Configure Elasticsearch in JHipster with URL - elasticsearch

I want to use cloud elasticsearch (Bonsai) with JHipster.
Bonsai provides BONSAI_URL env variable.
How is this properly configured in application-prod.yml?


How to change the load sequence for Azure key vault and spring cloud config?

I'm using the Azure key vaults just follow this doc.
and spring cloud config server ,
i put the configurations of key vaults in spring cloud config
but found out when application start, the Azure key vaults is load before spring cloud config
so means i can not get the azure configs in spring cloud.
is there a way to change the load sequence?
make the spring cloud configs load in firstly

programmatically configuration for spring boot micrometer with influxdb

I am facing some challenges while configuring Spring Boot Micrometer for my application. Micrometer documents says we can configure influxdb uri, userName, password, db etc through application.yml file which is working fine for my demo application but for production ready application we are using docker-compose and we are setting all our environment variable through docker-compose. Now I am facing challenges like -
How can I force micrometer to use docker-compose environment variable influxdb uri
For influxdb password, our application stores passwords in AWS secret Manager, how micrometer will access password from secret manager?
Can I configure all this micrometer properties programmatically (Spring Bean)? How?
I'm not sure how to leverage AWS Secret Manager, but for point 1 and 3 I can offer some advice.
I'm not familiar with Influx specifically, but based on the javadoc it uses management.metrics.export.influx.username to set the password.
1- To set a application property via an environment variable, set the equivalent using the typical 'SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE' format:
Or if you already have an environment variable that you want to reference in you application.yml file you con reference in as a property:
management.metrics.export.influx.username: ${INFLUX_USER}
3- To configure Micromerter/influx programatically create a bean on type InfluxProperties:
public InfluxProperties influxProperties() {
return new InfluxProperties(); // Programatically set any properties here.

Is Service binding approach using spring cloud connectors relevant when credentials are stored in Vault?

I have been using the Spring cloud Service connectors for Pivotal cloud foundry for a long time which gets the connection details from the VCAP_SERVICES env variable. Now we have a requirement to read these credentials from Vault . I am just curious , Can I still continue to use the Service binding approach with spring cloud connector ? I would assume we don't want to expose these credentials from vault to an VCAP_SERVICES variable which defeat the purpose of the vault. Has there been any enhancements in Spring cloud connectors to read the credentials directly from Vault rather than depending the VCAP_SERVICES env variable or should I resort back to the Spring boot's default Application Properties based approach instead of the service binding approach using cloud connectors ?
The Spring Cloud Connectors project is now in maintenance mode, in favor of the newer Java CFEnv project. However, Java CFEnv is also very specific to Cloud Foundry's VCAP_SERVICES model of exposing service bindings and won't help you if the service connection info is in Vault.
I would suggest that you fall back to the Spring Boot properties-based approach using Spring Cloud Vault or Spring Cloud Config Server's Vault integration to automate fetching the properties from Vault and making them available as Spring Boot properties.

Difference between spring cloud config server vs consul?

I am confused when to use spring cloud config server and consul.
Both will read configurations files in their own ways.
Can you please let me know when use spring cloud config server and when to use consul?
Both serve configuration from remote servers to spring boot applications. Config Server aggregates configuration from multiple sources: git, svn, sql databases, vault and credhub. Spring Cloud Consul serves configuration to boot apps directly from the consul key-value store. If you already have consul in your infrastructure, it would simplify things by not having to run config server.

elasticsearch cloud - access config/elasticsearch.yml file

I have elasticsearch cloud service and need to update the elasticsearch.yml config file to update the search configuration to include:
elasticsearch cloud is hosting the nodes on aws
Is there a way to access this file?
Apparently there is no way to access this remotely. Cloud service requires a request to elasticsearch itself.
