PowerPoint 2016 - Stop Update Link Prompt - powerpoint

When opening PowerPoint I'm always prompted if I want to update the links to other files.
-- How do I disable this prompt?
I'm using PowerPoint 2016
Here is a little info on what I'm trying to do:
I have a few charts which link to an excel spreadsheet.
I've search high and low and all I can find it how to disable this for Excel, nothing related to PowerPoint?
I'm trying to get a PowerPoint presentation to open as a show and loop through the slides while updating the links automatically.
I've got the slides to update the data on each slide change but when opening directly to a show it's not working, I can only assume it's due to the security prompt?
I'm using this to update the slides:
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
End Sub
I hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance.


how to create a drop down menu in data validation using excel 2019

The course I was learning from taught data analytics using older versions of Excel, so I was missing some information and understanding when I tried to follow along.
I was tought how to create a drop down menu in datavalidation using an earlier Excel, however I have office 2019 with Excel 2019 and the buttons and tabs are in differnt places.
I tried to request videos from YouTube. microsoft.com and other sites, but the requested infomation doesn't see to be readily available. So I end up pressing buttons and tabs aimlessly wasting time and trying to figue out how things work.
Im not sure if the drop down menu can be created in different ways, as my excel 2019 does not have the same tabs, and there are currently limited info for excel 2019.

How to Insert svg images in PowerPoint?

I was able to add svg images into PPT so far, now suddenly unable to add them. when I add, it comes as internet explore icon with name of the image. anybody have any ideas why it changed suddenly? Is there any way without opening it in Illustrator and bring to ppt?
In the web version of PowerPoint you can drag and drop an SVG from your computer into a slide and it will be inserted as an image.
I've used the following workaround: import the SVG file into a LibreOffice Impress (it might look a bit ugly in LibreOffice, but don't worry), and then save this as a PowerPoint presentation.
When you open this file in PowerPoint, you'll find that your vector graphic will be correctly displayed.
Note that the feature to import vector graphics is included in Microsoft's subscription-based Office 365.

Excel-Addin with visible form

I have a query on the usage of windows form in excel add-in, application level.
Objective Statement:
Display customized windows form control, similar to a way a chart is being inserted into excel
Custom Pane
I have tried custom pane add-in but it seems to be on a entire workbook level, i need something on a worksheet level
Task Pane
I can't seem to use the task pane in application add-in for excel
Windows Form Control
When I click on a cell in excel i will lose focus to the windows form, i will need the windows to be together with the worksheet, but i can't use showdialog.
Thanks for the help in advance.
From your answer it is hard for me to figure out if you we are looking at a code solution here or something more high level, so I am going to assume that you are looking for a code solution, please correct me if I am wrong.
Have you considered using an OLE object or ActiveX?
There is an example from Microsoft here, how to develop an ActiveX control. (Here is some other walkthrough that I found helpful).
Just to give you a hint how it (the example mentioned above) looks like, here is the screenshot of the compiled example that I added onto the excel sheet:
ActiveX control can be added both manually, or by code, so I could imagine that you could also provide a COM Excel Add-in that would add some buttons onto the ribbon, that when pressed, would add the desired controls onto the sheet.

extract a background from ppt powerpoint file

Does anyone know how to extract a background from a powerpoint ppt file? I have been googling about it and I read something about a slideshow master, but I don't see it anywhere.
I am running Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 on Mac.
You'll probably have to use Applescript to do the job if you intend to automate this. PPT 2008 lacks VBA. MacTech magazine has a thorough guide to automating Office 2008 via Applescript on their site, by the way.
In practice, if you know which slide's background you want to extract, and assuming you want to extract it as an image, you'd create a duplicate of the slide, delete all of the shapes on the slide (which'd leave just the background graphics), then use the Slide.Export method to save an image file at whatever resolution you need, up to 3000 pixels wide or so.
If there's any way to bag 2008 and use 2011 instead, life will be simpler and you'll leave it with more hair intact. ;-)

watin - saving a generated excel sheet

I have a Watin script that logs into a site and generates a report in excel format. I'm having a really hard time saving the generated excel file. I thought my answer was using the GetActiveObject method in interop services. I don't get an error using that, but it doesn't seem to find it either.
More info if it's any use: The original browser window remains in the background and the excel sheet generated has a name of "xxx.aspx". It's NOT in a browser window as it shows up as excel in the task bar.
Any help attaching to the new excel window would be greatly appreciated because I'd like to save it to disk.
WatiN only automates the browser so once the file is open in Excel WatiN is no longer helpful to you. You might want to ask this question without reference to WatiN since it is strictly a .NET/interop scenario. Here is a link that might be helpful to you: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316126
