How to upload an existing .ipa-file with In-App-Purchases to ituneconnect without XCode - xcode

For some speficic reasons I do not want to explain here, I want to upload an existing .ipa-file with In-App-Purchases to ituneconnect without XCode.
Is this possible? If yes, how? Or how can I upload an existing .ipa-file using XCode 7.x.x?
Note: I understand that a tool called 'Application Loader' exists. Hovever I believe that In-App-Purchases need to be added manually this way, which is not needed in my case...

I don't think it is possible. Is it your Application with your own code? Because you need to sign your applications with your own profile. Each application has it own set of certificates to make uploading to iTunes connect possible.


What happens if I edit a framework code in Xcode that was added using pods?

I added a framework to my project in Xcode written in Swift. There was some issue in the framework so I tried to modify and a dialog came out giving me the option to lock or unlock, so I choose Unlock and proceed.
Would it harm the owner? Would these changes continue with my project until my app is in the App Store? Please let me know if there is an issue with that and help with a solution.
Simply I need all framework files but I don't need all functions. In addition, I need to add functions to fit to my project.
It is not recommended to modify a third party pod's code, as it will be overwritten with the next pod update.
There are multiple solutions you can try:
implement the framework manually and modifying it there (keep in mind that you are losing the capability of quick updating)
modify it as an extension of the framework if possible, i. e. store your changes in a separate file and paste it everytime an update occurs (not recommended as it is not too convenient)
fork the project and make changes on that separate fork
create a pull request to the project that includes the modifications (if you think they are helpful for others as well)

Automating Xcode archive and upload?

We have a dozen targets in the same Xcode project, each target is an app on itself, and we always release all the apps at the same time.
It extremely counterproductive to individually archive and upload each target to iTunesConnect.
I believe I've found a way to archive:
But so far I was unable to find a way to upload to iTunesConnect from command line.
Please advice how should I approach this task. Thank you.
You can use altool, Application Loader’s command-line tool for validating and uploading your application binary files to the App Store. Please checkout apploader
Also, you can use deliver to submit your app for App Store review. Please checkout master/deliver

Is threre any way to convert xcarchive to xcodeworkspace?

my xcode project after one month developing unexpectedly has been removed ,because of a silly mistake ,unfortunately i don't have any backup!
everything i have is an archived file : myprojectname.xcarchive
is there any way to de-compile it extract some of classes or codes?
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Normally this is not possible because the archive does not contain your app's source code. You can look inside a xcarchive simply by control-clicking it in the Finder and choosing “Show Package Contents”.
Not sure if this is going to help, but I am going to give a try!!
Please correct me if I am wrong, since I am new to iOS development.
You can first generate IPA out of the xcarchive using a developer profile and install it in a device. Then you can run the safari simulator to check the resource files used in the application. Though you cannot import all the resource files from there, this may help you avoid the unnecessary need to write everything from the scratch. (It will save you a lot of pain).

How to Rename App name on TestFlight?

Is it possible to rename an iOS app on TestFlight? The only way I see that's possible is to remove the app (and all its associated builds) and add a new one.
This is an old question, but this requirement came up today for one of our apps and thought to leave the solution for anybody who wants it.
You just need to change the Application Name in your app and upload a new build and the new name will reflect in TestFlight.
Recently I had a requirement on this. I have changed the AppName in App Information section.
Wonder if Test-flight would allows to rename the uploaded API as they have to maintain incremental build versions.
Researched a lot on this, yet Test-flight have not documented it anywhere!

Some generic and working Xcode project settings which lead to successful Mac App store submission?

I built a simple app that I'd like to submit to the Apple store, but I am not sure whether my project Release settings are set correctly. I adjust a few things, based on what I could find online, but I might've created more problems than I solved.
I would very much appreciate if somebody could provide a copy of working Release settings which would sure work for my project. I don't store/read any files, the application just runs a few commands. Basically, I just need it to run and install in that /Applications folder so the user could trigger a launch.
Basically use default settings, move your source code to a new project, read up the guidelines and see if anything is told to change, otherwise it's just fine. Cheers.
