Is it possible to host Package Control for Sublime Text locally? - sublimetext

We have a development network that does not connect to the Internet. Sublime Text is one of the editors we use the most. Is it possible to run Package Control locally? I realize we would lose the benefits of automatic updates; however I'm mainly interested in the ease and convenience of a central package repository and just saying 'package install' to install new packages.
Has anyone done anything like this?

A Package Control channel needs to be served via HTTP, but that doesn't keep you from hosting it locally.
Create a JSON file for the packages you want to host locally (see example-repository.json)
Host your repository.json on your preferred web-server
In Sublime Text, choose "Package Control: Add repository" from the command palette and add the URL to your locally hosted JSON
Note: Package Control offers no way to remove the default repository, so you might have to block (or redirect) it.
Regarding locally hosted packages, you would also host them locally and write their URLs to your repository.json.
Another option for hosting packages might be the redirection of all URLs in the default repository to their locally hosted counterparts, but that's probably more tricky to manage.


Caveats if go package name doesn't start with

I've recently started using go and planned to use following directory structure for my code: src/ (so package name would be, however during code review my coworker (who worked with go before) pointed out that it's a convention to place code in src/ (so package name would be
I can understand that this is convenient for personal projects, but it looks weird to me to have it for company projects. Why does it matter which source control website company is using? What if company will decide to move to bitbucket later on - should all projects be refactored to have package names starting with
It is definitely possible to not use kubernetes have package name starting with, and go book has package names which start with (and both use github).
Question is: are there any caveats if package name doesn't start with E.g. maybe dep won't work properly (go get seems to work fine) or something else?
Also: what is the right way to have package name and have source code hosted on github?
If you set up the web server at to host your Go packages, there's nothing at all wrong with that approach.
But if the only reason to do that is to have "vanity" package names, it's probably not worth it.
Put another way: Your package name must match its hosting location. If you're using GitHub to host your project at then your package name is's no choice in the matter.
If you want to host your software on GitHub but still use as the package name, then you could set up GitHub to host's web page using the GitHub pages feature. But if you're an established company, then you probably already have your site hosted elsewhere, and it's not an option to move hosting to GitHub. And even if you don't already have a company web site, there's practically no reason at all to do this for the sake of Go packages.

Oracle Webcenter Sites CSDT Plugin Export/Import

I want to export/import only site structure not the content using Oracle WCS CSDT Plugin command line tool.
Basically, I want empty site to be created on production env without content, and content editors will publish content from staging once basic site is available.
Does anyone has an idea, how I'll do it?
I Think you can mirror the site which doesn't publish any content.
on admin tab, select the site you want and double click on it.
There you will see publish destinations. click on mirror site configuration for required environment and you can do it by selecting required things to mirror.
Well, I don't think this is the recommended way to do so, I actually think the CSDT tool isn't recommended by Oracle (will look up a source and amend my answer ASAP, just wanted to catch you before the irreversible happens).
Instead publish to the production environment from the current one, if it's not reachable you can publish to an installation on a portable machine (laptop or something) or maybe even a JSK (Jump Start Kit) on and the from the JSK to production.
Hope this helps.
Although its been one year, just to answer this question, I am pointing out what I did in my past projects:
I want to export/import only site structure not the content using Oracle WCS CSDT Plugin command line tool.
Yes, this is quite feasible to do so via command line or even by using ANT or maven script
Basically, I want empty site to be created on production env without content, and content editors will publish content from staging once basic site is available.
Once site is imported using CSDT, editors can publish. But note: asset types, attributes, etc. which were created using your local instance or JSK will have different asset id as compared to Staging instance.
Hence, rather than using CSDT, preferred way is to just initialize site and then mirror assettypes, attributes, attribute editors, etc. from Staging to Production and then publish attributes, etc. from Staging to Production. When production is ready with all basic configurations, editors can just publish content as they see fit.

Notepad++ with Local and FTP synchronizer. [?]

