Laravel: use redirect outside Controller? - laravel

I have a route
Route::get('/abc', function () {
return view('');
When I access it's work well.
And in Controller, I use
it's work well.
==> BUT, I need to call redirect outside Controller (Model, Lib etc....) How can I do that? I always get an error when call redirect outside the Controller.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
You can also use named routes with parameters like so:
Redirect::route('', ['foo' => 'bar'])->send();
If you are in a controller, you normally return the redirect. However, outside of a controller, you need to use ->send() to tell it to "go now".

I think this should help.
abort(200, '', ['Location' => '/abc']);

I did small research and it seems it's impossible to use Laravel redirect in a model(), for example.
But you could redirect manually to URL:
$url = route('/abc');
header('Location: '.$url);


Laravel Route Controller issue

I am trying to add a new route to my application and can't seem to get it to work. I keep getting a 404 error. It looks like the physical path is looking at the wrong directory. Currently looking at D:\Web\FormMapper\blog\public\forms but should be looking at D:\Web\FormMapper\blog\resources\view\layout\pages\forms.blade.php
My request URL:
http://localhost/FormMapper/ /works fine
http://localhost/FormMapper/forms /doesn't work
http://localhost/FormMapper/forms.php /No input file specified.
my FormsController:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class FormsController extends Controller
public function index()
return view('layouts.pages.forms');
My web.php:
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('layouts/pages/login');
Route::get('/forms', 'FormsController#index');
My folder structure looks like this:
My config/view.php
return [
'paths' => [
'compiled' => env(
you must use dot for this. In your controller change to this:
return view('layouts.pages.forms');
If your route only needs to return a view, you may use the Route::view method. Like the redirect method, this method provides a simple shortcut so that you do not have to define a full route or controller. The view method accepts a URI as its first argument and a view name as its second argument. In addition, you may provide an array of data to pass to the view as an optional third argument:
Route::view('/', 'layouts.pages.login');
Route::view('/forms', 'layouts.pages.forms', ['foo' => 'bar']);
Check docs
After tracking digging deeper I determined that the issue was that IIS requires URL rewrite rules in place for Laravel to work properly. The index.php and '/' route would work b/c it was the default page but any other pages wouldn't. To test this I used the
php artisan serve
approach to it. and everything worked properly. Unfortunately I am unable to do this in production so I needed to get it to work with IIS.

Get part of url from Laravel named route

Is there a possibility to get the part of url, that is defined in route?
For example with this route:
Route::get('/editor/{id}', 'EditorController#editor')->name('editorNew');
after using mentioned functionality, let's say route_link(); i would like to get:
$route_link = route_link('editorNew', array('id' => 1));
//$route_link containts "/editor/1"
I tried to use route(), but i got http://localhost/app/public/editor-new/1 instead of /editor-new/1 and that's not what i wanted.
For clarity need this functionality to generate links depending on machine, that the app is fired on (integration with Shopify).
You can use route method to get the relative path by passing false in the third parameter as:
route('editorNew', [1], false); // returns '/editor-new/1'
You could use the following:
$route_link = route('editorNew', [1]);
1 is the first value that will be on the route, at this moment {id}.
If you want to use the paramater (id) in your method, it will be the following:
public function editor($id) {
//your code
And in the view you could use:
Hope this works!

Laravel passing all routes for a particular domain to a controller

Working on a Laravel 4.2 project. What I am trying to accomplish is pass every URI pattern to a controller that I can then go to the database and see if I need to redirect this URL (I know I can do this simple in PHP and do not need to go through Laravel, but just trying to use this as a learning experience.)
So what I have at the moment is this:
Route::group(array('domain' => ''), function()
Route::get('?', 'RedirectController#index');
I am routing any subdomain which I deem as a "redirect subdomain" ... The ? is where I am having the problem. From what I have read you should be able to use "*" for anything but that does not seem to be working. Anyone have a clue how to pass any URL to a controller?
And on top of that I would ideally like to pass the FULL URL so i can easily just check the DB and redirect so:
$url = URL::full();
Try this:
Route::group(array('domain' => ''), function()
Route::get('{path}', 'RedirectController#index')
->where('path', '.*');
And your controller will reseive the path as first argument
public function index($path){
// ...
In case you're wondering, the where is needed because without it {path} will only match the path until the first /. This way all characters, even /, are allowed as route parameter

Why aren't my controllers actions accessible with unit tests in Laravel

I have set up my route as such:
Route::controller('clients', 'Controllers\ClientsController');
Through this method I can easily access all the controller functions via post and get. However I cannot test them as easily.
public function testCantDeleteOtherAccountsClient()
$user = Models\User::find(1);
$response = $this->action('GET', 'ClientsController#getDelete');
This test results in the message
InvalidArgumentException: Route [ClientsController#getDelete] not defined.
The method accessible via url though. What am I missing?
Just tried this out myself (a route specified via the controller) your issue is that using action requires a named route. Controller routes do not currently support this as far as I'm aware of.
If you create a test route:
Route::get('test', array(
'as' => 'testName',
'uses' => 'ClientsController#getDelete'
And try
$this->action('GET', 'testName');
The test should pass, you can view all the routes with names via php artisan routes.
You may want to use $this->client->request() instead. You can check if a redirect occurred with:
Note that $this->call() is just an alias to $this->client->request().
I found changing it to use call instead of action worked for me:
$response = $this->call('GET', 'clients/delete/1');

Call a controller in Laravel 4

In Laravel 3, you could call a controller using the Controller::call method, like so:
Controller::call('api.items#index', $params);
I looked through the Controller class in L4 and found this method which seems to replace the older method: callAction(). Though it isn't a static method and I couldn't get it to work. Probably not the right way to do it?
How can I do this in Laravel 4?
You may use IoC.
Try this:
and you may also give params:
If I understand right, you are trying to build an API-centric application and want to access the API internally in your web application to avoid making an additional HTTP request (e.g. with cURL). Is that correct?
You could do the following:
$request = Request::create('api/items', 'GET', $params);
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
Notice that, instead of specifying the controller#method destination, you'll need to use the uri route that you'd normally use to access the API externally.
Even better, you can now specify the HTTP verb the request should respond to.
Like Neto said you can user:
But to send for instance a POST with extra data you could use "merge" method before:
$input = array('extra_field1' => 'value1', 'extra_field2' => 'value2');
return App:make('HomeController')->someMethodInController();
It works for me!
This is not the best way, but you can create a function to do that:
function call($controller, $action, $parameters = array())
$app = app();
$controller = $app->make($controller);
return $controller->callAction($app, $app['router'], $action, $parameters);
Route::get('/test', function($var = null) use ($params)
return call('TestController', 'index', array($params));
Laurent's solution works (though you need a leading / and the $params you pass to Request::create are GET params, and not those handled by Laravel (gotta put them after api/items/ in the example).
I can't believe there isn't an easier way to do this though (not that it's hard, but it looks kinda hackish to me). Basically, Laravel 4 doesn't provide an easy way to map a route to a controller using a callback function? Seriously? This is the most common thing in the world...
I had to do this on one of my projects:
Route::controller('players', 'PlayerController');
Route::get('player/{id}{rest?}', function($id)
$request = Request::create('/players/view/' . $id, 'GET');
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
->where('id', '\d+');
Hope I'm missing something obvious.
$request = Request::create('common_slider', 'GET', $parameters);
return Controller::getRouter()->dispatch($request)->getContent();
For laravel 5.1
It's an Old question. But maybe is usefull. Is there another way.
In your controller: You can declare the function as public static
public static function functioNAME(params)
And then in the Routes file or in the View:
