How to send request to admin for approval of catalog item? - servicenow

I am facing some issue in service now workflow.Can someone please help me with the issue .Please find the below description of task and issue :
What I am trying do is :
Create catalog items.
Checkout catalog item.
Approver should approve the request.
Close the ticket.
Process Followed :
Logged in service now instance as a system administrator.
Created two users user1 and user2 with catalog_admin role.
Created one group name catalog_group and added both users in the group.
Added the worlflow in catalog item and set group approver as catalog_group.
Logged in as a user1 and selected item and placed order.
Now no state displayed in the incident.When I checked the ticket there are no approver added.
Logged in as a user2 .
Issue :
User2 is not seeing any incident to approve.Incident created by user1 should be displayed in user2's home page for approval.

My gut feeling tells me that you chose the wrong table; That you created the workflow on the "Catalog Item" table instead of the "Requested Item" table. People seem to forget that an Item is a catalog item as long as it is in the catalog, but from the moment it is requested, a copy is stored to the database as a requested item. Therefore the workflow should happen on the requested item, not the catalog item.
I recreated what you did and everything works as expected. I will post screenshots below, so you could see what you did differently.
I logged in as System Administrator.
Created two users user1 and user2.
Created a group called "catalog_group" and added both users to the group.
Added the role of "approver_user" to the group.
As a best practice, you should add roles to the groups users are in, instead of the users themselves. This is easier to maintain, as the roles are automatically added to the user when they enter a group or removed when they leave a group.
I gave them the approver_user role, instead of the catalog_admin role, because they are approvers and not catalog administrators. Users with the catalog_admin role
Can manage the Service Catalog application, including catalog categories and items.
That might not be what you want. You can read more about the base system roles, here.
Created a new workflow on the Requested Item table.
Created a new Catalog Item with the workflow.
Requested the item as System Administrator.
Finally, I impersonated both User One and User Two, and you can see that they have the item in their approval list.


UiPath - Search role in web table and select it if exist

I’m working in a process to delete roles for several users (500).
I did a process, but I’m seeing it isn’t working well. Only select the checkbox Role, if it is in the beginning.
I’ve created a DataTable, This DataTable contains base information with user_id, my key field to find this particular role and delete it.
In this process, I need to access each user to browse his roles. All roles change according to the user.
My problem is how can I browse the (web table) roles, find and select the correct role, through its checkbox.
Here an image with three cases that could be appears:

User Group Setup

I have created a user group "Sub-Users" under the "Registered" user group.
Now I have created and assigned some menus for Registered group and Sub-Users group.
Now when I logged in as Registered user I can't see the Sub-Users group menus and its OK for me,
But when I logged in as Sub-User group I can see the both menus (Registered & Sub User Group) and its not OK for me.
Now I am looking for solution if I logged in as Sub User I want to see only Sub User menus.
Can you please let me know if there is any solution.
Access control is managed via 'viewing access levels' as opposed to 'user groups'
If you haven't already done so, check Users > Access Levels. Open the level names in question and check which groups you have configured for each access level.
Good luck!

Create Roles and Users in magento but as a non admin

My client wants the access to create users and roles in magento, i have already given him a limited users created by myself, in that users there is not permission to add users and roles.
My question: Is there any way i can give him permissions to add users and roles but, all the menus that i have made hidden should stay hidden.
What i Want to achieve
I want to give access of creating roles and users to my client, but i don't to revel some menu like "System" to him
In Magento 1.X:
System->Permission->Roles->(Role Name)->Roles Resources->Custom
In Magneto 2.X:
System->User Roles->(Role Name)->Roles Resources->Custom
To give the access for "Roles and User" you have to reveal the
"system" menu to the user as it's the parent of "Roles and User". But, you can disable other inner menus by unchecking them.
You have to only check the System > Permission > Roles > User Bosex from Roles Resouce Tree and it will only allow the user to access the Roles and User.

Joomla 3: Permission to manage users and nothing else

I'm developing a Joomla 3 website, where registered users can belong to several groups of interests (music, theater, technology, and so on).
I would like to give permission to my client to edit users by placing them in groups he desired. For example: user 1 can be in music and theater group; user 2 just registered (no group) and user 3 in technology group. Unfortunately the only permission that Joomla 3 allows you to edit users is the Administrator, but if I give this permission to my client, he will be able to edit articles, themes and other features that I do not want it to edit.
How can I create an access level that can manage only users list?
Thank you and sorry about my english.
Create a new group, assign that group only permission for managing users and whatever else you want and assign your users to that group but not admin.
As a short answer, if you don't want you client to be administrator, you can assign him to the manager user-group.
Then go into the Users Manager Component and click the Options button to go into its configuration page.
There you can override the Permissions Settings for the Users Manager component, so the Managers users will be allowed to Access Administration Interface of the component.
You will have the change the respective setting from inherit to allowed.
Of course if needed, you can create a complete custom ACL, with special usergroups for your users that will have certain accessibility and permissions.
But be careful, because ACL sometimes can be confusing and you might end up with a total mess.

Joomla 1.5 user group creation and access level

I am using joomla 1.5. For my website, I want to create custom groups in backend and assign user to that group so that they get access to only some part of sections in administrator.
I have created a new group as "Account Department" under "Manager" group of "Public Back-end". But when I assign any user to "Account Department" group that user is unable to login into the administrator. I want to create multiple such groups having different backend access.
Please suggest the solution for the same ASAP. Thanks
You didn't say how you added a group, but there is a lot more to it than just adding a row in the table. The whole point of 1.6-2.5 was ACL, if you can't migrate find a 1.5 extensio that provides acl, there were at least 4-5 available.
