Applying 1D Gaussian blur to a data set - algorithm

I have some data set where each object has a Value and Price. I want to apply Gaussian Blur to their Price using their Value. Since my data has only 1 component to use in blurring, I am trying to apply 1D Gaussian blur.
My code does this:
totalPrice = 0;
totalValue = 0;
for each object.OtherObjectsWithinPriceRange()
totalPrice += price;
totalValue += Math.Exp(-value*value);
price = totalPrice/totalValue;
I see good results, but the 1D Gaussian blur algorithms I see online seems to use deviations, sigma, PI, etc. Do I need them, or are they strictly for 2D Gaussian blurs? They combine these 1D blur passes as vertical and horizontal so they are still accounting for 2D.
Also I display the results as colors but the white areas are a little over 1 (white). How can I normalize this? Should I just clamp the values to 1? That's why I am wondering if I am using the correct formula.

Your code applies some sort of a blur, though definitely not Gaussian. The Gaussian blur would look something like
kindaSigma = 1;
priceBlurred = object.price;
for each object.OtherObjectsWithinPriceRange()
priceBlurred += price*Math.Exp(-value*value/kindaSigma/kindaSigma);
and that only assuming that value is proportional to a "distance" between the object and other objects within price range, whatever this "distance" in your application means.
To your questions.
2D Gaussian blur is completely equivalent to a combination of vertical and horizontal 1D Gaussian blurs done one ofter another. That's how thee 2D Gaussian blur is usually implemented in practice.
You don't need any PI or sigmas as a multiplicative factor for the Gaussian - those have an effect of merely scaling an image and can be safely ignored.
The sigma (standard deviation) under the exponent has a major impact on the result, but it is not possible for me to tell you if you need it or not. It depends on your application.
Want more blur: use larger kindaSigma in the snippet above.
Want less blur: use smaller kindaSigma.
When kindaSigma is too small, you won't notice any blur at all. When kindaSigma is too large, the Gaussian blur effectively transforms itself into a moving average filter.
Play with it and choose what you need.
I am not sure I understand your normalization question. In image processing it is common to store each color component (R,G,B) as unsigned char. So black color is represented by (0,0,0) and white color by (255,255,255). Of course, you are free to decided to choose a different presentation form and take white color as 1. But keep in mind that for the visualization packages that are using standard 8-bit presentation, the value of 1 means almost black color. So you will likely need to manipulate and renormalize your image before display.


MATLAB image processing technique

I have this 3D array in MATLAB (V: vertical, H: horizontal, t: time frame)
Figures below represent images obtained using imagesc function after slicing the array in terms of t axis
area in black represents damage area and other area is intact
each frame looks similar but has different amplitude
I am trying to visualize only defect area and get rid of intact area
I tried to use 'threshold' method to get rid of intact area as below
NewSet = zeros(450,450,200);
for kk = 1:200
frame = uwpi(:,:,kk);
STD = std(frame(:));
Mean = mean(frame(:));
for ii = 1:450
for jj =1:450
if frame(ii, jj) > 2*STD+Mean
NewSet(ii, jj, kk) = frame(ii, jj);
NewSet(ii, jj, kk) = NaN;
However, since each frame has different amplitude, result becomes
Is there any image processing method to get rid of intact area in this case?
Thanks in advance
You're thresholding based on mean and standard deviation, basically assuming your data is normally distributed and looking for outliers. But your model should try to distinguish values around zero (noise) vs higher values. Your data is not normally distributed, mean and standard deviation are not meaningful.
Look up Otsu thresholding (MATLAB IP toolbox has it). It's model does not perfectly match your data, but it might give reasonable results. Like most threshold estimation algorithms, it uses the image's histogram to determine the optimal threshold given some model.
Ideally you'd model the background peak in the histogram. You can find the mode, fit a Gaussian around it, then cut off at 2 sigma. Or you can use the "triangle method", which finds the point along the histogram that is furthest from the line between the upper end of the histogram and the top of the background peak. A little more complex to explain, but trivial to implement. We have this implemented in DIPimage (, M-file code is visible so you can see how it works (look for the function threshold)
Additionally, I'd suggest to get rid of the loops over x and y. You can type frame(frame<threshold) = nan, and then copy the whole frame back into NewSet in one operation.
Do I clearly understand the question, ROI is the dark border and all it surrounds? If so I'd recommend process in 3D using some kind of region-growing technique like watershed or active snakes with markers by imregionalmin. The methods should provide segmentation result even if the border has small holes. Than just copy segmented object to a new 3D array via logic indexing.

