Autoalign changes width of my button - xcode

I'm setting width for my button so that it's greater than text size - as on image below:
The width of it is 120px. My problem is that I have center vertical alignment for it so when I hit "update frames" then my button gets resized to it's minimum so that text fits the button as below:
I can't leave it that way because I've added frame programatically and it looks bad when it's so close to the text.
Is there any way to set some properties for xcode to stick to my width as oppose to auto-align it? I'd prefer to have it in xcode properties than in swift code.

You are not adding a constraint to the width. You need to add a constraint to it, not change de width at the Size Inspector.
Select the element, click at the Pin option at the bottom bar, and set the width of your element. Update Frames and voilà.
Remember: when working with Auto Layout you cannot use any manual configuration (size, position, etc.) for that element, always use constraints or stack views.
Apple documentation about Auto Layout


How to make NSSearchField take up whole width of toolbar

I am trying to make a NSSearchField taking up the whole width of a toolbar in a NSWindowController.
I created a new NSWindowController using Xcode storyboard, add a toolbar to it, when add search field to the toolbar.
I drag the search field from allowed toolbar items to default toolbar items
Set toolbar item's max width to a large number say 1000
I build the app and run. The search field shrinks when window width shrinks, but does not expand beyond a certain width when window width expands.
The question is how to make search field expand and take up all remaining space of the toolbar?
It doesn't sound to me like the toolbar is really what you want to use here. The purpose of the toolbar is to allow multiple UI elements to be included in a user-configurable way. If you want to force one element that takes up the entire width, I suggest just putting it in the window's content view and setting up the layout constraints to pin to both the left and right sides. If you set the "Textured" check box in Interface Builder, it should look roughly the same as it would have looked using the toolbar.

How to make an item full width in auto layout constraint?

I'm trying to make a button full width in ios 9 storyboards, and am trying to create a width auto constraint, but the width constraint only seems to take an exact static number. How do I make the item go full width.
Additionally if I wanted say an imageview to be full height and adjustable width to maintain it's aspect ratio - or a size to fit fill, how would I do that with the auto layout constraints in the storyboard.
Should I be doing this programmatically in the view controller?
For the button:
In storyboard drag the left and right sides of the button to make it full width. Make sure the button is selected and add a pin constraint to the left and right (if you've dragged it full width the pin constraint should be equal to -20)
For the imageView:
The full height constraint is done almost exactly the same, although this time you need to drag the top and bottom to the top and bottom edges of the view controller and pin the top and bottom to their respective Layout guide.
You can make the image full screen in the view controller (pin top, bottom, left & right) and then edit the aspect ratio of the image in the Attributes inspector when the imageView is selected:
Hope that helps!

