Mule: building embedded application with Maven - maven

Is there a way to build a Mule application as an embedded stand-alone jar using Maven (possibly with a help of Mule maven plugin)?
How the pom should be configured if so?
The MuleSoft documentation says that you can create an embedded app by adding all the dependencies manually. But I hope there is a way to automate this task.
Thank you,

You can create a Maven application and depend only on org.mule.distributions:mule:jar:embedded:3.7.0 but this won't create an app with all Mule classes inside of it, which I think is a useful approach (though I don't understand your scenario).
If you need all dependencies to be packaged in your application bundle you can use Maven Assembly Plugin to include all dependencies in a zip file. First add the plugin configuration to your pom like this:
And add an assembly.xml file in your project root directory containing this:


Spring boot maven plugin - BOOT-INF directory causing AWS Lambda application to fail

There has been a change in the generated package structure (if you extract the uber jar file) in SpringBoot 2.1.0.RELEASE.
The 1.5.9.RELEASE jar file has com, lib, META-INF, and org directories
2.1.0.RELEASE has a BOOT-INF, META-INF and org directories
Basically from 2.0.0.RELEASE onwards - all the classes and libs are in the BOOT-INF directory.
Due to this - when you try to run a Spring Boot project on Amazon Lambda - it says that there is a jar not found as it cannot read the new Spring Boot Uber jar structure
My question:
Is it possible in the newer versions of the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, to generate the uber jar to be the same structure as in version 1.5.9.RELEASE?
I tried the maven-shade-plugin - but that leads to other issues. Any help is appreciated.
Reference link from StackOverflow: Spring Boot Maven Plugin - No BOOT-INF directory
This snippet of maven plugin XML did the trick for me:
In addition, you will need an assembly/bin.xml file with the following contents:
<assembly xmlns=""
<!-- copy runtime dependencies with some exclusions -->
<!-- copy all classes -->
Note that you will have to use the generated .zip file rather than the .jar file.
A full working example of using Spring Boot 2 with Lambda is available from awslabs:

Installing MAVEN build dependencies [OSGi bundles] with Maven in to Adobe CQ

We have an CQ REST API project to share content with our consumers. The bundle is created with osgi jax-rs connector. We are still in incubation state, but it seems the integration is working fine.
The issue we are facing is the "osgi jax-rs connector" project requires some bundles (osgified ones, provided by the project) to be installed in CQ. Currently we are doing this manually, using the felix console.
Can we automate the process using MAVEN (we can install the bundle which we created using MAVEN).
Any pointers to this would be helpful.
If you also have a UI package, e.g. a ZIP that gets installed with the maven-vault-plugin you can place JAR files in any folder. I usually call it install:
There is a handler in CQ that recognizes JAR files in a content package and installs them to OSGi.
If you are building a zip package to install you can have the bundles installed with maven and not include the dependencies in your project adding additional space to your SCM.
To do this you can use the maven-assembly-plugin plugin.
For example include this in your pom.xml:
And then in you zip.xml you would create an assembly file like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
You can adjust the dependency set and file set settings as needed. Obviously I made up an AEM app name and maven artifact.

maven copy-dependencies includeGroupIds and all transitive elements to those

I try to figure out how to copy all dependencies to an explicit version and all the required dependencies.
For Example: My project requires version 3 of a third party lib, called foobar.
I want to copy the version 3 libraries to a folder named lib-foobar-${foobar.version}.
In this folder are those jars which are required to use foobar in version 3. That means the jar itself and all dependent jars which are declared in the foobar pom.
I currently use the org.codehaus.mojo:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1 with goal copy-dependencies in phase package.
My configuration is:
I don't want to list all allowed and not allowed lib's because a step to a newer version takes place every month.
Are there any other tools which can do that or is there any dodge for that?
Big thanks to user944849.
It was very helpful to me for finding out the best solution in that case.
For everyone who is interested in my solution, here it comes:
At first I changed the plugin to maven-assemby-plugin and added a new assembly file
And the assembly file looks like:
The key was the <useTransitiveFiltering> element, which resolves all transitive libs based on the included libs.

Maven: creating an archive (zip or jar) file containing files outside the project?

I'm currently working on a Maven based project in which I have unit tests that generate PDF files in, let's say "C:/result" directory (I definitely don't want these files to be created within any directory from my project).
Using the maven-assembly plugin, would it be possible to create an archive file (preferably zip or jar) that gathers the files that are thus generated in "C:/result"?
Basically, my goal would be to upload this archive as a regular artefact onto a Nexus server, every time I deploy a new version of my project.
Thx in advance.
You'd need to define an assembly descriptor similar to:
Save e.g. as src/assembly/bin.xml, it will be referred from the pom.
The pom would contain in the build section:
see for more information maven assembly documentation.

How can I make the test jar include dependencies in Maven?

I have a project with src/main/java and src/test/java structure, and I managed to use maven-jar-plugin to build a jar of the test branch. However, I want to package the test jar so that all the dependencies are resolved. Is there a way I can tell maven-jar-plugin to include the dependencies??
I had a similar problem with integration tests I need to run on Hadoop. Our integration tests are located in the test folder of a separate integration test module, so what is required is a test-jar-with-dependencies to make our life easier.
I'm using the assembly plugin as mentioned by Michael-O. My assembly descriptor is located in src/main/assembly/test-jar-with-dependencies.xml and is a modification of the standard jar-with-dependencies descriptor that's part of the plugin:
<assembly xmlns=""
<!-- we're creating the test-jar as an attachement -->
This assembly relies on the test-jar being created as part of the module build. So I added the following to the module's pom.xml:
<!-- create a complete jar for testing in other environments -->
You can do this: Create a jar assembly with the assembly plugin, have the dependencies unpacked, pack a new test jar and attach it to the reactor. You're done.
The descriptor for the packaging could look like this.
In a similar situation I ended up moving my test code to a separate jar and made it depend on the original one. You can use an aggregator project to ensure that tests are run when you build the main jar.
<!-- <scope>test</scope> -->
I use this to include the test jar.the important line is <type>test-jar</type>.I am not sure this is what you need.
3 years ago, but may help others.At least, it helped me. :-)
to include a test-jar dependency in your assembly specify the include filter of the assembly debendencySet as bellow:
The following worked for Maven 3
<!--test only dependencies (like netty)-->
<!-- the actual test jar-->
