Oracle Webcenter Sites CSDT Plugin Export/Import - oracle

I want to export/import only site structure not the content using Oracle WCS CSDT Plugin command line tool.
Basically, I want empty site to be created on production env without content, and content editors will publish content from staging once basic site is available.
Does anyone has an idea, how I'll do it?

I Think you can mirror the site which doesn't publish any content.
on admin tab, select the site you want and double click on it.
There you will see publish destinations. click on mirror site configuration for required environment and you can do it by selecting required things to mirror.

Well, I don't think this is the recommended way to do so, I actually think the CSDT tool isn't recommended by Oracle (will look up a source and amend my answer ASAP, just wanted to catch you before the irreversible happens).
Instead publish to the production environment from the current one, if it's not reachable you can publish to an installation on a portable machine (laptop or something) or maybe even a JSK (Jump Start Kit) on and the from the JSK to production.
Hope this helps.

Although its been one year, just to answer this question, I am pointing out what I did in my past projects:
I want to export/import only site structure not the content using Oracle WCS CSDT Plugin command line tool.
Yes, this is quite feasible to do so via command line or even by using ANT or maven script
Basically, I want empty site to be created on production env without content, and content editors will publish content from staging once basic site is available.
Once site is imported using CSDT, editors can publish. But note: asset types, attributes, etc. which were created using your local instance or JSK will have different asset id as compared to Staging instance.
Hence, rather than using CSDT, preferred way is to just initialize site and then mirror assettypes, attributes, attribute editors, etc. from Staging to Production and then publish attributes, etc. from Staging to Production. When production is ready with all basic configurations, editors can just publish content as they see fit.


Managing connection strings in source controlled application that is continuously deployed to Azure websites

Here's the scenario: I have multiple developers on an mvc 4 project. Each developer has a local database. The source control system is TFS at We're using Azure websites to host the site. We have also configured Azure websites for continuous deployment.
The source control system could be git, mercurial, TFS, etc. Honestly, I don't think it matters.
My question is how to accomplish these three things:
Each developer has his/her own connection string(s) locally (without them being in source control)
Azure has its own connection string(s) (without it being in source control)
Source Control doesn't show any connection information
The ability for each developer to F5 and run/debug/test the app locally.
We accomplished #1 by adding our individual connection strings to our machine.config so that there's no conflict between developer workstation setups.
I originally removed the connectionstrings section from web.config. In the Azure website (using the management portal, under Configure), I configured the connection strings, and after watching a Scott Hanselman video was under the impression that these would be dynamagically merged into my web.config upon deployment, but that doesn't appear to happen. Whenever I go to any page that hits the db, I get an error saying can't find the connection string (or some other db error related to the connection)
If I put the Azure connection string directly in web.config, Things work on Azure, but then the connection details are in source control visible to everybody.
After reading some more posts from Scott and David Ebbo it seems that I could put a blank connection string in web.config (with the correct name) and then Azure will overwrite the values correctly. I would then have to have the developers put their connection strings in their web.debug.config and then install the Slow Cheetah plugin so that they could F5 and test locally. They would also have to not check in the web.debug.config into source control. (Not that easy with TFS) This seems like a seriously burdensome kludge, that's bound to fail somewhere along the line.
I have to believe that this isn't that rare of a problem. How do other teams accomplish this?
After looking around, it appears that what I was asking isn't actually supported without a bunch of command line hacks to the pre/post build process. What we ended up doing is forcing developers to all create their own local databases, use trusted authentication, and establish a SQL alias that was used by all developers in the web.config. That way, it works locally for everybody, it doesn't expose any user names/passwords within source control, and Azure can still overwrite it when automatically pulled from source control.
Slow Cheetah is actually a nice solution. It's an extension to web.config transformations. Those transformations let you keep one web.config file and then for each deployment scenario you specify which changes you want to it. For example, your Release configuration will probably remove the debug attribute.
This can also be used to change connection strings. The transformations are applied during the deployment of your project to Azure.
What I've done in the past to make this also work with local development machines is use a web.config with an externalized connections.config file. Each developer created a connection.machinename.config file that was copied to connection.config on build in the post-build step. Those files don't have to be checked in and they can never cause conflicts because each machine name is unique.
The release/staging/.. configurations used a web.config transformation to replace the connection string element with a specific connection string for that deployment (and that way remove the dependency on the external config file).
Slow Cheetah offers some nice helpers for checking the result of these transformations at design time.

