creating spring boot project without maven - spring

I am working recently with spring boot framework
my problem is that I need to set up to environment in a device that has no internet
I have searched A lot but all I found is using maven that will handle the processes of downloading all the dependencies
put I need to add the required dependencies like the old way when you download the jar files and add them to the class-path
is there a way to do so with STS
or is there a way to change where the maven download the dependencies to be from local instead of internet

Never used STS but I assume it uses maven/gradle under the hood.
You can set up local repository and point maven/gradle to it. For example you could use Nexus:
Another way is to pull dependencies (they get downloaded when you do maven or gradle build and are saved under ~/.m2 or ~/.gradle directories), then copy your ~/.gradle or ~/.m2 directory to the PC with no internet and build offline. With gradle it looks like this.
./gradlew build --offline


How to convert a Gradle project's dependencies into a local maven repository?

I am building a Java SDK that can be used to work on my app.
When I run ./gradlew :my-sdk-library:dependencies I get my transitive tree of deps.
All my customers refuse to access libraries on the internet. And they do not have a local maven proxy either, so I need to supply my sdk jars and the other open source jars too.
So I would like to convert that into a local maven repository so that I can send it to those who cannot access our maven repository that is hosted on Artifactory, nor Maven central.
The naive approach is the make a shaded (shadow) jar containing all the libraries then import it as a implementation file(path-to-shaded.jar). But that is not good because IDEs do not like huge 200MB shaded jar files. And you lose all the dependency management provided by the GAV values.
So I want to produce a local maven repository I can send along with the SDK.
So if this were Maven I would go to a fresh VM, run mvn install, then just copy the ~/.m2/repository folder and there you go.
I did find a project which might work to create a local maven repo using the gradle cache, but it is not widely used. I'll give it a try.
Basically I want exactly what does but instead of producing an uber jar, to create a local maven repo.
Is there some option like that in Gradle to create an offline copy of the repo or cache so that developers who are behind strict firewalls can use your SDK?

Cannot every time use internet for downloading spring-boot-starter-parent-2.3.3.RELEASE.pom from central

Is there any mechanism that if i keep all the pom dependencies locally at some path that everytime it gets picked from that path when i run Spring Boot app from command line?
Example: Everytime i dont't want to donwload the pom dependencies from repository as below and want to keep somewhere locally for use.
Downloading from central:
I feel your question is a bit strange because it describes the main feature of maven.
When building a project with maven, all the dependencies required by your project are downloaded into a local repository. Future builds won't download again those dependencies.
When running a springboot application using maven, the downloaded dependencies are provided to the application's classpath so they aren't downloaded again.
When running a packaged springboot application, the dependencies are already inserted in the springboot fat jar so they aren't downloaded again.
Another point, if you want to ensure maven does not download anything you can execute maven in "offline mode" using the following parameter "-o"

Gradle doesn't download jars

I am working on a gradle project that should run on a machine without internet connection.
For that, I have created a task that takes the gradle cache and copies it into another directory, to be used as a local repository.
I have built the project in online mode and it worked.
I have ran my task to copy the cache to the local repository and it worked.
However, when trying to run gradle build --offline I am getting errors like this (for several different jar files):
Could not download commons-math3.jar (org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.4.1): No cached version available for offline mode
Checking both my local repository and the gradle cache, I couldn't find the relevant jar file (in this case commons-math3-3.4.1.jar).
I have tried using gradle build --refresh-dependencies, I have tried to delete the cache and then using gradle build - nothing, it wouldn't download the jar files, only the pom files.
I have even tried to download the jars manually and put them in the correct directories in my local repository did not work.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think the Gradle cache can be transferred to another machine like this. I'm trying to create a plugin which can copy the dependencies from a configuration to a local directory for offline usage here but I've hit this issue where parent POM's and BOM's can't be accessed from the Gradle API's. I've got a failing test here demonstrating the usage of the plugin and the lack of parent POM support.
One of the suggestions on the issue is to try the IvyPot plugin. I haven't tried this myself but it might work for what you are attempting.
You might have proxy enabled, add proxy details in "" file like below:

Can we use Maven Dependency in Gradle Project Remotely

I am trying to host maven Dependency basically which I can use in Some other Gradle project.
I have also try this locally but I want to do it remotely.
I also try to do this in some other manner - I just host one jar file in tomcat server and tried to download in my gradle project.
"" this is the hosted jar path in which we can eaisly download jar file by hitting this ulr.And "C:/Users/USERNAME/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.2/commons-io-2.2.jar" this is my local .m2 repository.
In this gradle project I can easily download the jar files using compile files ("C:/Users/USERNAME/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.2/commons-io-2.2.jar") but I am not able to download hosted jars i.e -
Can someone give me any idea about this that how can it is possible.

Fetch all dependencies, put them in a new local Maven repository using Gradle

I have a Gradle project with several subprojects and many, many dependencies. I would like to have a simple way to tell Gradle to download all dependencies (including those under buildscript!) and put them in a local Maven/Ivy repository for later use. The Gradle script should then be able to pull all dependencies from the local repository.
Background: I need to build the application on a server which has absolutely no access to any public Maven repositories, so all dependencies must already be present on the host. I've tried a flat directory, but I have not found it easy to resolve the transitive dependencies, and managing them by hand is not an option. Copying the Gradle cache did not work, either.
Can anyone suggest something? Thanks.
I found a solution, namely to install Apache Archive ( locally and set it up as a proxy. Then I copied the entire installation to the target-server and disabled the remote repositories. The dependencies could then be fetched locally.