Does the Notepad++ have Local and FTP synchronizer by any plugin?? because I develop websites using PHP and notepad++ has all the features I like and its really lightweight but I had to switch to Netbeans because I use a web hosting but I always like to save the code in my computer too. and netbeans can do that, even anything you insert locally in the folder it automatically adds the folder and the files in the FTP server which is great. but if the notepad++ has the feature to at least update the files that we are saving in notepad++ in both local and ftp server I would be so glad, I search that for a long time, but I can't use netbeans anymore I lose way too much time, netbeans is really heavy!
NppFTP: a plugin that allows FTP,
FTPS, FTPES and SFTP communications.
Very useful for web development.
Author: harrybharry
Install it from Plugin Manager
These are NppFTP plugin panel and toolbar button
Open profile settings dialog
Then configure profiles
Just wanted to post this here for anybody looking for the same solution I was looking for... (and I think helps answer this question more thoroughly).
I keep an exact replica of my public_html directory on my local machine. I wanted to be able to double click a file on the remote server and live edit so that I had a mirrored copy on my local machine. Note: if you are looking for functionality similar to Dreamweaver's site manager... there is a feature request for that. This solution only allows your local files to get updated when you edit a remote file.
So here goes the basic connection settings (pretty standard):
u: some_ftp_user
p: a_very_secure_password
d: /public_html
Then, here is where the magic comes in. Under the "cache" tab for the ftp profile, add the following:
Local path: E:\Path\to\your\local\server\public_html
External path: /public_html
The external path should be the same as the "initial directory" in your connection settings. Hope this makes sense. Please ask questions if you have any.
Then what you need is rather FTP_synchronize
double-clicking file will open it for
editing and saving file (in usual way)
will update it on server .
I actually prefer the way that Notepad++ works with FTP compared to Netbeans. Notepad++ always treats the remote file as the master copy. So when you open it, it first downloads it and stores it in the local cache. Netbeans however always opens the local copy first - you have to explicitly synchronise with the external server to pull down the files from the server. If you're working with other developers - its much better to use the server copy so that you pull down any changes by other developers.
If you want the synchronisation try these steps:
In Notepad++ | NppFTP | Global Settings | Set the Global cache to be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\%USERNAME%#%HOSTNAME% which works for IIS or change the directory to your webserver root directory
You will have to make sure Notepad++ has permissions to create directories in your server root
Download one file from the server using NppFTP so that you can see what the directory struction looks like you can probably put just %HOSTNAME% e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
Then use Filezilla to download all the files into that directory - you can also use Filezilla to check for synchronisation changes.
Then use NppFTP which will download the files into that structure.
You should then be able to access the files through localhost/
If you're the only one working on the project that should then be enough, but if there are others, or if you make changes elsewhere you can use Filezilla to check the file timestamps to synchronise.
The default install for Notepad++ has a Plugin called NppFTP on the Plugins menu. I don't know how feature-full it is, however.
Get NppFTP
Connect to
Double click file to open
Edit changes
Save with automatic upload

