How to change the language of new Captcha-Recaptcha - recaptcha

Can anyone give me an example about to change to italian ReCaptcha questions and answers?
I found the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="" />
But no idea where to put it and all attempts to place it on my contact form failed.
It always speaks english only.
Thanks in advance

Script tags usually go in the head section, between the <head> and </head> tags, or just before the body closing tag, </body>.
However, you also need to add a tag in the form for the ReCaptcha to be show.
This code will display the ReCaptcha in Italian:
<title>reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page</title>
<script src="" async defer></script>
<form action="?" method="POST">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your_site_key"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
You need to replace the data-sitekey attribute with your own API sitekey.


can we call a ftl macro from javascript function

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> Java, Spring Boot, FreeMarker</title>
<link href="/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
function myFunction() {
<h2>Java, Spring Boot, FreeMarker</h2>
<form action="/search" method="post">
Search : <input type="text" name="firstName" onkeyup="myFunction()" id = "fname">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div style="background-color:lightblue">
<#macro test>
<#list empList as emp>
<div id="emp-data">
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>
When I run this code I am getting some errors on the browser console:
(index):60 Uncaught ReferenceError: myFunction is not defined at HTMLInputElement.onkeyup ((index):60) onkeyup # (index):60 – PCS 1 hour ago
Is it possible in FreeMarker to do something like that?
In a sense you can... but it doesn't do what you apparently believe it does. First all FreeMarker instructions, like <#test/>, are resolved on the server, then later the resulting output runs in the browser. So as far as the browser sees, function myFunction() { ... } contains HTML div-s directly in inside the { ... }, which is invalid JavaScript.

Sagepay Direct 3D Secure Blank Page Issue

I'm trying to implement Omnipay with Sagepay Direct but am really struggling with the 3D Secure bit.
When I post the MD, PaReq and TermUrl to I just get a blank screen.
These previous SO answers suggest removing spaces from the PaReq field solves the issue, but I don't have any spaces in my data.
SagePay Direct 3DSecure checkout part returning blank page when redirecting out to bank
Sage Pay test server won't load 3D Secure page
The data returned from the Omnipay method $response->getRedirectData() is
"PaReq" => "eJxVUk1TwjAQvfsrGO52mza0lVnCoBxERqcqOuMxpqt0pB8mrRZ/vQkUweTy3svO2+xLcNoVm8EXaZNX5WTIPH84FWe4Wmui+SOpVpPAWzJGvtMgzybDwGcjn7OLmEc8CXnAgmQ0FJjOHuhTYG8krI/HEA7UOmi1lmUjUKrPy8Wd4DwKoxFCT7EgvZiLgPn7HfpuIexlLGVBYqZkRsV2RaZ5pjKrNMJOR1W1ZaO3IgkihAPBVm/EumlqMwaQdW08U1bfmur2dZMrT1Ve+wGGNm/nhvQXIbh6hONF09YhY/27PBNyef308zKLuuXdA0u71DC5DrItj2/uJwiuAjPZkLDxxH4SsgGLx2E85hxhp6Ms3MUEc1P1GGvXYnZycCqgzV5TqQ5zHRhSV1cl2YoA4Q9jRkaJR/dKqdwObtOFbewkhOMgV9cuf9XYSJmLfoecX24DYwnbGzqC4Gqhf1XoP4BF/z7GLxIJvBw="
"MD" => "20150419746483421285"
This is the HTML for the form I'm using
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="MD" value="20150419746483421285" type="hidden">
<input name="PaReq" value="eJxVUk1TwjAQvfsrGO52mza0lVnCoBxERqcqOuMxpqt0pB8mrRZ/vQkUweTy3svO2+xLcNoVm8EXaZNX5WTIPH84FWe4Wmui+SOpVpPAWzJGvtMgzybDwGcjn7OLmEc8CXnAgmQ0FJjOHuhTYG8krI/HEA7UOmi1lmUjUKrPy8Wd4DwKoxFCT7EgvZiLgPn7HfpuIexlLGVBYqZkRsV2RaZ5pjKrNMJOR1W1ZaO3IgkihAPBVm/EumlqMwaQdW08U1bfmur2dZMrT1Ve+wGGNm/nhvQXIbh6hONF09YhY/27PBNyef308zKLuuXdA0u71DC5DrItj2/uJwiuAjPZkLDxxH4SsgGLx2E85hxhp6Ms3MUEc1P1GGvXYnZycCqgzV5TqQ5zHRhSV1cl2YoA4Q9jRkaJR/dKqdwObtOFbewkhOMgV9cuf9XYSJmLfoecX24DYwnbGzqC4Gqhf1XoP4BF/z7GLxIJvBw=" type="hidden">
<input name="TermUrl" value="" type="hidden">
<center><p>Please click button below to Authenticate your card</p><input value="Go" type="submit"></center>
Do you know why I'm getting a blank page? Do I need to transform the data in some way before sending it to Sagepay?
I've tried everything I can think of but am getting nowhere.
ok, so it's magically working now....may have been a problem at Sagepay's end?
In case it's useful for someone else, here's my iFrame code...
<iframe src="secure-3d.php?acsURL=<?=$responseUrl?>&PaReq=<?=$responseData['PaReq']?>&MD=<?=$responseData['MD']?>&TermUrl=<?=$responseData['TermUrl']?>" name="secure-3d" id="secure-3d" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>
...where 'secure-3d.php' is my self-submitting form as below....
<form id="cardToken" name="cardToken" action="<?=$_GET['acsURL']?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="MD" value='<?=str_replace(' ','+',$_GET['MD'])?>' />
<input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value='<?=str_replace(' ','+',$_GET['PaReq'])?>' />
<input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value='<?=str_replace(' ','+',$_GET['TermUrl'])?>' />
<center><p>Please click button below to Authenticate your card</p><input type="submit" value="Go"/></p></center>
<script language="Javascript">
var form = document.getElementById("cardToken");
I just pass the PaReq, MD and TermUrl data through to the form in the querystring, then you need to str_replace spaces to pluses when creating the hidden fields.
That should do it!
If anyone has any ideas on how to make this better, please comment

