Algorithm for finding weight of path with lowest weight in weighted directed graph - algorithm

I am given a G=(V,E) directed graph, and all of its edges have weight of either "0" or "1".
I'm given a vertex named "A" in the graph, and for each v in V, i need to find the weight of the path from A to v which has the lowest weight in time O(V+E).
I have to use only BFS or DFS (although this is probably a BFS problem).
I though about making a new graph where vertices that have an edge of 0 between them are united and then run BFS on it, but that would ruin the graph direction (this would work if the graph was undirected or the weights were {2,1} and for an edge of 2 i would create a new vertex).
I would appreciate any help.

I think it can be done with a combination of DFS and BFS.
In the original BFS for an unweighted graph, we have the invariant that the distance of nodes unexplored have a greater or equal distance to those nodes explored.
In our BFS, for each node we first do DFS through all 0 weighted edges, mark down the distance, and mark it as explored. Then we can continue the other nodes in our BFS.
Array Seen[] = false
Empty queue Q
E' = {(a, b) | (a, b) = 0 and (a, b) is of E}
DFS(V, E', u)
for each v is adjacent to u in E' // (u, v) has an edge weighted 0
if Seen[v] = false
v.dist = u.dist
DFS(V, E', v)
Seen[u] = true
Enqueue(Q, u)
BFS(V, E, source)
Enqueue(Q, source)
source.dist = 0
DFS(V, E', source)
while (Q is not empty)
u = Dequeue(Q)
for each v is adjacent to u in E
if Seen[v] = false
v.dist = u.dist + 1
Enqueue(Q, v)
Seen[u] = true
After running the BFS, it can give you all shortest distance from the node source. If you only want a shortest distance to a single node, simply terminate when you see the destination node. And yes, it meets the requirement of O(V+E) time complexity.

This problem can be modified to the problem of Single Source Shortest Path.
You just need to reverse all the edge directions and find the minimum distance of each vertex v from the vertex A.
It could be easily observed that if in the initial graph if we had a minimal path from some vertex v to A, after changing the edge directions we would have the same minimal path from A to v.
This could be simply done either by Dijkstra OR as the edges just have two values {0 and 1}, it could also be done by modified BFS (first go to vertexes with distance 0, then 1, then 2 and so on.).


Design an algorithm for the single source shortest path problem that runs in time O(k(|V|+|E|))

Suppose we are given a directed graph G = (V, E) with potentially positive and negative edge lengths, but no negative cycles. Let s ∈ V be a given source
vertex. How to design an algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem that runs in time O(k(|V | + |E|)) if the shortest paths from s to any other vertex takes at most k edges?
Here`s O(k(|V | + |E|)) approach:
We can use Bellman-Ford algorithm with some modifications
Create array D[] to store shortest path from node s to some node u
initially D[s]=0, and all other D[i]=+oo (infinity)
Now after we iterate throught all edges k times and relax them, D[u] holds shortest path value from node s to u after <=k edges
Because any s-u shortest path is atmost k edges, we can end algorithm after k iterations over edges
for each vertex v in vertices:
D[v] := +oo
D[s] = 0
repeat k times:
for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges:
if D[u] + w < D[v]:
D[v] = D[u] + w