DVCS with a Windows central repository

We are currently using VSS for version control. Quite few of our developers are interested in a distributed model (And want to get rid of VSS). Our network is full of Windows machines and while our IT department has experience maintaining Linux machines they would prefer not to.
What DVCS systems can host their central repository on Windows while providing..
Push access to the repository.
Basic authentication. Mostly just a way to allow or deny access to the whole repository. No need for fine grained access.
Server process so users don't need write right to the repository reducing the risk of accidentally messing with it.
On the client side a GUI such as Tortoise would be more or less a requirement (Sorry, Windows shell sucks. :|). Ease of installation would be a huge plus as our IT department is already quite low on resources. And using windows credentials for authentication would be an advantage but not a requirement as long as the client is able to store the credentials.
I have had a (really) quick look at Git, Mercurial and Bazaar.
Git seemed to use ssh or simple WebDAV for repository access, requiring write permission for the users.
Mercurial had a built in http server, but this seemed to be only for pull purposes. Update: Mercurial supports push as well.
Bazaar Seemed to use sftp for repository access, again requiring a write permission for the users.
Are there windows server processes for any DVCS systems and has anyone managed to set one up in a Windows land?
And apologies if this is a duplicate question. I couldn't find one.
Got Mercurial working for push purposes! Detailed list what was required can be found as an answer below.
Mercurial's almost certainly your easiest option on Windows.
If you didn't care about authentication, you actually can trivially allow hg serve to permit push. To do so, you merely need to add the following to the .hg/hgrc file in the repository you wish to serve:
allow_push = *
push_ssl = false
The first line says that anyone may push to this repository. The second tells Mercurial to allow pushing without SSL, since hg serve does not currently natively support HTTPS. At this point, users can push to your repository without having an account anywhere. If you're simply a small shop, that's probably fine--especially since you can use Mercurial's ability to sign changesets to guarantee a much higher level of verifiability than HTTP Basic will provide, anyway.
For a larger, shop, though, you'd be totally right in wanting at least a simple barrier for committing. To do that, you need to make two changes. First, you'll need to put Mercurial behind a web server with either reverse proxy support or CGI support. Thankfully, recent versions of IIS support both. You can consult the CGI directions in the Mercurial Redbook for Mercurial-specific steps, and Microsoft's guide to setting up CGI applications in IIS 6 for help on the IIS side.
Next, you'll need to set up some basic authentication. IIS provides HTTP Basic out-of-the-box, which, as a bonus, can authenticate directly against your domain, keeping administrative overhead to a minimum.
Finally, you'll want to change the allow_push line to support only specific users by specifying a comma-delimited list of user names. For example:
allow_push = benjamin, ted, the_cow
That's it. Mercurial will now allow push from users who can authenticate via HTTP Basic authentication, and allow pull from everyone else.
After Benjamin pointed out the HTTP serving CGI scripts I decided to try those out and managed to get a repository hosted over HTTP. The Redbook which Benjamin linked was of much help as were two Mercurial wiki articles. One which describes Mercurial publishing in general and another containing step by step instructions for setting up the HgWebDir CGI script.
These instructions weren't completely foolproof though so I had to poke around a bit. Most likely as I'm running 64bit Vista. The instructions below document what I did. Now that I've done it once I'd probably do things in another order so don't consider these step by step instructions.
First I acquired the Mercurial binary from which got installed into d:\dev\Mercurial. I created a repository for testing under d:\dev\testRepo repository using hg init. The d:\dev\Mercurial\ contains Mercurial library files required by the CGI script so they were extracted to d:\dev\Mercurial\library. Something which confused me at first is that when I opened the zip file I received an error message and saw no contents. Just extracting the file to a directory worked though.
For the web script, I downloaded Mercurial source which contained the hgwebdir.cgi which got moved and renamed to d:\dev\Mercurial\webroot\ The step by step article contains good instructions for modifying the hgwebdir script for Windows. They also contain instructions for hgweb.config which in my case ended up looking like this:
/hg/ = D:\dev\Mercurial\testRepo
Also the repository wanted the following config so I could push there without SSL. Note I am using Basic Authentication to authenticate users currently. I had to create the config in D:\dev\Mercurial\testRepo\.hg\hgrc and add the following lines to it:
allow_push = *
push_ssl = false
The CGI script is a Python script so it requires Python. It's seems pretty picky on which Python version executes it. One of the articles mentioned that running it requires same version that was used to build the Mercurial. In the end I got it working on Python 2.5 x86 after trying Python 2.6 x64, Python 2.4, Python 2.5 x64.
Two things I missed and had to install were CGI support and Basic Authentication. Both of these were installed through Control Panel, Programs and Features. Once done with installation I created a virtual directory (Which I later changed to an Application) in IIS pointing to D:\dev\Mercurial\webroot. The virtual directory required an CGI handler for *.py files which could be added from Handler Mappings. The executable was D:\dev\SDKs\Python25_x86\Python.exe %s. Once IIS had permissions to the webroot directory I could navigate to http://localhost/hg/ and see the repository.
So now the read access was working. When I tried pushing to the repository I received weird error messages telling me it wasn't a real repository.
After an hour of debugging I ended up copying the whole D:\dev\Mercurial\library\mercurial tree under webroot so that Python could find D:\dev\Mercurial\webroot\mercurial\hgweb\hgwebdir_mod.pyc. After this Wireshark was reportting Access Denied errors in the stack trace. No idea what the real reason to this was but changing the virtual directory into an Application in IIS and moving it on top of an application pool which ran using Local System account the access denied errors went away.
