sed - Replacing brackets with characters? - bash

I have a string that with brackets that enclose a single character, like such:
I want to take the character within the bracket and replace the bracket with the character, so the end result would look like:
This is what I came up with, but it doesn't work:
sed 's/\[ \([a-z]\) \]/\2/g' < testfile
Can someone please help me, and explain why my command isn't working?

Try the following code:
$ echo "[a]" | sed 's/\[\([a-zA-Z]\)\]/\1\1\1/g'
$ echo "[a]" | sed -r 's/\[([a-zA-Z])\]/\1\1\1/g'

I think you missed some basic concepts. First let's duplicate a single char
$ echo a | sed -r 's/(.)/\1\1/'
parenthesis indicates the groups and \1 refers to the first group
Now, to match a char in square brackets and triple it.
$ echo [a]b | sed -r 's/\[(.)\]/\1\1\1/'
you need to escape square bracket chars since they have special meaning in regex. The key is you have to bracket in parenthesis the regex you're interested in and refer to them in the same order with \{number} notation.

The issue with your patern sed 's/\[ \([a-z]\) \]/\2/g' < testfile:
1) The pattern has only one group \([a-z]\), so \2 is invalid;
2) The pattern contains space, there is no match found;
3) To replace brackets, you need to capture them in a group.
My idea is, to catch all groups in a pattern, and replace them with \2\2\2:
echo "[a]" | sed 's/\(\[\)\([a-z]\)\(\]\)/\2\2\2/g'
echo "[a]" | sed 's/\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)/\2\2\2/g'
The output is:


how to remove all whitespaces in front and beind 3 consecutive periods

I'm trying to remove all white spaces before and after 3 consecutive periods and replace it with the actual ellipse symbol.
I've tried the following code:
sed 's/[[:space:]]*\.\.\.[[:space:]]*/…/g'
It replaces the 3 periods with the ellipse symbol, but the spaces before and after remain.
Sample Input.
hello ... world
Desired output
Expression you are using is ERE(extended regular expressions) you have to add -E option to sed as follows to allow it, since you are using character classes in your code [[:space:]].
sed -E 's/[[:space:]]*\.\.\.[[:space:]]*/.../g' Input_file
Without -E try:
sed 's/ *\.\.\. */.../g' Input_file
Here is another sed
echo "hello ... world" | sed -E 's/ +(\.\.\.) +/\1/g'
4 dots, do nothing?
echo "hello .... world" | sed -E 's/ +(\.\.\.) +/\1/g'
hello .... world
In bash, just use parameter substitution...
foo="hello ... world"
foo="${foo//+( )...+( )/...}"
Now, echo "$foo", outputs:
The syntax for BaSH regex variable substitution are as follows:
A single /replaces only the first occurrence from the left, while a double //replaces every occurrence.
One of ?*+#! followed by (pattern-list) replaces a specified number of occurrences of the patterns in pattern-list as follows:
? Zero or one occurrence
* Zero or more occurrences
+ One or more occurrences
# A single occurence
! Anything that *doesn't* match one of the occurrences
Pattern list can be any combination of literal strings, or character classes, separated by the pipe character |