Find all pairs of nodes whose deletion disconnects graph

Given undirected, connected graph, find all pairs of nodes (connected by an edge) whose deletion disconnects the graph.
No parallel edges and no edges connecting node to itself.
The problem seems similar to finding articulation points (or bridges) of a connected, undirected graph - yet with a twist, that we have to remove a pair of vertices connected by an edge (and all other edges connected to that pair).
This is a homework question. I've been trying to solve it, read about DFS and articulation points algorithms (that bookkeap depth and lowpoint of each node) - but none of these approaches help this particular problem. I've checked through Cormen's Intro to Algorithms, but no topic suggested itself as appropriate (granted, book does have 1500 pages).
While it's true that finding articulation point would also (most of the time) find such a pair, there are a lot of pairs that are not articulation points - consider a graph with 4-vertices,5-edges (square with a single diagonal): it has one such pair but no articulation points (nor bridges).
I'm lost. Help me, stack overflow, you are my only hope.
Rather straightforward, maybe not the most efficient:
Let the graph be G=(V,E) with V := {v_1, ..., v_n}. For each subset V' of V let G_V' be the node induced subgraph comprising the nodes V \ V'. Let further N>_v_i := {v_j in V : {v_i,v_j} in E and j > i} be the set of all neighbors of v_i in G with index greater than i. Finally, let c(G) be the set of connected components of a graph.
Compute the pairs as follows:
pairs = {}
for each v in V:
compute G_{v}
if G_{v} is unconnected:
for each v' in N>_v:
# Ensures that removal of v' does not render subgraph connected
# (Note comment by MkjG)
if |c(G_{v})| > 2 or {v'} not in c(G_{v}):
add {v,v'} to pairs
for each v' in N>_v:
compute G_{v,v'}
if G_{v,v'} unconnected:
add {v,v'} to pairs
Connectivity can be checked via DFS or BFS in O(m+n). The runtime should hence be O(n * k * (m+n)), where k is the maximum degree of G.
Update to my previous answer based on the suggestion by #MkjG to use DFS for computing articulation points.
Let the graph be G=(V,E) with V := {v_1, ..., v_n}_. For each subset V' of V let G_V' be the node induced subgraph comprising the nodes V \ V'. For G connected, we call v in V an articulation point if G_{v} is unconnected. Let N_v be the set of neighbors of v in G.
Articulation points can be computed via DFS, read here for more information on the algorithm. In short:
compute a DFS tree T for some root node r in V
r is an articulation point, iff it has more than one child in T
any other node v in V is an articulation point, iff it has a child v' in T that satisfies the following condition: no node in the subtree T' of T rooted at v' has a back edge to an ancestor of v
Let the result of a DFS on graph G be a function c on the nodes v in V. c(v) is a subset of N_v, it holds v' in c(v) iff both of the following conditions are met:
v' is a child of v in T
no node in the subtree T' of T rooted at v' has a back edge to an ancestor of v
Note that for the root node r of T, c(r) is the set of all children of r. Function c can be computed in time O(n+m).
Compute the separator pairs as follows:
# performs DFS on G for some root node r
c = DFS(G,r)
# computes articulation points of G and corresponding number of components
aps = {}
compCounts = {}
for each v in V:
numComps = |c(v)|
if v != r:
if numComps > 1:
add v to aps
compCounts[v] = numComps
# computes the set of all separator pairs containing at least on ap
S = {}
for each v in aps:
numComps = compCounts[v]
for each v' in N_v:
if numComps > 2:
# G_{v,v'} has at least two connected components
add {v,v'} to S
# if v' is an isolated node in G_{v}, then G_{v,v'} is connected
if N_v' != {v}:
add {v,v'} to S
# computes remaining separator pairs
for each v in V \ aps:
compute G_{v}
# performs DFS on G_{v} for some root r_v != v
c_v = DFS(G_{v},r_v)
# adds separator pairs for articulation points of G_{v} in N_v
for each v' in N_v:
numComps = |c(v')|
if v' != r_v:
if numComps > 1:
add{v,v'} to S
Runtime is in O(n * (n+m))
A set of k edges disconnecting a graph is called a k-cut. You are trying to enumerate all 2-cuts of a graph.
This paper describes an efficient algorithm to enumerate all cuts of a graph. It should be possible to adapt it to find all 2-cuts of a graph.

Maximum weighted path between two vertices in a directed acyclic Graph

Love some guidance on this problem:
G is a directed acyclic graph. You want to move from vertex c to vertex z. Some edges reduce your profit and some increase your profit. How do you get from c to z while maximizing your profit. What is the time complexity?
The problem has an optimal substructure. To find the longest path from vertex c to vertex z, we first need to find the longest path from c to all the predecessors of z. Each problem of these is another smaller subproblem (longest path from c to a specific predecessor).
Lets denote the predecessors of z as u1,u2,...,uk and dist[z] to be the longest path from c to z then dist[z]=max(dist[ui]+w(ui,z))..
Here is an illustration with 3 predecessors omitting the edge set weights:
So to find the longest path to z we first need to find the longest path to its predecessors and take the maximum over (their values plus their edges weights to z).
This requires whenever we visit a vertex u, all of u's predecessors must have been analyzed and computed.
So the question is: for any vertex u, how to make sure that once we set dist[u], dist[u] will never be changed later on? Put it in another way: how to make sure that we have considered all paths from c to u before considering any edge originating at u?
Since the graph is acyclic, we can guarantee this condition by finding a topological sort over the graph. topological sort is like a chain of vertices where all edges point left to right. So if we are at vertex vi then we have considered all paths leading to vi and have the final value of dist[vi].
The time complexity: topological sort takes O(V+E). In the worst case where z is a leaf and all other vertices point to it, we will visit all the graph edges which gives O(V+E).
Let f(u) be the maximum profit you can get going from c to u in your DAG. Then you want to compute f(z). This can be easily computed in linear time using dynamic programming/topological sorting.
Initialize f(u) = -infinity for every u other than c, and f(c) = 0. Then, proceed computing the values of f in some topological order of your DAG. Thus, as the order is topological, for every incoming edge of the node being computed, the other endpoints are calculated, so just pick the maximum possible value for this node, i.e. f(u) = max(f(v) + cost(v, u)) for each incoming edge (v, u).
Its better to use Topological Sorting instead of Bellman Ford since its DAG.
G is a DAG with negative edges.
Some edges reduce your profit and some increase your profit
Edges - increase profit - positive value
Edges - decrease profit -
negative value
After TS, for each vertex U in TS order - relax each outgoing edge.
dist[] = {-INF, -INF, ….}
dist[c] = 0 // source
for every vertex u in topological order
if (u == z) break; // dest vertex
for every adjacent vertex v of u
if (dist[v] < (dist[u] + weight(u, v))) // < for longest path = max profit
dist[v] = dist[u] + weight(u, v)
ans = dist[z];