Also at some point I gave HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters registry key more permissions so IIS could access it. Doubt that it requires these after using Local System account.
Once these were done pushing stuff to the repository using hg push http://localhost/hg/hgwebdir.cgi/test was working!
Problems and solutions
Where to find the library files.
They were in the library.dll under Mercurial installation folder. I just had to extract them even if my unzip program refused to view me its contents.
How to get the Python script to run
Download the correct Python version for x86 architecture as the script uses some x86 libraries. The correct Python version depends on the Mercurial version. For 1.2.1 it was Python 2.5 x86.
Alternatively you could try building Mercurial from sources with whatever Python version you want but in my case this failed when building extensions.
How to set CGI up in IIS
First make sure CGI is installed in IIS. This wasn't assumed to be true in the IIS instructions Benjamin posted.
Create a new Module Mapping for *.py in IIS Handler Mappings. The correct Module is CgiModule and the executable is your Python executable + %s
How to allow the CGI script to write to the repository
Make sure the script has everything it requires. I had to move the library\mercurial\hgweb\hgwebdir_mod.pyc to another place.
Make sure the script has permissions to everywhere it wants. I solved this by Creating a new Application Pool for the CGI script that used Local System account, converting the Virtual Directory to an Application in IIS and selecting the new Application Pool.
After reading Mikko's Answer which almost worked for me, I came up with my own notes for installation. My setup was designed to be a "non protected and open" repository that members of my team could use installed on a Windows 2008 Server.
1. Install Python.
The version of Python I used was Python 2.6.2 and I used the Windows x86 MSI Installer.
Install for all Users.
Install to C:\Mercurial\Python
Use Default Feature Options.
2. Install MinGW.
The version of Minimalist GNU for Windows I used was MinGW 5.1.4
Install the MinGW-5.1.4.exe.
Choose the Download and Install Option.
Choose the Current Package Option to Install.
For the Components to Install Select the "Minimal" option.
Install to C:\Mercurial\MinGW
3. Modify your path.
You need to add in locations to your environmental path at this point.
Add 'C:\Mercurial\Python26;C:\Mercurial\MinGW\bin' to the path (Order Matters.)
4. Install Mercurial.
The version of mercurial that I used was the latest release in the stable branch and I did not use the binaries, but used the source code. I wanted to compile mercurial myself so that it would work with whatever version of Python I had installed so I didn't have to worry about any compatability issues which I found to be the biggest challenge with other install methods. The easist way to get the source is by downloading the "zip" file.
Mercurial Stable Release
Extract Zip File to C:\Mercurial\Source.
Build the Source at command prompt.
python build --force -c mingw32
python install --force --skip-build
5. Modify your path.
You need to insert into your environmental path another location for the 'hg' command.
Add 'C:\Mercurial\Python26\Scripts;C:\Mercurial\Python26;C:\Mercurial\MinGW\bin' to the path (Order Matters.)
6. Create your Config file.
You need to have a default user name set if your going to do any commits locally on this server.
Create file '"C:\Documents and Settings{username}.hgrc"'
editor = Notepad
username = your_name
6. Test your Install.
Open up a new command window and test with 'hg debuginstall' to validate. You should see something like the following.
Checking encoding (cp1252)...
Checking extensions...
Checking templates...
Checking patch...
Checking commit editor...
Checking username...
No problems detected
7. Setup Web Directory.
Create Directory 'C:\Mercurial\Web'
Copy the hgwebdir.cgi file from the 'C:\Mercurial\Source' to 'C:\Mercurial\Web'
8. Configure IIS7 for Centralized Repository.
I used the DefaultAppPool which is using .Net 2.0, Pipeline=Integrated, Identity = ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Ensure CGI features are available in IIS7.
Control Panel/Programs/Windows Features/IIS/App Development Features/CGI
Add App into IIS on the Website you wish.
Alias=Mercurial -- Physical Path=C:\Mercurial\Web
On the App select HTTP Modules and add a new Module Mapping.
Request Path=*.cgi, Module=CgiModule, Executable=C:\Mercurial\Python26\python.exe %s, Name=Mercurial.
When Prompted to add entry to ISAPI and CGI restrictions list say yes.
9. Test your Web Setup.
You should now be able to browse http://localhost/Mercurial/hgwebdir.cgi and see and empty repository list.
10. Configure IIS7 for Friendly URL
I did not like having the unfriendly URL and this step allows us to remap the URL to something more friendly. Install the URL Rewrite Moduel 1.1 Extension for IIS.
On the Mercurial IIS Application in IIS Manager featurs View select URL Rewrite Component and install a new Rule.
Choose Add Rules, then the Template 'Rule with rewrite map.' Rule Action=Rewrite, Specify Rewrite Map=Mercurial
Add a mapping Entry. OriginalValue='/Mercurial/Repo', New Value='/Mercurial/hgwebdir.cgi'
11. Create Mercurial Repository
You can now create a test repository.
Create a Directory C:\Mercurial\Repository and ensure IUSR account has the permissions to write to the directory. (If on Domain account is more like IUSR_{ComputerName}.
Create file C:\Mercurial\Web\hgweb.config to list the repositories.
/ = C:\Mercurial\Repository\**
Add a directory C:\Mercurial\Repository\Test and initialize the repository with 'hg init'
** If you want now to be able to push without ssl create in the .hg directory of the repository a hgrc file the following lines.
allow_push = *
push_ssl = false
Mercurial Wiki Windows Install
HG Book
Step by Step
Publishing Mercurial Repositories
For a team taking the first step away from VSS I would have suggested using SubVersion for source control and either TortoiseSVN or VisualSVN for the client.
But if the team has made the decision to switch to a DVCS then I'd suggest Mercurial because of it's better support for HTTP and windows on the client via TortoiseHg.
If you're looking for:
Distributed development support
Run Windows servers seamlessly
And a great GUI
You're exactly describing Plastic SCM
Excuse my necroposting and shameless self-promotion, but I've just released an alpha version of HgLab, which is a Mercurial Server for Windows with full pull-push support and Active Directory integration.
SCM-agnostic (to some degree) Windows-solution with Repository-frontent and management today may be SCM-Manager (Git, Mercurial, SVN repo out of a box with a single requirement of JVM)

