can we call a ftl macro from javascript function - freemarker

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> Java, Spring Boot, FreeMarker</title>
<link href="/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
function myFunction() {
<h2>Java, Spring Boot, FreeMarker</h2>
<form action="/search" method="post">
Search : <input type="text" name="firstName" onkeyup="myFunction()" id = "fname">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div style="background-color:lightblue">
<#macro test>
<#list empList as emp>
<div id="emp-data">
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>
When I run this code I am getting some errors on the browser console:
(index):60 Uncaught ReferenceError: myFunction is not defined at HTMLInputElement.onkeyup ((index):60) onkeyup # (index):60 – PCS 1 hour ago
Is it possible in FreeMarker to do something like that?

In a sense you can... but it doesn't do what you apparently believe it does. First all FreeMarker instructions, like <#test/>, are resolved on the server, then later the resulting output runs in the browser. So as far as the browser sees, function myFunction() { ... } contains HTML div-s directly in inside the { ... }, which is invalid JavaScript.


How to change the language of new Captcha-Recaptcha

Can anyone give me an example about to change to italian ReCaptcha questions and answers?
I found the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="" />
But no idea where to put it and all attempts to place it on my contact form failed.
It always speaks english only.
Thanks in advance
Script tags usually go in the head section, between the <head> and </head> tags, or just before the body closing tag, </body>.
However, you also need to add a tag in the form for the ReCaptcha to be show.
This code will display the ReCaptcha in Italian:
<title>reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page</title>
<script src="" async defer></script>
<form action="?" method="POST">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your_site_key"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
You need to replace the data-sitekey attribute with your own API sitekey.

Thymeleaf + spring dynamic replace

Is it possible to create a dynamic replace in Thymeleaf?
I have the following controller:
public class LoginController {
public String getLogin(Model model){
return "index";
And the following view:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="" >
<div th:replace="fragments/${template} :: ${template}"></div>
And i'm getting the following error:
Error resolving template "fragments/${template}", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers
I tried to preprocess my variables like this:
<div th:replace="fragments/${__#{${template}}__} :: ${__#{${template}}__}"></div>
How ever now ${template} is getting replaced with login i have the following error now:
Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "??login_en_US??"
Although Joe Essey's solution is working as well i solved with following code:
<div th:replace="#{'fragments/' + ${template}} :: ${template}"></div>
I believe the appropriate method to manage this behavior in thymeleaf is to use layout:fragment tags. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Here is a simple example of my layout page, and the login page which is 'dynamically' loaded:
<html xmlns:layout="" xmlns:th="">
<title layout:title-pattern="$DECORATOR_TITLE - $CONTENT_TITLE">Layout</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
<div class="app-container">
<div th:fragment="content">
<div th:fragment="script"></div>
Then, when login gets loaded, it replaces the th:fragment div with the associated div in the html view which matches the string returned by the controller method, in this case login.html:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:th=""
<div th:fragment="content">
<form th:action="#{/login}" method="post">
<div><label> User Name : <input type="text" name="username"/> </label></div>
<div><label> Password: <input type="password" name="password"/> </label></div>
<div><input type="submit" value="Sign In"/></div>
Now, if you want to load another fragment conditionally, the approach I take is to add replace tags with th:if cases. Here's an example of a Form that displays different questions based on an attribute of the current user:
<div th:if="${foo.type)} == 'type_1'">
<div th:replace="fragments/custom-questions :: type-1-checkboxes"></div>
<div th:if="${foo.type} == 'type_2'">
<div th:replace="fragments/custom-questions :: type-2-checkboxes"></div>
Then the associated div gets loaded from the file custom-questions.html:
<div th:fragment="type-1-checkboxes">
<div th:fragment="type-2-checkboxes">
I am just encountering this issue (this is my first time with thymeleaf/spring). This is what solved it for me:
<div class="col-md-12" th:include="__${template}__ :: body" ...
In Thymeleaf 3.0, the following solution has worked for me:
<div th:replace="('fragments/' + ${template}) :: (${template})">
(Note however, that I use it with fixed name of the fragment and dynamic name of the template, so the parantheses around :: (${template}) might be optional.)
The solution is inspired by documentation for Thymeleaf in
Both templatename and selector in the above examples can be fully-featured expressions (even conditionals!) like:
<div th:insert="footer :: (${user.isAdmin}? #{footer.admin} : #{footer.normaluser})"></div>
Note again how the surrounding ~{...} envelope is optional in th:insert/th:replace
<div th:insert=“${subpage}::fragementName”>
Just change subpage names and you will dynamic behaviour in thymleaf

