Reorder a sequence with minimum number of swaps to fulfil partial order constraints - algorithm

Input: An array of elements and a partial order on a subset of those elements, seen as a constraint set.
Output: An array (or any ordered sequence) fulfilling the partial order.
The Problem: How can one achieve the reordering efficiently? The number of introduced inversions (or swaps) compared to the original input sequence should be as small as possible. Note, that the partial order can be defined for any amount of elements (some elements may are not part of it).
The context: It arises from a situation in 2-layer graph crossing reduction: After a crossing reduction phase, I want to reorder some of the nodes (thus, the partial order may contain only a small subset).
In general, I had the idea to weaken this a little bit and solve the problem only for the elements being part of the partial order (though I think, that this could lead to non-optimal results). Thus, if I have a sequence A B C D E and the partial order only contains A, B and E, then C and D will stay at the same place. It somehow reminds me of the Kemeny Score, but I couldn't yet turn that into an algorithm.
Just to be sure: I am not searching for a topological sort. This would probably introduce a lot more inversions than required.
Edit 1:
Changed wording (sequence to array).
The amount of additional space for solving the problem can be arbitrary (well, polynomially bounded) large. Of course, less is better :) So, something like O(ArrayLen*ArrayLen) at most would be fantastic.
Why the min amount of swaps or inversions: As this procedure is part of crossing reduction, the input array's ordering is (hopefully) close to an optimum, in terms of edge crossings with the second node layer. Then, every additional swap or inversion would, probably, introduce edge crossings again. But in the process of computing the output, the number of swaps or movements done is not really important (though, again, something linear or quadratical would be cool), as only the output-quality is important. Right now, I require the constraints to be in a total order and only inspect the nodes of that order, thus it becomes trivial to solve. But the partial order constraints would be more flexible.

I found a paper, which looks promising: "A Fast and Simple Heuristic for Constrained Two-Level Crossing Reduction" by Michael Foster.
Together with the comments below my question, it is answered. Thanks again, #j_random_hacker!


Extended version of the set cover problem

I don't generally ask questions on SO, so if this question seems inappropriate for SO, just tell me (help would still be appreciated of course).
I'm still a student and I'm currently taking a class in Algorithms. We recently learned about the Branch-and-Bound paradigm and since I didn't fully understand it, I tried to do some exercises in our course book. I came across this particular instance of the Set Cover problem with a special twist:
Let U be a set of elements and S = {S1, S2, ..., Sn} a set of subsets of U, where the union of all sets Si equals U. Outline a Branch-and-Bound algorithm to find a minimal subset Q of S, so that for all elements u in U there are at least two sets in Q, which contain u. Specifically, elaborate how to split the problem up into subproblems and how to calculate upper and lower bounds.
My first thought was to sort all the sets Si in S in descending order, according to how many elements they contain which aren't yet covered at least twice by the currently chosen subsets of S, so our current instance of Q. I was then thinking of recursively solving this, where I choose the first set Si in the sorted order and make one recursive call, where I take this set Si and one where I don't (meaning from those recursive calls onwards the subset is no longer considered). If I choose it I would then go through each element in this chosen subset Si and increase a counter for all its elements (before the recursive call), so that I'll eventually know, when an element is already covered by two or more chosen subsets. Since I sort the not chosen sets Si for each recursive call, I would theoretically (in my mind at least) always be making the best possible choice for the moment. And since I basically create a binary tree of recursive calls, because I always make one call with the current best subset chosen and one where I don't I'll eventually cover all 2^n possibilities, meaning eventually I'll find the optimal solution.
My problem now is I don't know or rather understand how I would implement a heuristic for upper and lower bounds, so the algorithm can discard some of the paths in the binary tree, which will never be better than the current best Q. I would appreciate any help I could get.
Here's a simple lower bound heuristic: Find the set containing the largest number of not-yet-twice-covered elements. (It doesn't matter which set you pick if there are multiple sets with the same, largest possible number of these elements.) Suppose there are u of these elements in total, and this set contains k <= u of them. Then, you need to add at least u/k further sets before you have a solution. (Why? See if you can prove this.)
This lower bound works for the regular set cover problem too. As always with branch and bound, using it may or may not result in better overall performance on a given instance than simply using the "heuristic" that always returns 0.
First, some advice: don't re-sort S every time you recurse/loop. Sorting is an expensive operation (O(N log N)) so putting it in a loop or a recursion usually costs more than you gain from it. Generally you want to sort once at the beginning, and then leverage that sort throughout your algorithm.
The sort you've chosen, descending by the length of the S subsets is a good "greedy" ordering, so I'd say just do that upfront and don't re-sort after that. You don't get to skip over subsets that are not ideal within your recursion, but checking a redundant/non-ideal subset is still faster than re-sorting every time.
Now what upper/lower bounds can you use? Well generally, you want your bounds and bounds-checking to be as simple and efficient as possible because you are going to be checking them a lot.
With this in mind, an upper bounds is easy: use the shortest set-length solution that you've found so far. Initially set your upper-bounds as var bestQlength = int.MaxVal, some maximum value that is greater than n, the number of subsets in S. Then with every recursion you check if currentQ.length > bestQlength, if so then this branch is over the upper-bounds and you "prune" it. Obviously when you find a new solution, you also need to check if it is better (shorter) than your current bestQ and if so then update both bestQ and bestQlength at the same time.
A good lower bounds is a bit trickier, the simplest I can think of for this problem is: Before you add a new subset Si into your currentQ, check to see if Si has any elements that are not already in currentQ two or more times, if it does not, then this Si cannot contribute in any way to the currentQ solution that you are trying to build, so just skip it and move on to the next subset in S.