detect white areas with sharp boundary

In the grayscale image shown below, how can I accurately detect the white region having sharp boundary (marked with red color)?
In this particular image, a simple thresholding might work, however, I have several images in which there are similar areas around corner of images which I want to ignore.
Also, there might be more than one regions of interest, both having different intensities. One can be as bright as it is in the example image, other can be of medium intensity.
However, the only difference between the interested and non-interested areas is as follows:
The interest areas have sharp well defined boundaries.
Non-interested areas don't have sharp boundaries. They tend to gradually merge with neighbourhood areas.
Image without mark for testing:
When you say sharp boundaries, you have to think gradient. The sharper the boundaries, the bigger the gradient. Therefore apply a gradient and you will see that it will be stronger around the shapes you want to segment.
But in your case, you can also observe that the area you want to segment is also the brightest. So I would also try a noise reduction (median filter) plus a convolution filter (simple average) in order to homogenize the different zones, then thresholding by keeping only the brightest/right peak.
im = imread('o2XfN.jpg');
smooth = imgaussfilt(im,.8); %"blur" the image to take out noisey pixels
big = double(smooth); % some functions don't work with UINT8, I didn't check for these
maxiRow = quantile(big,.99); % .99 qualtile... think quartile from stats
maxiCol = quantile(maxiRow,.98); % again for the column
pixels = find(big>=maxiCol); % which pixels have the highest values
logicMat = false(size(big)); %initalize a logic matrix of zeros
logicMat(pixels) = 1; %set the pixels that passed to logic pass
It is not extremely clear what you want to do with the regions that you are finding. Also, a few more sample images would be helpful to debug a code. What I posted above may work for that one image, but it is unlikely that it will work for every image that you are processing.

Scaling Laplacian of Gaussian Edge Detection

I am using Laplacian of Gaussian for edge detection using a combination of what is described in and
Simply put, I'm using this equation :
for(int i = -(kernelSize/2); i<=(kernelSize/2); i++)
for(int j = -(kernelSize/2); j<=(kernelSize/2); j++)
double L_xy = -1/(Math.PI * Math.pow(sigma,4))*(1 - ((Math.pow(i,2) + Math.pow(j,2))/(2*Math.pow(sigma,2))))*Math.exp(-((Math.pow(i,2) + Math.pow(j,2))/(2*Math.pow(sigma,2))));
and using up the L_xy variable to build the LoG kernel.
The problem is, when the image size is larger, application of the same kernel is making the filter more sensitive to noise. The edge sharpness is also not the same.
Let me put an example here...
Suppose we've got this image:
Using a value of sigma = 0.9 and a kernel size of 5 x 5 matrix on a 480 × 264 pixel version of this image, we get the following output:
However, if we use the same values on a 1920 × 1080 pixels version of this image (same sigma value and kernel size), we get something like this:
[Both the images are scaled down version of an even larger image. The scaling down was done using a photo editor, which means the data contained in the images are not exactly similar. But, at least, they should be very near.]
Given that the larger image is roughly 4 times the smaller one... I also tried scaling the sigma by factor of 4 (sigma*=4) and the output was... you guessed it right, a black canvas.
Could you please help me realize how to implement a LoG edge detector that finds the same features from an input signal, even if the incoming signal is scaled up or down (scaling factor will be given).
Looking at your images, I suppose you are working in 24-bit RGB. When you increase your sigma, the response of your filter weakens accordingly, thus what you get in the larger image with a larger kernel are values close to zero, which are either truncated or so close to zero that your display cannot distinguish.
To make differentials across different scales comparable, you should use the scale-space differential operator (Lindeberg et al.):
Essentially, differential operators are applied to the Gaussian kernel function (G_{\sigma}) and the result (or alternatively the convolution kernel; it is just a scalar multiplier anyways) is scaled by \sigma^{\gamma}. Here L is the input image and LoG is Laplacian of Gaussian -image.
When the order of differential is 2, \gammais typically set to 2.
Then you should get quite similar magnitude in both images.
[1] Lindeberg: "Scale-space theory in computer vision" 1993
[2] Frangi et al. "Multiscale vessel enhancement filtering" 1998