"Add New Constraints" checkboxes and fields are disabled

I have a project I am upgrading from Xcode 4.6.3 to Xcode 6.1.1. I opened it in Xcode 6.1.1, and opened each .xib. The format of each .xib changed as expected. I want to attempt to use auto layout. Use Auto Layout is checked and so is Use Size Classes. I changed every appropriate object from Alignment Frame to be Alignment Rectangle.
For a while I couldn’t add any constraints. Then after some trying I could add a few. See the screenshot.
For the selected View, I cannot add a constraint. The Add New Constraints checkboxes and fields are disabled. Only Update Frames is available to be changed. I can’t add an alignment constraint either. Ctrl-drag a line off the view does not add a constraint either. Notice the View height of 411. If I select another object, then select the View again the height will change to be the height of the parent tab bar less. If I keep doing that the height gets smaller and smaller, then Xcode crashes. How can I add a constraint to this view?
The Tab Bar X, Y, Width, and Height are disabled. When I change the Height of the Assigned View Controller View, the Tab Bar Y changes to that value minus the Tab Bar Height of 49. When I select the View, again it’s Height is now 49 less. Select the Tab Bar, it’s Y is now 49 less. And so on. How do I set the dimensions of the Assigned View Controller View that will stick when I cannot add contraints?
I had the same issue. In my case, the view layout setting was set to Translate Mask Into Constraint. I resolved it by changing it to Automatic in Size Inspector.
Xcode 12, Xcode 13
For UI elements where adding constraints are disabled, check Layout in the Size Inspector:
If Layout is set to Autoresizing Mask change to Inferred.
Inferred(Constraints) - The UI element already has one or more constraints.
Inferred(Autoresizing Mask) - The UI element currently has no constraints.
Steps to enable autolayouts:
Select any UI element, in storyboard.
Click on Show the Size Inspector.
Click on dropdown beside Layout option, select Automatic from dropdown.
Zev has the answer. You can't add constraints directly to the top-level view in a view controller.
In regards to the height of the View decreasing when selecting it, I started over from the original .xib making small changes and taking notes. When I checked "Use Auto Layout" and "User Size Classes", got alert the document will no longer be compatible with Xcode 5. Window frame size went from 320 568 to 600 600. ibExternalTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints went from 1 to 0. Other changes apparent as well. Adding constraints to objects contained in View one at a time I am getting good results. The behavior of the View height decreasing when I select it is gone.
Trick to enable constraints on the root view:
Inside the xib, drag a new view that will be sibling to the initial root
Move the initial root view inside the sibling view. It will be
able to have own constraints.
Move the initial view back to be a
Delete the empty sibling view.
Xcode 12 Swift 5
Select the UI Control and click on Show Size Inspector window
Change Layout option to Inferred (Autoresizing Mask))
By default the Xcode 12 keep the setting of layout to Autoresizing Mask, If you want to apply the constraint used Inferred

NSTableView with Plus and Minus buttons

How can I do something like that?
I didn't find any appropriate object in the Interface Builder library.
Any thoughts?
The best way that i found is to use NSSegmentedControl.
after you dragged it on the canvas, you should configure its style:
Style: Small Square
Mode: Select Momentary
looks better. Now use "image" field to set NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate. Make sure that label field is empty.
Ok, we have "+", "-" and one empty segment. To prevent the latest one to be selected by the user, select it from Segment: pop up and turn off Enabled check box (located next to State: label).
And lastly, what we have to do is set width of first two segments to make them square.
Go to Size inspector
Select Segment 0
Turn off "Fixed" checkbox (segment should immediately autoresize to fit image)
Select Segment 1 and repeat number 3
Now as you resize control, only last segment will change width
Put it at the bottom of your table view and resize as well.
Enjoy ;)
Update for OSX Yosemite
I tried to achieve the same look as has in the Accounts view (right window on my screenshot).
I did achieve the desired result by following the steps below:
Add a NSSegmentedControl
Add two segments and set the image to each:
NSAddTemplate for the + button
NSRemoveTemplate for the - button
Set the size of the segments to fixed and set the value to 32 pixels
The rectangle next to the buttons is a NSButton with the style Gradient.
The Button is enabled but Refuses First Responder is set to true so that it is not clickable.
Use a NSButton with a gradient style, and for the images use the system provided NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate.
One answer here suggests using gradient buttons, however these buttons cannot be disabled as this causes the background to change and thus breaks the look. Another one suggested using a segmented control, which is almost perfect but segmented controls don't support autoresizing, e.g. if the table width is dynamic. My suggestion is a combination of both. Use a segmented control for the actual buttons and a gradient button to fill the rest of the table width that now can also be dynamic if the button width is dynamic as well.
See my answer to a similar question (with screenshots):

Can't align label on a Segmented Control in an NSToolbar

As you can see from the screenshot, the View button text is aligned properly under Allowed Toolbar Items, but once I add it to the toolbar, it's aligned to the right. Why?
You have to set sane minimum and maximum sizes for the toolbar item. I think you also have to make sure the autoresize masks (or constraints if you're using automatic layout) are set properly in the toolbar item's view (the NSSegmentedControl in this case). I don't have the "proper" settings handy but the min/max toolbar item size + correct autosizing behavior are the key here.
