Why won't Gluon Mobile Sample App run on iPad Air 2 yet run on iPhone? - javafxports

When using the gradle launchIOSDevice task within the GluonMObile-MultiViewProjextwithFXML demo project from InteliJ IDEA 16, get a Failure: Build failed with an exception. ApplicationVerficationFailed.
Same App runs fine on iOS iPhone 9.3 but iPad Air2 on 9.3 gives error.
Android also builds and runs fine so something specific it seems with the iPad.
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':launchIOSDevice'..............
Caused by: org.robovm.libimobiledevice.LibIMobileDeviceException: ApplicationVerificationFailed
at org.robovm.libimobiledevice.util.AppLauncher$1.error(AppLauncher.java:1001)

Make sure that
The app.id parameter in the robovm.properties matches your created App ID
The same app.id is used in Info.plist (/src/ios/assets/Info.plist).
<string>[Put here your app.id]</string>


Xcode 14 - Universal App Target - Can't Run watchOS App (But it does compile)

I added support to my universal target for watchOS, I then made sure the app compiles successfully for watchOS. However, when I try and run the app on the simulator, I get the error:
Please try again later.
com.xxx.xxx: Missing WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier key in WatchKit 2.0 app's > Info.plist
This doesn't make sense to me because there is no companion app, it's just a watch only app at that point? I've tried adding the WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier key to the plist but it then tells me it can't find the companion app's bundle identifier.
Little lost here, any insight on how to get universal targets to run on the watch in Xcode 14?

Why am I getting FeatureNotSupported exception in PhoneDialer.Open in iOS but working fine in Android in Xamarin Forms?

I am using Xamarin Essentials
PhoneDialer.Open(string number)
Working fine in Android emulator but not working in iOS. Throwing error FeatureNotSupported while trying in simulator.
The number is in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx
Throwing error FeatureNotSupported while trying in simulator.
You need to test this feature in a physical iOS device, then it will work.

Run Xamarin.UITest on iOS on local simulator WITHOUT test cloud?

Every time I run my Xamarin.iOS UITest, I get an error:
System.Exception : Unable to contact test backend running in app. A common cause is that the app is not properly linked with Calabash. Please verify that it includes the Calabash component.
But I don't want to connect to any test backend - I want to run it locally on my iPhone Simulator (I am on a Mac). I created a basic Xamarin project, added a UITest project, and am able to run Android with no issues. I did install the Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent package, and included the #if ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD block in AppDelegate.cs (just in case it was required for local testing), but I can't get it to run locally.
Interestingly, the simulator DOES load, and so does the app. But the test never actually starts (it will fail on .StartApp()). I also get the Mac alert 'Do you want the application "DeviceAgent-Runner.app" to accept incoming network connections?' to which I answer Allow, because why not.
I'm so confused...
edit: this is my app ConfigureApp code:
return ConfigureApp
.AppBundle ("../../../Kroe761Test.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/device-builds/iphone 11-13.5/kroe761.iOS.app")
.DeviceIdentifier("D68D731A-775F-4BF1-8EF6-13F3FEDD00CF") // iphone 11 pro
I guess you missed adding ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD; in your project options.
Follow all the steps from here.
Clean and build your project. It should be working.

Assertion failure and NSInternalInconsistencyException in NativeScript

Can anyone help me on this? I am trying to run my NativeScript + Angular app in my iPhone.
Terminal Creation
Created tns create mysample --ng app, added iOS platform, successfully built with warnings and run time error arising when I tried to run in Xcode.
Playground Creation
Downloaded NativeScript + Angular app from NativeScriptPlayground, added iOS platform, successfully built with warnings and run time error arising when I tried to run in Xcode.
In both cases, app is successfully installed in my device but when launch screen is launched, then immediately app is getting crashed.
Build Warnings: [but, successfully built]
Run Time Error:

XCode finished running application on phone

I can't debug any application on my iPhone. XCode compiles the application, deploys it to iPhone, says it is running the app, and immediately I see the message "Finished running x.app on iDevice". Although the app crashes, it is copied to the phone. After this crash I can start the application on the phone without problems but can't seem to debug any project on the phone. No old projects, no new projects, everything seems to be broken.
There are lots of advices to solve this problem on SO but none of them helped me a bit.
I use XCode 4.6 on Mac OSX 10.8.2.
had the same problem when i changed the project name and the app name.
i've done several times reset to the simulator 'ios simulator' --> 'reset....'.
try it, also try to delete old app in device and simulator, do 'product' --> 'clean', and then try again.
it sounds silly but its working for me when i has the same issue.
Try changing the Version number in 'deployment target' in your App's target in XCode to something else.
Does it run in your Simulator?
Try running in some other device (some other device version,like 4S or 4)
Is the issue with iPad or iPhone or both?
