I've gotten anything wrong, somebody please correct me -- because I'm still learning, too!
The browser is just that, a Web browser. All it does is expose the WebGL API (via JavaScript), which the programmer does everything else with.
As near as I can tell, the WebGL API is essentially just a set of (browser-supplied) JavaScript functions which wrap around the OpenGL ES specification. So if you know OpenGL ES, you can adopt WebGL pretty quickly. Don't confuse this with pure OpenGL, though. The "ES" is important.
The WebGL spec was intentionally left very low-level, leaving a lot to
be re-implemented from one application to the next. It is up to the
community to write frameworks for automation, and up to the developer
to choose which framework to use (if any). It's not entirely difficult
to roll your own, but it does mean a lot of overhead spent on
reinventing the wheel. (FWIW, I've been working on my own WebGL
framework called Jax for a while
The graphics driver supplies the implementation of OpenGL ES that actually runs your code. At this point, it's running on the machine hardware, below even the C code. While this is what makes WebGL possible in the first place, it's also a double edged sword because bugs in the OpenGL ES driver (which I've noted quite a number of already) will show up in your Web application, and you won't necessarily know it unless you can count on your user base to file coherent bug reports including OS, video hardware and driver versions. Here's what the debug process for such issues ends up looking like.
On Windows, there's an extra layer which exists between the WebGL API and the hardware: ANGLE, or "Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine". Because the OpenGL ES drivers on Windows generally suck, ANGLE receives those calls and translates them into DirectX 9 calls instead.
Drawing in 3D
Now that you know how the pieces come together, let's look at a lower level explanation of how everything comes together to produce a 3D image.
First, the JavaScript code gets a 3D context from an HTML5 canvas element. Then it registers a set of shaders, which are written in GLSL ([Open] GL Shading Language) and essentially resemble C code.
The rest of the process is very modular. You need to get vertex data and any other information you intend to use (such as vertex colors, texture coordinates, and so forth) down to the graphics pipeline using uniforms and attributes which are defined in the shader, but the exact layout and naming of this information is very much up to the developer.
JavaScript sets up the initial data structures and sends them to the WebGL API, which sends them to either ANGLE or OpenGL ES, which ultimately sends it off to the graphics hardware.
Vertex Shaders
Once the information is available to the shader, the shader must transform the information in 2 phases to produce 3D objects. The first phase is the vertex shader, which sets up the mesh coordinates. (This stage runs entirely on the video card, below all of the APIs discussed above.) Most usually, the process performed on the vertex shader looks something like this:
where VERTEX_POSITION is a 4D vector (x, y, z, and w which is usually set to 1); VIEW_MATRIX is a 4x4 matrix representing the camera's view into the world; MODEL_MATRIX is a 4x4 matrix which transforms object-space coordinates (that is, coords local to the object before rotation or translation have been applied) into world-space coordinates; and PROJECTION_MATRIX which represents the camera's lens.
Most often, the VIEW_MATRIX and MODEL_MATRIX are precomputed and
called MODELVIEW_MATRIX. Occasionally, all 3 are precomputed into
MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX or just MVP. These are generally meant
as optimizations, though I'd like find time to do some benchmarks. It's
possible that precomputing is actually slower in JavaScript if it's
done every frame, because JavaScript itself isn't all that fast. In
this case, the hardware acceleration afforded by doing the math on the
GPU might well be faster than doing it on the CPU in JavaScript. We can
of course hope that future JS implementations will resolve this potential
gotcha by simply being faster.
Clip Coordinates
When all of these have been applied, the gl_Position variable will have a set of XYZ coordinates ranging within [-1, 1], and a W component. These are called clip coordinates.
It's worth noting that clip coordinates is the only thing the vertex shader really
needs to produce. You can completely skip the matrix transformations
performed above, as long as you produce a clip coordinate result. (I have even
experimented with swapping out matrices for quaternions; it worked
just fine but I scrapped the project because I didn't get the
performance improvements I'd hoped for.)
After you supply clip coordinates to gl_Position WebGL divides the result by gl_Position.w producing what's called normalized device coordinates.
From there, projecting a pixel onto the screen is a simple matter of multiplying by 1/2 the screen dimensions and then adding 1/2 the screen dimensions.[1] Here are some examples of clip coordinates translated into 2D coordinates on an 800x600 display:
clip = [0, 0]
x = (0 * 800/2) + 800/2 = 400
y = (0 * 600/2) + 600/2 = 300
clip = [0.5, 0.5]
x = (0.5 * 800/2) + 800/2 = 200 + 400 = 600
y = (0.5 * 600/2) + 600/2 = 150 + 300 = 450
clip = [-0.5, -0.25]
x = (-0.5 * 800/2) + 800/2 = -200 + 400 = 200
y = (-0.25 * 600/2) + 600/2 = -150 + 300 = 150
Pixel Shaders
Once it's been determined where a pixel should be drawn, the pixel is handed off to the pixel shader, which chooses the actual color the pixel will be. This can be done in a myriad of ways, ranging from simply hard-coding a specific color to texture lookups to more advanced normal and parallax mapping (which are essentially ways of "cheating" texture lookups to produce different effects).
Depth and the Depth Buffer
Now, so far we've ignored the Z component of the clip coordinates. Here's how that works out. When we multiplied by the projection matrix, the third clip component resulted in some number. If that number is greater than 1.0 or less than -1.0, then the number is beyond the view range of the projection matrix, corresponding to the matrix zFar and zNear values, respectively.
So if it's not in the range [-1, 1] then it's clipped entirely. If it is in that range, then the Z value is scaled to 0 to 1[2] and is compared to the depth buffer[3]. The depth buffer is equal to the screen dimensions, so that if a projection of 800x600 is used, the depth buffer is 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high. We already have the pixel's X and Y coordinates, so they are plugged into the depth buffer to get the currently stored Z value. If the Z value is greater than the new Z value, then the new Z value is closer than whatever was previously drawn, and replaces it[4]. At this point it's safe to light up the pixel in question (or in the case of WebGL, draw the pixel to the canvas), and store the Z value as the new depth value.
If the Z value is greater than the stored depth value, then it is deemed to be "behind" whatever has already been drawn, and the pixel is discarded.
[1]The actual conversion uses the gl.viewport settings to convert from normalized device coordinates to pixels.
[2]It's actually scaled to the gl.depthRange settings. They default 0 to 1.
[3]Assuming you have a depth buffer and you've turned on depth testing with gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST).
[4]You can set how Z values are compared with gl.depthFunc
I would read these articles
Assuming those articles are helpful, the rest of the picture is that WebGL runs in a browser. It renderers to a canvas tag. You can think of a canvas tag like an img tag except you use the WebGL API to generate an image instead of download one.
Like other HTML5 tags the canvas tag can be styled with CSS, be under or over other parts of the page. Is composited (blended) with other parts of the page. Be transformed, rotated, scaled by CSS along with other parts of the page. That's a big difference from OpenGL or OpenGL ES.