Decision Tree Binary Classifier shortcut (sorting)

Normally, at each node of the decision tree, we consider all features and all splitting points for each feature. We calculate the difference between the entropy of the entire node and the weighted avg of the entropies of potential left and right branches, and the feature + splitting feature_value that gives us the greatest entropy drop is chosen as the splitting criterion for that particular node.
Can someone explain why the above process, which requires (2^m -2)/2 tries for each feature at each node, where m is the number of distinct feature_values at the node, is the same as trying ONLY m-1 splits:
sort the m distinct feature_values by the percentage of 1's of the samples within the node that takes that feature_value for that feature.
Only try the m-1 ways of splitting the sorted list.
This 'trying only m-1 splits' method is mentioned as a 'shortcut' in the article below, which (by definition of 'shortcut') means the results of the two methods which differ drastically in runtime are exactly the same.
The quote:"For regression and binary classification problems, with K = 2 response classes, there is a computational shortcut [1]. The tree can order the categories by mean response (for regression) or class probability for one of the classes (for classification). Then, the optimal split is one of the L – 1 splits for the ordered list. "
The article:
Note that I'm talking only about categorical variables.
Can someone explain why the above process, which requires (2^m -2)/2 tries for each feature at each node, where m is the number of distinct feature_values at the node, is the same as trying ONLY m-1 splits:
The answer is simple: both procedures just aren't the same. As you noticed, splitting in the exact way is an NP-hard problem and thus hardly feasible for any problem in practice. Moreover, due to overfitting that would usually be not the optimal result in terms of generaluzation.
Instead, the exhaustive search is replaced by some kind of greedy procedure which goes like: sort first, then try all ordered splits. In general this leads to different results than the exact splitting.
In order to improve on the greedy result, one further often applies pruning (which can be seen as another greedy and heuristic method). And never methods like random forests or BART deal with this problem effectively by averaging over several trees -- so that the deviation of a single tree becomes less important.

