Add Apple Music track to iTunes on OSX - macos

As per this article, it is now possible for third party apps running on iOS 9.3 to add Apple Music track to a user's playlist.
Is there something similar on the latest OSX?


Can't login to Apple ID on Xcode, `Unexpected nil property at path: 'Provider/attributes/developerTeamId'`

In Xcode (Version 13.2.1 (13C100) and the latest beta, Version 13.3 beta (13E5086k)), trying to login to my Apple ID results in the error, Unexpected nil property at path: 'Provider/attributes/developerTeamId'. Has anyone got a solution to this?
this happens on multiple computers. So don't bother resetting your system. I am trying to use an older version of Xcode now. However, this might be an API issue (data sent back from Apple servers) which isn't structured well for Xcode.
this affects accounts with multiple teams.
Apple has fixed the issue
Apple has fixed the issue, you don't need to update Xcode, since it was an issue in their backend. I've emailed the Apple developer support as this seems to not be an isolated issue. Trying the latest beta of Xcode, Version 13.3 beta (13E5086k) did not solve it. This seems to have happened 1 year ago as well.
Temporary workaround
I've noticed that this only happens to me if my Apple developer account belongs to multiple teams. So I left all the teams except 1 in my alternative Apple ID.
Go to App Store Connect's "Users and Access"
Go to App Store Connect > Users and Access > People > "YOUR NAME" > Scroll down > "Leave team".
Leave the team
Scroll all the way down, and click "Leave Team". You need to leave all the teams except the one you're working on. Obviously, you'll need an invite later to work on those teams again.
Alternatively, create a new Apple ID and invite that one to the team you need to develop for. Fortunately for us, Apple only broke Xcode, and not 😅However, you'll need an Organization team, not an individual team.
Have the same problem. I had mac In Xcode (Version 13.0 (13A233)),(MacOS BigSur 11.6 (20G165))when i trying to upload my app to Test Flight .
I think if your apple developer account have multiple team id,May be Xcode unable to find correct app id.
I found one solution i install transporter app and login through any apple id and select team id export your app and add .ipa file .
Hola it works
After writing to feedbackasistant the problem was fixed for me.
Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100)

Apple TV not detected by Xcode or iTunes

I am developing an Apple TV app using OSX 10.11.1, Xcode 7.1.1, and iTunes My Apple TV is a 3rd generation model.
My Apple TV is not detected by my iMac. It's also not detected by iTunes.
You need an Apple TV 4th generation to develop apps. The 3rd generation Apple TV is not supported by the new tvOS platform.
The truth is, XCode 7+ will actually show the Apple TV as unsupported, but listed in the device list. Also it will show up in the iTunes as Apple TV 3rd gen. You just cannot use the 3rd gen as development device.

AirPlay Meta Data on Apple TV from Mac App

I am using the class MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to set a song's meta data in an iOS app. How do I set it in an OS X app?
Before Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8), there was no official 3rd party support for AirPlay, although iTunes has integrated it for a long time.
Mountain Lion added a control to allow the user to choose the audio output. However, this happens outside of your app and there are still no public APIs to control AirPlay.
There are several 3rd party implementations of AirPlay. The most famous being AirFoil. They have a public API to display metadata. However, it relies on AppleScript, which doesn't work with the new App Store sandbox.
This is the big picture. Feel free to ask more if you need clarifications.

Writing files to an iOS device from a MacOS app

I'd like to be able to transfer files from a MacOS app to a connected iOS devices, so a related iOS app can open them - effectively replicating iTunes music functionality, but not for musc. Is this possible? I know you can set an iOS app to have file sharing enables so you can drop files into it with iTunes, but I'd prefer to do it in my own app.
This library came up in another question on SO recently: - I don't know anything about it but it sounds like it might do what you want ?

Get current playing song using Cocoa

Is there a way (ofcourse there is a way, but which way) to get info about the song currently playing in iTunes on a Mac (OS 10.5.8 and OS 10.6) programmatically?
I need this for my Cocoa application.
I use iTunes 8 and Objective-C.
Use the Scripting Bridge to ask iTunes. iTunes is even the example that the docs use.