Replacing one space with two spaces in Unix

I am trying to replace every time there is one space with two spaces in Unix. We are just reading from standard input and writing to standard ouput. I also have to avoid using the functions awk and perl. For example if I read in something like San Diego it should print San Diego. If there are already multiple spaces, it should just leave them alone.
How about bash only? First test file:
$ cat file
2 3
4 5
San Diego NO
$ cat file |
while IFS= read line
while [[ "$line" =~ (^|.+[^ ])\ ([^ ].*) ]]
line="${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
echo "$line"
2 3
4 5
San Diego NO
You have to a bit careful here not to forget spaces at the beginning or end.
I present three solutions for educational purpose:
sed 's/\(^\|[^ ]\) \($\|[^ ]\)/\1 \2/g' # solution 1
sed 's/\( \+\)/ \1/g;s/ \( \+\)/\1/g' # solution 2
sed 's/ \( \+\)/\1/g;s/\( \+\)/ \1/g' # solution 3
All three solutions make use of subexpressions:
9.3.6 BREs Matching Multiple Characters
A subexpression can be defined within a BRE by enclosing it between
the character pairs \( and \). Such a subexpression shall match
whatever it would have matched without the \( and \), except that
anchoring within subexpressions is optional behavior; see BRE
Expression Anchoring. Subexpressions can be arbitrarily nested.
The back-reference expression '\n' shall match the same (possibly
empty) string of characters as was matched by a subexpression enclosed
between "\(" and "\)" preceding the '\n'. The character n shall be a
digit from 1 through 9, specifying the nth subexpression (the one that
begins with the nth \( from the beginning of the pattern and ends
with the corresponding paired \) ). The expression is invalid if
less than n subexpressions precede the \n. For example, the
expression ".∗\1$" matches a line consisting of two adjacent
appearances of the same string, and the expression a*\1 fails to
match a. When the referenced subexpression matched more than one
string, the back-referenced expression shall refer to the last matched
string. If the subexpression referenced by the back-reference matches
more than one string because of an asterisk (*) or an interval
expression (see item (5)), the back-reference shall match the last
(rightmost) of these strings.
Solution 1: sed 's/\(^\|[^ ]\) \($\|[^ ]\)/\1 \2/g'
Here there are two subexpressions. The first subexpression \(^\|[^ ]\) matches the beginning of the line (^) or (\|) a non-space character ([^ ]). The second subexpression \($\|[^ ]\) is similar but with the end-of-line ($).
Solution 2: sed 's/\( \+\)/ \1/g;s/ \( \+\)/\1/g'
This replaces one-or more spaces by the same amount of spaces and an extra one. Afterwards we correct the ones with 3 spaces or more by removing a single space from those.
Solution 3: sed 's/ \( \+\)/\1/g;s/\( \+\)/ \1/g'
This does the same thing as solution 2 but inverts the logic. First remove a space from all sequences that have more then one space, and afterwards add a space. This one-liner is just one-character shorter then solution 2.
Example: based on solution 1
The following commands are nothing more then echo "string" | sed ..., but to show the spaces, wrapped into a printf statement.
# default string
$ printf "|%s|" " foo bar car "
| foo bar car |
# spaces replaced
$ printf "|%s|" "$(echo " foo bar car " | sed 's/\(^\|[^ ]\) \($\|[^ ]\)/\1 \2/g')"
| foo bar car |
# 3 spaces in front and back
$ printf "|%s|" "$(echo " foo bar car " | sed 's/\(^\|[^ ]\) \($\|[^ ]\)/\1 \2/g')"
| foo bar car |
note: If you want to replace any form of blanks (spaces and tabs in any encoding) by the same doubled blank, you could use :
sed 's/\(^\|[^[:blank:]]\)\([[:blank:]]\)\($\|[^[:blank:]]\)/\1\2\2\3/g'
sed 's/\(^\|[[:graph:]]\)\([[:blank:]]\)\($\|[[:graph:]]\)/\1\2\2\3/g
Something along the lines of
cat input.txt | sed 's,\([[:alnum:]]\) \([[:alnum:]]\),\1 \2,'
should work for that purpose.
replace only occurrence of 1 space between 2 chars hat are not white space with 2 spaces
`sed 's/\([^ ]\) \([^ ]\)/\1 \2/g' file`
1) [^ ] - not space char
2) \1 \2 - first expression found in Parenthesis, 2 spaces, second Parentheses expiration
3) sed used with s///g is replacing the regex in the first // with the value in the second //

Bash :what is the syntax to create one spaces with sed

what is the syntax to create one spaces with sed
sed -e 's/Épisode \([0-9][^0-9]\)/Ep0\1/g' \
I want to create one space Ep01 to Ep 01
ty :)
sed 's/[Ee]pisode\([0-9]+\)/Ep \1/g'
Substitutes 'Episode??' or 'episode ??' to 'Ep ??' In which ?? is a number greater than or equal to 0.
If you want 'Ep??' to 'Ep ??' use:
sed 's/\(Ep\)\([0-9]+\)/\1 \2/g'

