Prolog - Return result instead of printing in algorithm - algorithm

I know there is technically no 'return' in Prolog but I did not know how to formulate the question otherwise.
I found some sample code of an algorithm for finding routes between metro stations. It works well, however it is supposed to just print the result so it makes it hard to be extended or to do a findall/3 for example.
% direct routes
findRoute(X,Y,Lines,Output) :-
\+ member(Line,Lines),
% needs intermediate stop
findRoute(X,Y,Lines,Output) :-
\+ member(Line,Lines),
line is a predicate with an atom and a list containing the stations.
For ex: line(s1, [first_stop, second_stop, third_stop])
So what I am trying to do is get rid of that print at line 11 and add an extra variable to my rule to store the result for later use. However I failed miserably because no matter what I try it either enters infinite loop or returns false.
?- findRoute(first_stop, third_stop, [], []).
% prints [[first_stop,s1,third_stop]]
?- findRoute(first_stop, third_stop, [], R).
% [[first_stop,s1,third_stop]] is stored in R

Like you, I also see this pattern frequently among Prolog beginners, especially if they are using bad books and other material:
solve :-
.... some goals ...
Almost every line in the above is problematic, for the following reasons:
"solve" is imperative. This does not make sense in a declarative languague like Prolog, because you can use predicates in several directions.
"compute" is also imperative.
write/1 is a side-effect, and its output is only available on the system terminal. This gives us no easy way to actually test the predicate.
Such patterns should always simply look similar to:
solution(S) :-
where condition1 etc. are simply pure goals that describe what it means that S is a solution.
When querying
?- solution(S).
then bindings for S will automatically be printed on the toplevel. Let the toplevel do the printing for you!
In your case, there is a straight-forward fix: Simply make NewOutput one of the arguments, and remove the final side-effect:
route(X, Y, Lines, Output, NewOutput) :-
line(Line, Stations),
\+ member(Line, Lines),
member(X, Stations),
member(Y, Stations),
append(Output, [[X,Line,Y]], NewOutput).
Note also that I have changed the name to just route/5, because the predicate makes sense also if the arguments are all already instantiated, which is useful for testing etc.
Moreover, when describing lists, you will often benefit a lot from using dcg notation.
The code will look similar to this:
route(S, S, _) --> []. % case 1: already there
route(S0, S, Lines) --> % case 2: needs intermediate stop
{ line_stations(Line, Stations0),
maplist(dif(Line), Lines),
select(S0, Stations0, Stations),
member(S1, Stations) },
route(S1, S, [Line|Lines]).
Conveniently, you can use this to describe the concatenation of lists without needing append/3 so much. I have also made a few other changes to enhance purity and readability, and I leave figuring out the exact differences as an easy exercise.
You call this using the DCG interface predicate phrase/2, using:
?- phrase(route(X,Y,[]), Rs).
where Rs is the found route. Note also that I am using terms of the form link/3 to denote the links of the route. It is good practice to use dedicated terms when the arity is known. Lists are for example good if you do not know beforehand how many elements you need to represent.


Simple Prolog program: "Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated" error