How can I publish a subversion repository to a local IIS?

At work, we have a windows server 2003 with IIS and Subversion installed. We use it to publish and test locally
our ASP.NET websites. Every programmer has Tortoise installed on his PC and can update/commit content to the server. Hosting the repositories is working fine.
But the files kept in those repositories needs then to be copied to our local IIS (virtual directories).
What is an easy way to publish those subversion repositories to our local IIS?
Thanks to puetzk I added a simple bat file that gets executed every time a commit occurs (check the subversion documentation about hooks). My bat file only contains:
echo off
:: Localize the working copy where IIS points)
pushd E:\wwwroot\yourapp\trunk
:: Update your working copy
svn update
Just keep the web server's file area as a working copy, and perform an svn up in it whenever you want to "publish". Configure it to hide the contents of the .svn folders if they seem untidy to you (I don't specifically know how to do this, but I assume it can be done). They will already have the filesystem hidden bit, which may take care of this.
If you want it really automatic (updates as soon as someone commits), use a post-commit hook script on the SVN server to kick off the first process.
Others in the comments have suggested using export instead of checkout. That can work too, and avoids the .svn clutter, but has two drawbacks. One, it has to redownload the entire contents every time, not just the modified files (since it didn't keep the .svn dir to remember what it has). If you have a lot of files, this will be much slower. Two, update replaces the file atomically (writes the new version in .svn/tmp, then moves it into place). Export writes the file gradually into it's destination as it downloads. That means export could deliver an incomplete file to someone who browsed it at just the wrong time.
SVN doesn't support IIS; you can however run the standalone svnserve server as a windows service.
There's the SVN FAQ entry about it, and this blog post on Vertigo Software blog may be helpful too.
After your clarification, I see that what you are looking for is a way to automatically update the code on the server after it's checked in. Look into CruiseControl.NET, after looking at the subversion integration tutorial it looks like it should do what you want.
UPDATE 2: This tutorial describes integrating Subversion, CruiseControl.NET and Nant.
maybe SVNIsapi can solve the problem ( Cause it only utilizes an IIS installation, therefore you don't need an APACHE server or an SVNSERVER service. Secondly it should be possible to stack the ASP.NET ISAPI plugin onto the processing of SVNISAPI, so that a ASP.NET (.aspx) page will interpreted after read from the repository.
Use can use the free Visual-SVN Server to quickly install Subversion with Apache front end. It also have a nice MMC snap-in for managing the server and repositories.
You will than be able to access subversion with HTTP or HTTPS, but the port number must be different from the one your local IIS uses (default port for Visual-SVN server is 8080).
If you really need to access the repositories using your local IIS port 80, you can try SVN-IIS which acts as a bridge between your IIS and Apache. I haven't tried this one myself though.