image enhancement - cleaning given image from writing

i need to clean this picture delete the writing "clean me" and make it bright.
as a part of my homework in image processing course i may use matlab functions ginput, to find specific points in the image (of course in the script you should hard code the coordinates you need).
You may use conv2, fft2, ifft2, fftshift etc.
You may also use median, mean, max, min, sort, etc.
my basic idea was to use the white and black values from the middle of the picture and insert them into the other parts of the black and white strips. however gives a very synthetic look to the picture.
can you please give me a direction what to do ? a median filter will not give good results.
The general technique to do such thing is called Inpainting. But in order to do it, you need a mask of the regions that you want to in paint. So, let us suppose that we managed to get a good mask and inpainted the original image considering a morphological dilation of this mask:
To get that mask, we don't need anything much fancy. Start with a binarization of the difference between the original image and the result of a median filtering of it:
You can remove isolated pixels; join the pixels representing the stars of your flag by a combination of dilation in horizontal followed by another dilation with a small square; remove this just created largest component; and then perform a geodesic dilation with the result so far against the initial mask. This gives the good mask above.
Now to inpaint there are many algorithms, but one of the simplest ones I've found is described at Fast Digital Image Inpainting, which should be easy enough to implement. I didn't use it, but you could and verify which results you can obtain.
EDIT: I missed that you also wanted to brighten the image.
An easy way to brighten an image, without making the brighter areas even brighter, is by applying a gamma factor < 1. Being more specific to your image, you could first apply a relatively large lowpass filter, negate it, multiply the original image by it, and then apply the gamma factor. In this second case, the final image will likely be darker than the first one, so you multiply it by a simple scalar value. Here are the results for these two cases (left one is simply a gamma 0.6):
If you really want to brighten the image, then you can apply a bilateral filter and binarize it:
I see two options for removing "clean me". Both rely on the horizontal similarity.
1) Use a long 1D low-pass filter in the horizontal direction only.
2) Use a 1D median filter maybe 10 pixels long
For both solutions you of course have to exlude the stars-part.
When it comes to brightness you could try a histogram equalization. However that won't fix the unevenness of the brightness. Maybe a high-pass before equalization can fix that.
The simplest way to remove the text is, like KlausCPH said, to use a long 1-d median filter in the region with the stripes. In order to not corrupt the stars, you would need to keep a backup of this part and replace it after the median filter has run. To do this, you could use ginput to mark the lower right side of the star part:
% Mark lower right corner of star-region
[xCorner,yCorner] = ginput(1);
xCorner = round(xCorner); yCorner = round(yCorner);
% Save star region
starBackup = Im(1:yCorner,1:xCorner);
% Clean up stripes
Im = medfilt2(Im,[1,50]);
% Replace star region
Im(1:yCorner,1:xCorner) = starBackup;
This produces
To fix the exposure problem (the middle part being brighter than the corners), you could fit a 2-D Gaussian model to your image and do a normalization. If you want to do this, I suggest looking into fit, although this can be a bit technical if you have not been working with model fitting before.
My found 2-D gaussian looks something like this:
Putting these two things together, gives:
I used gausswin() function to make a gaus. mask:
Pic_usa_g = abs(1 - gausswin( size(Pic_usa,2) ));
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g + 0.6;
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g .* 2;
Pic_usa_g = Pic_usa_g';
C = repmat(Pic_usa_g, size(Pic_usa,1),1);
and after multiply the image with the mask you get the fixed image.

How can I choose an image with higher contrast in PHP?

For a thumbnail-engine I would like to develop an algorithm that takes x random thumbnails (crop, no resize) from an image, analyzes them for contrast and chooses the one with the highest contrast. I'm working with PHP and Imagick but I would be glad for some general tips about how to compute contrast of imagery.
It seems that many things are easier than computing contrast, for example counting colors, computing luminosity,etc.
What are your experiences with the analysis of picture material?
I'd do it that way (pseudocode):
L[256] = {0,0,0...}
loop over each pixel:
luminance = avg(R,G,B)
increment L[luminance] by 1
for i = 0 to 255:
if L[i] < C: L[i] = 0 // C = threshold of your chose
find index of first and last non-zero value of L[]
contrast = last - first
In looking for the image "with the highest contrast," you will need to be very careful in how you define contrast for the image. In the simplest way, contrast is the difference between the lowest intensity and the highest intensity in the image. That is not going to be very useful in your case.
I suggest you use a histogram approach to describe the contrast of a given image and then compare the properties of the histograms to determine the image with the highest contrast as you define it. You could use a variety of well known containers to represent the histogram in code, or construct a class to meet your specific needs. (I am not implying that you need to create a histogram in the form of a chart – just a statistical representation of the intensity values.) You could use the variance of each histogram directly as a measure of contrast, or use the standard deviation if that is easier to work with.
The key really lies in how you define the contrast of the image. In general, I would define a high contrast image as one with values present for all, or nearly all, the possible values. And I would further add that in this definition of a high contrast image, the intensity values of the image will tend to be distributed across the range of possible values in a uniform way.
Using this approach, a low contrast image would tend to have relatively few discrete intensity values and they would tend to be closely grouped together rather than uniformly distributed. (As a general rule, they will also tend to be grouped toward the center of the range.)