I am writing a Prolog predicate that cuts first three elements off a numbered list and prints the result. An example of a numbered list:
The original predicate for normal list looks like this:
strim([H|T],R) :-
So, since length predicate works perfectly for numbered lists as well, I only had to write predicate that appends one numbered list to another:
compose([e(F,C)|T],e(A,_),[e(F,C)|L]) :-
N is C+1,
I expected the predicate for numbered list to be a slightly modified version of predicate for normal list, so I wrote this:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T],R) :-
However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: compose/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Could somebody please explain what's causing the error and how to avoid it? I'm new to Prolog.
Instantiation errors are a common phenomenon in Prolog programs that use moded predicates: These are predicates that can only be used in special circumstances, requiring for example that some arguments are fully instantiated etc.
As a beginner, you are in my view well advised to use more general predicates instead, so that you can freely exchange the order of goals and do not have to take procedural limitations into account, at least not so early, and without the ability to freely experiment with your code.
For example, in your case, the following trivial change to compose/3 gives you a predicate that works in all directions:
compose([], L, [L]).
compose([e(F,C)|T], e(A,_), [e(F,C)|L]) :-
N #= C+1,
compose(T, e(A,N), L).
Here, I have simply replaced the moded predicate (is)/2 with the CLP(FD) constraint (#=)/2, which completeley subsumes the more low-level predicate over integers.
After this small change (depending on your Prolog system, you may have to import a library to use the more general arithmetic predicates), we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
So, we find out that the instantiation error has actually overshadowed a different problem that can only be understood procedurally, and which has now come to light.
To improve this, I now turn around the two goals of numstrim/2:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T], R) :-
length(P, 3),
napp(P, R, [e(X,Y)|T]).
This is because length(P, 3) always terminates, and placing a goal that always terminates first can at most improve, never worsen, the termination properties of a pure and monotonic logic program.
So now we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
Es = [e(b, _1442), e(a, _2678), e(r, _4286)] .
That is, at least we get an answer now!
However, the predicate still does not terminate universally, because we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es), false.
I leave fixing this as an exercise.

Negation in prolog query is not working

HI i have a simple knowledge database defined as:
I am trying to write a rule that will answer the query: Display all carClass that runs on 'oil' and IS NOT 'big'.
I am trying to implement it using:
OnOilButNotBig :-
carClass(CarClass,'oil', \+('big') ),
but this is not working.
You have to understand the difference between a predicate and a functor.
If we oversimplify things a bit, a predicate is an identifier at the top level, so carClass/3 is a predicate, write/1 is a predicate and onOilButNotBig/0 is. You can call a predicate. A predicate with filled in arguments is a goal.
A functor on the other hand is an identifier not on the top level. Constants are functors, variables are functors, and functions with arguments are functors. Examples of functors are 'X1', 'oil' and foo(X,bar,qux(2)).
The negation expects a goal. 'big' in this case is not a goal, in fact \+('big') itself is a functor.
You can only solve this by turning the condition into a goal and ensure you will call it. This can be done like:
onOilButNotBig :-
\+(X = 'big'),
Furthermore I do not really see why you call carClass/3 twice. An equivalent and slightly more efficient program is the following:
onOilButNotBig :-
\+(X = 'big'),
Finally as #Repeat noted, you need to use names that start with a lowercase for predicates and functions.
First things first!
The code doesn't compile1.
Why? Predicate names usually start with lowercase characters2.
My advice: instead of OnOilButNotBig write onOilButNotBig!
To express term inequality, use the right prolog-dif goal(s), like so:
onOilButNotBig :-
dif(X, big),
carClass(CarClass, oil, _),
carClass(CarClass, oil, X),
As a side remark, there are a few more issues with your code:
Use side-effect based I/O only when necessary.
In most cases, it is preferable to use the interactive prolog-toplevel for data input/output!
onOilButNotBig(CarClass) :-
dif(X, big),
carClass(CarClass, oil, _),
carClass(CarClass, oil, X).
For the sake of readability, please do not use atoms like 'oil' and 'Oil'.
Pick one and stick to it! I suggest oil (lowercase) which does not need escaping.
The goal carClass(CarClass, oil, _) is completely redundant.
Why? It is a generalisation of the close-by goal carClass(CarClass,oil,X).
Footnote 1: When using b-prolog 8.1, sicstus-prolog 4.3.2, swi-prolog 7.3.14, and xsb 3.6.
Footnote 2: Names can also starting with uppercase characters if the right (escaping with single-quotes) is utilized.
Footnote 3: In general, redundant goals are ok, but they suggest to me your code will likely not behave as intended.

Will using member within a forall clause in SWI-Prolog always output the elements in the same order?

