UiPath - Search role in web table and select it if exist - uipath

I’m working in a process to delete roles for several users (500).
I did a process, but I’m seeing it isn’t working well. Only select the checkbox Role, if it is in the beginning.
I’ve created a DataTable, This DataTable contains base information with user_id, my key field to find this particular role and delete it.
In this process, I need to access each user to browse his roles. All roles change according to the user.
My problem is how can I browse the (web table) roles, find and select the correct role, through its checkbox.
Here an image with three cases that could be appears:


Access records created by CRM users in D365 Portals

As I understand, we can access records created by Portal users and their respective Entity Permissions apply for them. However, I wanted those users to be able to even access records which were created by CRM users within Dynamics 365 (and not records created from Portal by a Portal user which is assigned to System)
Is this possible? If yes, how can I achieve that?
Thanks in advance!
It does not matter who created the record, what matters is if that user has access to it. It would not make much sense to show only records that were created by the portal users - how would you then handle something like Customer Service (on one end users use portal, but on the other they are using CRM, bot are creating records).
So basically I'm not sure how aware are you of the configuration of permissions, but let's say that you configured that a Contact (which is a portal user) has access to all records "Cases" that are referencing this contact (this is simply configuration in Entity Permission record). If yes then contact will see records created by him and all other cases that are referencing him as a contact, so if you as a CRM user will create a Case for a Contact, this Contact will see the case.

Lookup Field Displays All Records

I'm building an employee self service portal via Dynamics 365, and when I use the lookup field to display my name in a form other employee names are displayed too:
I've been fiddling with the security roles for a while now and still cant seem to get it to display a single employee name.
I'm also planning to do it a different way by filling up the employee name based on the username on the upper right.
How do you guys suggest I go about this?
First things first. Portals won't use any CRM Security role concepts as it's for CRM users. Portal is built on top of Contact entity. Contact is Portal user & Web role will control his/her access.
You have to Entity Form Metadata to populate the fields per your need. The contact lookup can be filled in by current login Portal user this way. Even you can implement something like manage/restrict the Contacts only from your parent Account in that lookup easily.

How to send request to admin for approval of catalog item?

I am facing some issue in service now workflow.Can someone please help me with the issue .Please find the below description of task and issue :
What I am trying do is :
Create catalog items.
Checkout catalog item.
Approver should approve the request.
Close the ticket.
Process Followed :
Logged in service now instance as a system administrator.
Created two users user1 and user2 with catalog_admin role.
Created one group name catalog_group and added both users in the group.
Added the worlflow in catalog item and set group approver as catalog_group.
Logged in as a user1 and selected item and placed order.
Now no state displayed in the incident.When I checked the ticket there are no approver added.
Logged in as a user2 .
Issue :
User2 is not seeing any incident to approve.Incident created by user1 should be displayed in user2's home page for approval.
My gut feeling tells me that you chose the wrong table; That you created the workflow on the "Catalog Item" table instead of the "Requested Item" table. People seem to forget that an Item is a catalog item as long as it is in the catalog, but from the moment it is requested, a copy is stored to the database as a requested item. Therefore the workflow should happen on the requested item, not the catalog item.
I recreated what you did and everything works as expected. I will post screenshots below, so you could see what you did differently.
I logged in as System Administrator.
Created two users user1 and user2.
Created a group called "catalog_group" and added both users to the group.
Added the role of "approver_user" to the group.
As a best practice, you should add roles to the groups users are in, instead of the users themselves. This is easier to maintain, as the roles are automatically added to the user when they enter a group or removed when they leave a group.
I gave them the approver_user role, instead of the catalog_admin role, because they are approvers and not catalog administrators. Users with the catalog_admin role
Can manage the Service Catalog application, including catalog categories and items.
That might not be what you want. You can read more about the base system roles, here.
Created a new workflow on the Requested Item table.
Created a new Catalog Item with the workflow.
Requested the item as System Administrator.
Finally, I impersonated both User One and User Two, and you can see that they have the item in their approval list.

multi-tenant support for laravel entrust

I'm building a Laravel site that has multi-tenant capability. Each tenant (which I'll call a "site," as in a physical location, from here on out) can have multiple users, and some users can be associated with multiple sites; hence I have a many-to-many relationship between my sites and users table, with the required intermediate site_user table to handle the relationships. So far so good.
I'm also using Entrust to handle three classes of users - owner, admin, and user. In theory, each user should have roles per site. That means that User 1 may have the admin role on Site A, but only the user role on Site B. If I follow the Entrust docs, I'm told to attach a role to a user. But that won't work for me, because if I associate User 1 with Site A and Site B and make him an admin he would then be an admin for Site A and Site B. Conceptually I feel like the role should be attached to the intermediate site_user table somehow, perhaps as another field on that table, but I'm not sure how I'd retrieve that field. Another possibility that came to mind was putting a many-to-many relationship between that intermediate table and the roles table, in effect creating a role_site_user table, but again I'm not sure how I'd actually retrieve that information. Has anyone ever tried what I'm suggesting and have a good way to generate per-tenant roles and permissions for a user?

How do I access security role in cloudkit

I am building an app with Role based Security. I have built my Record Types (Projects, Accounts, HistoryLog, Financial, Customer, etc) in Cloudkit Dashboard, and I have created Security Roles as well. I have roles named: Executive and DeptManager. I have assigned to the Record Types the appropriate access by Role. I have also assigned to the user in the special Record Type "Users" the role of either Executive or DeptManager.
I have successfully accessed and manipulated data in the Record Types. Now I am implementing Role based viewing in the App. So on the first view there is a log in "like" feature, so after i discover the user, I want to display the Roles of that user in a PickerView for them to select. Once they select a role I will them take them to the appropriate view. For example I may have the role of both DeptManager and Executive. If today I select DeptManager, I will be taken to a view that allows me to enters Production Metrics. If another day I select Executive, I will see performance metrics for all the departments that report to me.
Here is an image from CloudKit Dashboard showing the info I'm trying to retrieve. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Currently it is not possible to get the roles a user is in. At the moment the information that is returned from the discoverUserInfoWithUserRecordID is very limited. I also hope it will be extended soon. Currently you only get a userRecordID, first name and last name. If you do want such functionality, then the only solution is creating a shadow registration which you could query. You then would have a challenge keeping these 2 in sync. That has to be done manually.