Updating div elements in Twitter Bootstrap

I tried to write an AJAX-type form with Twitter Bootstrap, but the updated div element disappears. Can I fix that?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"></head>
function wordCloud(){document.getElementById("cloud").innerHTML = "WordCloud";}
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<div id="cloud"></div>
<form onsubmit="wordCloud()">
<button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
Change as follows.
function wordCloud(){document.getElementById("cloud").innerHTML = "WordCloud";}
function wordCloud(){document.getElementById("cloud").innerHTML = "WordCloud"; return false; }
<form onsubmit="wordCloud()">
<form onsubmit="return wordCloud()">

Redirecting immediately with javascript

I have a problem redirecting a page with javascript. I want to redirect the page after clicking a button, but it is redirecting it automatically.
Why is that?
function initAll(){
if(window.addEventListener) {
} else if (window.attachEvent){
document.getElementById('check').attachEvent("onclick", redirection);
function redirection(){
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="glavna.js"></script>
<div id="wrapper">
<form action="glavna.html">City:<input id="city" type="text"/>
Price: From:<input type="text" id="from"/> To:<input type="text" id="to"/>
Refresh in min :<input type="text" id="refresh"/>
<button id="check" >Search</button>
this can be done with window.location.href what it does
// similar behavior as clicking on a link
window.location.href = "you want to redirect";
window.location is location object. To redirect Use window.location.href instead

Unable to add events after AJAX load using jQuery

I have a web page on which I use jQuery's AJAX to load new elements into a div. This part of my page works fine.
I now want to add a similar event to these newly-added elements. To do this I planned to use jQuery's .live() method but nothing appears to happen.
So I initially start with this
<div id="change-agent-list" class="tooltip">
<div class="top"></div>
<div class="middle"></div>
<div class="bottom"></div>
Into .middle I asynchronously load markup that looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<form name="main" method="post" action="/ils/agent-selector/" id="main">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKMTQ1MTc3ODM4NGRkg9mLyLiGNVcP/ppO9C/IbwpxdwI=" />
<ul id="content_0_agentsUL">
Agent 1
Agent 2
Agent 3
<div id="agent-details"></div>
When the page initially loads I use this script - my intention is to add a click handler for each of the .agent-name elements that are asynchronously added later.
$j(document).ready(function () {
$j(".agent-name").live("click", function() {
var agentDetails = $j(".agent-details");
var loadingContent = '<div id="ajax-load"><img src="/sitecore/__/_images/global/ajax-load.gif" alt="AJAX content loading" /></div>';;
var modalURL = $j(".agent-name").attr("href");
return false;
The problem is that no events are being bound to the .agent-name elements. I've tried replacing all the inner script with a simple alert() so that I can see if any events are being bound to the .agent-name elements, and I can't get this alert() to display.
So in other words, no events are being bound to my .agent-name elements.
Even if I move the agent-name class to the list elements and change the jQuery to simply
$j(".agent-name").live("click", function() {
I still get nothing when I click on the elements.
Can anyone explain why, or how I fix this so that I can late-bind events to elements created in an AJAX callback?
I eventually solved this by using jQuery's on instead of "live".
You can only have one #agent-name because IDs are unique. You can just use $('#agents .link') since you already have a class on each anchor.
Not sure if this is helpful, but this works for me:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".agent-name").live("click", function() {
return false;
<form name="main" method="post" action="/ils/agent-selector/" id="main">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKMTQ1MTc3ODM4NGRkg9mLyLiGNVcP/ppO9C/IbwpxdwI=" />
<ul id="content_0_agentsUL">
Agent 1
Agent 2
Agent 3
<div id="agent-details"></div>