Having recently got into Prolog I've been using it for a few simple tasks and began to wonder about using member within forall loops like the one in the trivial example below:
forall(member(A,[1,2,3,4]), print(A)).
In the case that you do something like this is it always true that forall will process the elements within the list in the same order every time its called? Does it have to be enforced by say doing something like:
A = [1,2,3,4], sort(A, B), forall(member(C,B), print(C)).
From what little research I've initially done I'm guessing that it comes down to the behaviour of member/2 but the documentation for the function on SWI-Prolog's website is very brief. It does however mention determinism with regards member/2 which gave me an inkling I might be on the right path in saying that it would always extract the elements in the same order, though I'm far from certain.
Can anyone give me any guarantees or explanations on this one?
Non-determinism in Prolog simply refers to a predicate having potentially more than one solution. Clearly, member/2 is such a predicate. This does not mean that you have to be worried about your computation becoming unpredictable. Prolog has a well-defined computation rule which essentially says that alternative solutions are explored in a depth-first, left-to-right manner. Thus your goal member(X,[1,2,3,4]) will generate solutions to X in the expected order 1,2,3,4.
Sorting the list [1,2,3,4] will not make any difference, as it is already sorted (according to Prolog's standard term order).
A word of caution about forall/2: some Prologs define this, but it is probably less useful than you imagine, because it is not really a "loop". You can use it in your example because you only perform a print side effect in each iteration. For most other purposes, you should familiarize yourself with recursive patterns like
print_list([X|Xs]) :- print(X), print_list(Xs).
Strictly speaking, there is no guarantee in SWI on several levels:
1mo, that member/2 or forall/2 will perform in exactly this manner, since you can redefine them.
?- [user].
|: % user://1 compiled 0.00 sec, 2 clauses
?- forall(member(A,[1,2,3,4]), print(A)).
However, member/2 is defined in the Prolog prologue which covers all the details you are interested in.
As for forall(A,B) it is safer to write \+ (A, \+B) instead, since this relies on standard features only. There is no definition of forall/2 as such, so it is difficult to tell what is the "right" behavior.
2do, that SWI will be standard conforming. If you read the documentation, you will note that there is no self-declaration (as for, e.g. SICStus Prolog) for standard conformance. In fact, \+ (A, \+B) is not fully conforming, as in the following example that should silently fail, but rather prints nonconforming
?- \+ ( C= !, \+ (C,fail;writeq(nonconforming))).
N208 has forall/2 defined + (call(Generator), + call(Test)), so this makes it less dubious. But by virtue that the ISO core standard (+)/1 does already a call/1 and that the ISO core standard (,)/2 will be subject to body conversion one can simply define it as follows in an ISO core standard Prolog:
forall(Generator, Test) :-
\+ (Generator, \+ Test).
SWI-Prolog has also implemented this way, and the error observed by Ulrich Neumerkel will not be seen when using forall/2:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.18)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
?- \+ ( C= !, \+ (C,fail;writeq(nonconforming))).
?- forall(C=!, (C,fail;writeq(nonconforming))).
Side remark:
I don't know how useful it is for loop. It seems to me using it for loops is not the right approach, since the test might fail, and then the construct also fails. I have also seen by Striegnitz and Blackburn the following definition of a helper predicate that they call failiure driven loop.
doall(Goal) :-
Goal, fail.
I find myself directly writing Goal, fail; true which also does the job:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.18)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
?- member(A,[1,2,3,4]), write(A), nl, fail; true.

Prolog list membership, multiple results returned

I have a standard procedure for determining membership of a list:
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).
What I don't understand is why when I pose the following query:
?- member(a,[a,b]).
The result is
I would have thought that on satisfying the goal using the first rule (as a is the head of the list) True would be returned and that would be the end of if. It seems as if it is then attempting to satisfy the goal using the second rule and failing?
Prolog interpreter is SWI-Prolog.
Let's consider a similar query first: [Edit: Do this without adding your own definition ; member/2 is already defined]
?- member(a,[b,a]).
In this case you get the optimal answer: There is exactly one solution. But when exchanging the elements in the list we get:
?- member(a,[a,b]).
; false.
Logically, both are just the affirmation that the query is true.
The reason for the difference is that in the second query the answer true is given immediately upon finding a as element of the list. The remaining list [b] does not contain a fitting element, but this is not yet examined. Only upon request (hitting SPACE or ;) the rest of the list is tried with the result that there is no further solution.
Essentially, this little difference gives you a hint when a computation is completely finished and when there is still some work to do. For simple queries this does not make a difference, but in more complex queries these open alternatives (choicepoints) may accumulate and use up memory.
Older toplevels always asked if you want to see a further solution, even if there was none.
The ability to avoid asking for the next answer, if there is none, is extremely dependent on the very implementation details. Even within the same system, and the same program loaded you might get different results. In this case, however, I was using SWI's built-in definition for member/2 whereas you used your own definition, which overwrites the built-in definition.
SWI uses the following definition as built-in which is logically equivalent to yours but makes avoiding unnecessary choice points easier to SWI — but many other systems cannot profit from this:
member(B, [C|A]) :-
member_(A, B, C).
member_(_, A, A).
member_([C|A], B, _) :-
member_(A, B, C).
To make things even more complex: Many Prologs have a different toplevel that does never ask for further answers when the query does not contain a variable. So in those systems (like YAP) you get a wrong impression.
Try the following query to see this:
?- member(X,[1]).
X = 1.
SWI is again able to determine that this is the only answer. But YAP, e.g., is not.
Are you using the ";" operator after the first result then pushing return? I believe this is asking the query to look for more results and as there are none it is coming up as false.
Do you know about Prolog's cut - !?
If you change member(X, [X|_]). to member(X, [X|_]) :- !. Prolog will not try to find another solution after the first one.

What are the uses of the fail predicate in Prolog?

I can't come up with a situation where I would need it.
Elegant systems provide false/0 as a declarative synonym for the imperative fail/0. An example where it is useful is when you manually want to force backtracking for side-effects, like:
?- between(1,3,N), format("line ~w\n", [N]), false.
line 1
line 2
line 3
Instead of false/0, you can also use any goal that fails, for example a bit shorter:
?- between(1,3,N), format("line ~w\n", [N]), 0=1.
line 1
line 2
line 3
Thus, false/0 is not strictly needed but quite nice.
EDIT: I sometimes see beginners who want to state for example "my relation does not hold for the empty list", and then add:
my_relation([]) :- false.
to their code. This is not necessary, and not a good example of using false/0, except for example in failure slices that are programmatically generated. Instead, concentrate on stating the things that hold about your relation. In this case, just leave out the entire clause, and define the relation only for lists that are not empty, i.e., have at least one element:
my_relation([L|Ls]) :- etc.
or, if you are describing other terms in addition to lists as well, use a constraint like:
my_relation(T) :- dif(T, []), etc.
Given only either (or even both) of these two clauses, the query ?- my_relation([]). will automatically fail. It is not necessary to introduce an additional clause which never succeeds for that purpose.
Explicit failure. fail is often used in conjunction with cut: ... !, fail. to enforce failure.
For all construct. Explicit usage of fail/false to enumerate via backtracking is a very error prone activity. Consider a case:
... ( generator(X), action(X), fail ; true ), ...
The idea is thus to "do" action for all X. But what happens, if action(X) fails? This construct simply continues with the next candidate — as if nothing happened. In this manner certain errors may remain undetected for very long.
For such cases it is better to use \+ ( generator(X), \+ action(X) ) which fails, should action(X) fail for some X. Some systems offer this as a built-in forall/2. Personally, I prefer to use \+ in this case because the \+ is a bit clearer that the construct does not leave a binding.
Failure-slice. For diagnostic purposes it is often useful to add on purpose false into your programs. See failure-slice for more details.
One case (taken from Constraint Logic Programming using Eclipse) is an implementation of not/1:
:- op(900, fy, not).
not Q :- Q, !, fail.
not _ .
If Q succeeds, the cut (!) causes the second not clause to be discarded, and the fail ensures a negative result. If Q fails, then the second not clause fires first.
Another use for fail is to force backtracking through alternatives when using predicates with side effects:
writeall(X) :- member(A,X), write(A), fail.
Some people might not consider this particularly good programming style though. :)
fail/0 is a special symbol that will immediately fail when prolog encounters it as a goal.
fail is often used in conjunction with CUT(!) to enforce failure.
like(me,X) :- chess(X),!,fail.
like(me,X) :- games(X).