ckeditor doesn't work on french browser

I just installed ckeditor on my server but the wysiwyg editor doesn't replace the textarea. It's something basic and I don't understand why.
EDIT : apparantly, the problem is linked with the language of the browser. English brwoser are ok, french not ! Any thought ?
Here is my page:
Here is the code :
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CKEditor Sample</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body id="main">
<textarea name="editor1" id="editor1" rows="10" cols="80">
This is my textarea to be replaced with CKEditor.

jQuery mobile "pageinit" calls hashtag for short time

I'm currently building a page with jQuery mobile.
I need to load some custon JavaScript on one page, so I found the pageInit function.
Here's a short example of what i'm using:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="uft-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>page1 | test page for jquery mobile</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js.js"></script>
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Page 1 Title</h1>
<div data-role="content">
go to page2
<p>Page 1 content goes here.</p>
<div data-role="footer">
<h4>Page 1 Footer</h4>
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="uft-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>page1 | test page for jquery mobile</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js.js"></script>
<div data-role="page" id="page2">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Page 2 Title</h1>
<div data-role="content">
go to page1
<p id="addstuff">Page 2 content goes here.</p>
<div data-role="footer">
<h4>Page 2 Footer</h4>
$(document).delegate('#page2', 'pageinit', function() {
$('<div />', {
html: 'Some text that was added via jQuery'
So I need to execute some JavaScript on page2.html. It actually works great (the div was created and you see the text). But when I'm clicking on a link to change the page, you can see, that jQuery is calling a hashtag in the URL first. So it looks like:
when I clicked on the link on page1.html (just for a few milliseconds maybe) and then it redirects to
I guess it's because of the id .. but I need this one for the pageInit (as far as I know).
Is this behavior normal ? Or am I doing something wrong. Maybe there's even a command to not call the hash tag.
Here you go:
It's important to note that if you are linking from a mobile page that was loaded via AJAX to a page that contains multiple internal pages, you need to add a rel="external" or data-ajax="false" to the link. This tells the framework to do a full page reload to clear out the AJAX hash in the URL. This is critical because AJAX pages use the hash (#) to track the AJAX history, while multiple internal pages use the hash to indicate internal pages so there will be conflicts in the hash between these two modes.
For example, a link to a page containing multiple internal pages would
look like this:
< a href="multipage.html" rel="external">Multi-page link< /a>

fadeout div in prototype

I need fadeout a div in my page using prototype. How can I fadeout following jquery code in prototype?
$('.exercise-main .content .loading-failure').fadeOut(function(){
//my code
I think you will need to use (which is an excellent add-on to the fantastic prototype.js) so as to achieve the Fade effect.
Basic Syntax
new Effect.Fade('id_of_element', [options]);
new Effect.Fade(element, [options]);
Complete Code.
<title> examples</title>
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
function FadeEffect(element){
new Effect.Fade(element,
{ duration:1});
function ShowEffect(element){
new Effect.Appear(element,
{duration:1, from:1.0, to:1.0});
<div onclick="FadeEffect('hideshow')">
Click me to fade out the image
<br />
<div onclick="ShowEffect('hideshow')">
Click me to display the image once again
<br />
<div id="hideshow">
<img src="/images/scriptaculous.gif" alt="" />
Tutorial link -
I myself have used prototype.js and this add-on very heavily so just in case you face any issue, feel free to comment.. :-)
