"Find all" in Visual Studio 2010 is not working as expected - visual-studio

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2010 when I try to find all some phrase word.
You can see, I tried to find "header-logo", but Visual Studio couldn't find it having "header-logo" beside the finding box (aspx file), but Visual Studio doesn't display it.
The same with other type files. It just shows the matched phrase in the CSS file.
What is the reason?

"Find was stopped in progress"
Visual Studio "Find in Files" does not work
I solve it by hitting Ctrl + Break, but you have to do it just right: hold Ctrl, press Break, release Break, and release Ctrl.
You can also reboot. I know it seemed unlikely to help in this case, but before the problem and solution were as well understood, there were a lot of people rebooting to solve it...


How do I disable autcomplete on space in Visual Studio 2022?

In Visual Studio 2022, I often will run into an issue where I am typing a smaller word and, when I press SPACE, VS auto-completes it to something completely unrelated to the context that just happened to be the highest in the IntelliSense suggestion popup. How do I change this behavior to only auto-complete/accept suggestions when you press TAB
Edit > IntelliSense > Switch between automatic and tab-only IntelliSense completion

Prevent Visual Studio to scroll to the end of file when pressing Ctrl A (select all)

It's basically in the title.
Whenever you "select all" in the Visual Studio code editor, the editor will scroll down to the bottom of the file. Is there a way to prevent this?
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 at the moment, but this applies to all versions.
No, you cannot change this behavior.
Microsoft has been aware of this since at least VS 2010, but either doesn't think it's a bug or doesn't think it's important enough to fix.
From their response to a 2010 bug report filed on the issue:
We unfortunately do not plan to change Ctrl+A's scrolling at this
time, so we're unfortunately resolving this issue as Won't Fix for VS
2010. However, it will remain in our database to be revisited for a future release of Visual Studio.
Source: Microsoft Connect
A quick Ctrl-Z-Ctrl-Y will get you back to where you were. If you tend to do a Ctrl-S Ctrl-A Ctrl-C a lot then just get used to this whole chain instead: Ctrl-SACZY. Or, create a macro: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a0003t62%28v=vs.90%29.aspx
I was struggling with this myself, but the "undo" suggestion gave me an idea and I feel kinda dumb for not thinking of it earlier. Visual Studio includes "Navigate Backwards" and "Navigate Forwards" buttons (CTRL-, and CTRL+, respectively). So after you finish selecting and copying, simple click the navigate backwards button or type CTRL- and voilà! you're back where you were.
I know it doesn't stop the scroll to begin with, but at least it puts your cursor back exactly where you left it!

"Cannot navigate to definition" annoyance in Visual Studio 2010

I just switched to Visual Studio 2010, and now whenever I select something, Ctrl+C to copy, click somewhere else, and Ctrl+V to paste, I get an error message "Cannot navigate to definition." After that, it I try it again, it works. What fantastic new 'feature' should I be turning off to stop this?
Bah, it's a bug in Microsoft Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2010. the "Ctrl+Click Go To Definition" feature. Apparently, when I click a new location and then press "Ctrl+V" - if I do it quickly enough, it interprets it as a Ctrl+Click and immediately tries to trigger a navigation, even if I clicked on an empty space. The error comes because it doesn't know what I'm trying to navigate to (answer: I'm not).
I have/had similar issues in VS 2012 (Premium).
I've tried the following:
removed all bin and obj folders from project's folder: works most of
the time.
repaired VS 2012 (add/remove bugrams (programs) > repair). Didn't
help much.
Close and opened VS 2012: didn’t help much either.
I've noticed than I couldn't open only files that weren't check-in in
TFS. I check-in them and then VS started working normally.
Dunno if this issue will appear again tough.
Hopefully this would help someone.
you can remove the GoToDefProPack.dll file from the following location:
C:\Users(myUserName)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Microsoft\Productivity Power Tools\10.0.20318.14
to disable this feature completely.

Looking for variable hightlight feature in Visual Studio 2008

I had been looking for a "variable highlight" feature which can be found in Netbeans or Notepad++.
This means, when I select a variable, the same variable which is being scattered around other place will be highlighted as well. This feature is very valuable, to help me scan the code quickly.
May I know is it possible I can have this feature as well in Visual Studio 2008?
Use ReSharper and you will be able many useful features. This particular one is called highlight usage and is available when pressing Ctrl + Shift + F7. The description is at:
In Visual Studio 2010 this feature is build-in.

Ctrl-Backspace Visual Studio 2010

I recently upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 and found out that when I press Ctrl + Backspace on an empty line it will delete the line, which is what it did in 2008, but then it will also delete the last character on the line above. I have tried to see if there is any settings anywhere but i cant seem to find any. Does anyone know if you can change this or did they make it default in 2010
Im using C#, if that makes a difference.
Update: Visual Studio 2010 SP1 contains the real fix that I mentioned below (see the "Visual Studio Editor" section of this document). Once you've updated, you should uninstall the extension, though it probably won't cause issues if it is left around.
Do you have the caret in virtual space (e.g. after hitting enter from a previous line, and the caret is aligned at the correct indent level)?
If so, this is a bug in the RTM. I've already fixed it in our internal builds, though that's probably not very helpful for you. I went ahead and wrote a small extension that "fixes" the issue, which you can download here. If you are curious, you can also take a look at the workaround in FixCtrlBackspace.cs. It's essentially just overriding the behavior of Ctrl + Backspace, when the caret is in virtual space, to clear the virtual space.
Let me know if that helps, or if it breaks anything (I didn't test it very heavily).
Ctrl + Backspace deletes the word to the left of the cursor. If you are on a blank line and hit it twice it will delete that line and the word above it.
