Why my gradle project always downloading 200MB data from Internet? - spring

I am learning basic Spring by following this tutorial.
I run this command to clone the demo basic project:
git clone https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-rest-service.git
Then I use intelliJ to import the cloned Gradle project.
However, it always downloading things from Internet, and sometime pop up alert says xxx is not found.
My question is what is it doing exactly? who and where I tell the code to download things?
It is really confusing to me because I couldn't figure out what is going on.

The project uses gradle to build the application, and the build.gradle file is telling gradle that this project needs some dependent libraries to run.
If you look in the build.gradle file, you will find these lines, which are pulling libraries from a central artifact repository (Maven Central in this case).
dependencies {
These libraries are dependencies and are necessary for this project to function, and so they must be downloaded. With that said, it should only need to download them once, after which they should be kept in the gradle artifact cache.


creating spring boot project without maven

I am working recently with spring boot framework
my problem is that I need to set up to environment in a device that has no internet
I have searched A lot but all I found is using maven that will handle the processes of downloading all the dependencies
put I need to add the required dependencies like the old way when you download the jar files and add them to the class-path
is there a way to do so with STS
or is there a way to change where the maven download the dependencies to be from local instead of internet
Never used STS but I assume it uses maven/gradle under the hood.
You can set up local repository and point maven/gradle to it. For example you could use Nexus:
Another way is to pull dependencies (they get downloaded when you do maven or gradle build and are saved under ~/.m2 or ~/.gradle directories), then copy your ~/.gradle or ~/.m2 directory to the PC with no internet and build offline. With gradle it looks like this.
./gradlew build --offline

Cannot every time use internet for downloading spring-boot-starter-parent-2.3.3.RELEASE.pom from central

Is there any mechanism that if i keep all the pom dependencies locally at some path that everytime it gets picked from that path when i run Spring Boot app from command line?
Example: Everytime i dont't want to donwload the pom dependencies from repository as below and want to keep somewhere locally for use.
Downloading from central: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-parent/2.3.3.RELEASE/spring-boot-starter-parent-2.3.3.RELEASE.pom
I feel your question is a bit strange because it describes the main feature of maven.
When building a project with maven, all the dependencies required by your project are downloaded into a local repository. Future builds won't download again those dependencies.
When running a springboot application using maven, the downloaded dependencies are provided to the application's classpath so they aren't downloaded again.
When running a packaged springboot application, the dependencies are already inserted in the springboot fat jar so they aren't downloaded again.
Another point, if you want to ensure maven does not download anything you can execute maven in "offline mode" using the following parameter "-o"

How to trigger IntelliJ to reimport single Maven dependency?

I have a workflow working on an application and one of its libraries that somewhat looks like this:
Make changes to library -> Push library jar to remote Maven repository with no version change -> Pull updated library jar from the remote repo to the downstream app -> Test and make changes to the app and library
But seems like the way IntelliJ indexes and/or caches Maven dependencies is not affected by me running a clean install from the Maven interface. Is there a surefire way to force IntelliJ to discard any cached dependency and reimport, or possibly do it only for a desired library?
Very likely this has nothing to do with IntelliJ. Since the version number is the same, maven won't re-download your dependency. Try to just delete the dependency locally from the maven repository:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/<..path to your library package..>
You could also avoid pushing the library to the remote repository, and test completely locally, by using the library as a local dependency. For this approach, see answers here: How to add local jar files to a Maven project?
Or since you are not effectively changes the library version the right approach would be to use the library project sources as a direct dependency for IDE maven project. For this - add this Maven library project as a new module to existing Maven project: File | New... | Module from Existing Sources... and select pom.xml file of this library project.

Fetch all dependencies, put them in a new local Maven repository using Gradle

I have a Gradle project with several subprojects and many, many dependencies. I would like to have a simple way to tell Gradle to download all dependencies (including those under buildscript!) and put them in a local Maven/Ivy repository for later use. The Gradle script should then be able to pull all dependencies from the local repository.
Background: I need to build the application on a server which has absolutely no access to any public Maven repositories, so all dependencies must already be present on the host. I've tried a flat directory, but I have not found it easy to resolve the transitive dependencies, and managing them by hand is not an option. Copying the Gradle cache did not work, either.
Can anyone suggest something? Thanks.
I found a solution, namely to install Apache Archive (http://archiva.apache.org/) locally and set it up as a proxy. Then I copied the entire installation to the target-server and disabled the remote repositories. The dependencies could then be fetched locally.

Maven to compile projects from source

I am very new to maven. Our project is using maven and i am wanting to know if there is a way to force maven to build using source ONLY? Using no repo and not downloading anything. I have all the source required to build the whole project.
I just want to compile clean with out downloading or using the local repo.
Usually not. The main reason is that you don't have all the sources.
Maven is a tool to manage dependencies for you. So you can say: "I need JUnit 4.11" and Maven will download it for you and make sure it's on the classpath when it's needed.
Now, if your project depends on JUnit 4.11, you can't compile it from source without the sources for JUnit. And Hamcrest. And probably a dozen other things.
So, no, you can't. Maven will compile the sources of your project but it won't try to locate the sources of all dependencies and compile them as well. Maven was built with the assumption that the binaries uploaded to Maven Central are correct and that the binaries were built from the attached source files (which are incomplete, btw, so you can't always build the project correctly from them).
