How to Insert svg images in PowerPoint? - powerpoint

I was able to add svg images into PPT so far, now suddenly unable to add them. when I add, it comes as internet explore icon with name of the image. anybody have any ideas why it changed suddenly? Is there any way without opening it in Illustrator and bring to ppt?

In the web version of PowerPoint you can drag and drop an SVG from your computer into a slide and it will be inserted as an image.

I've used the following workaround: import the SVG file into a LibreOffice Impress (it might look a bit ugly in LibreOffice, but don't worry), and then save this as a PowerPoint presentation.
When you open this file in PowerPoint, you'll find that your vector graphic will be correctly displayed.
Note that the feature to import vector graphics is included in Microsoft's subscription-based Office 365.


Inserting image into PDF in xamarin forms

I am working on a project using images where the user gets to choose if they want to save in .jpg or .pdf format. So what I thought was either way save it in .jpg initially and then if they choose .pdf, just push the image into pdf. I read a lot of documentation like xfinium pdf and syncfusion pdf but sadly all those are licensed for commercial use. I was wondering if anybody could point me at the right direction so as to how to get this done without using paid licensing.
Thanks in advance.
Try to use: PdfSharpCore
is a partial port of PdfSharp.Xamarin for .NET Standard.

Insert image via PPT Add-In

I'm programming a PowerPoint Add-In in VBA. I want to have a button to insert the 'default company logo'. The logo is a vector image.
Is it possible to embed the image 'in the add-in itself'? Such that every user who has the add-in, doesn't need the logo file separately as image?
Unfortunately, PowerPoint add-ins contain only code, no slides, graphics or other content, so you can't embed the graphic in the add-in as a graphic.
You could probably add code to the add-in that writes the binary data for the logo graphic out to a file, insert from there, then delete the file (or leave it there for the next use).
Thanks for your responses! :)
I found a workaround which I like to share.
I converted the picture to an eps-file. Since the eps-file is text-based, I made a VBA-function in my add-in that writes the lines of the eps-image to a temporary text-file called img.eps. Now I can insert the image to my powerpoint slides by the add-in and delete the temporary eps-file.

extract a background from ppt powerpoint file

Does anyone know how to extract a background from a powerpoint ppt file? I have been googling about it and I read something about a slideshow master, but I don't see it anywhere.
I am running Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 on Mac.
You'll probably have to use Applescript to do the job if you intend to automate this. PPT 2008 lacks VBA. MacTech magazine has a thorough guide to automating Office 2008 via Applescript on their site, by the way.
In practice, if you know which slide's background you want to extract, and assuming you want to extract it as an image, you'd create a duplicate of the slide, delete all of the shapes on the slide (which'd leave just the background graphics), then use the Slide.Export method to save an image file at whatever resolution you need, up to 3000 pixels wide or so.
If there's any way to bag 2008 and use 2011 instead, life will be simpler and you'll leave it with more hair intact. ;-)

Outlook truncating images

I'm designing an e-mail template for a company and it tests great in everything besides Outlook. For some reason the bottom images of the email look like they're loading half way and then stop. I've found information online that Outlook won't load images with a height greater than 1728px, but the tallest image we have is much shorter than that. There are images beyond 1728px on the page that are loading just fine, so I'm not sure that's the issue. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice would be helpful.
Hi Here is a quick solution for this to be done in the outlook.
Use photoshop and follow this steps:
Once the design is over, slice up the image parts / height(1728px as per yout example).
Save this as, File->Save for web and device. click save. you will get option under save box
Under format change this to HTML and image from drop down.
Save them in one folder. A new HTML file and image file will be created in this folder.
Open this HTML file in a browser.
Just copy and paste the content in the outlook using a single cell table.
That's you are done. Now your image will load without any problem.

Can I save a DMBL layout as a jpeg/png?

Is it possible to save the layout diagram from a DBML file as a jpeg/png or any other image format?
A manager wants to know what we are storing in our database and the print out wasn't enough he wants an electronic version.
I know I can use a screen-shot but wonder if there are any other options? I've just thought about printing to a PDF printer as well. Still would be nice if there was a save to PNG
If you are a MSOffice user, you can use Microsoft OneNote (copy diagram over there and then export it to a PNG), or you can use Snipping Tool, which is basically a nice tool for taking screen shots out of portions of the screen.
In the end I just used a PDF printer which worked quite nicely.
