How to get gradle test case console output - gradle

I am using gradle to manager my project and I use gradle test --tests XXXX command to run a single test class. I wander where I can find the console output of my test cases. I know that there is a directory test-results under build which has all test cases result. But it only has the results when the test case finished. If my case is running hours and I want to monitor the output, where I can find them?

There is Test.onOutput method:
apply plugin: 'java'
test {
onOutput {
descriptor, event
-> if( event.destination == TestOutputEvent.Destination.StdErr ) {
logger.error( "Test: "
+ descriptor
+ ", error: "
+ event.message)
} } }


Passing a gradle task arguments in command line

I'm trying to find the best way to pass a gradle task arguments from the command line.
I have this task. I want to unpack solutions from student exercises and copy them into the right place in the project to evaulate them. I call this task like this:
> gradle swapSolution -Pstudent=MyStudent -Pexercise=ex05
One Problem i have with this while doing this in IntelliJ while having the Gradle plugin enabled is that i get this error message when build the project. What could be a solution to this?
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'kprog-2020-ws'.
> Could not get unknown property 'student' for root project 'kprog-2020-ws' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
This is the gradle task:
task swapSolution(type: Copy) {
new File("${rootDir}/Abgaben").eachDir { file ->
if ("(.*)" +"student") + "(.*)")) {
def exDir = new File("/src/main/java/prog/" +"exercise"))
if (!exDir.exists()) {
delete exDir
new File(file.path).eachFile { zipSolution ->
//def zipFile = new File("./Abgaben/" + + "/" +"exercise") + "")
from zipTree(zipSolution)
into "/src/main/java/"
Do you have any suggestions to optimize this process?
-P denotes the Gradle Project Property. If you need to use project properties you can specify it as a system property in file in project root directory.
If your task is of type JavaExec you can use --args switch and pass it in Arguments text field of the Gradle Task Run Configuration togenther with the task name like swapSolution -args="-student=MyStudent -exercise=ex05". See also

If else in Gradle scripts

I have this really strange behavior in Gradle and I cannot find a way out of it. In my file, I am using this checking condition:
if ( "${System.Property['DATABASE_DIR']}".compareTo('swdb') == 0 ) {
else {
I created a new task called printProperties and it looks like this.
task printProperties {
println "${['DATABASE_DIR']}".compareTo('swdb') == 0
I get the following output when I run the printProperties task.
$gradle printProperties -DDATABASE_DIR=swdb
:printProperties UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 1.07 secs
It is really strange that the task prints true but the file does not evaluate the same condition correctly. Could anybody help me with this?
Your code shall take place in a init.gradle script.
You can find documentation here : file is only for key=value pairs

Gradle / Jacoco / SonarQube issues

I'm going to put a fat bounty on this as soon as the system permits.
What I'm specifically having trouble with is getting coverage and getting integration tests working. For these I see the uninformative error:
Resource not found: com.something.somethingelse.SomeITCase
Uninformative because there's nothing to relate it to, nor does it mean much to someone who has none of the context.
Here's other weirdness I'm seeing. In cases where there's no integration tests for a subproject, I see this:
JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: /dev/build/dilithium/target/jacoco-it.exec
Why would I see target? This isn't a Maven project. A global search shows there's no target directory mentioned anywhere in the code base.
Then, there's this section of the documentation:
sonarqube {
properties {
properties["sonar.sources"] += sourceSets.custom.allSource.srcDirs
properties["sonar.tests"] += sourceSets.integTest.allSource.srcDirs
Near as I can tell sourceSets.integTest.allSource.srcDirs returns Files, not Strings. Also it should be:
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.tests", "comma,separated,file,paths"
Note that you get an error if you have a directory in there that doesn't exist. Of course there's apparently no standard for what directory to put integration tests in and for some sub-projects they may not even exist. The Gradle standard would be to simply ignore non-existent directories. Your code ends up looking like:
sonarqube {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
sourceSets.integrationTest.allSource.srcDirs.each { File dir ->
if ( dir.exists() ) {
if (builder.size() > 1) builder.deleteCharAt(builder.size() -1 )
if (builder.size() > 1 )
properties["sonar.tests"] += builder.toString()
properties["sonar.jacoco.reportPath"] +=
Sonar is reporting no coverage at all. If I search for the *.exec files, I see what I would expect. That being:
...but weirdly, I also see this:
What is that? Why is it in such a non-standard location?
OK, I've added this code:
properties {
println "Before: " + properties.get("sonar.tests")
println "Before: " + properties.get("sonar.jacoco.reportPath")
property "sonar.tests", builder.toString()
property "sonar.jacoco.reportPath", "$project.buildDir/jacoco/test.exec,$project.buildDir/jacoco/integrationTest.exec"
println "After: " + properties.get("sonar.tests")
println "After: " + properties.get("sonar.jacoco.reportPath")
...which results in:
[still running]
I don't want any bounty or any points.
Just a suggestion.
Can you get ANY Jacoco reports at all?
Personally I would separate the 2: namely Jacoco report generation and Sonar.
I would first try to simply generate Jacoco THEN I would look at why Sonar can not get a hold of them.