Explaination of prim's algorithm

I have to implement Prim's algorithm using a min-heap based priority queue. If my graph contained the vertices A, B, C, and D with the below undirected adjacency list... [it is sorted as (vertex name, weight to adjacent vertex)]
A -> B,4 -> D,3
B -> A,4 -> C,1 -> D,7
C -> B,1
D -> B,7 -> A,3
Rough Graph:
| /
3 7
| /
What would the priority queue look like? I have no idea what I should put into it. Should I put everything? Should I put just A B C and D. I have no clue and I would really like an answer.
Prim's: grow the tree by adding the edge of min weight with exactly one end in the tree.
The PQ contains the edges with one end in the tree.
Start with vertex 0 added to tree and add all vertices connected to 0 into the PQ.
DeleteMin() will give you the min weight edge (v, w), you add it to the MST and add all vertices connected to w into the PQ.
is this enough to get you started?
so, in your example, the in the first iteration, the MST will contain vertex A, and the PQ will contain the 2 edges going out from A:
Here's prim's algorithm:
Choose a node.
Mark it as visited.
Place all edges from this node into a priority queue (sorted to give smallest weights first).
While queue not empty:
pop edge from queue
if both ends are visited, continue
add this edge to your minimum spanning tree
add all edges coming out of the node that hasn't been visited to the queue
mark that node as visited
So to answer your question, you put the edges in from one node.
If you put all of the edges into the priority queue, you've got Kruskal's algorithm, which is also used for minimum spanning trees.
It depends on how you represent your graph as to what the running time is. Adjacency lists make the complexity O(E log E) for Kruskal's and Prim's is O(E log V) unless you use a fibonacci heap, in which case you can achieve O(E + V log V).
You can assign weights to your vertices. Then use priority queue based on these weights. This is a reference from the wiki:'s_algorithm
MST-PRIM (G, w, r) {
for each u ∈ G.V
u.key = ∞
u.parent = NIL
r.key = 0
Q = G.V
while (Q ≠ ø)
u = Extract-Min(Q)
for each v ∈ G.Adj[u]
if (v ∈ Q) and w(u,v) < v.key
v.parent = u
v.key = w(u,v)
Q will be your priority queue. You can use struct to hold the information of the vertices.

Decide whether there is a MST that contains some edges of 2 distinct edge sets

Let G = (V, E) be a weighted, connected and undirected graph. Let T1 and T2 be 2 different MST's. Suppose we can write E = (A1 U B U A2) such that:
B is the intersection of the edges of T1 and T2, and
A1 = T1 - B
A2 = T2 - B
Assuming that every MST T in G contains all the edges of B, find an algorithm that decides whether there is a MST T that contains at least one edge in A1 and at least one edge in A2.
Edit: I've dropped the part that was here. I think that it does more harm than good.
you should sort your edge that the red edge is prefer to blue edge for choose.then you can use any MST algorithm same as Prim's algorithm :
If a graph is empty then we are done immediately. Thus, we assume
otherwise. The algorithm starts with a tree consisting of a single
vertex, and continuously increases its size one edge at a time, until
it spans all vertices. Input: A non-empty connected weighted graph
with vertices V and edges E (the weights can be negative). Initialize:
Vnew = {x}, where x is an arbitrary node (starting point) from V, Enew
= {} Repeat until Vnew = V: Choose an edge {u, v} with minimal weight such that u is in Vnew and v is not (if there are multiple edges with
the same weight, any of them may be picked) Add v to Vnew, and {u, v}
to Enew Output: Vnew and Enew describe a minimal spanning tree