Customize Oracle Access Manager

I would like to know how to change Oracle Access Manager's Login page.
I don't want to build a new custom page but only change a few UI components to the default Oracle page (like images and CSS).
The "login page" I'm talking about is: console/login/LoginForm.jsp, but I cannot find it on my server, does any one know where I can find this LoginForm.jsp??
I'm actually looking for the login/LoginForm.jsp in this Oracle documentation.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
**Please note that I cannot install any additional programs on that server
You don't need to install any additional software on the server, you just need to be able to copy a WAR file to the console extension directory.
You can build the WAR anywhere, that doesn't have to be done on the server. Expand the look and feel template, which will give you the login/login.jsp file you were looking for, make your changes, build the archive and deploy to your server.
Good luck!

Good ways to test changes on files without breaking website?

Every time I want to add new code to my site I have to modify the file outside of users view to debug it before updating the real file users see.
I usually create a copy of the file I want to change and test all changes on it but sometimes this files only appear included on another and I have to create two copies and sometimes it becomes even more complicated.
How is this normally done? Are there any tools to simplify the process, for example and enviroment to test my site on my PC so I don't have to upload files to the server each time I update something. Any info about beta testing new features will be thanked.
Most people have a 2nd server (potentially a virtual machine) configured exactly the same as their live (production) website. Where this 2nd server is located is completely up to you, but it should match your live site by using the same versions of software and same file structure.
I also like the idea of a staging server suggested by Sean. Again, your post doesn't say too much about your production web server and all of the features that you're using (are you running scripts on the server? PHP? some version of SQL?). But for a simple setup, you can run a copy of the Apache web server on your own PC, or something a little more lightweight like the XAMPP server.

Preferred setup for development with Umbraco

We're starting new web site development with Umbraco, and having some difficulties with optimal setup for multiple developers.
Right now we have a complete umbraco install in a code directory, with IIS pointing to it as well, and a local DB for each developer. We're planning to use Courier package to push/pull content changes, and Git for source code.
This setup allows to debug from Visual Studio (using F5), instead of attaching to a w3p, which is annoying. Separate db is a part I don't really like, I'd prefer a shared one, but with Umbraco's caching model (in xml file) this isn't optimal either - changes to data types etc are not reflected in other developer's environments. This does mean, however, that sharing changes among developers is a 2-stage process - Git + Courier.
I'd guess people have already came up with some best practices on umbraco setup for team development - would be nice to hear about them.
Thanks !
We use a central source control system for the code and share one database with all developers. This works quite good, but after a change or update of the source control repository, the only thing to keep in mind is that you need to update the cache (right click the root content-node in Umbraco and "republish entire website").
With this setup we all share the code and database in the development stage. Courier can then be used to transfer umbraco content back and forward to the test and production environment.

Component Creation How-to

I want to create a component that will allow me to install other components, modules, and plugins that i personally use all the time. I will need to be able to change these modules, components, and plugins at anytime but updating the components and etc.. that i use and be able to add more plugins and etc as well. I would like this Component because it takes too much time to install them all individually and on multiple sites as a web designer. I also would need to have some instruction on how to add subtract plugins, modules, components, and etc. I am ok with not a total integration i would like to be able to just host the install file on my server with a link to my server where the file is located.
If anyone can help with this please do.
this is not a direct answer more of a personal workaround ( I do this on local host).
I create a site for example Joomlabase, when it asks for DB name call it Joomlabase then add my extensions
then when I need a copy
1) copy and paste the folder named Joomlabase in Windows Explorer to a new name.
2) go into Phpmydmin copy the joomlabase DB to the same name as the new site name.
3) DO a search and replace of Joomlabase to new site name in config.php file (there should be 5 changes) and your done.
For me it saves a lot of time because in admin alone I use at least 12 different extensions
There is a Joomla admin component called "Akeeba". It creates a snapshot of your files and database which you can easily deploy to another server. I use it often when pushing a new site to production from a QA server.
Your question is way too broad, and the simple answer is that it would take much much much more work to maintain this 'super component' than you are currently spending simply installing the extensions separately when you need them.
The other answers here don't answer your question, but they provide some decent solutions to your actual problem.