Gradle executes all tasks?

I have a very simple build script like so
task hello{
println("hello World")
task bye {
On the command line I run
gradle hello and I get the following output:
hello World
:hello UP-TO-DATE
Why is it executing the task "bye" (I'm assuming it gets executed since "bye" gets printed)? Thanks.
It's a common pitfall:
task hello {
println("Any code in here is about *configuring* the\
task. By default, all tasks always get configured.")
doLast {
println("Any code in here is about *executing* the task.\
This code only gets run if and when Gradle decides to execute the task.")
The distinction between configuration phase and execution phase is probably the single most important concept to understand in Gradle. It can be confusing at first, and may go away in the future. A kind of analogue in the Ant/Maven world is that these tools first parse XML build scripts and build an object model (perhaps resolving some properties along the way), and only then execute the build.
Adding to Peter answer, If you want to execute all task , you can specify the defaultTasks list.
defaultTasks 'clean', 'run'
task clean {
doLast {
println 'Default Cleaning!'
task run {
doLast {
println 'Default Running!'
task other {
doLast {
println "I'm not a default task!"
Output of gradle -q
> gradle -q
Default Cleaning!
Default Running!
More details can be found here

Unable to create a Gradle task rule with an Exec task

I'm trying to write a task rule to create a series of tasks that checkout various svn repository locations. Here is my rule:
tasks.addRule("Pattern: svnCheckout&ltClassifier> - Checks out the indicated svn repo") { String taskName ->
if(taskName.startsWith('svnCheckout')) {
task(name: taskName, type: Exec) {
String classifier = taskName - 'svnCheckout'
String svnDir = svnRepoUrl //defined elsewhere
switch(classifier) {
case 'SourceTrunk':
svnDir += 'branches/CleanBuild/trunk'
case 'AutoInstaller':
svnDir += 'Tools/AutoInstaller'
case 'ContentAutomation':
svnDir += 'Tools/ContentAutomation'
case 'InternalTools':
svnDir += 'Tools/Internal'
throw new GradleException("Invalid svnCheckout classifier '$classifier'")
String svnCommand = "svn co $svnDir --trust-server-cert"
//commandLine 'cmd', '/c', "$svnCommand"
commandLine 'cmd', '/c/', "echo 'Task created'"
workingDir = "$workspace"
I then try to run the task 'svnCheckoutSourceTrunk' with this command:
gradlew -Pworkspace="." svnCheckoutSourceTrunk
which fails with the error
FAILURE: Could not determine which tasks to execute.
* What went wrong:
Task 'svnCheckoutSourceTrunk' not found in root project 'GradleScripts'.
* Try:
Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks.
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I put some println statements around the first few lines, and the execution is getting past the if statement, but it's not getting inside the task declaration.
The syntax used for declaring the task(s) is incorrect. (Not sure why it's not giving an error.) The first positional argument always need to be the task name:
task(taskName, type: Exec) { ... }
In a build script, this will also work:
task "$taskName"(type: Exec) { ... }