Get string between strings in bash

I want to get the string between <sometag param=' and '>
I tried to use the method from Get any string between 2 string and assign a variable in bash to get the "x":
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | tr "'" _ | sed -n 's/.*<sometag param=_\(.*\)_>.*/\1/p'
The problem (apart from low efficiency because I just cannot manage to escape the apostrophe correctly for sed) is that sed matches the maximum, i.e. the output is:
x_><irrelevant stuff=_nonsense
but the correct output would be the minimum-match, in this example just "x"
Thanks for your help
You are probably looking for something like this:
sed -n "s/.*<sometag param='\([^']*\)'>.*/\1/p"
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | sed -n "s/.*<sometag param='\([^']*\)'>.*/\1/p"
Instead of a greedy capture, use a non-greedy capture like: [^']* which means match anything except ' any number of times. To make the pattern stick, this is followed by: '>.
You can also use double quotes so that you don't need to escape the single quotes. If you wanted to escape the single quotes, you'd do this:
... | sed -n 's/.*<sometag param='\''\([^'\'']*\)'\''>.*/\1/p'
Notice how that the single quotes aren't really escaped. The sed expression is stopped, an escaped single quote is inserted and the sed expression is re-opened. Think of it like a four character escape sequence.
Personally, I'd use GNU grep. It would make for a slightly shorter solution. Run like:
... | grep -oP "(?<=<sometag param=').*?(?='>)"
echo "<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>" | grep -oP "(?<=<sometag param=').*?(?='>)"
You don't have to assemble regexes in those cases, you can just use ' as the field separator
in="<sometag param='x'><irrelevant stuff='nonsense'>"
IFS="'" read x whatiwant y <<< "$in" # bash
echo "$whatiwant"
awk -F\' '{print $2}' <<< "$in" # awk

insert a string at specific position in a file by SED awk

I have a string which i need to insert at a specific position in a file :
The file contains multiple semicolons(;) i need to insert the string just before the last ";"
Is this possible with SED ?
Please do post the explanation with the command as I am new to shell scripting
before :
string = jjjjj
adad;sfs;sdfsf jjjjj;fsdfs
Thanks in advance
This might work for you:
echo 'adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs'| sed 's/\(.*\);/\1 jjjjj;/'
adad;sfs;sdfsf jjjjj;fsdfs
The \(.*\) is greedy and swallows the whole line, the ; makes the regexp backtrack to the last ;. The \(.*\) make s a back reference \1. Put all together in the RHS of the s command means insert jjjjj before the last ;.
sed 's/\([^;]*\)\(;[^;]*;$\)/\1jjjjj\2/' filename
(substitute jjjjj with what you need to insert).
$ echo 'adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs;' | sed 's/\([^;]*\)\(;[^;]*;$\)/\1jjjjj\2/'
sed finds the following pattern: \([^;]*\)\(;[^;]*;$\). Escaped round brackets (\(, \)) form numbered groups so we can refer to them later as \1 and \2.
[^;]* is "everything but ;, repeated any number of times.
$ means end of the line.
Then it changes it to \1jjjjj\2.
\1 and \2 are groups matched in first and second round brackets.
For now, the shorter solution using sed : =)
sed -r 's#;([^;]+);$#; jjjjj;\1#' <<< 'adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs;'
-r option stands for extented Regexp
# is the delimiter, the known / separator can be substituted to any other character
we match what's finishing by anything that's not a ; with the ; final one, $ mean end of the line
the last part from my explanation is captured with ()
finally, we substitute the matching part by adding "; jjjj" ans concatenate it with the captured part
Edit: POSIX version (more portable) :
echo 'adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs;' | sed 's#;\([^;]\+\);$#; jjjjj;\1#'
echo 'adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs;' | sed -r 's/(.*);(.*);/\1 jjjj;\2;/'
You don't need the negation of ; because sed is by default greedy, and will pick as much characters as it can.
sed -e 's/\(;[^;]*\)$/ jjjj\1/'
Inserts jjjj before the part where a semicolon is followed by any number of non-semicolons ([^;]*) at the end of the line $. \1 is called a backreference and contains the characters matched between \( and \).
UPDATE: Since the sample input has no longer a ";" at the end.
Something like this may work for you:
echo "adad;sfs;sdfsf;fsdfs"| awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {$(NF-1)=$(NF-1) " jjjjj"; print}'
adad;sfs;sdfsf jjjjj;fsdfs
Explanation: awk starts with setting FS (field separator) and OFS (output field separator) as semi colon ;. NF in awk stands for number of fields. $(NF-1) thus means last-1 field. In this awk command {$(NF-1)=$(NF-1) " jjjjj" I am just appending jjjjj to last-1 field.