Mutually Overlapping Subset of Activites

I am prepping for a final and this was a practice problem. It is not a homework problem.
How do I go about attacking this? Also, more generally, how do I know when to use Greedy vs. Dynamic programming? Intuitively, I think this is a good place to use greedy. I'm also thinking that if I could somehow create an orthogonal line and "sweep" it, checking the #of intersections at each point and updating a global max, then I could just return the max at the end of the sweep. I'm not sure how to plane sweep algorithmically though.
a. We are given a set of activities I1 ... In: each activity Ii is represented by its left-point Li and its right-point Ri. Design a very efficient algorithm that finds the maximum number of mutually overlapping subset of activities (write your solution in English, bullet by bullet).
b. Analyze the time complexity of your algorithm.
Proposed solution:
Ex set: {(0,2) (3,7) (4,6) (7,8) (1,5)}
Max is 3 from interval 4-5
1) Split start and end points into two separate arrays and sort them in non-decreasing order
Start points: [0,1,3,4,7] (SP)
End points: [2,5,6,7,8] (EP)
I know that I can use two pointers to sort of simulate the plane sweep, but I'm not exactly sure how. I'm stuck here.
I'd say your idea of a sweep is good.
You don't need to worry about planar sweeping, just use the start/end points. Put the elements in a queue. In every step take the smaller element from the queue front. If it's a start point, increment current tasks count, otherwise decrement it.
Since you don't need to point which tasks are overlapping - just the count of them - you don't need to worry about specific tasks duration.
Regarding your greedy vs DP question, in my non-professional opinion greedy may not always provide valid answer, whereas DP only works for problem that can be divided into smaller subproblems well. In this case, I wouldn't call your sweep-solution either.

Looking for a multidimensional optimization algorithm

Problem description
There are different categories which contain an arbitrary amount of elements.
There are three different attributes A, B and C. Each element does have an other distribution of these attributes. This distribution is expressed through a positive integer value. For example, element 1 has the attributes A: 42 B: 1337 C: 18. The sum of these attributes is not consistent over the elements. Some elements have more than others.
Now the problem:
We want to choose exactly one element from each category so that
We hit a certain threshold on attributes A and B (going over it is also possible, but not necessary)
while getting a maximum amount of C.
Example: we want to hit at least 80 A and 150 B in sum over all chosen elements and want as many C as possible.
I've thought about this problem and cannot imagine an efficient solution. The sample sizes are about 15 categories from which each contains up to ~30 elements, so bruteforcing doesn't seem to be very effective since there are potentially 30^15 possibilities.
My model is that I think of it as a tree with depth number of categories. Each depth level represents a category and gives us the choice of choosing an element out of this category. When passing over a node, we add the attributes of the represented element to our sum which we want to optimize.
If we hit the same attribute combination multiple times on the same level, we merge them so that we can stripe away the multiple computation of already computed values. If we reach a level where one path has less value in all three attributes, we don't follow it anymore from there.
However, in the worst case this tree still has ~30^15 nodes in it.
Does anybody of you can think of an algorithm which may aid me to solve this problem? Or could you explain why you think that there doesn't exist an algorithm for this?
This question is very similar to a variation of the knapsack problem. I would start by looking at solutions for this problem and see how well you can apply it to your stated problem.
My first inclination to is try branch-and-bound. You can do it breadth-first or depth-first, and I prefer depth-first because I think it's cleaner.
To express it simply, you have a tree-walk procedure walk that can enumerate all possibilities (maybe it just has a 5-level nested loop). It is augmented with two things:
At every step of the way, it keeps track of the cost at that point, where the cost can only increase. (If the cost can also decrease, it becomes more like a minimax game tree search.)
The procedure has an argument budget, and it does not search any branches where the cost can exceed the budget.
Then you have an outer loop:
for (budget = 0; budget < ... ; budget++){
// if walk finds a solution within the budget, halt
The amount of time it takes is exponential in the budget, so easier cases will take less time. The fact that you are re-doing the search doesn't matter much because each level of the budget takes as much or more time than all the previous levels combined.
Combine this with some sort of heuristic about the order in which you consider branches, and it may give you a workable solution for typical problems you give it.
IF that doesn't work, you can fall back on basic heuristic programming. That is, do some cases by hand, and pay attention to how you did it. Then program it the same way.
I hope that helps.

Sort array in ascending order while minimizing "cost"

I'm taking comp 2210 (Data Structures) next semester and I've been doing the homework for the summer semester that is posted online. Until now, I've had no problems doing the assignments. Take a look at assignment 4 below, and see if you can give me a hint as to how to approach it. Please don't provide a complete algorithm, just an approach. Thanks!
A “costed sort” is an algorithm in which a sequence of values must be arranged in ascending order. The sort is
carried out by interchanging the position of two values one at a time until the sequence is in the proper order. Each
interchange incurs a cost, which is calculated as the sum of the two values involved in the interchange. The total
cost of the sort is the sum of the cost of the interchanges.
For example, suppose the starting
sequence were {3, 2, 1}. One possible
series of interchanges is
Interchange 1: {3, 1, 2} interchange cost = 0
Interchange 2: {1, 3, 2} interchange cost = 4
Interchange 3: {1, 2, 3} interchange cost = 5,
given a total cost of 9
You are to write a program that determines the minimal cost to arrange a specific sequence of numbers.
Edit: The professor does not allow brute forcing.
If you want to surprise your professor, you could use Simulated Annealing. Then again, if you manage that, you can probably skip a few courses :). Note that this algorithm will only give an approximate answer.
Otherwise: try a Backtracking algorithm, or Branch and Bound. These will both find the optimal answer.
What do you mean "brute forcing?" Do you mean "try all possible combinations and select the cheapest?" Just checking.
I think "branch and bound" is what you're looking for - check any source on algorithms. It is "like" brute force, except as you try a sequence of moves, as soon as that sequence of moves is less optimal than any other sequence of moves tried so far, you can abandon the sequence that got you to that point - the cost. This is one flavor of the "backtracking" mentioned above.
My preferred language for doing this would be Prolog but I'm weird.
Simulated Annealing is a PROBABLISTIC algorithm - if the solution space has local minima, then you may be trapped in one and get what you think is the right answer but isn't. There are ways around that and the literature all about that can be found but I don't agree that it's the tool you want.
You could try the related genetic algorithms too if that's the way you want to go.
Have you learned trees? You could create a tree with all possible changes leading to the desired result. The trick, of course, is to avoid creating the whole tree -- particularly when a part of it is obviously not the best solution, right?
I think the appropriate approach is to think hard about what defining properties a minimal "cost" sort has. Then figure out the cost by simulating this ideal sort. The key element here is you don't have to implement a general minimal cost sorting algorithm.
For example, let's say the defining property of a minimal cost sort is that every exchange puts at least one of the exchanged element in it's sorted position (I don't know if this is true). Every exchange based sort would love to be able to have this property, but it's not easy(possible?) in the general case. However You can easily create a program that takes an unsorted array, takes the sorted version (which itself can be generated by an unoptimal algorithm), and then using this information decides the minimum cost to achieve the sorted array from the unsorted array.
I think the cheapest way to do this is to swap the cheapest misplaced item with the item that belongs in its spot. I believe this reduces cost by moving the most expensive things just once. If there are n-elements that are out of place, then there will be at most n-1 swaps to put them in place, at a cost of n-1 * cost of least item + cost of all other out of place.
If the globally cheapest element is not misplaced and the spread between this cheapest one and the cheapest misplaced one is great enough, it can be cheaper to swap the cheapest one in its correct place with the cheapest misplaced one. The cost then is n-1 * cheapest + cost of all out of place + cost of cheapest out of place.
For [4,1,2,3], this algorithm exchanges (1,2) to produce:
and then swaps (3,1) to produce:
and then swaps (4,1) to produce:
Notice that each misplaced item in [2,3,4] is moved only once and is swapped with the lowest cost item.
Ooops: "Please don't provide a complete algorithm, just an approach." Removed my code.
In an effort to only get you going on it this may not make complete sense.
Determine all possible moves, and the cost for each move and store those somehow, perform the least expensive move, then determine the moves that can be performed from this variation, storing those with the rest of your stored moves, perform the least expensive etc until the array is sorted.
I love solving things like this.
This problem is also known as the Silly Sort problem in some ACM contests. Take a look at this solution using Divide & Conquer.
Try different sorting algorithms on the same input data and print the minimum.
